bad-rper · 8 months
Oh, so if it's something you or mom are into, I get in trouble if I don't show any interest. BUT, if it's something with actual academic merit, you say "dis ees over my head" and change the subject! What don't you understand? I don't WANT to learn martial arts! I want to focus on my magical studies! I don't have TIME for this!
The draenei's brow flattened beneath the rocky crested settled between it.
"Did you have to peer-review a message to your own mother, too?" she clicked with reproach, "Never satisfied with your self-worth and improvement. That is why you choose these 'academics' to measure it."
Inhaling deeply, the dojo-master centered herself before opening her eyes once more. "... Go see your Aunt Nataa'li," she threw a hand towards the door. "Steal your 'min'da's stinking cigarettes as payment. She will tell you all you wish to know."
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terranlloyd · 3 years
Sloths Went to the Races!
After three minutes of exhaustive racing, our champion was none other than Slow'borobo and his handler, Tur'borobo.
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(Check below the cut for more screenshots)
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The last second! A near-perfect finish from "Little Nasty" (Little Nasty was disqualified due to use of sloth enhancing drugs)
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Catering courtesy of Kegfist Brewery!
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bad-rper · 8 months
So I get yelled at if I slack off on brain-dead martial arts or roll my eyes at stupid kicks and flips, but the moment I bring up my need for arcanically significant tomes, you just shake your head and say "dis ees beyond me"? How is that fair? Magic is much more powerful and globally significant than doing a bunch of stupid moves all day!
"Hhold on, wait just a--"
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bad-rper · 3 years
How does your character feel about being in love? Fucking TURBO.
A great garden sprawled outside the precarious dojo, one bountiful enough rival the building itself in square footage. Yet for all its foliage and decor, it seemed untamed for a time. There we dead limbs and plants intermingling with those thriving. Patches of flowering plants that were not in blossom between those that were. Overgrow that was creeping into pond and stone alike.
A caretaker missing.
At the center of that verdant life was a pond lined with stones. Narrow stones walked from its edge to its center, leading to a rock most difficult to step upon in both smoothness and size.
Yet, traipsing to it with ease, was the large, brawny form of a draenei. Her hoof upon it, she pressed with equilibrium onto the tall pebble. What would send any other cloven beast tumbling, she was able to ease her weigh upon.
"Love is thousands of miles away."
She removed the other hoof from the stepping stones behind her, gradually tucking it under her.
"Love is months without word."
Her hands rose above her head before gently curling around, pressing the knuckles of fists together just below her sternum.
"Love is distant. Love is belligerent. Love is angry."
The glowing eyes came to a close.
"Love is free. Love is patient. Love is autonomous."
Inhaling deeply, her shoulder blades rolled backwards. Teal mists seeped from between her fingers, wandering out like curious tendrils and enveloping her. Slowly, she brought her lone-standing leg up and tail to curl around herself, allowing herself to float on naught but air above the waters.
"A million years could pass. A million blows dealt. A million worlds apart.
A million stars gazed. A million blinks shared. A million moments made.
So long as that is her, her is in you, you are in her, and you are you. That is love."
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bad-rper · 3 years
6. 🗣 Iconic voice lines and/or dialogue options. - For all, obviously
And here's the rest o' them
*dark laughter*
"I should fain accept you, bearer of quietus."
"I need not suffer this petulance. Burn 'til next we meet."
Lewyn: "So ever forthwith does our lot reproach with a chirurgeon’s precision blade to the cankers that waste our society, such that it is." Player: "... What are you going on about?" Lewyn: *ominous chuckle* "Heed it with little regard."
Romance Option Only
Player: “Could this ever grow to more than a facade for status? I wish that you could reciprocate with tenderness.”
Lewyn: “*clears throat* Mhm. Yes. Well. Ah. Such requires. Uh... Momentary abatement.”
“Oi, wot’s all this then?”
“Awr, yeah! Let’s get stuck in!”
“You wot?!”
Player: “You’ve been quiet lately, Caspar. What’s up?”
Caspar: “Oh, it’s nuffin’! I’m jus’ pretty sure I swallowed a bee and didn’t wanna get stung by gabbin’. Gone now, though.”
Player: “Okay, Caspar.”
Romance Option Only
Player: “You certainly are a cutie.”
Caspar: *stammering and raspberrying, flustered* “I-I would say I am a li’l more than a cutie! Right strappin’, ain’t I?”
“Alright, enough. What are you trying to get from me?“
“Do not put so much effort into pissing me off. You will strain something.“
Player: “... Is that chomping I hear? Tur’bo, what are you eating?”
Turbo: *coughing, turning away and brushing her shirt off*
Player: “Is that cha--”
Turbo: “Eyes forward, focus inward!”
Romance Option Only
Player: “Breaking through your outer shell is tiring. But rewarding. And I want to have a long, exhausting relationship with you.“
Turbo: “... I would like that.
So get some coffee, it is going to be a late night.”
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bad-rper · 3 years
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art of Tur’borobo from 8~ years, 4~ years, and one day ago. treefira made her that sweater it’s made out of saber hair
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