#tw mention of discrimination against achondroplasia
jokerislandgirl32 · 2 years
The cops were called on me and my mother today….
So here I am, age 25, minding my own business in my mother’s car. I am sitting waiting for my mom to come out of the store: the windows are rolled down, I have the keys, I am chilling writing a new fanfic on my phone. No big deal right?
I hear a woman shout, “There’s a little person in that car!” And I look up and see her pointing at me and see her talking to two cops.
No joke, she did not say child, she said LITTLE PERSON. Okay, off topic, but sorry that is super offensive to me as someone who is close friends with individuals who have Achondroplasia. I will say, kindly, please…DO NOT point, stare, and say things like this. It is offensive and extremely hurtful.
I automatically know what is coming. They are going to come and give me a “talking to” then go find my mother or some shit. Apparently I am perpetually 12 in the eyes of nearly everyone in the world; I have grown used to things like this. So, instead of going and making a scene, I decide to patiently wait, and I pull out my license.
As soon as one of the officers, who is my age, comes up to me, before he can even say a word, I hand him my license and say:
“I’m 25.”
The story ends with the younger officer running my license (seriously, he ran the sucker) while the older office explains the woman was “a concerned citizen.” We all have a good laugh about it….till my mother comes out, and I see her face as one of pure terror. I ask the officers to explain the situation to her to calm her down.
And, the funny thing is…The “concerned citizen” was no where to be found at the end if it all.
Okay then…Story time is over y’all.
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