#tumblr university thesis everyone.
catominor · 2 months
ok heres everything i have written about romegaverse in my drafts .... putting it under a readmore so that i dont have to subject anyone who is not interested in this beautiful horrible world weve created to my extensive romegaverse worldbuilding. also this is unedited so if its incomprehensible sorry i have a very rambly way of writing when im thinking through very important questions such as these.
ok but what about gender roles. obviously omegas are stereotyped to be more feminine, and this is certainly true for female omegas (who i imagine get stereotyped as oversexed and promiscuous, but are simultaneously lusted after/desirable) but male omegas, after gaining civil rights, have worked very hard to dispel stereotypes of them as effeminate and useless in 'male' spheres (which has only partly worked). perhaps if a male omega is married to a male alpha or beta he's called a wife and expected to take the wife's role in the relationship in private, but still at the same time expected not to act 'effeminate' in his public life (if he has one, which most high status male omegas choose to) and is held to similar standards about this as other men, because he is still a man.
i imagine there'd be weird double standards about both male and female omegas? like they'd be simultaneously revered and reviled. a male omega is highly desirable because he has, in romegaverse society's view, the brain of a man but with the ability to reproduce like a woman. but there;s also a distrust of his effeminate role in private life and whether that makes him untrustworthy. female omegas, again, are highly desirable but also distrusted because of their exaggerated femininity.
(as an aside i imagine female alphas would be viewed as undesirable to most men, but would perhaps have a special place in society? maybe have some kind of priesthood a lot of them are in or religious significance to them? there also probably wouldn't be very many of them depending on whether secondary gender is visible from birth (in which case a lot of them would probably be exposed) or appeared later, in which case there'd be an amount of them proportional to male alphas)
more romegaverse thoughts: i wonder if they would end up with a dearth of women in the population if men could get pregnant? like, having a daughter wouldn't be as useful as an omega son because a daughter wouldn't also be able to participate in politics like an omega son would, and you can still marry off your omega son too for alliances so it's like the best of both worlds (though obviously it would depend on your finances; it would cost a lot of money to both give your omega son a dowry and finance his political career). im picturing a world where like. 1/3 of people each are alphas, betas, and omegas. maybe due to this they've ended up with like a 60/40 or maybe even 70/30 male/female divide? fluctuating through time probably based on other factors like the economy and so on.
as for discrimination against omegas i imagine there was a big movement for more (male) omega political rights in like the early or mid republic. mayhaps even an omega war. so now they are able to participate in politics but theres still a lot of stereotypes about them and distrust of them/view of them as less capable than other types of men. i also don't think they would be allowed to participate in warfare due to their ability to get pregnant maybe?
marriages: id imagine any union that could produce children would be a marriageable one, but any combination of sexes that couldn't would not be marriageable. so a male alpha could marry anyone except another male alpha or a male beta, a female alpha could marry anyone at all, and so on. (this is assuming that male omegas and female alphas have both functioning reproductive systems? idk is that how it usually works?) (also not sure about female alpha/female beta or omega marriages? they wouldn't have much legal rights; but maybe it's a kind of right of three children type thing where the female alpha gets limited legal freedom once she marries another woman? or maybe female alphas always have that type of legal position by virtue of being alphas? probably the latter.)
relationships: it's socially disapproved of for said non-able-to-have-children couples to be in a relationship, but not necessarily illegal. it's also socially unacceptable for a man to have a relationship with a male omega who isn't his wife. (more to think about here but i am so tired)
hiding status?: i think it would be possible for people to hide their status (for instance, if an omega wanted to be in war) but it would be probably a lot more difficult for high social class people. because it's not necessarily immediately obvious on the outside whether someone's an alpha, a beta, or an omega, if you could get anyone who knew for sure either on board to lie for you or to at least keep quiet, you could probably use some kind of medication to disguise your smell or whatever (is that how it works? its like smell or pheromones based right?) and pretend to be a different status. (perhaps in an earlier period it was much stricter/society was more repressive about disclosing your status, but now that omegas have more rights it's less stringent)
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