#tumblr's text formatting is so... unpleasant. idk how ppl can post longer fic here and not like. die or something
please tell me about "YGO shots whatever" and also bless you for the running cat
it's pretty much what it says on the tin: random ygo stuff that doesn't belong to any already existing story yet XD
rn most of it is a draft for a potential English reboot of the fanfic my Aileen Sue is from like, just experimenting around with how i would retell the story and what changes i would make.
i'm not good with drafts so. i kind of never revisited it since first writing it down? bc it's no fun to reread bc it's not up-to-my-standards-good yet? XD' but hey, whatever, some snippets of it i do already like so here's some (=most) of it:
Surprising as it may seem, given how his image is plastered all over the city they live in, Yugi and his friends don't really think much about Seto Kaiba in their everyday lives.
They're doing their thing and he does his. ... Whatever his thing is.
Building theme parks probably? Yugi remembers him mentioning something like this the last time they spoke but he's not sure anymore. The fact that Kaiba's been gracing class with his presence for the past few days probably means that things are going well enough for him to have the spare time. Although he's spending most of that time on his laptop anyway, not participating in class at all and left alone by the teachers as well.
No, really. Neither Yugi nor his friends know what Kaiba's thing actually is.
So they're a little surprised when after class, during cleaning duty[that anime trope/Japanese school thing?????????], a girl in another school's uniform slips through the door and bee-lines for the desk in the far corner of the room where Kaiba, true to his famous team spirit, is still fully focused on his personal work instead of helping his classmates.
One of her long, black pigtails slips over her shoulder as she snatches a glance at his laptop screen. To which Kaiba just reacts by closing said laptop and shoving it into his schoolbag. Which in turn puts a slightly too sweet, almost teasing smile onto her lips. "Want me to give you a ride home?" He sighs and mumbles something that sounds a lot like "There are worse ways to die, I guess" before getting up and following her outside.
It finally becomes apparent why a few of the guys in the class have spent the past couple minutes at the window - the car Kaiba follows that stranger to is a red Porsche cabriolet that looks like right out of a Hollywood movie.
Jounouchi doesn't know what to be more scandalized about - that Kaiba of all people is getting picked up by a cute girl while he doesn't or that some of his female classmates seem completely unimpressed by all of this because "everyone knows he has a girlfriend, duh".
He and his friends exchange confused glances.
Seto Kaiba is weird in occasionally dangerous but usually just a little annoying ways and overall just not that interesting. And, as far as they're aware, he's also completely uninterested in making friends or even just understanding the basic concept of friendship - or interpersonal relationships in general.
And yet.
Seto Kaiba has a girlfriend.
(the fic is an Aileen/Seto/Ati love-triangle-resolved-by-cheating-and-getting-dumped-for-it thingie)
i think the plan(???) was(????) to have each chapter actually be more of a oneshot, and them not even be in chronological order but in whatever order i vibed with while writing lol
... ok you know what? let's post the Ati part, too
The other Yugi, the nameless pharao, the boy without an own body, he didn't think much about what he wanted. It didn't matter. There was a purpose to his existence and it seemed to align with his feelings of not belonging to this time and place. So he dedicated his everything to fulfilling that purpose and spared himself the hassle of reflecting on his situation too much.
All was well.
Until the one whose body he had once taken over without asking didn't just allow him to stay, didn't just welcome him and promised to help him fulfill his destiny, but also offered him a bit of a life of his own. Privacy even. At least for a few hours a week. To take walks, smell the air, try new food, get lost in his thoughts without the pressure of having to justify them.
To just be.
Truth be told, it was a bit much.
What does one even do with a body of his own when there are no cards to hold, no lives at stake?
This whole time all he had was duels and words to connect to the world.
By now he barely remembered what else there was.
Until someone else who always seemed at least just as disconnected from the world as him turned out to be a lot closer to it than he thought.
Until it turned out that Seto Kaiba, of all people, had a girlfriend.
Until the nameless pharao passed a young couple holding hands on one of his walks and suddenly had to ask himself if that was something that Kaiba did with his girlfriend, too.
And what about the other things couples did?
Did they kiss?
Was Kaiba someone who would kiss someone? Who liked kissing? Who let someone kiss him?
He felt heat creep up Yugi's, no, his face just imagining it.
It seemed impossible.
Not Kaiba.
Never Kaiba.
But what if...
And did that mean they also...
Such a small question of so little consequence.
At least in theory.
And yet it did something to that borrowed body he inhabited.
That tickle on his lips and the urge to bite them to make it stop, the fine hair rising on his neck and arms, this sudden restlessness in his chest, all of these sensations were his experiences and just his.
Caused by only his thoughts, no one else's.
His own want.
Only his.
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