#and petite
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What a look❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Sunday Brunch, 24.2.17
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sinnerenjoyer · 19 days
whoever made the decision to make umpires wear cameras... you are a legend
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this is genuinely the funniest thing i've ever seen
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passionpeachy · 5 months
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“You know, when a person is very, very sad, they like sunsets.”
“And were you very, very sad on the day you watched forty-four sunsets?”
But the little prince did not reply.
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zegalba · 6 months
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Now abandoned, La Petite Centure is a 19th century railway that loops over 30km around Paris
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razbb · 4 months
Action for Palestine: CLICK HERE
Rashida Tlaib, the only Palestinian American in Congress, is asking for signatures on her petition requesting Biden to suspend weapons transfers and military funding to Israel in accordance with the recent ICJ ruling.
PLEASE SIGN, especially if you live in the US, but you can select other countries on the form. It takes one minute to sign, and another minute to share with your friends.
This is not some bullshit change.org petition, Rashida cares deeply about this cause.
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You can help change that. Click here to sign.
The form asks only for your name, ZIP code, and email. The site is mobile friendly. You don't need to verify the email.
Don't scroll, it will take one minute, just go do it now!
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blackpearlblast · 5 months
(U.S.) tool for emailing your senators and house representative to ask to restore funding to the UNRWA
"If the funding remains suspended, we will most likely be forced to shut down our operations by end of February not only in Gaza but also across the region." -UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini (source)
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ssunphire · 29 days
honestly i will NEVER get over how pretty sokka looked in kyoshi warrior makeup and i think we should talk about it more
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bethsvrse · 3 months
pov: I find a good smut fic but it includes a daddy kink
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chairmansans · 4 months
Howdy y'all.
My former high-school AP Chem teacher is being horrifically targeted by libsoftiktok and the GOVERNOR OF TEXAS because he wore a dress to spirit day at the school he teaches at now. He's been put on administrative leave because the school admin caved into the demands of the far-right mob. Please sign the petition to get him reinstated! He's a wonderful teacher and I wouldn't be the scientist I am today if it wasn't for him.
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bloggingboutburgers · 2 months
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Flashback to that one moment where it felt like I'd found an aroace cheatcode on life somehow
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sobbing-space-trash · 2 months
How is everyone not losing their minds over Norm????
Look at him! He's only 3 apples tall 🥺
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ot3 · 1 year
“there are plenty of fish in the sea” = there are more people out there who you could get with
“sleeping with someone” = having sex with them
“sleeping with the fishes” = got murdered
my proposal: “there are plenty of other fish to sleep with” = next person you fuck will kill you
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valiumvenus · 3 months
In the name of my friends, I am asking for help:
"Please SIGN and SHARE this petition against censorship at the University of Vienna! Give us back our lectures on Palestine!" 🇵🇸🕊️
TLDR: The University of Vienna is canceling lectures about Palestine, and disinviting scholars who have a pro-Palestinian stance; please sign & share the petition to show people everywhere care. The students' demands are listed in the petition. Anyone can sign.
Censorship surrounding topics of Palestine is nothing new - but in the last few months there has been an alarming increase in censorship, where artists have their exhibitions shut down, universities are setting up barriers to knowledge about Palestine, highly unserious articles with very serious accusations about academics are popping up, ... Now two lectures on Palestine were canceled, and another scholar was just uninvited for what he posted on his social media (pro-Palestinian content). A previous protest letter from the academic community was ignored by the University, and a recent sit-in there was met with an unnecessarily high number of police who intimidated the small group of protesters. That is the only reaction anti-Zionist protests yield. -> more info in the petition link
Why/How does the University of Vienna do this? Basically, any public criticism of the Israeli government is misconstrued as antisemitism. Then, the University disinvites the academics in question and cancels lectures, or forces lecturers to "adjust" their content. Scholars are being muzzled. The University doesn't want its students to learn about various perspectives on Palestine. Mind you, this is a public institution we're talking about.
The petition is intended to show the University that people disapprove of these practices. The argument of "safety" is brought up all the time, but at the same time, the University gladly erects barriers between their students and the valuable knowledge that would foster critical thinking and understanding. Palestinians are directly affected by this deadly apathy, and Muslim and Jewish people everywhere suffer from heightened antisemitism and islamophobia fueled by misinformation and myths. And at the end of the day, censorship is nothing but bad academic practice. It is an attempt to shape the minds of students by making information harder to access and to exclude scholars who talk about/are from Palestine. It's discrimination against Palestinians and it's shameless instrumentalization of Jewish trauma.
Anybody who is concerned can sign. Please share widely with any and all communities! The petition should go international! Every signature counts.
Say NO to all barriers to knowledge. 🇵🇸🕊️
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gum-iie · 10 months
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centuries wept away
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blackpearlblast · 1 month
death row prisoners in the US scheduled to be executed this year: and petitions for clemency
Ramiro Gonzales - Texas - June 26th
Richard Rojem - Oklahoma - June 27th
Ruben Gutierrez - Texas - July 16th
Keith Gavin - Alabama - July 18th
Arthur Burton - Texas - August 7th
Marcellus Williams - Missouri - September 24th
Travis Mullis - Texas - September 24th
Alan Miller - Alabama - September 26th
click each person's name to sign their petition. full list that includes petitions against unscheduled and on-hold executions here. as far as i know you can sign even if you are not located in the US.
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gingiekittycat · 6 months
I know we as a fandom are kind of going with a hyper-masculine bearded Aziraphale for his Supreme Archangel look (which I am loving btw), but consider instead:
Aziraphale bringing that 1793 frilly lace-sleeved pink patent leather-shoed mascara-wearing gayer than gay energy to the look
Reprising his most successful damsel in distress temptation in another attempt to get Crowley to come to Heaven
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Idk he might actually succeed...
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