lesbianfreyja · 4 years
Coral 💙
oh this is genuinely sweet. lets get married 💌💍
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youvegotmetoblame · 4 years
rules: name 10 fave characters from 10 different things and tag 10 people
thanks for tagging me @youboughtmeawall !
1. Ronan Lynch (The Raven Cycle/The Dreamer Trilogy)
2. Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
3. Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
4. Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
5. Felicity Smoak (Arrow)
6. Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
7. Clarke Griffin (The 100)
8. Evan “Buck” Buckley (9-1-1)
9. Linh Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles)
10. Jesper Fahey (Six of Crows)
I’m tagging (if you want to no pressure) @katesaidwhat @distractinglysimple @hatmp @canitwaitforabit @pepperedpotts @erichallem @tunsoffestivepuns @widonotts @thedancingdreams @jampottr
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youvegotmetoblame · 6 years
the rules: answer the questions given to you by the tagged, write 11 questions of your own and tag 11 people.
tagged by @tutshilltornados (love you!!!!)
1. if u could spend the day with one superhero, powers or tech gadgets and all, who would you shadow? (DC, MCU, Captain Underpants—NO LIMITS Y’ALL!)
ummmm Spider-Man has always been my favorite and i feel like he’d be a lot of fun
2. what is your least favorite color
maybe yellow just cuz it looks bad on me cuz i’m so pale lol
3. cooked veggies or cold veggies
cooked for sure
4. describe yourself in a gif
Tumblr media
5. what’s your favorite childhood cartoon show
Hey Arnold
6. favorite dessert in the whole damn universe??
i honestly gotta say a good old fashioned Reese’s peanut butter cup
7. you just had your dream date like they pulled out ALL the stops and it’s going SWIMMINGLY. what is the ONE pet peeve they could do in those last five minutes that would soil hte whole thing?
probably saying something really fucking ignorant and refusing to take responsibility for it or just like smoking
8. chicken or beef or fish or veggie option
9. shower or bath
10. swimming at the beach or swimming in a pool
11. what’s your favorite summer tradition that you are most looking forward to
well i would say going to Mackinaw but apparently we’re not doing that this year so i guess just being able to go on long walks again now that it’s nice out
My questions:
1. what’s a song that changed your life?
2. favorite concert you’ve ever been to?
3. musicals or plays?
4. last book you read?
5. thing you’re most proud of yourself for?
6. favorite song from middle school?
7. any small, quiet moments in life that have become really happy memories?
8. why are you still on this hellsite?
9. opinion on socks?
10. superhero you most looked up to as a kid (or now)?
11. any inspiring words people have said to you that impacted your life?
tagging (if y’all want to!): @hatmp @distractinglysimple @erichallem @nicetrywiseguy @canitwaitforabit @sirenfrost @love-lights-the-way @tunsoffestivepuns @thebitchfestclub @calico-chemist @jampottr
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youvegotmetoblame · 6 years
Elemental Tag Game!
Tagged by : @jampottr (thank you!)
Rules: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, and tag nine people.
Air: I have small hands - I love the night sky - I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by - I drink herbal tea - I wake to see dawn - the smell of dust is comforting - I’m valued for being wise - I prefer books to music - I meditate - I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
Fire: I don’t have straight hair - I like to wear ripped jeans and overalls - I play an organized sport - I love dogs - I’m not afraid of adventure - I love to talk to strangers - I always try new foods - I enjoy road trips - summer is my favorite season - my radio is always playing
Water: I wear bracelets on my wrists - I love the bustle of the city - I have more than one set of piercings - I read poetry - I love the sound of a thunderstorm - I want to travel the world - I sleep past midday most days - I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs - I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia - I see emotions in colors not words
Earth: I wear glasses - I enjoy doing the laundry - I am vegetarian or vegan- I have an excellent sense of time - my humor is very cheerful - I am a valued advisor to my friends - I believe in true love -  I love the chill of mountain air -I’m always listening to music
I’m tagging: @tutshilltornados @distractinglysimple @erichallem @nicetrywiseguy @hatmp @canitwaitforabit @tunsoffestivepuns @sandlesgirl254 and @sirenfrost if y’all want to!
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