#tumblr user ccrnix is right there is something about madaleo in foreign hotel rooms
mirrortouchedsea · 9 months
Day 2
Madara couldn’t sleep. Leo had fallen asleep soon after they finished cleaning up, clinging to Madara’s arm as if he’d disappear when the sun came up. Maybe he was right. Madara sat up and gently pulled Leo off his arm. He walked over to the bathroom and shut the door before turning on the light. 
He was blinded by the sudden brightness but it did nothing to chase away the thoughts racing through his head. Failure. Dangerous. Cold. How could someone like Leo… He turned on the sink and splashed water on his face. The cold water shocked him awake but it cleared his mind for the time being. It was always the same after a night with Leo, no matter what they did Madara would be bogged down by his thoughts. He was putting Leo in danger by being so close to him. He couldn’t help but chase that warmth. 
The scars that littered his body were some of Leo’s favorite things, his fingers would idly trace over them when they were alone together. Madara had grown used to them, having a more ambivalent relationship with them now than he used to at least. The water was still running. 
The door opened. Someone’s hands covered his and shut the water off. They wrapped their arms around him and nuzzled into his back. It was Leo, tracing lazy music notes over Madara’s stomach, asking him to come back to bed. Madara turned off the lights. Leo untangled himself from Madara and he missed the warmth immediately. 
Madara knew that Leo chose to be with him, chose to take that risk because he cared about him. The quiet affirmations from him said as much, the way his hands would ease the tension from Madara’s back, his voice brought him back to his senses after a long day. Madara would protect that light no matter what, but that light wanted to protect him too. 
They got back into bed, Madara allowing Leo to pull him into his chest, caressing his hair and whispering sweet nothings into his ear. 
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