#tumblr ate this ask im so sorry mr rock
ikigai-omoriau · 3 years
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KEL: "You bet I'm excited! SUNNY's great!"
KEL: "Kind of scary...but great!!!! Love that guy!"
(ART done by: @mr-random-artist)
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campdnp-winter-blog · 6 years
Idk if the foxes submitted a fic yet but here’s one if they didn’t (sorry my tent is asleep and I couldnt talk to them last night)
Furry meetup
The Arctic Foxes excitedly entered the airport, suited up for their special meeting. There’d been a contest, of course, on the deepest, darkest part of Dan’s tumblr, asking for the “smollest group with the cutest mascot uwu” and boy, did the Foxes deliver. The stepped off their plane to London in full fursuits save for the masks; they wanted Dan and Phil to see the chaos in their eyes.
Each fox had a specialized pursuit of an arctic fox in the group’s colour scheme. After collecting their luggage (extra fursuits, of course), they spotted Their Dads waiting by a window.
“Thewe they awe uwu!” Erin exclaims, pointing at them. The Foxes started towards the closeted furries and were quickly noticed. Phil was shocked and honestly kind of scared but Dan looked ecstatic. As the group neared, they could hear the men’s conversation.
“See, Phil, I told you we should have worn our fursuits!”
“Not gonna happen, Danny boy. I refuse to do it.”
“But Philllllllllllllllllll-”
“Hey guys!” Phil cut off Dan’s whine. “We’re so glad you could make it!”
“And so jealous of your fursuits!”
“Well, he is.” While dan seemed happy and to be living his best life, Phil seemed… off. He was hiding something. Something the Foxes were sure they could get out of him.
After some Good Bants they went back to the boyes place to hang out. Though Phil suffered to hang up their suits many times, the Foxes stayed in their True Forms. Dan went to change into his fursuit while Phil stewed, looking more and more uncomfortable. Finally, he was the third wheel.
Soon Phil asked if anyone wanted anything to eat. Everyone replied, “yes uwu”.
“Do you guys have to do the uwu thing all the time?” He asked. The furries all shared a Look.
“No… they all replied at the same time. They all began to chime off one by one.
And with that, phil left. With all this time, Dan and the Foxes came to the sad, yet inevitable conclusion. They were going to have to kill Phil.
“He isn’t one of us.”
“He knows too much.”
“He doesn’t it like it when we hang out together.”
The Foxes forced Dan to realize the truth.
“How are we going to do it, then?” He asked, finally.
“We have a plan,” said the Foxes simultaneously.
“I’m all ears,” dan said with a cheeky wink.
~~~~~~~~~~an hour later~~~~~~~~~
Everything was in place. The apartment quivered with anticipation. All that was left was-
“Dan? Foxes? I brought the food!” Phil announced as he walked through the door.
Finally. Two of the Foxes, Sef and Harley, grabbed Phil and silenced him as they brought him to The Place. They tied him to a chair with great difficulty because of his long, noodley limbs flailing about. Dan stood directly in front of Phil, with Sef, Erin, Hannah, and Harley right behind him. The rest of the Foxes stood in a half circle around them. Dan removed Phil’s gag but not his blindfold.
“ what’s going on? Dan? Foxes? Are you guys playing with me?” Phil’s voice cracked as he spoke, and you can see him restraining a comment about it. This was no time for jokes, Mr. ladydoor.
“Phil,” Sef spoke.
“ you’re not one of us.” continued Harley.
“Your jealousy is not hidden well,” said Erin.
“You have heard too much,” added Hannah.
“Heard what? I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“The uwus, Phil!” Dan said. “They’re a code. A secret fiery code.vwe thought you might know it, that you were just hiding it. But no.”
“And now,” said Harley.
“You must” continued Sef.
“Be killed” finished Erin.
Dan nodded solemnly. “I wish there were another way, Philly. However we risked to secret information. Information we cant let get out to the public.”
“What? Dan, you cant be serious! Surely this is a joke!” Phil yelled, desperate.
“Unfortuanately not, phil. Km sorry it has to end like this.” Dan said, and everyone but phil started a chant. It started out low, then it started to grow. It was the Official Farewell chant of the Furries. Dan got out his emergency recorder and played the first notes of My Heart Will Go On.
As the song came to a close, Phil was getting more and more anxious. He knew death would be upon him soon. He had to act fast, but could he break The Code? This was life or death, but still… The final notes played and he made his decision.
Dan reached for a knife behind Phil, but as he did so, phil screamed.
Gasps rang out through the Foxes. Boos and murmuring followed. Sef called out, “Horseshit!”
Erin yelled “no way!”
Other yells soon came, until through it all, Phil’s voice thundered…
Again, gasps rang out. Dan stood in front of phil in shock. He took off the blindfold.
“The secret uwu…” dan whispered in bewilderment. “You broke the code…”
“Yes. I had to. I couldnt watch you become a killer.”
“But the rules-”
“To help with the rules! I’m not going to sit here and let you and a bunch of kids become wanted murderers because some rule says that I cant talk about my secret furry status!”
“But they’ll find us.”
“Let them come. Look at us! Were a kick ass group of furries! We’ll fight them. Move around. Well be dan and phil and the Arctic Foxes- furry vigilantes.”
“That sounds like a really terrible fanfic idea conceived at three in the morning.”
“Yeah. Too bad this is real and we have to fight our furry overlords now.”
With that, they untied phil and ate the food that was now cold on the counter but still tasty. Phil showed them his ultra-mega-super fursuit from a hidden hatch in his and Dan’s closet.
They talked for a while about what needed to be done, who’s memories needed to be altered (cause furries can do that, obviously). They made a plan to move back to Manchester and make that their HQ. they decided how they were going to recruit using none other than tungle.com. good thing none of their fursuits have female presenting nipples.
They hashed out their income and where they would shop, and of course decided on a method to see who had to go get the door when they ordered takeaway (rock, paper, scissors).
Soon they had devoted members and were successfully thwarting the Furry Overlords. We love our Furry Vigilante Daddies, I guess.
And that’s how the Arctic Foxes met dnp and became furry vigilantes.
idk how to feel about this so you get a 
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