#tw censored mentions of rac!sm
i-is-a-fan-weeb · 3 years
Ok so
Today was absolutely crazy (sorta)
So my 3rd period is art and we were learning how to draw faces.
A lil while later some kids are saying another kid said the n word
I didn't hear it but he was denying that he did
Y'all remember that homophob!c kid, the one who's friends with the rac!st kid? This is the same one
We are talking abt some white boy named Tyler who is out here sayin the n word (he didn't say it loud enough for the teacher to hear it tho so he didn't get in trouble unfortunately)
This is also not the first kid to say the n word at my school (who is a white kid)
And then, later on, his friend-the actual rac!st kid named Braison-said his drawing was "special ed" after he drew these big crazy eyes (we didn't get to lips and ears until a little bit later)
The teacher did tell him to stop but he said he "has a brother who's special ed so he could say it" and it's like....no that is NOT how it works. Oh, and he uses "gay" as a derogatory term even tho the teacher constantly tells him to stop.
Then 4th period, algebra. We had a substitute who gave us these worksheets and said we could finish any work in that class or in another class when we were done with the worksheet. When these couple of boys were done, they were all kind of goofin off and started calling each other "sped monkeys" and "autistic monkeys" at some point
For those who don't know(bc I just learned this today as well) "sped" is short for special ed.
And monkey is offensive anyways (it was only two white kids, possibly a Hispanic/Latinx but idk him, and an Asian) and the sub didn't do anything
And at lunch, one of my friends (who is white) said she has been called a 'cracker' to her face as a derogatory term, and another friend (black)said that ppl on TikTok are now using 'cream' or 'creamer' as a derogatory term for white ppl and-idk what to think anymore.
I s2g I need to find out who is raisin these kids bc they are doing an AWFUL job.
Oh, unrelated but, my bros said someone tried to steal a urinal in the bathroom yesterday and I would be scared for my generation but im even more scared for the next generations bc we will be raisin them.
TL;DR: This generation is absolutely insane but the next might even be crazier
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i-is-a-fan-weeb · 3 years
This girl in my class called a boy rac!st and he called her sex!st. Then another boy said boy1 was homophob!c and boy1 agreed,and took pride in that?! Like he was happy to be homophob!c or smth?!
And the at the end of class,boy1 was joking abt s3xual assault and r*pe?!
And boy2 is prob rac!st bc he called this one kid-who just so happens to be Asian-Chinese.
And boy1 kept calling the girl and her friend sex!st.
Idk who is raising these kids but they are doing an awful job.
Also,the boys are those boys that always have airpods in their ears,always have their phone after being told to put it away,always bangin on the table with their pencils,never stop talkin,always out of their seats.
And the girl? She and her friend-whose name is actually Addison-are always talking in class and when the teacher is talking.
And none of them where their masks right. Girl2 and boy2 both always have on their chin while girl1 has it under nose and boy1 never even wears one,even tho the school provides masks for those who dont have one.
I love that class and the teacher,but i stg i hate most of the kids except for two,and those two are my friends.
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