newyorkbynightrp · 2 years
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Full name: Stacey Evans
Birth date: May 19
Age: 20
Sexuality: Demisexual
Occupation: University Student
Alter ego: None
Ability: Flight
Allegiance: The Reckoning (if she ever gets in)
Bio: Stacey has always been a ‘girly girl.’ She used to raid her mother’s makeup drawer and sit in front of the mirror putting it on, going a little overboard in her enthusiasm. Anything frilly, shiny, or sparkly was her heart’s delight. Stacey loved nothing more than to flounce around all day dressed in some extravagant costume. Once she got older, Stacey learned to dial this back to a reasonable level, but her passion for fashion still remains.
When her father moved them all out to New York, Stacey couldn’t have been more thrilled. She knew this would finally be the place she could click with other enthusiasts instead of standing out like a sore thumb the way she did back in Tennessee. Even so, for all her stereotypical teenage qualities, Stacey possesses a mental focus that she doesn’t see in her friends. While they are caught up in high school drama, Stacey has outside ambitions and a desire to grab real life by the horns. Since no one else she knows seems to experience this restlessness of spirit, she looks to her eldest brother for inspiration. Scott doesn’t seem to care what anyone thinks; he lives his life the way he pleases. Stacey wants to be the same way, free from the shackles of others’ expectations, so she soaks up all the wisdom Scott may have to impart and tries to do as he does.
Life as a (Would-be) Villain: Stacey first discovered that she could fly back when they were living in Tennessee. She finished her homework earlier than Stevie and raced outside to play. Her feet carried her to the trees at the bottom of the hill and she began climbing the tallest one. A little overconfident due to the familiarity of the task, she misjudged her distance and lost her footing from one branch to another. When she began plummeting toward the ground, it seemed that she would certainly at least break an arm, if not worse. Stacey turned in midair and tried to bring her legs down so they would hit first instead of her head or torso. However, to her amazement, her entire body swooped in an arc just before it hit the ground and lifted her into the air again. Laughing with relief, she dove again and pulled up just in time for her shoes to brush the grass. When her heart finally stopped hammering, she willed herself to lose altitude and touched back down. Over time, Stacey realized that, so long as she started from some great height, she was able to repeat this gravity-defying flight again and again. It wasn’t entirely indefinite, but she could maintain it for a fair distance before she had to come down again.
New York was an even better place to enjoy this ability. Her favorite thing to do is to go to the rooftop of a building, turn around backwards, and drop into the nothingness. She feels that terrifying dip in the pit of her stomach only to twist over and shoot up toward the sky, looking down upon the flow of traffic far below. It has come to Stacey’s attention that there are allegedly many supers in New York. Although she has never gotten to see one in action outside of the news, she wants to meet them and perhaps see if she can join. Not The Vigilantes, though. They are too righteous for Stacey’s taste; they seem too good to be true. No, she wants to get up to a little mischief. There is a man who works at the boutique she frequently visits. Stacey thinks he looks an awful lot like Shockwave, leader of The Reckoning. It’s hard to tell because of masks and all, but there’s something about his lips, his smile. She hasn’t figured out a way to approach him and offer her services to the group, but Stacey is determined to have that conversation at the first available opportunity. She hopes he’ll be receptive to the idea.
Charisma: +3
Intelligence: +4
Athleticism: +2
Power: +1
Scott, Sam, and Stevie Evans - Older brothers.
Stacey’s relationship with each brother is unique. She looks up to Scott the most for how bold and brazen he is. Sam, though he had a reputation back home of being a little less-than-bright and a bit nerdy, has always been kind to her and she regards his eccentricities with affection. Stevie, having been the closest to her in age as a child, is the one who grates on her nerves. He’s harmless, she supposes, but he can be such an embarrassment and a dweeb in front of her friends. Stacey tries her hardest to shoo him away if he attempts to speak to her at school.
Quinn Fabray and Kurt Hummel - Is a customer at their boutique.
Though much of her focus has been on Kurt, trying to ascertain if he truly is who she believes him to be, Stacey has noticed Quinn. It would be hard not to, considering that she is more beautiful than almost all of the boutique’s clientele. Though she certainly has a commanding presence, Stacey doesn’t think Quinn is in cahoots with Kurt. She doesn’t have the same flicker in her eyes, the kind that suggests a thirst for revenge. Instead, Quinn seems icily detached from everyone around her and, maybe, just a little bit lonely.
Tina Cohen-Chang - Teacher.
Stacey sometimes skips her morning courses to go to Tina’s yoga class. It’s a nice escape from the hallway chatter and helps her find some inner calm before she has to deal with the tribulations of the high school hierarchy.
Mike Chang - Acquaintance.
Mike is in the same class that Stacey attends. Since Stacey usually gets there just in the nick of time, she ends up at the back near him. At first, she couldn’t quite riddle out why someone as fit as he was would get up so early for the class. Then the saw the way Mike was looking at Tina and knew exactly what his motivation was. Stacey finds his glaringly obvious crush adorable and wonders how Tina can be so oblivious, especially to a man with such a godlike body.
Jetta Jones - Acquaintance.
Jetta also attends the morning yoga classes that Stacey does. They have not spoken yet as of this point.
OOC Information: 
Ships: Stacey/Chemistry
Anti-ships: Stacey/Forced
Stacey is TAKEN [By Lucy]
0 notes
newyorkbynightrp · 2 years
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Full name: Angela Louise Pierce
Birth date: March 11, 2nd born
Age: 25
Sexuality: Panromantic demisexual
Occupation: Personal secretary of Al Motta
Alter ego: Hellhound
Ability: Night vision
Allegiance: The Vendettas/The Puppeteer(secretly) - Civilian
[WARNING: This bio contains mentions of murder]
Bio: Although Angela is the youngest of the Pierce sisters, she is definitely the most mature. As a child she learned that her relationship with her older sister was not like that of normal sibling as she was the one taking care of her sister, not the other way around. With Brittany’s naivete, Angela had to learn quickly how to keep her from getting into trouble or getting hurt. Over the years, Angela has become very protective of her older sister and this causes people to become wary of getting close to either of them due to their tight bond. Angela moved to New York because it was what Brittany wanted and she knew that she would have to tag along to keep her safe in such a big city. Not that Angela minded though; she’d never really had many friends due to her ‘attitude problem’ so it wasn’t like they were leaving anyone behind.
Life as a Gangster: In the beginning, Angela’s night vision was only useful for the times when her sister surrounded herself with shadows to hide away from the rest of the world. Angela was the one person who could walk calmly through that protective barrier and see her sister curled up at its center in desperate need of a hug. Then, one night, Angela witnessed a murder. Dino Motta knifed a man and dumped him into the Hudson River. Angela tried to retreat but a bit of loose gravel gave away her position. Dino caught her and threatened to kill her too, but Angela was swift and led him deeper into the darkness, besting him when his ordinary human eye could no longer see. She brought his own knife to his neck and suggested that, instead of taking her life, perhaps he and The Vendettas could actually use someone like her. While in no position to argue, Dino agreed to take her in for a conference with his father. Angela demonstrated her abilities for Al and he immediately saw her potential. By day, he keeps her close at hand in case of an emergency, under the pretense of needing her for secretarial purposes. At night, she brings in his enemies for “a little chat” (herein meaning she tracks them down, knocks them unconscious, and takes them in for interrogation). Her ability to pursue them even into the pitch black that might throw others off the trail has earned her the nickname “Hellhound.” Though Angela is a member of some renown among the other gangsters, she has never spoken to Brittany about her double life. She’s afraid her twin would think it is too dangerous and try to talk her out of it or interfere. The last thing Angela wants is for Brittany to end up in the line of fire.
Brittany Pierce - Elder sister and roommate.
Brittany and Angela are very close. Angela is Brittany’s protector and Brittany sees the good in Angela in a way that sometimes her sister can’t even see in herself.
Dino Motta - Adversary.
Despite the fact that they now work on the same side, Dino still harbours resentment over Angela using his own knife against him. The mocking glint has never left her eyes since that night. Though Dino would dearly love to regain dominance over her, if Angela so much as raises an eyebrow, he finds himself backing down from the argument. The tension any time that the two of them are in the same room is palpable.
Sugar Motta - Confidante.
Sugar doesn’t really have any true friends. People know her family and are afraid to associate with her. Surrounded as she often is by so many men, Sugar saw Angela  as a possible fellow fish-out-of-water. Angela tolerates their “girl talks” because a part of her feels sympathy for Sugar. The girl’s surprising innocence and vulnerability remind her just a little of her sister.
Foster Lynn - Sidekick.
Angela and Foster have spoken very seldom during the day. However, at night, they work side by side on the missions that Al Motta assigns them, fetching people who have displeased him in some way and need to answer for their deeds.
Evan Anderson - Kickboxing teacher.
To keep her body strong and her instincts sharp, Angela attends Evan’s kickboxing lessons once a week (along with Wendy Cohen-Chang and Sarah Puckerman, although they are always on the other side of the room so she hasn’t really spoken to them).
The Chang brothers
Angela knows Mike because he went to the same dance lessons as her sister. She knows of Alex because he is Mike’s brother and she saw him attending his brother’s recitals sometimes.
Trivia about this character:
Brittany is her only friend and the only person in the world that can call her ‘Ange.’
OOC Information: 
Ships: Angela/Chemistry
Anti-ships: Angela/Forced
Angela is TAKEN [By Shawn]
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newyorkbynightrp · 2 years
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Full name: Charlotte ‘Candy’ Anna Fabray
Birth date: February 1st, 3rd born
Age: 25
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Bartender at Silhouettes/Student
Alter ego: Chameleon
Ability: Shapeshifting
Allegiance: None
Bio: Charlotte had never really fit in with her family. The Fabrays had always been a well-respected family, full of Doctor and Lawyers and boring things like that. But Charlotte wasn’t boring. She was loud and opinionated and yes, maybe a little full of herself, she will admit but at least she wasn’t boring. She was just sick of always being known as “the ‘other’ Fabray”, Rosalie was the mediator, Quinn was the smart one, Alexis the nice one, and Charlotte… Well, that’s all she was, the other one. She cut and dyed her hair to look less like her dull, goody-two-shoes sisters and took up smoking to add to her look. Pulling away from her family, Charlotte would snap at them during family dinner or completely blank them on other days.
After moving to New York to get away from her family, Candy was cut-off from all of the economical aid her sisters had access to. Taking everything in her stride and being to stubborn to talk to her parents about it, Candy took up a job bartending to pay her way through college.
Life as a Villain: New to the Big Apple with barely enough money to keep her education going, Candy decided to try and see if her ability could assist her. This is where her career as a world renowned art thief began. She would change her appearance until she could no longer be recognised and then break into museums after dark to steal whatever she wished, this way even if she was caught no one would know it was her. Later she would sell the paintings on the black market. At first she merely did it for the money but after a while she realised that she actually liked it and thus, Chameleon was born.
Charisma: +3 
Intelligence: +2 
Athleticism: +2 
Power: +3
Frances ‘Frannie’ Fabray - Eldest sister.
Candy has never really understood how Frannie could just sit there and be quiet throughout their childhood. She cannot remember a time where her older sister ever said ‘no’ to her parents and that frustrates Candy to no end as she thinks that if maybe just one more of her siblings rebelled with her, things could of changed.
Rosalie Fabray - Elder sister.
Candy respects Rosalie more than she would care to admit. The other girl has always been there for her for as long as she can remember and was probably the only one that ever stuck up for Candy when she would fight with their parents. Rosalie is the only person in the world who Candy would let see her cry or touch her hair as Rosalie would usually stroke it whenever Candy was having a particularly rough day.
Candy frequently visits her elder sister to check up on her and make sure she is okay although she never tells Rosalie that as she knows the other girl would get angry and rant about how she can take care of herself.
Lucy ‘Quinn’ Fabray - Elder sister.
Although they would never admit it, Lucy and Charlotte used to be the best of friends when they were little. But then high school kicked in with the teasing and the parental expectations and they both just snapped. Lucy started going by her middle name ‘Quinn’ and began her ‘holier than thou’ attitude which only added to Candy’s need to rebel against her family.
The two still continue to ignore each other as they did throughout their teens and bickering if they are ever made to communicate.
Alexis ‘Lexi’ Fabray - Younger sister.
Lexi is probably the most confusing person that Candy has ever met. If they didn’t look the same, Candy would of thought that Lexi was adopted. The other girl constantly tries to find the best parts in everyone and is so happy she might as well shoot rainbows from her ass. It makes Candy sick.
Despite all this Candy is very protective of her sister and while Lexi may be a pain she is Candy’s pain.
Noah ‘Puck’ Puckerman - Best friend and roommate.
Candy and Puck became friends back in high school when Candy was going through her rough patch. He was the one who convinced her to stop looking for her family’s approval and change her look. He also gave her her nickname ‘Candy’.
They have had one major falling out when Candy kissed Puck and then got really mad with him for it - they didn’t speak for weeks. After they started talking again, Candy would constantly tease him about the kiss. One night the two of them were partying with just each other and the teasing became a bit too much and they kissed again. Most of the school took there teasing, and there flirting as a sign they were already having sex. So it wasn’t much surprise when they started sleeping together. They remained only friends, with the occasional (or frequent) make out session or sexual encounter. They moved to New York, their relationship staying the same as ever, and got an apartment together and a roommate, Sam
Rebecca ‘Becca’ Berry - Colleague and good friend.
Candy and Becca met one night at Silhouettes. Candy was visiting because she was considering applying to the place (and maybe to get a lap dance while she was there). She saw Becca’s act and, right when the girl was near the edge of the stage, a man tried to reach up and caress her leg. Becca didn’t even have to swat him away; he dropped to the floor and was completely motionless. A blond waiter nearby sighed, set down his tray of drinks, and came over to pick the man up and revive him. He explained Becca’s ability once the man was conscious enough to understand. Candy overheard and whooped, laughing and clapping. “That’s one way to enforce ‘Look but don’t touch!’" she cried and lifted her glass to Becca approvingly. Becca beamed and, after her time under the lights was over, she joined Candy for drinks. Candy handed in her application to be a bartender the very next day. Since then, the line between friendship and ‘friends with benefits’ has gotten blurred occasionally, though sex always takes a considerable bit of preparation since Candy can’t let any skin touch Becca’s without it resulting in her untimely demise.
Samuel ‘Sam’ Evans - Roommate.
Candy knows that Sam is afraid of her and it amuses her all the time. Candy will regularly say things just to freak him out and to try and wind him up a little. She just doesn’t understand how Sam can be so nice all of the time.
The Lopez sisters and Charlie Puckerman
Candy knows of Santana, Cameron, and Charlie because they went to the same school and Santana was friends with Quinn. She also saw Cameron and Charlie when she’d go over to Puck’s house to hang out together.
Trivia about this character:
Charlotte got her nickname ‘Candy’ both from her hair colour and as a sarcastic remark to her ‘sweet’ personality.
Ships: Candy/Chemistry
Anti-Ships: Candy/Forced
Candy is TAKEN [By Lucy]
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newyorkbynightrp · 2 years
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Full name: Alexis Jane Fabray
Birth date: February 1st, 4th born
Age: 25
Sexuality: UTP
Occupation: Dog groomer at Petropolis
Alter ego: None
Ability: None
Allegiance: Civilian
Bio: Alexis has never really understood her siblings. Of course she still loved them but she didn’t understand their negative outlooks on the world and each other. Then again, that is the kind of person Lexi has always been: sweet, kind, and horrendously naive. As she was the youngest, her family would always ‘aww’ over how cute she was and continued to do so into her late teens. Lexi has never had to have any responsibilities due to her age and carefree nature. So when she was deemed ‘grown up’ and thrown out of her parent’s home, it was quite a shock to her. After she was left without a home, Lexi decided that she wanted to go somewhere new and ended up following her sisters to New York. Once there, she still felt lost, so she latched onto anyone she could. That turned out to be Stephan Hudson. Her love for animals and sweet personality quickly got her a place working at a pet store near to her apartment that she shares with Mike Chang.
Life as a Citizen: Lexi has no dealings with The Vigilantes or The Reckoning (unbeknownst to her, one of her sisters is a member of the former). Her boyfriend, Stephan, used to be a gangster. However, once they got together, she insisted that he should stop associating with them. Stephan agreed although, secretly, he did not really leave The Vendettas. He simply plays a lesser role than he did in the past. Lexi knows nothing of his continued allegiance and is head-over-heels in love with him.
Charisma: +4
Intelligence: +3
Athleticism: +3
Power: +0
Frances ‘Frannie’ Fabray - Eldest sister.
Frannie is probably Lexi’s favourite sister - although she would never admit it because that would be mean to the others. Frannie has always been the one who listened and cared for Lexi the most whilst their parents were away or decided not to pay attention.
Rosalie Fabray - Elder sister.
Sometimes Lexi finds that she can’t look at Rosalie because it makes her sad. She believes that it is her and the other quads’ fault that Rosalie needs that chair. Rosalie also makes Lexi feel a little stupid when they are around each other as she uses big words that Lexi has trouble understanding.
Charlotte ‘Candy’ Fabray and Lucy ‘Quinn’ Fabray - Elder sisters.
When they were younger, all of the girls - including Rosalie and Frannie - were as thick as thieves. Frannie would show her younger siblings how to properly play dress up and they would have sleepovers in each others’ rooms.
But then came the time to grow up and the girls drifted apart, especially Charlotte and Lucy. Lexi had always loved her sisters’ hair and names - Charlotte’s was always a lot thicker than Lexi’s and Lucy’s was a lovely red - but soon they began to change everything about themselves. Lucy started going by her middle name Quinn, changed her face, and started acting like she was better than everyone else. Then Charlotte demanded that no one use her full name and they called her ‘Candy’ instead; she dyed her hair pink and started pushing everyone away.
And then there was just Lexi sad and confused as to what had happened to make her big sisters go away.
Stephan Hudson - Boyfriend.
Lexi and Stephan met over a year ago when he came into the pet shop she worked at to buy some more food for a friend’s goldfish he was looking after. He got really confused and almost bought cat food before Lexi hurried over to him and explained he was in the wrong aisle. She took him over to the fish stuff and they got chatting. Lexi found herself giggling a lot more than she had been recently and just before he left he slipped her his number.
Brittany Pierce - Best friend.
Lexi and Britt have been friends ever since Lexi bumped into her on the way into their apartment complex. Brittany told her she was looking for fairies and that Lexi should help her because they like pretty people. Lexi had agreed to help and they’ve been hunting magic creatures together ever since.
Noah ‘Puck’ Puckerman - Friend, mainly through Stephan.
Lexi is a little worried that Puck is a bad influence on Stephan and may try and get him to go back to his womanizing ways.
Mike Chang - Roommate.
Lexi thinks that Mike is adorable and frequently asks him to show her some dance moves whenever she gets in from work.
The Lopez sisters and Charlie Puckerman
Lexi knows of Santana, Cameron, and Charlie because they attended her school and because Santana was friends with Quinn.
Trivia about this character: UTP
OOC Information: 
Ships:  Lexi/Chemistry
Anti-ships:  Lexi/No Chemistry, Lexi/Forced
Lexi is TAKEN [By Samber]
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newyorkbynightrp · 2 years
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Full name: Westley Alistair St. James
Birth date: June 2nd, 1st born
Age: 27
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Actor for Platform Players theatre company, Gossip blogger
Alter ego: None
Ability: Enhanced hearing
Allegiance: Civilian
Bio: Westley’s parents always imagined their children’s names up in lights. They were determined to make that dream their sons’ and daughter’s reality. When it became clear that Jesse had the most cutthroat and relentless drive of the three, they focused their doting and encouragement on him and only spared Westley and Dixie enough attention to tell them what they were doing wrong. As a result of these ceaseless criticisms, Dixie stopped eating and Westley developed the habit of involving himself in other people’s business. It was nice to watch someone else be the screw-up for a change. All three St. James kids did make their parents’ dreams come true, to a point, but Westley and Dixie are never allowed to forget that Jesse is the only one who made it to Broadway. Westley has a reasonably successful theatre career. He lacks his brother’s vocal prowess, but his ability to emote in spoken drama outstrips anything either of his siblings has been able to achieve. He runs a semi-salacious blog about members of his social circle, just to keep tongues wagging and gossip flowing.
Life as a Citizen:
Westley’s enhanced hearing is only used for the benefit of the gossip he collects, so most of his involvement with supers is from the sidelines. His sister, whose siren song has benefited the burlesque owned by Al Motta, is far too entangled with gangsters for his liking. He fears for her safety and checks in with her often. Meanwhile, his resentment of Jesse’s Broadway renown increases with each passing day because, if only the public knew that the youngest St. James is a villain, perhaps they wouldn’t be so keen to celebrate his talents. Still, Westley feels bound not to tell because, no matter how much he detests his twin’s strutting, he is still family.
Jesse St. James - Younger brother.
Jesse and Westley are barely able to be civil toward one another. There’s a lot of tension between them and they force themselves through their conversations with fake smiles.
Dixie St. James - Elder sister.
Dixie is Westley’s Achilles’ heel. Even though she is older than him, their relationship is more like Big Brother and Little Sister. He would protect her with his life, if it was necessary. Westley is well aware how fragile she can be and refuses to stand idly by and see her get broken.
Becca Berry - Best friend.
Becca is the one who knows how to get Westley to unwind. They party together and make each other laugh even on nights when they started out being in a rotten mood. Also, Becca is the one person who can tell Westley to back off when she thinks his gossip blog is going too far.
Blaine Anderson - Ex-boyfriend
Westley and Blaine dated for nearly two years. It was the first time Westley had ever been in a committed relationship and he and Blaine were devoted to one another. Unfortunately, over time, their schedules became extremely busy and their quality time dwindled. It created strain and loneliness but they were doing their best to stand by each other. One night, Blaine showed up unannounced to a performance of Westley’s latest play. He came backstage afterward to talk to him and saw a cluster of actors all hugging and celebrating the success of the night. One of the cast members suddenly kissed Westley and Blaine departed in tears.
The following night, they had a long talk about the situation. Westley told him that the kiss was purely celebratory and not in any way romantic. Though Blaine’s jealousy had faded and he knew Westley was telling the truth, it opened his eyes to the unsteady ground on which their relationship had been standing for some time. Something between them had faded, slipped away. He said that he thought it would be better for them to split amicably now rather than dragging it out until one of them tried to fill the emptiness looking for something else. They were both heartbroken by the entire situation and now try to avoid seeing one another face-to-face if it can be helped.
Harmony Archer - “Partners in crime.”
As a journalist, Harmony understands Westley’s nose for news. She is one of his most reliable sources, if the story is something that happens to be one that reached her ears. She doesn’t always approve of his less-than-orthodox methods (for example his lack of fact-checking), but it’s hard to admonish him when he gives her that devilish grin.
Christian Smythe - Acquaintance.
Westley is part of the theatre company that Christian writes for, and he is frequently the lead or the antihero in Christian’s plays when they are performed. They have met and spoken on multiple occasions, though generally about the work the company is preparing to perform.
Jonathan Hummel - Acquaintance.
Jonathan stage manages for Westley’s theatre company. The two spar verbally backstage quite often although Westley always knows, if Jonathan’s jaw clenches, it’s time to actually do as he says.
Trivia about this character:
Prior to Blaine, Westley only had one-night stands and “shag mates.”
OOC Information:
Ships: Westley/Chemistry
Anti-ships: Westley/Forced
Westley is TAKEN [By Julie]
0 notes
newyorkbynightrp · 2 years
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Full name: Brittany Susan Pierce
Birth date: March 11, 1st born
Age: 25
Sexuality: Pansexual
Occupation: Dancer for the Nolita Collective dance company
Alter ego: The Puppeteer
Ability: Shadow manipulation
Allegiance: Solitary hero
Bio: Growing up, Brittany had a terrible fear of the dark. There were many nights she needed her sister climb into bed with her and hold her until she was able to fall asleep. One night, Angela suggested that Brittany try doing the same thing with the shadows at night as she did with clouds during the day: find shapes in them that made her happy. Brittany concentrated with all her might and, to their astonishment, the animals she saw became almost solid, moving noiselessly around the room. The power made Angela frightened at first, but Brittany quickly proved that the beings she created matched her own emotions and personality. They were calm and gentle, harmless and innocent. Brittany could get them to obey her every whim with thoughts alone. The animals delighted Brittany so much that calling them forward became a nightly ritual, and she would not fall asleep until her bed was surrounded by her self-created friends.
Life as a Hero: Though she is infinitely patient in all other regards, if there is one thing that Brittany cannot tolerate, it’s bullying. She knows what it’s like to have her innocence taken advantage of, and she can’t bear seeing the same thing happen to someone else who can’t stand up for themselves. So, after dark, Brittany wanders the streets beneath the glow of the city lights and the distant stars, looking for the helpless and the unprotected. If anyone dares to target one of those poor souls, Brittany summons the shadows. Suddenly that would-be-criminal is face to face with a terrifying foe that cannot be killed, hurt, or even stopped until the villain finally turns tail and runs away into the night.
Angela Pierce -  Younger sister and roommate.
Brittany and Angela are very close. Angela is Brittany’s protector and Brittany sees the good in Angela in a way that sometimes her sister can’t even see in herself.
Charlie Puckerman - Dance partner.
Brittany and Charlie understand each other as artists and get along very well as people. Her sweetness and innocence make her easy for Charlie to trust, and Brittany appreciates Charlie’s acceptance of the aspects of herself that make her different from other people.
Lexi Fabray - Best friend.
Lexi and Britt have been friends ever since Lexi bumped into her on the way into their apartment complex. Brittany told her she was looking for fairies and that Lexi should help her because they like pretty people. Lexi had agreed to help and they’ve been hunting magic creatures together ever since.
Mike Chang - Friend.
They met in dance lessons in middle school and became really good friends straight away. They have fun making each other smile and making the whole world their stage, dancing any place the mood may strike. Sometimes Brittany visits Mike’s classes. She’s really proud to see him going from student to teacher.
Cameron Lopez - Friend.
Cameron and Brittany met through Charlie. Cameron saw right away why Brittany made such a good dance partner for her best friend; they possess the same gentleness of spirit. Any time Brittany visits for extra rehearsal, she and Cameron end up chatting on the couch after she has finished dancing with Charlie.
Alex Chang
Brittany knows of Alex because he is Mike’s brother and she saw him attending his brother’s recitals sometimes.
Trivia about this character:
Brittany believes that she will one day be the one to find and capture a Unicorn.
Is a big fan of Mercedes Jones’ music. Brittany knows all the words to every song and was sad when she heard Mercedes wouldn’t be releasing any more albums because she got dropped by her label.
OOC Info:
Ships: Brittany/Chemistry
Anti-ships: Brittany/Forced
Brittany is TAKEN [By Julie]
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newyorkbynightrp · 2 years
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‘Til Death do us Boogie
Attention ghouls, gals, and ghosties! To celebrate the coming of the spooky season, resident dance machine Brittany Pierce will be hosting a Halloween Party! Expect the alcohol to be flowing and music to be blaring and all are invited (as long as you are in costume). Please bring your scariest vibes and be ready to party! 
OOC information
Due to members’ differences in timezones and availability, we will be completing events as interactions within the discord server. For those who wish to take part in the events mentioned above, we will ask you to write a starter or interaction within a certain time period.
We ask that starters for the party be posted in its event channel October 24th - November 6th.
Any questions? Please just message one of the admin team!
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newyorkbynightrp · 3 years
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Full name: Rebecca ‘Becca’ Patti Berry
Birth date: December 18th, third born
Age: 25
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Stripper and waitress at Silhouettes strip club
Alter ego: None
Ability: Touch of death
Allegiance: None
Bio: Becca spent her childhood watching Rachel get the preferential treatment and Rydel become so independent that she became conversationally awkward and socially hopeless. Rather than trying to find her place in the family, Becca became her own person, self-contained as much as she could be and behaving as though she didn’t need company to be happy. It turned out that, whether she liked this solitude or not, life was going to enforce it one way or another. When she was fourteen, Becca found a stray cat and tried to win it over so she could take it home. The cat played with her shoelace and seemed to genuinely enjoy being around her. When it approached to be petted, Becca was delighted. Then she scratched between its ears and the cat crumpled to the ground. It was dead. Becca tried to rouse it and shook the lifeless body, but to no avail. She curled up in a ball and sobbed right there in the alley, feeling toxic to anyone that might ever want to get close to her. From then on, she had to wear long sleeves, pants and gloves, even in warmer weather, if there was a chance she’d be around people who might touch or bump into her and she would instinctively reach out. This excessive clothing only made Becca more irritable and miserable. So, when she was ready to choose a post-graduation job, she opted to go for the extreme opposite: she would get a job where she could wear little to no clothing but also not be touched. So Becca became a stripper. It felt so liberating to finally be free from the confines of her protective layers, not to mention being so openly desired by the customers.
Life as a Citizen: Becca told her employers in advance about the crisis that might arise if anyone became handsy, but they assured her that it wouldn’t be a problem. As luck would have it, they had recently interviewed a man who professed himself to have the Touch of Life. The ability seemed useless to their establishment at the time so they had essentially brushed it off but now, with this girl before them who had the Touch of Death, perhaps they could hire both to counterbalance each other and get two new and attractive strippers out of the bargain.
Charisma: +4
Intelligence: +3
Athleticism: +4
Power: -1
Rachel and Rydel Berry - Older sisters.
Becca wants nothing to do with either of her sisters. She thinks that Rachel is ‘too stuck up her own ass’ due to her attention-seeking ways, and Rydel to be ‘weak’, as she never stood up for herself against their oldest sister.
Scott Evans - Co-worker.
Becca and Scott ended up applying for work in the same strip club purely out of coincidence. However, they soon discovered that it was a blessing in disguise. Men just couldn’t seem to obey the No Touch rule and, as Scott possessed the Touch of Life, he had to stay close by during Becca’s set in case anyone needed to be revived. One time, when a particularly aggressive (not to mention very drunk) customer clambered onto the stage, Becca tumbled off when she lost her balance while trying to get away. Scott managed to catch her before she hit the ground. For the first time since she was a child, someone was holding her and still standing. Becca looked up at him in awe for a second before she cleared her throat and collected herself again. She tried to shake that moment from her memory, but it’s been very difficult to forget how wonderful it was to be actually touched.
Charlotte ‘Candy’ Fabray - Colleague/good friend/Hookup.
Candy and Becca met one night at Silhouettes. Candy was visiting because she was considering applying to the place (and maybe to get a lap dance while she was there). She saw Becca’s act and, right when the girl was near the edge of the stage, a man tried to reach up and caress her leg. Becca instinctively swat him away; he dropped to the floor and was completely motionless. A blond waiter nearby sighed, set down his tray of drinks, and came over to pick the man up and revive him. He explained Becca’s ability once the man was conscious enough to understand. Candy overheard and whooped, laughing and clapping. “That’s one way to enforce 'Look but don’t touch!’ she cried and lifted her glass to Becca approvingly. Becca beamed and, after her time under the lights was over, she joined Candy for drinks. Candy handed in her application to be a bartender the very next day. Since then, the line between friendship and 'friends with benefits’ has gotten blurred occasionally, though sex always lacks some form of intimacy as Becca’s hands could never caress her lover’s body.
Westley St. James - Best friend.
Becca is the one who knows how to get Westley to relax and unwind. They party together and make each other laugh even on nights that start out in a rotten mood. Becca is also the one person who can tell Westley to back off when she thinks his gossip blog is going too far.
Jonathan Hummel - Roommate.
Becca thinks that her roommate is hilarious. They will regularly snuggle up on the couch and watch America’s Next Top Model just to make fun of all the contenders. Not because they like it, obviously.
Trivia about this character:
Has never allowed herself to become romantically intimate with anyone. Sure, she’s had sex, but it was cold and distant due to the fact that she  skin could directly touch her hands. She tries to pretend that’s how she likes it, but sometimes Becca feels lonely.
Since Al Motta owns the strip club where she works, Becca has been approached repeatedly to join the Vendettas, but she has (as best she can) respectfully declined this offer.
OOC Info:
Ships: UTP
Anti-ships: UTP
FC: Diana Silvers
Becca is OPEN.
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newyorkbynightrp · 3 years
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Full name: Rachel Barbra Berry
Birth date: December 18th, first born
Age: 25
Sexuality: UTP
Occupation: Waitress/actress
Alter ego: None
Ability: Sonic scream
Allegiance: None
Bio: Though they were born only minutes apart, Rachel’s dads have always favoured her over their other two daughters. From the moment the held Rachel in their arms, it was love at first sight. Rebecca and Rydel were additional blessings, but Rachel had stolen their hearts. They did everything they could to help her shine like the star they knew she could be and, without meaning to, let their other two daughters choose paths that didn’t always make them entirely happy. Rachel’s sisters resented the pedestal she was put on, Becca more verbally so while Rydel merely stayed quietly wounded. As she got older, Rachel began to understand why they were so upset and tried to fix things, but then another show or recital would come up and she’d get too busy to properly make amends.
Rachel now works as a waitress while she pursues her big break as a singer and actress. It was at the restaurant, when a reception was held after the wedding of a wealthy family who reserved the entire establishment, that she met Finn. He was the drummer in the band that played while the guests danced. She brought him food during the break and they struck up a conversation. On impulse, she left her number written on his napkin and, the following afternoon, he called. Rachel lives with Scott Evans and Drake Dawson sleeps on their couch. Drake was busking on the street when Rachel met him and, recognizing a fellow starving artist, she offered him a place to stay.
Life as a Citizen: When Rachel was fourteen, she was practicing singing in front of a mirror. Suddenly, her voice rose to an unbearable pitch and the glass shattered everywhere, leaving gashes in her skin. Although the cuts were embarrassing, they healed eventually. However, Rachel feared that her voice might be ruined forever. In time, she learned how to take this alarming ability she had discovered and harness it to her advantage, using it to hit higher notes but keeping it reigned in enough not to break anything important. Aside from employing it in her auditions, Rachel doesn’t let her sonic scream be known to anyone.
Charisma: +3
Intelligence: +3
Athleticism: +3
Power: +1
Becca and Rydel Berry - Younger sisters.
Rachel will be the first to admit that she may of been a demanding child growing up. But in her mind she was only getting the attention she needed and deserved to become a star. She felt that she was equipping her sisters for the outside world where you have to fight tooth and nail to be noticed.
She now realizes how unfair that was to do when they were just children and is trying to bring them closer as sisters and as a family. Her sisters, meanwhile aren’t buying the “ploy” and are having none of it.
Finn Hudson - Boyfriend.
Rachel and Finn have been dating for two years since they met at the restaurant she works at. On the outside, they look like the perfect, picturesque. Hallmark card couple; always giggling around each other and using cutesy nicknames. Their mutual friends complain that they make them sick but they don’t care.
Scott Evans - Roommate.
Although Rachel finds Scott to be quite vulgar, they get along well enough as roommates. They rarely talk to each other enough to even argue. They don’t know very much about each other, but Rachel still admires his need to stand out of the crowd and make someone out of himself.
Cooper Anderson - ‘Buddy’.
Rachel has seen Mr. Anderson gracing her TV screen for quite a while, and meeting him in person was a dream come true. She believes that if she can just persuade him to talk to his bosses, someone of any decision and importance, she’d be able to snag an audition for a role on his television show and she could finally have her big break.
Jesse St. James - Admires.
Jesse is a big Broadway star, the kind that Rachel has always longed to work with in her own future career. She tries to see him in shows whenever she can, although it isn’t easy to afford on her salary. Once, he signed a glossy photo for her. It is a prized possession. She’s kept it framed and stashed in her bedside table because she doesn’t want to make Finn jealous.
Trivia about this character:
Has been having second-thoughts about her relationship with Finn.
OOC Info:
Ships: UTP
Anti-ships: UTP
FC: Diana Silvers
Rachel is OPEN
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newyorkbynightrp · 3 years
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Full name: Lucy Quinn Fabray
Birth date: February 1st, 2nd born
Age: 25
Sexuality: Unsure 
Occupation: Sales associate [at Vine Street Vintage Boutique]
Alter ego: None
Ability: Ice Manipulation [Currently manifesting as just Ice Vision]
Allegiance: None
[WARNING: This bio contains mentions of bullying and teenage pregnancy]
Bio: Quinn didn’t always have it together. As a child, she felt like the Ugly Duckling among a family of swans - cursed with braces, excess weight, unmanageable auburn hair, and a big nose. She was taunted cruelly every day and called “Lucy Caboosey” by almost all of her peers. When her father finally got transferred and Quinn and her siblings went to a new school, it was a chance for a fresh start. She begged her parents to let her get a nose job (being the favourite, her request was readily granted) and she worked tirelessly over the summer to lose the weight. Then, just before school began, Quinn dyed her hair and finally felt comfortable in her own skin. She looked exactly the way she had always wished she could. Despite her outward changes, Quinn maintained her work ethic and kept the good grades that had always earned such high praise from her parents. Her sisters’ reactions to Quinn’s rise to power couldn’t have been more different - Lexi and Rosalie doted on her constantly and congratulated her on coming into her own, while Candy’s resentment radiated from her and often erupted in horrible, curse-laden arguments. Quinn always dreamed of being more and living a life greater than the confines of Lima. Now that her parents have sent her and her sisters out into the world, she lives beneath the bright lights of the big city of New York. Since they aren’t under the same roof, Quinn doesn’t associate with her sisters too often if it can be helped.
Life as a Citizen: Quinn hasn’t ever been directly involved in a rescue by The Vigilantes or an assault by The Reckoning. However, sometimes she wonders about her co-worker, Kurt Hummel. He has a lot of bitterness about what he endured at the hands of close-minded people. The way he talks… sometimes it sounds like more than just talk, like he wants to physically make everyone pay. Quinn understands that feeling, but it still makes her a little uneasy when she sees the dangerous glint in his eye. Then he blinks and it’s gone again, like it was never there.
Charisma: +4
Intelligence: +4
Athleticism: +3
Power: -1
Frannie Fabray - Oldest sister.
Quinn and Frannie were never really that close but never argued either. They were sort of indifferent to each other and usually only nodded and used polite greetings when faced with each other.
Rosalie Fabray - Older twin sister.
Rosalie is probably the only one of her sisters that Quinn respects. The elder woman was born without the use of her legs but not once has Quinn seen her complain and this is something she really admires her for. Rosalie was always the one that tried to keep her younger sisters from fighting and was always there to offer advice when called upon.
Charlotte ‘Candy’ Fabray and Alexis ‘Lexi’ Fabray - Younger sisters.
Quinn has never really understood either of her younger sisters and looks down on them slightly for being such a let down to the Fabray Family name. Quinn knew that Charlotte was just jealous of her and that Alexis was going to get walked all over in the big bad world with the attitude of seeing the good in everyone she always had.
Santana Lopez - Best friend/rival.
Quinn and Santana have been frenemies for as long as Quinn can remember. Growing up together in such a small town like Lima there weren’t many opportunities to do well or prove yourself above others but whenever there was both girls would jump at the chance and not let anything get in their way - including their friend. This would happen with numerous things such as boys and places on the cheerleading team. But somehow, no matter how much they fought, they would always end up remaining friends.
Kurt Hummel - Colleague and good friend.
Quinn became friends with Kurt within a week of working with him after hearing him make a sarcastic remark about what a client was wearing. Since then they became surprisingly good friends and Quinn finds herself coming to Kurt about her problems more often than not as she’s not sure if she trusts Santana enough to help sometimes.
Noah Puckerman - Father of her child
After Candy’s rejection of him, Puck moved onto the closest thing he could get - her sister Quinn. Quinn had always had always had body image issues and after a particularly low day she allowed the Puckerman boy to take something that she had sworn she would not to allow to lose so easily - her virginity. The two of them drunk on wine coolers, they forwent the option of protection and went their own ways the morning after, denying it to everyone including themselves. That was until Quinn began to feel nauseous, she would rush to the bathroom in the middle of family meals, feigning a stomach bug until she could deny it not longer. Tears running down her cheeks, Quinn clung to that positive pregnancy test like a life support before finally confiding in her mother.
More troubled by the thought of what the neighborhood would think, she sent Quinn off to live with her very religious aunt for the duration of her pregnancy - telling her husband that she wished to teach Quinn the ‘correct’ way after sleeping with ‘that Jewish boy’. Quinn had her baby girl at the age of 15, surrounded by glares and was forbidden from holding the child before she was swept away.
Neither her father, sisters, or Puck know what truly happened and she wishes to keep it that way. Although she is haunted by the baby she had to give up and what could have been, she knows that she did the right thing for her daughter and that Puck is better off not knowing.
Alex Chang and Rydel Berry - Roommates.
Quinn usually keeps to herself and never really communicates with her room-mates unless she has to as she finds them a little odd.
Stacey Evans - Customer at the shop.
Though much of her focus has been on Kurt, trying to ascertain if he truly is who she believes him to be, Stacey has noticed Quinn. It would be hard not to, considering that she is more beautiful than almost all of the boutique’s clientele. Though she certainly has a commanding presence, Stacey doesn’t think Quinn is in cahoots with Kurt. She doesn’t have the same flicker in her eyes, the kind that suggests a thirst for revenge. Instead, Quinn seems icily detached from everyone around her and, maybe, just a little bit lonely.
Cameron Lopez and the Puckerman brothers.
Quinn attended school with Cameron, Puck, and Charlie. Puck also is her sister, Candy’s, best friend.
Trivia about this character: UTP
OOC Info:
Ships: Quinn/Chemistry
Anti-ships: Quinn/Forced
FC: Diana Agron
Quinn is TAKEN [Played by Mae]
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newyorkbynightrp · 3 years
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Full name: Rydel Liza Berry
Birth date: December 18th, 2nd born
Age: 25
Sexuality: Lesbian
Occupation: Works at a comic book store [The Comic Strip]
Alter ego: Ghost
Ability: Invisibility/Intangibility
Allegiance: The Vigilantes
Bio: Rydel Berry is the least known out of her sisters and was thus left to live in their shadow. Growing up in such a artistic-based household, Rydel - a quiet and bookish child - found it hard to fit in. Although her fathers constantly told her and her sisters how much they were loved and they never made the conscious choice to ignore their middle child, Rydel knew she wasn’t and never would be the apple of their eye like Rachel.
As Rydel aged she learned to use the lack of attention she received and became happy with her own company. As she began to accept her relationship with her family, Rydel started to realise something about herself. People didn’t look at her. She knew that she wasn’t the most interesting of people but when she would shout people’s names when passing them in the street, they would look directly at her before carrying on their way. Rydel literally felt invisible.
It wasn’t until she was around the age of 14 that she realised how different she truly was. Unlike the comics Rydel liked to surround herself with, her power was not triggered by an obscene tragedy like the story usually went. Instead she was just walking home from school one day when she stumbled over a passer by’s foot. She braced herself for the embarrassment of falling into a stranger but it never came. Opening her eyes, Rydel looked back as the other person continued on their merry way, not even glancing back, it was as if they hadn’t noticed her at all. Cheeks red, Rydel dashed home, her books clutched to her chest. Finally arriving home, Rydel reached for the doorknob and watched in horror as her hand passed through the door. This couldn’t be happening, she must be going insane, or dreaming… Or both! Making her way through the door, Rydel ran into her personal bathroom to check if she had wings or any other crazy things that would signal that she was having a dream. Staring into the mirror, Rydel couldn’t stop the loud gasp that escaped from her - there was nothing there.
Life as a Hero: It took Rydel five hours to get back to being visible but after that day she did nothing but train. Locking herself in her room for nights on end, Rydel finally believed she was good enough and began going as ‘Ghost’ and protecting the city of New York in her mid-teens. Her first few run ins with the ‘bad guys’ didn’t end as wonderfully as she had fantasized but as she continued to train and fight, she soon became a well known name and hero of New York.
Charisma: -1
Intelligence: +4
Athleticism: +3
Power: +4
Rachel Berry - Elder sister.
Being the younger sister of the Rachel Berry was never easy. Rachel was the kind of child that always demanded attention which not only put a strain on her own relationship with her sisters but her fathers’ as well as they would usually be so pre-occupied with Rachel that they would forget about their other children. Rydel was eventually able to care for herself and got over the ‘childish’ need for attention from her fathers. She will never admit it but she is still bitter towards Rachel for costing her her childhood.
[Rydel has no idea of this character’s ability]
Rebecca Berry - Younger sister.
Rydel and Becca have always butted heads. After Becca began purposely making trouble - Rydel could see right through her - she became just like Rachel to Rydel, an attention-seeker. Rydel finds her younger sister vulgar and a little stupid if she was being completely honest.
[Rydel has no idea of this character’s ability]
Sam Evans, Alex Chang, Artie Abrams - Good friends, allied heroes.
Rydel came across 'her boys’ through Ghost. The Vigilante team saved her from a Vendetta attack when she was first starting out. Apparently the group had decided to 'send a message’ by killing Ghost as she had been mentioned in the media so much. Just as Ghost was about to be executed, the team swooped in a saved her. Rydel has been in their debt ever since.
Rydel would never admit it but she is slightly scared of Artie and his power. He has already rummaged around enough in her head to find out that she is hiding her sexuality. Rydel is terrified that he will find out about Caleb and she cannot stop him.
Quinn Fabray - Roommate, Crush.
Although Ryel would deny it to her grave, she has a crush on Quinn. The two of them don’t really talk much but Rydel thinks she is the classiest and prettiest girl she has ever laid eyes upon.
[Rydel has no idea of this character’s ability]
Evan Anderson - Past fling.
Rydel and Evan met on one of her very rare nights out where she had been forced into a club by Caleb. Rydel, not used to drinking, was already quite tipsy when the ‘bad boy’ came up to her and began trying to seduce her. Being in the closet, Rydel lept at the chance to prove to herself that she was not gay and quickly agreed to go home with him. They shared a speedy night together - which only solidified Rydel’s belief of her being gay - and went their separate ways. Evan sometimes finds himself thinking of her, mainly because the night was so fuzzy in his memory, but never believed he would see her again.
Trivia about this character:
Rydel is actually quite a talented artist but doesn’t make a big deal of it, believing her work to be average.
OOC Info:
Ships: Rydel/Fabray, Rydel/Lopez, Rydel/Girl, Rydel/Chemistry. Rydel/her boys(brotp)
Anti-ships: Rydel/boy (unless beard), Rydel/Forced
FC: Diana Silvers
Rydel is TAKEN [by Mae]
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