#tumblr nerfed this the first time i tried to post it </3 if this doesn't post i stg
waheelawhisperer · 1 year
12, 18, and 25 with rwby? And 9, 10, and 20 with Arknights
Someone finally chose a fandom
12) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I can't say I'm a fan of any super underrated RWBY characters, so I'll go with Robyn Hill because certain segments of this fanbase absolutely hate her and I don't see her talked about much these days.
Robyn Hill is courageous, compassionate, smarter than most people give her credit for, absurdly hot, and has great people skills and a voice I could listen to all day. She's also the proud owner of a personal Combat Twink as of the end of Volume 7, so she's got that going for her.
She's also been putting up with Ironwood's shit for way longer than any human being should have to and deserves credit for that
18) it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
Yang's intelligence. No one outside of Tumblr wants to admit she has a brain. Even the people who do acknowledge her intelligence don't want to admit that based on what we've actually seen so far on the screen (not what the narrative has tried to tell us), Yang is actually the smartest member of her team.
25) common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Every time I see a post tagged with "anti-rwde" or any variant of "greenlight Volume 10" I have to fight the overwhelming urge to smash the block button. The first is an obnoxious circlejerk full of people who get high off their own outrage and the second is a blatant declaration that whoever's posting it doesn't care who Rooster Teeth has hurt in the past and will continue to hurt if given the chance as long as they get more of a mid-tier cartoon.
"Yang is a bad sister"
"Team RWBY was wrong to defy Cordovin's authority" (the show fucked up by failing to adequately establish the necessity of doing so, as I talked about in another post, but this is literally just a standard YA plot beat that the writers just dropped the ball on regarding execution)
"Adam got nerfed/was wasted potential/whatever" (I'm far more willing to entertain discussions of potential racism in his depiction)
"Team RWBY shouldn't've lied to Ironwood"
"Robyn Hill is dumb and angry" - she's been dealing with Ironwood's bullshit for ages now and had reason to believe that he'd specifically screwed her over
"Team RWBY constantly demand authority" - They follow authority figures until those authority figures fail, which they do with remarkable consistency. Almost like this is a story about the new generation surpassing the old and not repeating their mistakes. Whether that's actually executed well is... another story.
"Qrow was dumb for teaming up with Tyrian" - it was his best play and none of his options were actually good. The actual dumbass was Clover.
"Yang is impulsive and reckless and lost her arm at Beacon because of it" - No. She had no better choice than the one she made and it wasn't her fault she ended up in that situation.
I guess some of these are bad takes more so than complaints, but I hate them regardless
9) worst part of canon
Ending of Near Light, give me back my FUCKING WIFE
Every fucking Kal'tsit monologue
Every fucking Kashchey monologue
Chapters 2-3 also sucked ass
Chapter 9 continued the trend of "violently protesting against oppression is bad, m'kay?" that showed up in the depiction of Reunion and then tried to make us root for the fucking British.
Chapters 10-11 are so fucking convoluted that reading them feels like a chore instead of something I'm doing for fun.
All the Sui events take everything that annoys me about Arknights writing and turn it up to 11
Guiding Ahead wasn't terrible as a self-contained story, but it was too self-contained: it only felt like it was even taking place on Terra because Mostima was there. Nothing about it felt connected to the rest of the narrative and it killed my desire to learn more about Laterano.
10) worst part of fanon
Promiscuous/homewrecker Nearl. Alternatively, the stupid fucking memes about SilverAsh wanting the Doctor to breed his sisters.
20) part of canon you found tedious or boring
I'll just copy what I said when I answered this one earlier:
Pretty much everything at this point because absolutely no one on the writing team knows how to condense a narrative and wouldn't be concise about anything if you held a gun to your head. Like I'm sorry but you do not need to write a Lord of the Rings-length novel and then decide that's not enough and write a second novel between the lines of the first one just to tell a story about a horsegirl fighting capitalism in a DBZ tournament arc. You can just trim the fat and convey the information effectively. It won't kill you.
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tornsuits · 3 years
mechs timeline... or something
good evening gender identities! i’ve been thinking about the order the albums might have happened in, chronologically, and how events from some albums might have affected others! and now i have a whole long theory/headcanon about it, because i’m insane. so. here we are!
(obligatory disclaimer that i did make some assumptions about events that happened offscreen, and while they’re all based in actual canon, they are still, y’know, headcanons that shouldn’t just be taken as fact.)
so, typically the assumption is that the albums take place in the same order that they were released (ouatis udad hnoc tbi, with ttbt songs wherever they fit) which is possible (and probably correct tbh)! but this line from ‘ulysses’s will’ caught my attention:
Doesn’t matter there’s nothing beyond the City save the automated colonies that feed it and the empty black.
which could be interpreted a couple different ways, but the most literal being that there really is nothing beyond the city- there are no more habitable planets, & the city has taken over the last planets and is using them for maintaining the city (presumably). which, considering we know that there are many planets and other Things In Space in the mechsverse, probably means that udad is actually the last of the albums to take place, timeline-wise.
the only piece of evidence i could find directly contradicting this is that nastya went Out right before tbi, and was present (though offscreen) during udad. but time travel is an established thing in the mechsverse that we know the mechanisms have access to, so:
yes, udad happened last in linear time, but that doesn’t mean that it happened last in mechs time- in fact, if i were newly immortalized & could travel through time, the last human civilization is probably one of the first places i’d want to go. so the album release order is probably the order that the mechs visited these planets, even if that’s not the order they existed in, like, human history.
anyway! so what order did the albums take place in, then?
i’m gonna go out on a bit of a limb and say that i think tbi actually took place first! i know it’s usually considered to take place last because it was the last album to be released, (+ the thing in out i talked about already). but hear me out!
tbi took place first, after a good portion of, like, other things had already happened. what other things? i don’t know! the mechs probably didn’t write about them because they were actually happy, or unsatisfying, or whatever. so tbi is actually the first step to the destruction of the rest of the universe, and i’ll explain how that might have happened in a moment. (which actually explains why lyf saw notes that the mechs’ technology seems so alien- it was pretty early along in the timeline, compared to the rest of the albums).
so i’m working under the headcanon that the bifrost managed not only to destroy all of the yggdrasil system, but a good portion of the rest of the universe as well. it’s pretty easy to guess how the sudden disappearance of a whole system would lead to people going to investigate, which would lead to more people getting killed by the Rainbow Shit, and if anyone survived they’d probably bring bits of the Rainbow Shit back to their home planets, ect, ect. (also, not to delve too far into forbidden lore, but the void spreads.) so, the bifrost probably wiped out most of the civilizations in the universe.
but a few planets/systems survive- ones far enough away that they weren’t immediately affected, and were able to get word that Maybe Investigating This Is Not The Best Plan. which brings us to ouatis, which i think happened sometime after tbi (possibly around the same time or after as hnoc- i’m putting it first for organizational purposes, but it could go either way).
so the system from ouatis survives, & this is probably how old king cole was able to establish himself as an immortal tyrant, since there was a sudden lack of other governments to keep him in check/send support to citizens starting an uprising. this basically leaves old king cole free to colonize a good portion of the planets that weren’t destroyed by the bifrost. presumably the government collapes after king cole dies, (to quote the fiction, it most likely suffered ‘the most horrendous power vacuum and subsequent bloodshed the universe has ever seen’ which probably killed a good amount of the remaining citizens) and that’s another mass civilization down! fun times.  
which actually ties very neatly into alice. it’s unlikely that the ouatis system (does it have a name? i can’t keep calling it the ouatis system i can’t) was able to completely escape the horrors of the bifrost, and might still have some residual effects in the areas that the void touched. the planet/moon from alice was probably an area heavily touched by the void, which might be why it’s Like That.
and then we get to hnoc, which, again, could have happened at any time around when ouatis was taking place. we know that they were never able to finish building the station, & that contact with the outside world was abruptly cut off in holder of the grail. so it’s not unlikely that the civilization, or at least part of it, was killed by the bifrost. (i mean, the other option is that they just, like, got bored with the station and ghosted an entire colony). the station survived due to previously mentioned lack of contact with the outside world, although this doesn’t last long.
which brings us to udad! unlike fort galfridian, i don’t think it was completely cut off from the rest of the universe- just far enough away, or relatively untouched, enough that it was still habitable. which is probably why it got so crowded- so many people were moving there after their home got destroyed by cosmic horror rainbows. there’s also something to be said about the fact that the city is modeled after the ‘roaring twenties,’ which was a time of innovation and celebration after recovering from disaster, but that might be reading too far into it.
but, while the city was mostly sheltered from the bifrost attack, it probably was still at least slightly touched by bifrost, similar to alice. which might be how we get things like orpheus being able to see the future in his dreams. hm! sounds familiar! it’s almost like someone else also apparently saw the future in their dreams and was connected to the void!
[ODIN] When I first built this train, this snaking engine of change, I could not have guessed that this is where the songs I dreamt of would lead.
haha. yep.
also, taking the epilogue into account and how ashes burned down the acheron, effectively killing the last life in the universe... and how they died at the very end of the universe, briefly the brightest thing in the universe... well. i’m not saying that when ashes died they were cast back forward to when they burned down the acheron for the first time but maybe that’s what i’m saying.
so, to recap: during the bifrost incident, the void leaks through into our world and destroys most of it. fort galfridian and king cole’s empire are some of the few surviors, due to lack of contact, although king cole couldn’t completely escape the bifrost. both of these civilizations fall, leaving the city as the only habitable place left, although also slightly touched by the bifrost. the city also eventually falls into ruin, and with it, the last humans in the known universe. and that’s how the world ends, i guess! woo.
again, don’t take this as canon or whatever- i’m just taking the vague scraps that the canon did give us and turning it into a story that makes sense, at least from my perspective. so, yeah!
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