#Hordeside events
wyrmguardsecrets · 1 year
MG Horde is thoroughly dead because there is virtually no opportunity for RP outside of the structured events now only made by a group of elitist weirdos. If you don't join one of their approved guilds and completely subscribe to their mentality they treat you like shit, and you may as well not exist as far as Hordeside participation in any form of server campaign. It fucking sucks.
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Big Troupe Announcements! Big Troupe Summer!
Hello, everyone! Lord Atos Sunhart here! For those of you who aren’t aware, Fehl had stepped down last year from Troupe related duties due to her own life becoming much more demanding, and so I returned to the director’s seat once again. I’ve been back for about a year, but we’ve kind of laid a little low since my return due to a lot of restructuring and our desire to try a few new ideas out that are coming along slowly but surely!
We have some awesome projects in the works, some of which won’t be ready for some time, and some that we’re excited to bring you much sooner! But we can’t QUITE open the curtains for a peek just yet. Before anything, I’d like to make a series of announcements about some of our projects this Summer, starting with the most important one of all:
The Troupe Is Casting! 
Looking at some of the last posts made on this ye olde tumblr I guess it’s not a surprise that the troupe is indeed casting once more. In the past, it was due to not really having enough active people to pull off a large show with, but now, times have changed a bit, and we’re looking for people to make our shows even better and more frequent than ever!
What we’re looking for;
* Any race/gender/faction! Yes, we hire Alliance as well! In the era of Discord and cross faction RP, there’s no reason we have not to. Though, we are overloaded on elves at the moment and would kinda love a tauren or any Alliance character
* Obviously the character should be a good fit for the group! We’re not really looking for a serial murderer warlock who tries to sacrifice our members to the great Murloc Gods at the first chance they get. We’re not too picky here, but there are some characters that just don’t work terribly well with our concept.
* Available to take part in events during most of our performing days, which tend to be weekends, starting around 6:00 PM server. We base all our event times on server time.
* Someone who, behind the character, is friendly, patient, and above all else, mature. The clear rule of “don’t be an asshole” applies in this guild (and I’ll explain what that means below), and we have a zero drama tolerance policy. We are all adults who pay a monthly subscription to a greedy corporation to play with their toys, I think the last thing we want is to relive middle school in our 20s and 30s.
* Someone with a desire to help make memorable, exciting events for others to enjoy. While we play the part of celebrities, and being in the spotlight is a lot of fun, ultimately we want someone who, behind the character at least, does it for the enjoyment of others and not for personal gain or clout. We’re not clout chasers. We are proud of how long we’ve been performing and how hard we work, but ultimately we do this for our audience’s enjoyment.
* Communication is important! We aren’t a hardcore raiding guild, and thus we won’t be upset if you tell us you have to miss a rehearsal night or have a family emergency.. But if you know ahead of time, we really want someone who will let us know they can’t make it to an event so we can plan around it.
Furthermore, it should be said that while we normally do not require a person leave their guild to join us, this time around we’re looking for more to wear the guild tag above their heads, at least for this recruitment effort. Above all of these, the most important key point is the ‘don’t be an asshole’ policy. In the past I didn’t think it needed to be explained, but things we’ve been through in recent months compels me to explain what I mean by this; no homophobic behavior, racist behavior, transphobic behavior, harassment, pedophilia and other such illegal and morally vile behavior will be tolerated in our guild, period. But I’m sure you’re asking, what’s in it for me? Well, the benefits of working with the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe are, but not limited to;
* Being part of a near decade-old (8 years this October) guild that through thick and thin has stood the test of time!
* Working alongside some extremely talented, fun, humorous, and creative minds!
* Getting to make people smile and be a positive part of the community! 
* Taco Tuesdays. This is a lie, don’t believe me.
* Helping an already fun concept become even better as we grow and adapt to the ever changing nature of this game and its community!
* Adding “Actor/Actress” to your long series of titles in your TRP Profile. Maybe somewhere between “Lord of the Dance” and “Wrecker of your Shit”! Don’t be bashful, we know you have it in there somewhere.
So if you’re interested in being a part of the stage and bringing the uniqueness that is YOU into our ranks, please send an in-game mail to Atos on Wyrmrest Accord server (Hordeside), or show up for the open auditions at the dates, times, and location listed below;
Thursday, June 3rd 6:00 - 8:30 PM Portrait Room - Legion Dalaran
Friday, June 4th 6:00 - 8:30 PM Portrait Room - Legion Dalaran
Saturday, June 5th 6:00 - 8:30 PM Portrait Room - Legion Dalaran
We hope to see you there! And remember, because we’ve had this happen a few times; if you think you aren’t good enough, you’re probably actually amazing and far more talented than you think! 
Anniversary Bash 2021 Officially Planned! With a Twist
Those of you who have followed us for some time are likely aware of our annual celebration we hold on the anniversary of our first major public performance! This has traditionally been held on the third Friday of every October, so that it lines up perfectly with Hallow’s End starting. While we have had on-off years, and even said in the past we would never do it again (Insert I was crazy that time meme here), it’s pretty clear that at least every other year we seem to take to it again with new ideas. Honestly, we LOVE these yearly parties, despite how much stress they put us under, and we’re going to announce it earlier this year just so people know; yes, yes there WILL be a bash this year!
Things are going to be a little different this year, though. This October will actually have 5 Fridays in it due to...well...the calendar! It conspires against us, dammit! Because the third Friday falls in place before the Hallow’s End events are set to start, we will instead be bumping it up one week to the 22nd. So, there you have it! Our Big Bash will be on the 22nd of October! We’ll be making a full announcement about it later this Summer, and honestly, I think folks are going to really like the fun we have planned for it. So if this is something you’re looking forward to early, or you just like making sure your calendar events are always filled out, please make a mark for
October 22nd, 2021! 
Hellsqueal Squeals Again, Plus Winter’s Veil In July?
This Summer we’ll be getting back to our roots and bringing Hellsqueal back for another round. The Trilogy will rise again, and you won’t want to miss it! This time we’ll be performing it for our audiences on both sides of the factional fence and making some revisions to the script, but long time fans needn’t worry! Hellscream is still the same boisterous buffoon he’s always been.
Also, we’re bringing you an interesting new concept no one has EVER thought of before! ...well, okay, that’s a lie, but Greatfather Winter needn’t send me a lump of coal in my in-game mailbox for that one! The TTT will be hosting a Winter’s Veil themed party IN JULY! Don your gaudy sweaters, get ready to meet Greatfather Winter, take part in a sled race, and get ready to watch a completely out of season showing of It’s A Wonderful Unlife! Some lucky attendees may even receive a gift! The date for this and for Hellsqueal’s trilogy are yet to be announced, but they will be unveiled very soon!
Even though we never left, it feels good to be back at full strength again and pushing hard to give everyone the quality entertainment we pride ourselves on! Keep an eye out for our announcements this Summer - we’ll be hitting not only Tumblr when an event is ready to go, but the Blizzard forums and various Discord community servers! So please, have a fantastic day, week, month, even a year! 
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theimperialists · 5 years
Silvermoon Marketplace presents: Silvermoon City's  Monthly Sunwell Pilgrimage!
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Silvermoon Marketplace presents: Silvermoon City's  Monthly Sunwell Pilgrimage! Hosting SUNDAY April 14th   at 8:00pm RT! "We remember the Sunwell so you don't have to!"
A chance for the Sin'dorei and eager historians to meet and mend and meditate in these malicious times! Scalded from the Flames of War? Let the Sunwell soothe your ails!
This event will take place inside the Sunwell Plateau Instance and is only accessible by level 70 and above! Please have your lockout free for that week if you plan to attend!
Please contact this blog or @lunethdawnseeker for details!
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katieskarlette · 4 years
I binge-played most of today and got Obsidia to 120.  Phew!  I will probably get some bonus XP on my priest or monk before the event ends, but I reached my goal now.  
Ideally I should have leveled my enhancement shaman on Hordeside in addition to the elemental Alliance one, but that’s not a big deal.  All my main classes and favorite alts are now maxed out.  I even did some leveling of enchanting and jewelcrafting on the alts that are now 120.
I still have yet to preorder Shadowlands, so I’ll have a boost coming, too.  I think I’ll use it on my rogue on my main server that I basically haven’t played since Cataclysm just to get her caught up so I can open the 8,204 lockboxes in her bank.  :P
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theodorebennas · 4 years
✄ What is an idea you originally had in mind for your muse, but ended up scrapping? Why?
Not RPing or playing him much at all! Originally, Bennas wasn’t supposed to be played as a character. Towards the end of MoP, I planned on making a draenei paladin to experience A-side’s WoD story with an Orc Warriot on Hordeside. I had created two concepts for draenei and two for orcs.
I had made Bennas Alliance side to simply level through as someone who is catered to by the faction aesthetics. My draenei had since been boosted so there was no leveling needed for her. She was a young Vindicator tempered in war’s fire and burning with an eagerness to right wrongs. I ended up getting pulled into an Oathsworn Vanguard plotline I found interesting and well, the rest is history.
But that’s boring, so here’s another one. I actually contemplated turning Bennas into a death knight or killing him off in about mid-WoD. I even had a good death event for the guild. You could hear the change in everyone’s mood in Vent when I said: “Alright, Bennas is now bleeding out. Save him or he’s dead.” It gave me great pleasure. Luckily, the Vanguard had good rolls then. So Theodore Bennas lived to crusade another day.
Thanks for the ask @safrona-shadowsun
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alexkestavin · 5 years
- I worry for how few people RP on Alliance compared to Hordeside anymore. Even with cross-faction events, it’s concerning that people seem to be moving to mostly Horde side for a lot of things.
- I’m really enjoying The Lace Lounge’s internal atmosphere. Everyone is so nice and supportive of each other. It’s genuinely one of the best guilds I’ve ever been a part of.
- I’m curious to see how Blizzcon 2019 goes. I genuinely am.
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thepalewolfhowls · 5 years
Two Worlds (AU) - Part 1
Possible BfA spoilers (Hordeside quests)
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Music:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwA6lIFIsJs
The crackle of a comforting fire might’ve typically put the orcs at ease.  However, this particular evening, they were sat beneath the watch of the Earthen Ring along with more curious and distrusting eyes.  It was the opening days of the Fire Festival and they had traveled far to reach their destination, only to be halted at the gates of Stormwind.
Perhaps a bit more context is involved...
Some days prior, Grok’tor Ironbane received a missive to make contact with a dark ranger in Elwynn Forest.  It would seem that Varok Saurfang had disappeared from the Alliance Stockade without a trace and the Dark Lady had been...displeased.
After several hours─days─of tracking, and a convenient call from a familiar Horde-sympathizer, they managed to trail the elder orc to the Swamp of Sorrows.
Once Taria, our charming sympathizer, managed to interrogate one of the area hunters and thoroughly blow their cover, it was time to part ways, as the Dark Ranger had a report to deliver.
Or so it had seemed.
From the shadows stepped fiery-haired troll with a soft, concerned voice.
“Ey mon, dat dark ranger, she be lyin' to ya! Saurfang knew dey'd be comin' for him. He sent me to watch da pass, see who his assassins be. Try to warn him if I could. She not be reportin' back nothin'... she gonna kill him. Most likely got a whole buncha deathguards just waitin' for her signal.“
There was some rustling in the trees ahead of them, and the anxious troll turned back to Grok and Taria.  “We gotta stop dem! Ya wit' me?”
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The troll, Zekhan, had spoken the truth.  After they dispatched the surrounding enemies, Saurfang gave them a new mission.  Return to Sylvanas under the pretense of having been beaten by him, allowing him a loophole for escape while maintaining the Banshee Queen’s trust.
As they made their way from the Swamp, it was clear the plan did not sit well with Taria.  The beserker buried her sword into the ground the moment they returned to Redridge.
“Are we just going to let this happen?”  She turned on the orc who simply gave her room to speak her mind.  “I mean...a veteran like Saurfang...he shouldn’t be hiding out in some cesspool in the middle of nowhere!”  Her lip quivered angerly as the day's events replayed themselves in her mind.  “Sylvanas is no Warchief...She’s an honorless disgrace.”  She spat at the ground as though the act of having the word on her tongue were poison in her mouth.
Grok’tor simply let out a heavy sigh.  “Do you wish to dishonor the High Overlord as well?  By ignoring his command?”  There was a glint in the old orc’s eye that made it clear the question had already been answered in his mind.
The human thought for a moment, eyes scanning the horizon.  “...Grok...you’ve got it in good with Blackrock clan, yeah?”
“Whatever stragglers lie around these mountains would not so easily put up arms to your cause, Pup.”
“Wha...”  She turned to the orc once more.  “Our cause, Grok.  You can’t tell me you would follow that undead bitch after all she’s done!”
Grey eyes gazed down at the younger human.  “I follow the Horde, Pup.”  He began to walk away from her, but soon came to a halt.  “What Windrunner has done...there is no honor in it.  Any of it.  The Horde is made from blood...and honor.”  He turned to her, a fire in his eyes that she had not seen in some time.
“Blood has brought you to the Horde, but honor has kept you here.”  He clapped a massive hand onto her shoulder.  “You have learned our ways.  Our language.  Our culture.  You have even fought our enemies.  But now...”
He leaned in, eyes level with her own.  “Now is the time to lead...Taria.  Now is the time to show the might of your heart.  We fight a common enemy with the Alliance once more.  And I believe it is you who will rally them to fight against this tyranny.”
The old orc plucked her sword from the ground and handed it out towards her.  “I remember the young human who appeared in Durotar that day.  So eager to prove her worth.  Blessed by the blood of a Crimson Ring champion, and unafraid to shout it to the sky.”
Taria gripped the weapon in her hands, her mind plagued by the events of the last two years.
“You must remind yourself why you fight...Just as you must remind the Horde of its honor.  Where you go...”  With a huff and the crackle of stiff bones, Grok’tor knelt before her.  “...I will follow.”
Her mind raced.  This orc had been her mentor.  Her guide.  She had always followed him.  And now...
Slowly...ever so...the resolve began to light her eyes.  She grit her teeth as the emotion welled inside of her, and to the heavens she shouted a single word.
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theredmoon · 6 years
Come on down!
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Announcing! First Thursdays Happy Hour at The Red Moon Cabaret & Bordello
Thursday September 6th is our “soft opening” for a monthly happy hour event at The Red Moon. Come on down and enjoy cocktails and conversation!
The fun begins at 7PM! *WRA Standard time* Location: The Red Moon (World’s End Tavern - Shattrath)
Hope to see you there!
(( This will be a monthly Hordeside event, and very low key with IC coverage of the bar for the first hour and NPC coverage after that. We’d love to see our regular show goers come and enjoy some simple social time!
If the interest is there we’ll open it up to cross faction using CrossRP for future First Thursday Happy Hours! ))
@wrahordeevents ,@wraconnect @wracentral @the-azerothian-confidant
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risrielthron · 6 years
Looking for a few more Vendors!
Hey we are looking for a few more vendors for The Spirit of Azeroth Games!
Most especially we need:
Food Vendors
Crafted Good Vendors
Any specialty goods 
Hordeside Vendors
If you will be available any of the nights from June 28 - July 2 we would like you to come set up shop!
Contact me or @wardennerd if you are interested. You do not have to commit to all the nights!
We also want to showcase you as a vendor, if you would like to be the sponsor of a night spend me a message and we’ll talk about what we have available and what being a sponsor for the day means. :)
see @spirit-of-azeroth for more details on the event and times!
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kek it looks like the utterly unsympathetic assgoblin Tehya still hasn't changed from when I last played in BFA. Eternally present with cringy hot takes in the typical lower caps last century meme style that's used by half the PCU.I remember Tehya usually appearing to pile on to some to the latest weird eViDenCe scandal, or parrot whatever one of their bobo's was saying, coming in like the 4chan pepe cringelord cavalry to kick others when they're down.
always wondered if it was some particularly obsessive sockpuppet account, since they were suspiciously spared from the usual pOsT oN yOuR mAiN gang. players like that were one of the main reason I never bothered with argent dawn forums, unwelcoming gatekeeping hysteria clowns. never seen them in RP hordeside ever, and i interacted with lots of pcu players in events etc. is it known who hides behind that teyha fOruM cHaR? looks v cowardly tbh, you should do a special on tehya lmao. even across the usual suspects crew, that anon bootlicker must be really high up on the no-empathy post count. disgusting attitude rly and v tiring. 10k posts lmao
CoAD Team Response:
We have considered doing a main feature on Tehya but their main claim to fame is they are simply a coward with 10k posts on a faceless no name alt. This has allowed them to "slide" past the accusations of the PCU/ACU harboring disgusting individuals with bad takes and opinions as they can simply say "lol who?" Fittingly we are of the opinion of also "lol who?" We know they have two characters, Tehyani (wow very easy to find) and Dorn. Unconfirmed reports suggest they at one point (and maybe still do) have a female draenei paladin that we won't name here due to the tangential evidence.
It's pretty much confirmed they are a fairly active member inside the PCU as they get spared the "post on your main" spiel they love to throw out to everyone not affiliated with them altposting. They however also have been battered publicly on the forums by PCU members, both past and present. One of the most savage takedowns recently was Wrall commenting that they were "wheeled out" for commenting, like some sort of novelty to make weird and funny noises that everyone laughed at.
It is unlikely we will do a feature on them considering, while mildly annoying and clearly opinionated, they are too cowardly to actually be an issue. Once the PCU/ACU has withered into total obscurity, keep an eye out for forum posters that look out of place - it will likely be them!
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enigmatic-elegance · 7 years
Mas’ list of people you should probably follow.
The other day I made a big post on those people who deeply impacted me this past year. But this post is gunna be a lot broader. This will be a list of people who are generally just awesome folks, people I think you should follow or check out if you don’t already know about them.
Because it will likely be a big list, I’m only going to make a small sentence or two comment on each to keep it brisk.
And hey, if you don’t see your name here, don’t feel bad. Just means we likely need to RP more, yeah? Get to know me, let me get to know you, let’s share some fun times. And if I forgot you I’m sorry. I am trying to include a lot of names so it’s likely I miss one or two. I still love you.
Cool on with the show.
@jazimina @risrielthron Same person. Fantastic writer, runs the courier, very polite and open to people. Good person to know.
@percy-dewdancer Great dude. Knows his shit. Will throw down for his people. Been around, and makes good stories, so check him out.
@the-elf-mahat Sweetheart extreme, fantastic character too, trust me you’ll be glad you took the time to know her.
@grannyshanny @damn-she-big Good dude. Tells it how it is, dude also can write up a storm if given the chance.
@eldricceverton If you can actually catch him for RP the guy will melt your face off with 20 paras of gold.
@thebattlesheep Shy, but a sweetheart. She wants to involve in more stories so go bother her, send her posts, and asks, and love.
@soapiewhitacre They have had a bit of a hard time recently with their muse so took a break but they are a really great writer and a good person so well worth the follow.
@in-ghis-we-trust Coming soon back to the game, time permitting. So go check out this pupper so when she gets back she’ll get all the love.
@berundo-the-deadbeat Okay for real I underestimated this guy when I first met him cuz the char seems silly but then you realize this guy is one of the best writers you’ll ever meet.
@jebweaver So goddamn underrated. For the quality this guy puts out dude should get way more notes and recognition. Just go check it out, read a post or two. Trust me.
@devilsdaughter2 Homegirl has her finger to the pulse. She gets mad excited, loves to talk characters and pretty much whatever you want. Good place to get some solid content.
@the-news-nerd @elyza-morrowbranch @dunnedinsniper This guy gives his opinions without shame. Turns out he’s usually pretty spot on. Great RPer to boot, so all around a win.
@kingofthewolves Great dude, great friend, and makes stories that will rip your heart out while also piecing it back together with sap and fluff. Go check em.
@xerxes-jasper This one is a great shadow RPer. But plays the character less of a horror and more of a human. That’s rare, and admirable. Very worth the follow.
@cedrickholtstories He’s a damn good writer. We have not talked a lot OOC but I’m impressed with his content and you will be too.
@paladin-cynae On the flipside here, I don’t know too much about the characters ICly, but OOCly such a sweet and caring sort. Definitely someone worth knowing.
@gwenya Worth a lot of love. And likely will try to punt me for putting them on this list. But genuinely a selfless sort.
@adhelin We are a lot alike. so if you like me, you will likely enjoy her too. If you don’t like me..why are you here? She’s a good sort, cares for her friends and guild. Respect.
@thegreatnyehehe Seriously. Follow. This is not even an option.
@firebiter @brooke-it @clothespanda Phenomenal RPer with even more amazing characters. And can pretty much get along with most people well. Trust me, good follow.
@fire-and-swords Fire-hearted person but damn fun to RP with. Encourage them a bit out of their comfort zone and you’ll be rewarded with some great stories.
@addie-the-pirate Super kind. Very open. Friendly. And to follow up a brilliant writer and imaginative sort. Definitely worth a follow.
@xana-the-witchhearted The textbook definition of a sweetheart.
@theodorebennas Lawful characters usually annoy me but he does it super damn well. Plus OOcly really open and friendly sort.
@demetrius-devereaux We’ve had our differences to be sure but if you want dark RP he’s a go-to. Plus respect for a damn good writer.
@sparkling-adventurer Goddamn cutie.
@elaianna A grand writer and by what I can see an extremely friendly person. Cares a lot for server events and supporting others, gotta respect that.
@khadorek This guy and I don’t chat too much but he always takes interest in other’s works and creations. It’s refreshing.
@harveedeadweight Dude is a meme sure but take part in some of his stories you’ll see he’s a brilliant and imaginative writer.
@summysparklesprocket Only RPed a few times but they are on point as an RPer. Plus, a serious Gnome, too damn rare. They definitely deserve props.
@high-inquisitor Sort of watch them from afar but they are a damn good writer so they deserve attention for it.
@saltylulu Hey so this person is a sweet thing and also a pretty darn good writer when you can get em pinned for RP.
@susan-gampre So NSFW as hell but a cool person. Worth checking out for sure.
@inquisitive-baker Only RPed a few times with them but a really cool ‘neutral’ character.
Guild Corner
@the-royal-courier This is the number one source for alliance news. A great place to keep up to date on events and help promote your own stories.
@thedragonlorenews I’m not Horde active but I still follow them to keep up with the cool things the Horde is up to.
@householt Great writers. Truly. They also don’t force their agenda on other guilds but will work to include others if they wish it. I have a lot of respect for them.
@housestygian I don’t see them around as much of late but they were always really square with me. I think they are coming active again, so worth a check out for sure.
@ludlowvineyards Been around for a while and always provided great content both of their own and supporting others. Check them out.
@wra-lifeline-advocates Not really a guild, but a damn good resource.
@veil-of-ashes New Hordeside RP, but their people have it on lock by what I can see. If you are on Horde, check em out, hit them up.
@stormwinduniv Still make some really solid server events. And they are all so damn unique too. Like, super cool stuff.
Art Corner
@vinsketchbook @vintrove One of the best wow artists I’ve encountered. Made the brilliant portrait of Mas and is working on another at the moment. Great prices, very professional, definitely recommend.
@ferachidoesart A great artist, and their style always makes me smile. Well worth checking out.
@whimsicallyart A killer artist with a great writer to back it all up. The full package, worth the follow absolutely.
@anzka The go-to for great Gnome art.
@auggusst @auggusst-art The improvement on her art has been astonishing, and she deserves more love then she gets. Totally advise supporting her, well worth checking out.
@blackdogmelancholy Already gave props to them in the People area but they are a killer artist too so absolutely check them out.
@@cat-bat @catbatart Fantastic artist, already got a commission from them that I adore. Professional, and works really fast with great quality.
@planktonheretic Their art hits the perfect niche of tasty buff orcs and amazing animated expressions. I already got a piece from them and lord knows I’m going to get more in time.
@artofaokori I have a few small pieces from them but their style is so unique and makes me smile every time. Great for cute characters.
@bloodydamnit Makes some of the most lifelike art pieces I have ever seen. And covers a broad range of genres and games.
@littleliongod Worked with me so well in coupling my sibling pair into one piece. It’s great when an artist takes time to ask questions and assure you get exactly what you are looking for.
@musingzero Just commissioned two pieces from them and they blew my mind. Namely because I had no real references for either of them and from nothing she just built perfectly the characters and brought them to life. Amazing.
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[H] The Tirisfal Theatre Troupe Presents: Hellthreequel, the Third One!
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(art by @shamanofthewilds )
WHAT:  “Hellthreequel: The Third One”, a play written and performed by the Tirirsfal Theatre Troupe WHERE: Valley of Trials, by the gates into the valley! WHEN: April 19th at 8:20 PM (PST and Server Time) WHO: YOU! WHY: Because we love you!
Garrosh was finally facing comeuppance for his crimes, in an event that TOTALLY happened and was no way fabricated wish fulfillment to create a humorous courtroom scenario! Just when the tyrant was about to face his just and rightful death sentence, TIME FROZE!
Kairozdormu, a mysterious bronze dragon with mysterious motives shrouded in mystery mysteriously mystified even the most mystical mystic in the room and wisked Garrosh away to what he claims is a brand new timeline where Draenor was uncorrupted!
Now on his way to create an army from the orcs of this alternate Draenor, many questions are to finally find their answers! Such as, just how much more convoluted and stupid can the plot get?  Will Garrosh ever get his mug of cherry grog? Why do the Warlords function better as a metal band than they do a warband?
Follow Garrosh, Grom Hellscream, and the warband known as “the Warlords” as they figure this and more out. Packed with action, humor, drama, character development, and enough potty jokes to make a four year old giggle!
Find out, in this “savage” finale to the Hellsqueal trilogy, in a world where orcs rock the night away!
Well, it’s finally time to say farewell to the Hellsqueal trilogy for good! While we’ve only performed this play once before, we felt with the first and second being retired, it would be awkward to keep going with this script, and thus it too is being retired. It’s also our most referential work, taking several jokes from the popular TV series Metalocalypse from several years back to work off of the brand of death metalhead humor. One night only to catch this hilarious 3rd installment that absolutely no one asked for! So grab your friends, your dog, heck, grab your lighter and get ready to rock out with your grok out at 8:20 PM PST (server) on April 19th, as the Warlords serenade you with the skull-splitting sounds of savagery before silence befalls it forever!
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It’s a place many of you might be familiar with this time around! The Valley of Trials is a place where all orcs (well, of the non-Mag’har variety) first experience at level 1! The gates exiting the Valley are decorated with stone and spires and spikes, all great things to encompass orcish awesomeness! Alliance players who want to see will have an easy enough time, just roll a new alt orc and pretend you’re wearing a mask if you must, the venue is right there!  The stage is a little more cramped this time around, but fear not, there should be plenty of room to sit! REMEMBER, THE SHOW STARTS AT 8:20 PM! There will be pre-show entertainment as usual in the form of fireworks, and there might be an open bar! Probably! We’re not sure yet, we’ll update this when we’re sure!  Stick around after the show to speak with our cast, take pictures with us, so on and so forth! Offer your criticisms of the play, tell us how much you hated it, seriously, we just love talking shop with our fans!
Test your Hellsqueal series knowledge! True hardcore fans of the Hellsqueal line of plays might just have a chance to win BIG at the intermission, when we play a quick game for some cool prizes, like a Vial of the Sandstone Drake, or another Mechano-Hog - everyone likes motorcycles, right?
Atos, Joseph, Zogar, Zat’ai, Timiala, Gotosh, Maeitha, & Banorak! The troupe is here and ready to rock your night! EVERYONE IS HERE! ...wait, wrong game!
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grexaneverston · 7 years
Sparring for The Children!
On March 10th at 4pm server time The Everheart Order will be hosting our first public RP charity event in Bloodhoof Village to raise money for the Orphanages of the Horde.
The event will start off with two performances by Atos and the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe! They will performing their plays “Who’s The Dummy?” And “The Problem With Combat Nerds.”
Anyone wishing to attend this event may do so but to enter in the tournament you must send an in game letter to Grexan hordeside of Wyrmrest Accord or send me a message through tumblr. We only have room for 20 combatants, so it will be first come first serve. This tournament will be pvp and the grand prize is a mechano hog. Thank you all and have a great day, if you have any questions message me.
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azeraenocturne-blog · 7 years
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Had a blast at my guilds event tonight! 
This was the second server event I’ve gone to, and my first on Hordeside, and it was FUN.
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blackbirdbrewery · 6 years
Is there a way we can get summoned to the event? I have a toon i wanna come to the event today but I cant go to tol barad yet
Yes, if you’re Hordeside! We don’t have our Alliance summoner available yet. We do summons between 5:45-6:15 PM, anon - just ask on our Discord channel!
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asheraan · 7 years
Warlocks of the horde
Tonight! April 8th there is a rp event open to all hordeside warlocks on wyrmrest accord! It will take place at 7 server time in the ruins of lordaeron.
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