newyorkbynightrp · 3 years
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Full name: Rydel Liza Berry
Birth date: December 18th, 2nd born
Age: 25
Sexuality: Lesbian
Occupation: Works at a comic book store [The Comic Strip]
Alter ego: Ghost
Ability: Invisibility/Intangibility
Allegiance: The Vigilantes
Bio: Rydel Berry is the least known out of her sisters and was thus left to live in their shadow. Growing up in such a artistic-based household, Rydel - a quiet and bookish child - found it hard to fit in. Although her fathers constantly told her and her sisters how much they were loved and they never made the conscious choice to ignore their middle child, Rydel knew she wasn’t and never would be the apple of their eye like Rachel.
As Rydel aged she learned to use the lack of attention she received and became happy with her own company. As she began to accept her relationship with her family, Rydel started to realise something about herself. People didn’t look at her. She knew that she wasn’t the most interesting of people but when she would shout people’s names when passing them in the street, they would look directly at her before carrying on their way. Rydel literally felt invisible.
It wasn’t until she was around the age of 14 that she realised how different she truly was. Unlike the comics Rydel liked to surround herself with, her power was not triggered by an obscene tragedy like the story usually went. Instead she was just walking home from school one day when she stumbled over a passer by’s foot. She braced herself for the embarrassment of falling into a stranger but it never came. Opening her eyes, Rydel looked back as the other person continued on their merry way, not even glancing back, it was as if they hadn’t noticed her at all. Cheeks red, Rydel dashed home, her books clutched to her chest. Finally arriving home, Rydel reached for the doorknob and watched in horror as her hand passed through the door. This couldn’t be happening, she must be going insane, or dreaming… Or both! Making her way through the door, Rydel ran into her personal bathroom to check if she had wings or any other crazy things that would signal that she was having a dream. Staring into the mirror, Rydel couldn’t stop the loud gasp that escaped from her - there was nothing there.
Life as a Hero: It took Rydel five hours to get back to being visible but after that day she did nothing but train. Locking herself in her room for nights on end, Rydel finally believed she was good enough and began going as ‘Ghost’ and protecting the city of New York in her mid-teens. Her first few run ins with the ‘bad guys’ didn’t end as wonderfully as she had fantasized but as she continued to train and fight, she soon became a well known name and hero of New York.
Charisma: -1
Intelligence: +4
Athleticism: +3
Power: +4
Rachel Berry - Elder sister.
Being the younger sister of the Rachel Berry was never easy. Rachel was the kind of child that always demanded attention which not only put a strain on her own relationship with her sisters but her fathers’ as well as they would usually be so pre-occupied with Rachel that they would forget about their other children. Rydel was eventually able to care for herself and got over the ‘childish’ need for attention from her fathers. She will never admit it but she is still bitter towards Rachel for costing her her childhood.
[Rydel has no idea of this character’s ability]
Rebecca Berry - Younger sister.
Rydel and Becca have always butted heads. After Becca began purposely making trouble - Rydel could see right through her - she became just like Rachel to Rydel, an attention-seeker. Rydel finds her younger sister vulgar and a little stupid if she was being completely honest.
[Rydel has no idea of this character’s ability]
Sam Evans, Alex Chang, Artie Abrams - Good friends, allied heroes.
Rydel came across 'her boys’ through Ghost. The Vigilante team saved her from a Vendetta attack when she was first starting out. Apparently the group had decided to 'send a message’ by killing Ghost as she had been mentioned in the media so much. Just as Ghost was about to be executed, the team swooped in a saved her. Rydel has been in their debt ever since.
Rydel would never admit it but she is slightly scared of Artie and his power. He has already rummaged around enough in her head to find out that she is hiding her sexuality. Rydel is terrified that he will find out about Caleb and she cannot stop him.
Quinn Fabray - Roommate, Crush.
Although Ryel would deny it to her grave, she has a crush on Quinn. The two of them don’t really talk much but Rydel thinks she is the classiest and prettiest girl she has ever laid eyes upon.
[Rydel has no idea of this character’s ability]
Evan Anderson - Past fling.
Rydel and Evan met on one of her very rare nights out where she had been forced into a club by Caleb. Rydel, not used to drinking, was already quite tipsy when the ‘bad boy’ came up to her and began trying to seduce her. Being in the closet, Rydel lept at the chance to prove to herself that she was not gay and quickly agreed to go home with him. They shared a speedy night together - which only solidified Rydel’s belief of her being gay - and went their separate ways. Evan sometimes finds himself thinking of her, mainly because the night was so fuzzy in his memory, but never believed he would see her again.
Trivia about this character:
Rydel is actually quite a talented artist but doesn’t make a big deal of it, believing her work to be average.
OOC Info:
Ships: Rydel/Fabray, Rydel/Lopez, Rydel/Girl, Rydel/Chemistry. Rydel/her boys(brotp)
Anti-ships: Rydel/boy (unless beard), Rydel/Forced
FC: Diana Silvers
Rydel is TAKEN [by Mae]
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