#tumblr decided to remove the cut and rearrange the photos but i saved it
zarvasace · 7 months
Hey gamers! Would you like your very own physical copy of a LU Shatterproof story?
Well then do I have the overdesigned project for you! This document has the same text as the AO3 story bonds, the Valentine’s 2024 special, but it has been sized and laid out correctly for a physical booklet! All you need is a printer that can print grayscale and double-sided, scissors, and maybe a stapler.
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Find the PDF on Google drive here. (This is my creation, so please don't edit the PDF or remove credit thank you! If you want a different layout or something let me know and I might be able to hook you up!)
Instructions for assembly below the cut.
Download the PDF and press the print button. (The file is called "240225_bondsquarto2_typeset")
If you'll notice, the pages are all out of order. That's because it's meant to be folded in a specific way! (Troubleshooting: I noticed that opening this pdf in Firefox took out some of the words, specifically in Legend's section. I suggest opening in Edge or Chrome or something.)
Print Settings:
Portrait layout
Double-sided: print on both sides, SHORT edge flipping.
Letter paper size.
Fit to printable area for most printers (will have a white border on some edges) or actual size if your printer can go edge-to-edge. Messing with margins and trying to get that right is what took me forever. You could fit to printable area and then trim the margins off if you really feel like it.
1 page per sheet.
You should end up with two sheets that look like this:
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Fold the first sheet short edge to short edge. Crease that really well, then open it up and cut it nicely along the crease. A straight edge cutter, or ruler and blade, would be nice but I just did scissors.
Progress so far:
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Now fold and cut the other sheet exactly the same way. Arrange the pieces in this order:
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Now set them all nicely together and fold all of it in half. You could do each sheet one by one but it isn't that long. Make sure to crease that fold really well!
Then staple or sew the edges, or bind however else you want. I used a stapler. Red thread would be really thematic though.
And ta da! You have your very own limited edition copy of bonds! :)
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Last step: take photos and tag me so I can see how you did it!!
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