#tv: the newsroom
aq2003 · 2 years
sam and brennan’s greatest weaknesses (respectively)
(transcript under the cut)
Clip 1:
Elaine: It’s possible this is my new favorite bird!
Sam: I agree. Before, my favorite birds were... [pauses]
Elaine: What?
Sam: Fuck me.
Elaine: [Laughs]
Sam: Um, bluejay. A robin. A cardinal. A flamingo... [pauses] Dinosaurs were technically birds. A pterodactyl—
Brennan: Sorry, dinosaurs were technically birds?!
Sam: I was just listening to an NPR story about this, Brennan.
Brennan: I believe that you mean birds were technically dinosaurs. Not all dinosaurs, were birds!
Elaine: He has a point.
Sam: Oh god in heaven, I don’t know if I know five more birds.
Clip 2:
Carolyn: Woody Harrelson has the vibe of someone who should have been cancelled years ago, but remains one of the rare celebrities loved by both sides of the political aisle, like Dolly Parton, The Rock, and... Kid Rock.
Brennan: That’s the opposite of these five celebrities that both the left and the right hate... Honestly, just like a list of five celebrities would be enough to really... [sigh] oh god, who’s famous? Um...
Sam: Who’s famous?
Carolyn: [Laughs]
Sam: This is like me with the birds.
Brennan: Oh, god, let’s switch. Let Sam name five famous people and I’ll name five birds. I’ll name a hundred birds!
Sam: Nobody wants your birds, Brennan!
[/end transcript]
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riemmetric · 4 months
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Will: There's a story about a little kid who keeps shredding paper and his parents take him to all kinds of doctors to get him to stop shredding paper. And finally they take him to the most expensive doctor in the world who turns to the kid and he says, "Kid, if you stop shredding paper, your parents will stop dragging you to doctors." And the kid turns to his parents and says, "Why didn't you just say so?" The point of the story is that the kid could make himself happy by just stopping. I think that's the point. I don't know. I've been trying to figure it out. But, uh, I didn't return it [the engagement ring]. Because I'm in love with you. Mackenzie: What did you say? Will: And because of... Will you marry me? Mackenzie: Wait. Will: I said will you marry me? And before that, I said I'm in love with you. That's, that's... That's what I'm getting at. I feel like I can do this so much better if I can have a second. Mackenzie: What in the fuck is happening right now? Will: If... If I... I don't ever want to not be... No. I love you. I'm gonna go back to that. And will you marry me? And let me just say I really think you should. I think you should say yes.
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Obsessed with Trapp LEAPING on the opportunity to ask Sam where he's from.
Bonus: Trapp's pleased reaction after he makes his little joke.
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confetticutey · 5 months
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Ally Beardsley: the basketball player of all time
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waterberry-strawmelon · 5 months
the only correct way to watch Breaking News/No Laugh Newsroom is with headphones in a public setting where you don't want to disturb the people around you, bc suddenly you know exactly what it's like to be the dropout cast member desperately choking down laughter
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abraincellandahalf · 1 month
Aaron Sorkin's writing makes me want apologise for using any words in the same time period as him
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justletmeon12 · 5 months
Amy not losing Breaking News is more shocking than anything on Game Changer this season.
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filministic · 10 months
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The Newsroom (2012-2014)
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nichetheorist · 2 months
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riemmetric · 3 months
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The Newsroom | Episode 6, Season 1: Bullies
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nonchalantatall · 5 months
dropout dot tv once again proving that i will watch vic michaelis do. Anything
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jukeboxjunk · 5 months
sketch comedies aspire to aaron sorkin's lunacy
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sparring-spirals · 5 months
I know technically Breaking News only has a biggest loser, not a winner. But I think Rashawn might have won the episode with the barfight story alone. "You're Lucious on a tv show thats going to be cancelled in two seasons." INCREDIBLE.
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securityholograms · 4 months
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dxkjf · 1 year
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Guys this might be johnny sunnyside from the sunnyside newsroom
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Extra stuff arggg arggg
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Also eclipse redesign reveal!!! Yippie once im done all three newsroom oc designs ill post them together lalala
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tarriecat · 6 months
Me, a pansexual nerd with a diagnosed anxiety disorder and the mask of Olidammara on my future tattoo list, watching this week's Breaking News:
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