#tumblr still gives it as my number 1 tag option under posts lmfao…
aarafox · 1 year
Sometimes you’re struck with this urge to rewatch Voltron but then it’s just like nooo but they butchered the ending and you’re like ok maybe then I can only rewatch the first few seasons bc they were REALLY good but then you get like nooo but knowing how it ends truly ruins the experience of the first few seasons bc you’re reminded of how good it COULD and SHOULD have been but it didn’t end up like that bc ✨toxic execs✨ and then you’ll be like ok maybe I can just Give It One More Try Just Because but then right away you’re once more like nooo but it’ll just never be that good again bc you once had this hope that it’d turn out amazing and then it turned out Like That and it just ruined the entire experience forever and then you’re just like ok maybe I won’t
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