#turtle nexus
iztarshi · 8 months
Fandom: TMNT multi-turtle crossover. rottmnt centric.
Dear Turtles,
Those of us designated outcasts of society though no fault of our own have long dreamed of a place where we can stand tall among our fellow turtles, a community where we would be understood. Now that need no longer be a dream.
In the year 2020 we, the turtles of dimension 872D1, have been able to create a stable portal connecting to that year in multiple universes. You, the turtles of 18R153, are the youngest of the universes we have so far been able to contact. While we were teenagers in the late 80s and early 90s, you are continuing our legacy as teenage mutant ninja turtles as we speak. We are excited to welcome you among us and hope we can provide you with support.
Within this letter you will find four portal keys, one for each of your team. At six o’clock tonight, press the button on your portal key to create a portal and be transported to a place where you will be among your own kind.
Signed, Donatello
P.S. The portal key will still work at any other time, it’s just if you come tonight there’s a welcome party. Please don’t feel rushed to decide. - Leonardo
“We should go,” says Leo, the instant Raph shows him the letter.
“Are you sure?” Raph asks. “They said the invitation’s still open later if we don’t want to come now. Maybe we should wait until we’re over… this whole situation.” The wave of his hand takes in both his own bandaged eye and Leo’s mummified shell.
Leo shakes his head. “The letter said they’re adult versions of us. Like Casey’s senseis. We’ve gotta make a good first impression.”
“Yeah,” Raph says. Because they need friends like that if anything else happens again. Because wouldn’t it be awful to disappoint versions of themselves that are so much more than they are. “Yeah. Raph gets it.”
All the same, it’s awful getting ready. Leo gets excited about picking out clothes, but struggles to get into them without hurting himself. No one mentions the real reason they’re going in full outfits is to hide the bandages on Leo and Donnie’s shells. Raph needs to hide the ones on his shoulder too, but they’re only a small patch and could probably come off. The bandages over his eye are harder to hide. In the end he takes them off and hopes his mask will hide that his eye is puffy and swollen. Mikey wears gloves and holds his hands behind his back so no one can see them shake.
“We all ready?” Raph asks, holding the portal key and watching his phone count down to six o’clock. Three voices answer in the affirmative. “Mad Dogs roll out.”
He presses the key and watches the portal grow in front of him, fading gently to reveal a window into a room with tables full of pizza and a banner in bubble writing saying, “WELCOME TURTLES!!!”
Looking back through it are pudgy middle-aged turtles slightly shorter than Leo with sweet, rounded faces. They’re not wearing clothes, besides their rather pastel ninja bands, but their Michelangelo has a party hat on.
Raphael steps through feeling bewildered, but much less nervous.
“Welcome to the Casa Tortuga,” the Michelangelo says. “I dig your funky looks, little dudes.”
“Little?” says Donnie, taking in this new Michelangelo from head to toe with an efficient flick of his eyes.
Raph shoots him a look. They gotta be polite.
Another portal opening takes the attention away from them. The turtles who step out of that one look far closer to what Raph was expecting. Sure, they’re still short, but they’re buff as hell and they’ve got a serious look like they’ve been through some shit.
“Great, you guys came,” the pastel Donatello says.
The buff Raphael folds his arms like he’s already regretting it, but the Michelangelo grins and holds his hand up for a high three. “I would not want to miss a party run by you guys. Who else is on the guest list?”
“Some other guys we had a crossover with,” Donatello answers. “And the turtles prime but we’re not expecting them to come. And we found these guys!”
He gestures proudly to the Mad Dogs, like they’re a new invention, and Leo responds by striking a pose. “Thank you, thank you, Leonardo, Leon, Nardo, Captain Blue, or Blue Jitsu at your service.”
“Really?” says the buff turtle in the blue mask, his mouth twitching suspiciously at the corner. “I’m Leo.”
The third portal opening once again takes everyone’s attention. The turtles who come out of this one look. Well. With feet that size they’d probably be hard to knock over in battle? Must make it harder to climb buildings without the grippy toes, though. They’re also dressed up, which makes Raph feel better about his group having clothes on. And what they’re dressed in…
“Wow, total Hot Topic vibes,” Leo says, having apparently forgotten about being polite.
“I wouldn’t talk if I was wearing as much fake brand name stuff as you,” the new Raph says.
Leo gives the Raph a look that says his weakness for people who won’t put up with his nonsense is kicking in and tries to drape himself across his shoulders. He gets shoved off, of course, and he almost hides the wince when the shove hits his shell. The Raph certainly hasn’t noticed.
“Looks like everybody’s here, amigos!” the Michelangelo with the party hat says loudly. “Time for food.”
Raph turns his attention to the three tables laden with pizza. They are labelled. “PIZZA”, “WEIRD PIZZA” and “REALLY WEIRD PIZZA”. One of the really weird pizzas appears to be levitating and another is scuttling around on little legs. This might still be less weird than the weird pizza labelled “fudge, marshmallow and anchovy”.
Raph watches his Donnie pick up the scuttling pizza and thoughtfully bite a leg off. Meanwhile the pudgy turtles and the little, freckled Mikey are digging into the weird pizzas and the buff ones are going for normal pizzas. Raph decides to play it safe, while also seeing if staying close to the cool, serious Raph will let him strike up a conversation, and goes for normal pizzas.
Everyone’s loosening up and chatting as the party gets into its stride, but Raph feels awkward. These three groups of turtles know each other, or at least two of them know the third. The Mad Dogs are the odd ones out, no matter how friendly the hosts of this shindig are. Plus, Raph is towering over everyone. There are chairs dotted around in a variety of sizes, including his size, but he still feels like he’s drawing everyone’s eyes. Normally he likes being the big guy, the one who can take the hits and protect but he’s the only Raph this size. And the smaller Raphs don’t have badly injured little brothers trying to hide it. He feels like a fraud, like the friendly punch in the arm and “how much can you bench, big guy?” from the buff Raph would be taken away if this Raph knew that none of his training or working out had let him save Leo from nearly dying.
The others look like they’re doing better. Mikey’s managed to engage the stompy Raphael and the host Leonardo in a conversation about drawing. The Donatellos have congregated into a tight and alarming group. Leo’s being the life of the party, chatting away to anyone who will listen.
Then, just as Leo and the host Raphael are getting a bit too determined to win a pun contest, the Raphael suddenly jumps forward and gently lifts Leo’s arm. There’s blood soaking through his hoodie and dripping softly to the tiled floor.
“Is there a doctor in the house?’ the Raphael asks.
“Uh,” says Leo, trying to pull away.
The pudgy Donatello appears at his Raphael’s elbow. “Should we boil some water?”
“I can’t believe you haven’t learned any more first-aid than that in the last thirty years,” the Raphael laments, shifting to hold Leo more supportively. They both turn to look at the buff Donatello who immediately comes over.
The Raph next to him takes that moment to tip Raph’s chin down and look very intensely into - no, at - his eyes. “Don, I think this one’s hurt too,” he yells.
“No, Raph’s fine.” Raph shoves his hand over his eye and the pressure stings, but he can’t bring himself to pull it away.
Across the room the freckled Mikey pulls up the back of Donnie’s hoodie and says, “Woah, this guy’s super bandaged.”
“Alright, turtles!” their host Leonardo says, in a voice which cuts through the babble. “Herd them into the living room and sit them down on the couch. We’ll fetch…”
“A first aid kit,” says the buff Donatello. “And actually you could boil some water.”
The Leonardo nods and says, in a voice full of confidence, “We’ll do that.”
Raph resists the herding uncertainly. It’s not like he needs checking, although Leo definitely does. Then the pudgy, middle-aged Raphael and Michelangelo catch each other’s eyes, take one of Raph’s hands each and pull like little tugboats with unexpected power. He finds himself stumbling into a room containing a very Raph sized three piece suite just as the buff Michelangelo comes in with Raph’s own Mikey held firmly under one arm.
Someone says, “You were expecting large turtles?”
The host Donatello answers, “We wanted to be sure we could be welcoming to anyone undergoing a super-mutation arc.”
“Huh,” says the buff Donatello. “I doubt I would have been a very good guest when that was happening.”
“We do have a cage as well, if you prefer,” the host Raphael says.
“Thank you, but that was over with a while ago. I’ll just see to the patient.”
Leo, who has been herded into the chair while the rest of them are on the giant sofa, is now squirming at the approach of a Donatello who looks much calmer than his own but even harder to get around.
“It’s fine,” Leo says rapidly. “It’s, you know, we’re pretty tough really. Even if we don’t look that way right now, ha. It’s just a minor injury and it doesn’t really need thiiiiis many turtles.”
The Donatello narrows his eyes while his corresponding Raph takes up a station in front of the door with his arms folded.
“Listen,” the Donatello says, drawing his bo. “We can do this the easy way, or we can test the thickness of that very thick skull.”
“Ah, jeez, why are Donnies like this?” Leo laments.
“Because we spend so much time worrying about turtles like you,” the Donatello says.
The stompy Raph pokes Leo’s shoulder gently. “Just let him get on with it, kid. And next time don’t try to hide injuries like that, I wouldn’t have shoved you if I’d known.”
“Yes,” says the stompy Donnie, currently engaged it trying to get Raph’s own Donnie to stop hissing at him and let him remove his hoodie. “It would very stupid if a turtle made a habit of hiding serious injuries. Wouldn’t it, Raphael?
Raph finds himself converged on by two Leonardos while the third, their host, returns with his Donatello, the first aid kit, and plenty of hot water. He then disappears again to make “medicinal tea” that their Splinter always makes for them when they get injured. Raph isn’t fighting it any longer, it’s actually kind of reassuring, especially seeing a brisk Donatello in his mid-thirties check over Leo. Technically they’ve been treated by Draxum who knows more about their biology than anyone else possibly could, but there’s still something nice about having other turtles do it. Even if some of those turtles are making bets about what caused this in the background. For some reason “window” is the favourite. “Shredder” is coming in second which makes a lot more sense.
The Donatello treating Leo pauses and says, “I don’t know what you’re made of that you survived this, because none of us could have, but you seem to be healing okay. You should stay off your feet, though.”
Leo stops his embarrassed squirming and says, “…Really?”
Raph loses the Hot Topic Leo who slides off the arm of the couch and goes over. “I can do healing hands if it’s that bad.” Then, without waiting, he holds his hands together and starts chanting, moving them as he does. When he touches Leo’s cracked shell there’s a visible difference, small pieces knitting themselves back into place and the bleeding stops.
Mikey sits up next to Raphael, leaning forward as much as the giant couch lets him. “Teach me to do that.”
The pudgy Michelangelo, who has been hovering over Mikey ever since his gloves were removed, reaches out and takes Mikey’s cracked hands between his. “It looks like those hands have done enough for now, little dude.”
“No,” Mikey says. “I’m a mystic warrior! I pulled Leo back from another dimension! There’s got to be more I can do when he’s still hurt or what good is any of it.”
“Yeah,” says the Michelangelo. “I get that. Trust me, I can feel how bright you are, I know you can do tubuloso amounts of stuff. But maybe not right now? We got a turtle who can do it already and that doesn’t mean you can’t, it just means you don’t gotta push yourself.”
Raph puts an arm around Mikey’s shaking shoulders. “Mikey, it’s okay, you can let them…” Mikey’s furious gaze and the other Michelangelo’s knowing one makes him rethink. “We… can let them take care of us.”
Raph lets gentle hands clean his eye, which is sore and dry from the exposure to air, and put a new compress and new bandages over it. Even Donnie has stopped hissing and is letting the stompy Donatello clean his shell.
Then that Donatello clears his throat and makes Donnie tense up by saying, “So, I’m not an expert on softshell biology. But it looks like it’s a very good thing you are a softshell because your shell has torn and bruised instead of shattering despite… uh… what looks a lot like tentacles shoving their way through it?”
“I hacked a spaceship with a biological interface,” Donnie says flatly. He’s pulled his phone out of his pocket and is staring at it instead of any of the turtles around him.
The Donatello’s bandana sticks straight up in the air in alarm. “These went into your brain? Now I’m even more surprised you’re not in a coma. Leo, can we get healing hands over here too?”
“It was an interface, it was designed to work that way,” Donnie says. “The technodrome didn’t do the damage connecting, it was being ripped out when the Krang found me.”
There is an echoing around the room of “the krang?” “the technodrome?” “what kind of krang did you have?” but Raph misses whatever comes next because the echoes keep going, round and round his head, and he feels strange. Familiar strange, like his head is full of hot fluff and the world is slightly to the right of where it should be. Mikey hugs his arm hard and another Mikey, the little freckled one, lands on his lap and reaches up to pat his snout. Raph hears this Mikey say something about “grounding” and “like my alligator friend” but he can’t focus on that now. Instead he wraps an arm around each Mikey and breathes.
He comes back to the host Donatello saying, “Our Krang did have a robot with feet the size of our chests once, but it wasn’t very stable once we took out the molecular amplification unit. Plus, he’s just one person, not a species, and a disembodied brain at that.”
“Wasn’t he a banished member of our Kraang?” asks the Hot Topic Leo.
The Donatello answers, “Only in crossovers.”
Raph’s own Donnie says, “So that’s how you met these guys? Maybe if we’d had another season.”
“Don’t let it bother you, we can make our own crossovers now,” answers the host Donatello. “There’s never enough time to exchange notes during the official ones.”
”What?” Raph asks, wondering if he’s fully back in reality or not.
Donnie buries his snout in his phone again. “Don’t worry about it.”
The smell of pizza makes Raph look around and he finds the unoccupied turtles pulling in small tables and piles of pizza. It makes him realise that if the party is moving in here his brothers — and especially him — are taking up all the seating. Plus, he should really be helping out. When he tries to get up though he finds the buff Raph pushing him back into place.
“You stay off yer feet for now,” he says.
Raph shakes his head. “Raph can help. Raph didn’t get hurt badly like Leo and Donnie.”
“Yer still hurt,” says the buff Raph.
“I should have protected them.”
“I get that. It sucks when you can’t protect your brothers. My Leo’s been in a coma and Donny’s been through stuff he still won’t talk about when I wasn’t there. But hey, sometimes keepin’ em alive is all you can do. They look like they’re gonna heal okay.”
Raph finds himself nudged into looking over at his brothers. Mikey is still next to him, arguing across Raph’s lap with the older Mikey still tucked against Raph’s other side. Donnie is showing off something on his phone to the other Donatellos and Raph assumes it’s tech until he hears the word “pizzasaurus”. Leo’s lost his social flair from earlier and his smile is considerably more shy than sparkling, but he is smiling again, hands waving as he explains something to the Hot Topic Leo and Raph.
“You think you guys will be coming here a lot?” Raph asks quietly.
“Of course,” both the buff Raph and the freckled Mikey chorus.
Nearby their pudgy host Leonardo looks incredibly proud.
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thecomicsnexus · 1 year
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Michaelangelo Wallpaper
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v-albion · 4 months
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el-pada · 4 months
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please dont leave
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theellipelli · 2 years
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My take on a separated AU because all the cool kids were doing it
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cimicherrychanga · 7 months
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do NOT approach this guy at the pub they WILL talk about ninja turtles for two hours
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turtleblogatlast · 5 months
I think a lot about Leo’s tendency to push his way into the spotlight despite clearly being a natural in the shadows. Hell, you could argue that his worst moments are when he’s forcing himself onstage, and his best are when he does things no one notices until it’s already been done.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rottmnt headcanons#rise leo#His aptitude with subterfuge sleight of hand stealth and speed really push how being a ninja really comes naturally to him.#it’s arguable that his desperation for the spotlight and validation is an act of subterfuge against himself#note that when he’s offered a job as a mascot he’s fine being unknown#when he and splinter win the battle nexus Leo immediately says ‘they love YOU pops’#idk I think so much about how good a ninja Leo is#and how much his persona is more an actor#Leo as a tot is shown a natural skill at katana too so hear me out-#every Leo is a natural ninja but every Leo’s route in life is directly tied to their splinter so#since rise splinter is an actor Leo too aims for it#and he brings it into his whole life - masking always because a Leo makes what they do who they are#I think that Leo naturally falls more in line with that of a typical ninja#his eccentric performer self is his subterfuge skill just set to an 11 at all times#not that that’s NOT him - like I said it’s still undoubtedly a part of Leo#but? idk I think about little moments like Leo being the only one to choose stealth in bug busters#or Leo being the only one to almost get Gus’s dog tags in The Ninja Art of Hide and Seek (he was so close but luck was against him alas)#like- he’s clearly in his element there and he falls into those skills so easily#it’s like how everyone has skills in so many things but some exceed more in some than others do#like Raph? Raph’s the biggest Hero of the bunch of them let’s be perfectly real here. Raph is THE Hero#All the boys are smart in their own rights but Donnie is THE Genius.#and they all have mystic powers but Mikey is THE Mystic Warrior with immense untapped potential#likewise Leo I feel is THE Ninja#but yeah I love how much Leo goes for the spotlight anyway for better or for worse#he IS a performer again make no mistake! but again the way he does it still lines up with his natural ninja aptitude and I love it#Leo loving magic tricks and magicians so much works doubly well here because like#you’d think he’s focused solely on the performance flair - no it’s ALSO and ESPECIALLY the DECEPTION
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I just noticed in Battle Nexus: New York, when Draxum was trying to convince the co. that they were trapped in a mind-illusion he asked where the turtles were: the colors of Leo and Donnie were switched. He mistook the twins' colors, that's hilarious!
They're basically identical, duh!
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tangledinink · 1 year
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plz someone tell me they've noticed what i've been doing with the gemini badge on the front of leo's cape the past few updates
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mutantmayhems · 11 months
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MIKEY IN TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (2003) requested by your4local4geek
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quartergremlin · 1 month
Do you by any chance have any more ideas or plans for the leosagi babies comic
Do we get to see leo explain to Sagi? Or announce to the fam? Or stuffs like that
Its genuinely my favorite comic if yours to go back and reread it is so well written
vbdjhvbsfdj thank you 🥺
not really, at least not for now! I have one more ask that i'll probably answer, but other than that there's not much there for me - at least until i flesh out what the future actually looks like.
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"I'm so happy!" "me too!"
I wanted to focus on a different turtle for each stage of development to avoid reiterating the same things over again - mikey (pre-baby) > leo (baby) > raph (post-baby) > donnie (post-post baby, otherwise known as a child).
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"Baby Angst Hammer"
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mengciyart · 9 months
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thecomicsnexus · 1 year
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Mobile wallpaper
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v-albion · 1 month
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Yay nexus arena outfit!
Took some inspiration from beta fish fins and figure skater outfits!
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red-rover-au · 8 months
Friends, fans, freaks, help me out. Share EVERYTHING about how you think the Battle Nexus and Big Mama’s businesses work
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Any headcanons about the structure/technology (like about her door that looks Very Krang-Like and what that might mean), your fanfic or your favorite fanfic that has the nexus as a significant plot point and/or goes into detail about how the place is managed, stuff you picked up from canon that gives hints on how Big Mama operates (like that chest covered in bones that her turtle assistant handed her), literally anything and everything you can think of!
If you know anything about economy that would be super helpful too, you should infodump about that as far as its relevant to Big Mama (pleeease)
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el-pada · 6 months
Is there a reason why usagi is least in the shadow? 👀
I noticed in the announcment art everyone has shadow over them/in the way where the view is placed, at first i thought usagi just looked like he had less of a shadow compared to others bc he's a white rabbit and you know color theory
But compared to big mama's equaly white hair his shadow seems to be a bit weaker? Making him more visible than others
Am I reaching or is that meant to be like symbolism of how he's the champion thefore has less privacy/less places to hide or stands out among others?
I'm really excited so it's prob just me reaching lmao
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the spotlight isnt nice to lonely souls
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