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Gozamba bar & lounge
Tequila + Tacos +Toro mecánico
Música a cargo: DjBlack x DJDaVinci x @djmagasy
Information and Reservations:
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🌐 Website: https://bit.ly/45BcOCk
📍 8100 Crystal Clear Ln, Orlando, FL 32809
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Big Troupe Announcements! Big Troupe Summer!
Hello, everyone! Lord Atos Sunhart here! For those of you who aren’t aware, Fehl had stepped down last year from Troupe related duties due to her own life becoming much more demanding, and so I returned to the director’s seat once again. I’ve been back for about a year, but we’ve kind of laid a little low since my return due to a lot of restructuring and our desire to try a few new ideas out that are coming along slowly but surely!
We have some awesome projects in the works, some of which won’t be ready for some time, and some that we’re excited to bring you much sooner! But we can’t QUITE open the curtains for a peek just yet. Before anything, I’d like to make a series of announcements about some of our projects this Summer, starting with the most important one of all:
The Troupe Is Casting! 
Looking at some of the last posts made on this ye olde tumblr I guess it’s not a surprise that the troupe is indeed casting once more. In the past, it was due to not really having enough active people to pull off a large show with, but now, times have changed a bit, and we’re looking for people to make our shows even better and more frequent than ever!
What we’re looking for;
* Any race/gender/faction! Yes, we hire Alliance as well! In the era of Discord and cross faction RP, there’s no reason we have not to. Though, we are overloaded on elves at the moment and would kinda love a tauren or any Alliance character
* Obviously the character should be a good fit for the group! We’re not really looking for a serial murderer warlock who tries to sacrifice our members to the great Murloc Gods at the first chance they get. We’re not too picky here, but there are some characters that just don’t work terribly well with our concept.
* Available to take part in events during most of our performing days, which tend to be weekends, starting around 6:00 PM server. We base all our event times on server time.
* Someone who, behind the character, is friendly, patient, and above all else, mature. The clear rule of “don’t be an asshole” applies in this guild (and I’ll explain what that means below), and we have a zero drama tolerance policy. We are all adults who pay a monthly subscription to a greedy corporation to play with their toys, I think the last thing we want is to relive middle school in our 20s and 30s.
* Someone with a desire to help make memorable, exciting events for others to enjoy. While we play the part of celebrities, and being in the spotlight is a lot of fun, ultimately we want someone who, behind the character at least, does it for the enjoyment of others and not for personal gain or clout. We’re not clout chasers. We are proud of how long we’ve been performing and how hard we work, but ultimately we do this for our audience’s enjoyment.
* Communication is important! We aren’t a hardcore raiding guild, and thus we won’t be upset if you tell us you have to miss a rehearsal night or have a family emergency.. But if you know ahead of time, we really want someone who will let us know they can’t make it to an event so we can plan around it.
Furthermore, it should be said that while we normally do not require a person leave their guild to join us, this time around we’re looking for more to wear the guild tag above their heads, at least for this recruitment effort. Above all of these, the most important key point is the ‘don’t be an asshole’ policy. In the past I didn’t think it needed to be explained, but things we’ve been through in recent months compels me to explain what I mean by this; no homophobic behavior, racist behavior, transphobic behavior, harassment, pedophilia and other such illegal and morally vile behavior will be tolerated in our guild, period. But I’m sure you’re asking, what’s in it for me? Well, the benefits of working with the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe are, but not limited to;
* Being part of a near decade-old (8 years this October) guild that through thick and thin has stood the test of time!
* Working alongside some extremely talented, fun, humorous, and creative minds!
* Getting to make people smile and be a positive part of the community! 
* Taco Tuesdays. This is a lie, don’t believe me.
* Helping an already fun concept become even better as we grow and adapt to the ever changing nature of this game and its community!
* Adding “Actor/Actress” to your long series of titles in your TRP Profile. Maybe somewhere between “Lord of the Dance” and “Wrecker of your Shit”! Don’t be bashful, we know you have it in there somewhere.
So if you’re interested in being a part of the stage and bringing the uniqueness that is YOU into our ranks, please send an in-game mail to Atos on Wyrmrest Accord server (Hordeside), or show up for the open auditions at the dates, times, and location listed below;
Thursday, June 3rd 6:00 - 8:30 PM Portrait Room - Legion Dalaran
Friday, June 4th 6:00 - 8:30 PM Portrait Room - Legion Dalaran
Saturday, June 5th 6:00 - 8:30 PM Portrait Room - Legion Dalaran
We hope to see you there! And remember, because we’ve had this happen a few times; if you think you aren’t good enough, you’re probably actually amazing and far more talented than you think! 
Anniversary Bash 2021 Officially Planned! With a Twist
Those of you who have followed us for some time are likely aware of our annual celebration we hold on the anniversary of our first major public performance! This has traditionally been held on the third Friday of every October, so that it lines up perfectly with Hallow’s End starting. While we have had on-off years, and even said in the past we would never do it again (Insert I was crazy that time meme here), it’s pretty clear that at least every other year we seem to take to it again with new ideas. Honestly, we LOVE these yearly parties, despite how much stress they put us under, and we’re going to announce it earlier this year just so people know; yes, yes there WILL be a bash this year!
Things are going to be a little different this year, though. This October will actually have 5 Fridays in it due to...well...the calendar! It conspires against us, dammit! Because the third Friday falls in place before the Hallow’s End events are set to start, we will instead be bumping it up one week to the 22nd. So, there you have it! Our Big Bash will be on the 22nd of October! We’ll be making a full announcement about it later this Summer, and honestly, I think folks are going to really like the fun we have planned for it. So if this is something you’re looking forward to early, or you just like making sure your calendar events are always filled out, please make a mark for
October 22nd, 2021! 
Hellsqueal Squeals Again, Plus Winter’s Veil In July?
This Summer we’ll be getting back to our roots and bringing Hellsqueal back for another round. The Trilogy will rise again, and you won’t want to miss it! This time we’ll be performing it for our audiences on both sides of the factional fence and making some revisions to the script, but long time fans needn’t worry! Hellscream is still the same boisterous buffoon he’s always been.
Also, we’re bringing you an interesting new concept no one has EVER thought of before! ...well, okay, that’s a lie, but Greatfather Winter needn’t send me a lump of coal in my in-game mailbox for that one! The TTT will be hosting a Winter’s Veil themed party IN JULY! Don your gaudy sweaters, get ready to meet Greatfather Winter, take part in a sled race, and get ready to watch a completely out of season showing of It’s A Wonderful Unlife! Some lucky attendees may even receive a gift! The date for this and for Hellsqueal’s trilogy are yet to be announced, but they will be unveiled very soon!
Even though we never left, it feels good to be back at full strength again and pushing hard to give everyone the quality entertainment we pride ourselves on! Keep an eye out for our announcements this Summer - we’ll be hitting not only Tumblr when an event is ready to go, but the Blizzard forums and various Discord community servers! So please, have a fantastic day, week, month, even a year! 
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[Coming June 7th] “The Final Bow”
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“The time has come”, the walrus said, “to speak of many things. Of shoes and ships and ceiling wax, of cabbages and kings. Of why the sea is boiling hot, and why the pigs have wings.”
Nearly six years ago now, the Tirisfal Theatre revealed itself to the public in our first ever major performance in October of 2013. Founded and lifted from the soil by Lord Atos Sunhart, along with Joseph Murdrich and Zat’ai, we have all served the people with entertaining shows, engaging events, and quality celebrations that we are always working to improve upon in any way we can. I have been witness to a great many things in my half a decade of running the Tirisfal Theatre. I have made countless friendships that will last a lifetime, met so many unique and endearing people who continue to show up to our events to this day, made so many people smile, and introduced roleplaying to those who had yet to get their feet wet in the idea. I have loved and I have lost a great deal along the way of this journey, done many things I would never have even dreamed of doing before I came out of my shell to present this once impossible idea, and made mistakes that I have learned and grown from. Now, much as the game itself changes, my life, in the real world away from Azeroth, is growing more demanding of my time. While I will never truly be gone from World of Warcraft, the time I can allot to the Tirisfal Theatre is unsatisfactory to the love and care this guild needs to grow and further improve in the way I intended for it to always do. The quality of my work has suffered in recent weeks, and as such, I will not be doing the final performance I had initially planned before retiring, making Hellthreequel the final performance with me at the helm as the producer and director in the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe. It is time for me to pass the torch. Join us on June 7th, and help us light up the night as I name the successor to the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe for the first time, and let’s try to do one last thing together that will be GREAT!
Ladies and gentlemen, I present a simple yet sweet sendoff; 
the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe’s “Out with a Bang” fireworks display! 
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And just how will we make it so large? Simple, my friends, you will all be a part of the show! The Troupe will be there prior to the start of the event handing out fireworks as Atos makes his final speech as the director of the Tirisfal Troupe. After a brief performance from the troupe itself, we will call upon you all to go crazy and blow all the fireworks you can manage to help us light the night sky up! What a sendoff for Atos and for the troupe*, right? We hope to see you there for the final farewell! 
~ Lord Atos Sunhart
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* DON’T WORRY, folks! The troupe is not going anywhere. In fact, a great deal many new things are in the works, so many things that we will be needing an offically announced hiatus on our own public events in order to make it all possible by the 2020 calendar year. This does mean that our only appearances will be minor scheduled events, akin to our old Improv Nights and our Transmog Tournaments, but we will be having an anniversary performance during October - we couldn’t possibly pass that up! However, during this downtime, we will be restructuring everything within the guild and readying it for an expansion of our own! This move has been in talks for quite some time, and is not a decision we came to easily. We understand that we do often take brief hiatuses, especially towards the END of the year, but this time around, we needed the extra time to allow everyone to work on important stuff IRL while we focus on projects we could not otherwise tend to. We hope you all understand this, and look forward to the fun stuff we can cook up when we’re given time to actually cook! Because who has time for cooking? More information on the nature of this hiatus will be announce after the event.
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(Pre-edit video - new one is in the works and will be ready when it’s ready)
And just like that, the curtain fell. The love, the laughter, he knew it well. It wasn’t to end, but to begin anew, for the work of our art is never through. Ladies and gentlemen, for the past six years, it has been my honor and pleasure being the director of the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe. I will make a post later more adequitely describing my profound feelings at this moment, as I can digest them, rewatch this video a few times, make sense of it all. Through a wall of tears I gave a speech to all who attended, in-character, yet tapping into my true out-of-character feelings on the matter that mirrored Atos’s words. 
”Many joined our ranks over the years, and I have overseen each and every one. I have met people from all walks of life, and seen the rise of great men and women of the arts. 
I have seen the nurturing of culture within the Horde, revitalizing what makes us unique.I have heard tales of joy and inspiration, I have made friendships that will last a lifetime. 
I have endured hardships, and endured betrayals and attempts to defame.I have seen many, many things, and learned a great deal more. I have grown as a person, from a timid coward who feared the 'savage and bestial' people of the Horde once upon a time, to a man who has come to appreciate and adore all its people.
My heart has never bled more red than it has these many years, and my love for not only the art that I have brought to you all, but for all of you in general has never been greater. “Truly, this is a collective worth getting to know”, I think to myself every time I see all of you.
Yet, the growth can only go so far before the roots dig in too deep. I have spent far too many a sleepless night wondering about the future, and how this idea of mine could go further. I want to see new ideas abound, I want new efforts and inspiration.More than anything, I want to see my own crew, who have stuck with me these many years, grow as people as well.
A wise man once said, change so great that something seems new is only possible when you change how it is viewed. And so it is, between that, and the many changes in my life that made me consider, I am stepping down as the director of the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe tonight.
To some, this may seem like a trivial detail. To others, this entire thing may seem an ego trip of sorts. But please note, I am here to give a clear and concise message; In a world of creative minds, I am but a drop in a river that flows ever forward.
I am no one special, nor am I the reason the troupe has endured this long. As a collective, we have entertained people for over half a decade, and even though I leave now to make it grow with new vigor, it will last years more.
And more so than that, I hope the message is clear enough to everyone here tonight; this? All of this here, my crew standing with me, you wonderful people here to celebrate new beginnings?
This began with an idea, and happened by working with those who supported the idea. One cannot make their dreams a reality by one's own self. It takes many likeminded people to make something like a theatre troupe come true!
Be passionate! Be brave and bold, make your ideas reality! But never forget to keep your connections to others alive, and to invite them into your world! You never know the kind of everlasting support and love you will find.
For every great idea, there are always those willing to support it. I hope going forward, I get to see many more wonderful ideas out there come to life.
And in the future, I hope to come to the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe's shows, not as its director, but as a fan like anyone else.Thank you for your years of support for the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe, and I hope you will all treat our new director with the same reverence and wonder that many have shown me.” 
~ Lord Atos Sunhart, Former Director of the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe
This lovely display was performed by my group to celebrate the end of one era and beginning of another, both by my crew and the people in attendance. I would like to dedicate this display to my fiance, Sharma, who patiently waited for me to finish with this event tonight and has encouraged me to trust in my decisions. I would also like to dedicate this, of course, to the most amazing guildmates of any of the millions in World of Warcraft, the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe! 
As of today, the new director of the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe is none other than Denfehlath Zephyrwise. For a time, the TTT will be on an official hiatus for restructuring, some well deserved peace of mind, and time to pursue other interests. But rest assured, we will return in the 2020 Winter season with some incredible surprises - this isn’t just a leisurely vacation for us! Our new director has some amazing things in store. For the time being, I will manage our social media pages, too, so don’t worry, you’ll still hear an earful from me!  Thank you again, roleplaying community of Wyrmrest Accord - no, of the entire World of Warcraft, for putting up with my shenaningans for nearly six whole years! <3 
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