#tw isolatiom
38 or 46?
Ohhhhh, when I saw this I KNEW I had to do the AU where c!Dream is convinced c!Tommy is a Prime >:3
TW: Religious themes, religious delusions, kidnapping, isolation, mental health issues, references to self harm and self hatred, abuse, restraints, forced sedation, Tommy not always using the best terminology for referring to mental illness as an uneducated teenager (hes trying), and literal idolisation.
With shaking hands, Dream fastened the gilded necklace around Tommy's neck, the bell on it's chain ringing lightly. All Tommy could think is, fuck, that was going to be obnoxious and there was no way he was gonna be allowed to take that off either.
“They say the bells provide great joy to the Primes, you know.” Dream's voice was the sort of soft Tommy wasn't used to- not sickly sweet nor mocking, a genuine, wavering vulnerability to it. “I know you may not remember things before you were trapped in this form, Tommy, but maybe your fellow Primes will hear it, and…”
Tommy had long since learnt it was pointless to argue Dream on this fact, but it still made his skin crawl. He wasn’t something holy, and it was blasphemy to treat a mortal like a creation of the Gods. After all, they’d created the Primes to watch over the world in their absence- in a sense, the Primes were also gods, the sort that inhabited every shrine and meadow and lake. It was no less sacrilegious than outright declaring Tommy a God, yet nothing he said could change Dream's mind.
Something must have snapped in the prison, that’s what Tommy reckoned. When Dream had… y’know, the whole killing and reviving thing, he was normal. Normal for Dream, at least. But after he’d broke out, he’d been convinced that Tommy was one of the Primes, fallen from Heaven and unable to remember their power. And honestly, Tommy couldn’t help but pity that. In Exile, he'd been convinced the Primes talked to him through the logs- he'd saw them peeking up at him, beauty indescribable. Sometimes, he still saw them out of the corner of his eyes. He'd always seen shit, since he wasn’t even really a Big Man, but it had never felt so real.
He still fucking hated Dream, though. Pity didn’t change that.
“Are you feeling okay, Tommy? I really don’t want to hurt you, y’know.”
“Too late for that.” Tommy's speech still came out embarrassingly slurred, even though he'd tried his best to practice under the potion induced haze he was always in. Because, sure, Dream didn’t hit him anymore, but he still kept him locked up as tight as possible. To prevent the mortal world from corrupting him, he said. So he still had the thick, heavy cuffs around his arms and legs, chained to the wall tightly, and he had the stupid fucking IV injecting Prime knew what into his veins, making him all sleepy and shit. “You killed me, remember.”
Dream had a genuinely guilty look on his face, avoiding eye contact with Tommy. He suspected he might actually be tearing up. “I know you may never forgive me for that. Once you’ve regained my power, you may give me any punishment you see fit. I've been ensuring that I’ve been punishing myself in the meantime, to ensure I do not fall into sin.”
“You've been hurting yourself?”
“Of course. I need to go through your pain a thousandfold to repent.”
“No. No no no, no you don’t, don't fuckin' hurt yourself, man. That’s awful. I don’t want you to do that.” He coughed and added on. “As one of your Primes, I mean. That’s an order.”
Dream stared at Tommy with such awe it made him feel worthless. The kind of look of pure adoration and admiration a man would have for their God, a trust Tommy could never live up to. “I still remember the first time I saw you. I- I thought you were just a human- how little did I know- but your kindness, your unending mercy… it’s always been a sign you're not like them. Humans hurt and beat and torture me. Not a single fucking one has ever really cared!” He sounded incensed at that, before taking a deep breath. “But you? You're… you're made of unending love and compassion, Tommy. Not flesh and blood. You can’t be.”
Dream took a deep breath, and smiled. “If- if you think I shouldn’t debase myself through daring to think I could be the arbiter of my own punishment, I’ll oblige, my Prime. You are truly wise.”
“That’s not what I- sure. Okay.” Tommy would have rolled his eyes if he had the energy. “Yeah, if that’s what stops you from hurting yourself, go with it.”
Dream ignored him, like how he ignored anything Tommy said or did that didn’t play into his delusions- and he didn’t fucking say that to be disparaging, he said that because that’s what he and Puffy had been reading about in one of those big old dumb textbooks, to try and figure out what the fuck was wrong with him. He knew how fucking suffocating they were, and he wouldn’t wish it on his worst enemy. In fact, he was currently wishing it to stop happening to his worst enemy because at least if he was normal Tommy knew what pain to expect.
Instead, he muttered a prayer under his breath, head bowed, eyes averted yet occasionally glancing at Tommy with the same reverent look when he thought he wasn’t watching, and Tommy felt the same skin crawling sensation as he always did. He wasn’t a fucking Prime, so this was an insult of the highest order to everything he believed in- everything Dream believed in. It was a heresy of the highest order.
Tommy groaned and wished he was dead instead.
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Soulmate au (/p) where you can feel each others pain
Dream didn’t expect his soulmate to be a snot-nosed brat who was loud and obnoxious and everywhere at once, but Dream also knew more than anything to work with what you’ve got. Besides, he’d seen from Bad and Skeppy- soulmates were fun, and Dream never passed up the opportunity for fun.
At first it started off with the Disc “Wars”- oh, Tommy definitely tried to make it a war, but once he stopped denying the marks were some trick and any pain he inflicted on Dream went back to him, it fizzled out fairly quickly. Tommy still had that fire in his eyes, but he knew he couldn’t fight, and with those worthless little pieces of plastic Dream knew he had power, but when the boys brother created a nation out of a van, that’s where the fun really started.
A traitor with god-like eyes led the four “revolutionaries” into a trap. Three were slaughtered, and one- his Tommy, his soulmate- left alive, panicking and crying and screaming over the bloodied bodies of his friends as Dream wrapped his wrists in chains, taking him hostage. He alternated between angry yelling, incoherent sobbing, and numbness as Dream led him away from L'Manburg to one of the secure but comfortable rooms within Eret's castle that would serve as his prison.
With Tommy hostage, surrender came quickly, and Dream had his little soulmate under his thumb and the three others obedience secured. The issue was that Tommy's endless determination was as frustrating as it was fascinating, more and more constant pain searing though Dream's body as Tommy clawed at his own skin. Honestly, he found the transparent attempt at manipulation adorable.
(That’s what it was, surely. Tommy's cage was as gilded as Dream could ever make it. He had no reason to want to hurt himself, right?)
Eventually, they came to an agreement. Tommy could spend a week outside, with his other lesser friends, for every week that he spent at Dream's side. It was an agreement that seemed familiar in Dream's head, like an old story. It… wasn’t ideal, but Tommy came back every week as promised, never smiling but sometimes willing. He’d learn, yet.
Yet, after a disastrous election left Tommy exiled, Dream found himself eyeing the discs, looking for a new, isolated server. No one would be able to do anything if he fled in the night, far far away into the wilds with just Tommy and his precious, precious discs… right?
If anyone else wants to send in some more AU ideas it’d be lovely and I will make them heavily involve c!primeboys no matter what and again that’s a challenge.
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