#tw metion of child's death
hey-i-am-trying · 10 months
We need to talk about your depression, Richas
Bagi's Vod - QSMP - LORE, sim hoje tem LORE 8/12/23 Time: 5:08:29 - 5:13:21
After Bad and Richas pranked Bagi into believing Richas had died.
Bagi: Richarlyson, you are playing and you don't even know if you still have 2 lives. You need to stop being crazy and a dreamer like that
Richas: They(the admin team) are taking so long that I forgot kkkkkk
Bagi: They are taking a long time but that doesn't mean it is not going to happen. We need to be prepared because if you only have one life and this kinda stuff repeats, I will die! I will actually die! It has been 5 years since I went to the cardiologist, Richarlyson!
Richas: Imagine, I am bad-mouthing them(the team) they might take it(the life). Richas: I am sorry, Mom.
Bagi: I won't give you too much of a hard time but we need to talk about this. It feels that has been a long time since you started with those habits, you keep playing with your death. Do you need to talk about this? Do you have any feelings that are locked in your heart? We need to schedule a talk. This feels like depression.
Richas: Tio Bad is a bad influence but nobody talks about it
Bagi: Ooh, I have talked about it with him. I have been talking with him a lot. I have been trying to make him talk for 2 months but he doesn't like to talk about his depression
Richas: His depression? o_0
Bagi: Richas, you are changing the subject. I am talking about yours(depression), we are not talking about him right now. He will recover, he is turning red again. But, you, Richarlyson. I need to know your mind better to understand why are you behaving like that. Why do you keep trying to change the subject when we talk about depression and sadness?
Richas: Me? I was always like that
Bagi: Depressed? I used to say that to my psychologist.
Richas: Crazy and a dreamer
Bad: He is crazy. True, don't try to hide it.
Bagi: I know you like to be crazy and a dreamer. But it has been a long time since you started to play with your own life. And it has been a short time since we met, it has been too much for this small amount of time
Richas: Mom, you only live once. Imagine I go missing again? Or you all? We try to enjoy (life).
Bagi: Here it is. I found the source of the problem. Richarlyson, we are not going anywhere. You are afraid of losing the ones you love. You need to talk about your feelings.
Bad: Talk about your feelings.
Bagi: Yeah, this also applies to you, Bad!
Bad: Nah! Feelings are overrated.
Richas: I was also not going anywhere. But last time, we did(ended up missing) anyway kkkk
Bagi: I know you want to live all days like they are your last ones. But the problem is that they are actually going to be the last ones if you keep acting this way. But we can talk later, in a more private way, about this delicate topic.
Richas(about the last days' comment): And everything is alright, isn't it?
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Post RE4! Leon Kennedy Hcs
the leon brainrot has been eating me alive and now that im motivated enough to actually share them, lets get this shit rolling :D
tws: angst, angst, angst, leon is traumatized, accurate representation of ptsd, metions of excessive alcohol consumption, unhealthy ways of coping with trauma, SPOILERS!!!
Leon Kennedy is a very soft man at heart. 
It's canon that as a child his family was slaughtered due to leading a life of crime and he was the sole survivor. He was taken in by a Police Officer and that act in itself heavily influenced him becoming a Police Officer himself.
I'll get into RE2! Leon headcanons another time.
Now, that in itself is traumatizing, and I can imagine that he was put into therapy for it. But the fact that the events of RE2 and RE4 were arguably more traumatizing, really plays into my angstier headcanons for him.
First and foremost, let’s take a moment to consider societal expectations of a man. Men, by societal standards, aren’t supposed to show emotion. It’s a sign of weakness, vulnerability, and most importantly it’s considered to be a more feminine trait. Leon has learned over the years that showing weakness can be prove to be fatal, and therefore does his best to never show emotion. 
Now, let’s consider the line of work he’s in. Not only was he coerced into becoming a private agent (the US Government essentially threatened Sherry’s safety), but he can’t go to therapy, even if he wanted to, since everything is classified. They also probably work him to the bone considering he’s one of their best agents.
Now that we’ve covered all of that, let’s get into my headcanons for him :D
I personally believe that Leon is extremely insecure. Years of acquiring scars, burns, bitemarks, puncture wounds, etc has affected his body image. I also feel like he thinks he isn’t good enough for anyone. Leon is extremely traumatized and he likely thinks he would be a burden with how often he has episodes and panic attacks.
Leon is also always aiming to be better, stronger. He’s been in so many life or death situations that he feels weak. I feel like Leon also wants to improve his body image by working out and beefing up.
Years of chasing after Ada and finding out she’s been working with Wesker, as well as Krauser’s involvement with the events of RE4, he has MAJOR trust issues. Leon also doesn’t like to get close to anyone because everyone he cares about dies.
Despite all of this, I still believe that he wants to get married and live a semi-normal life. He would probably try to convince his spouse to stay at home and let him take care of them, but if they don’t agree with it, he would be okay with that as well. He’s just worried about their safety.
Leon doesn’t have any healthy ways to cope with his trauma. He rarely gets any sleep, and if he does, it’s restless or filled with nightmares. Leon is always on edge, expecting something to jump out at him or the next bioterrorist threat to start. He also can’t stand silence; it leaves him alone with his thoughts, but he also doesn’t like loud noises either. Loud noises immediately put him into fight or flight and send him into a flashback.
Leon can’t open up to anyone about his trauma, nor can he go to a therapist, so he turns to drinking. It numbs his mind and quiets his racing thoughts, and he feels at peace for once. He’s constantly drinking- Leon is almost never sober. 
Leon is just so traumatized and I want to take all of his pain away :((
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superloves4 · 9 months
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The Flame we Held (Fëanor son of Melkor AU) - Chapter 1
Relationships: Melkor/Mairon, Melkor & Fëanor, Mairon & Fëanor, Fëanor/Nerdanel Summary: Miriel made a deal with Melkor, she'd be able to bear children but in return the dark lord asked for her firstborn. When he gets imprisoned she believes herself to be free of her promise but Melkor shall claim his prize. TW: Metion of injury related to needles? (it's not graphic but just in case), no major tag besides the kidnapping A/N: This is a little angsty but we'll get the fluff eventually!
Also on AO3 - Masterlist
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By his side, Mairon whistled.
The children of Ilùvatar were young then and he had known that the other Valar would find their way to them eventually, Melkor had heard of the journey Oromë had taken three of them to be his ambassadors from the lands of the west but he’d been unable to ruin their path. He had not been idle, however. He’d spent long terrorizing the children, making it so that they would for ever more fear his shadow.
It was so that he had found himself rather surprised, not impressed, no, never impressed, staring down the walls of his fortress to one lonely figure by the entrance. The Eldar, as they called themselves, were not short of the foolish kind of folk that would appear at his front door hoping for glory or the overconfident belief that they, and they above all, would be able to enter his halls and free the lost of their people. But this one, in her embroidered dress and bringing no weapon, was not such.
It was enough that Mairon had been willing to let him hear about the bold eldar rather than simply disposing of such foolish target. And if Mairon had found it amusing enough then he could not refuse to listen to the woman.
“I am here to propose a trade”
She had said when he let her speak her purpose and it was that complete self-assured statement that led to Mairon whistle. He could hardly believe it.
“Lord Melkor, please hear my plea”
“Please, my lord of Arda, I wish for your blessed presence and mercy”
Not even a simple
“My most esteemed king above all, lord protector of Ëa, the beautiful Vala Melkor, I, the unworthy, can wish for nothing more than a single second of your far too important attention”
Mairon laughed “She has far more courage than I have ever seen in the Children, never seen one ask for death so brazenly”
Melkor scoffed, returning to himself his rage simmered beneath, but he decided Mairon was correct and that such brazen effort should be rewarded after all.
“Very well,” his voice boomed all the way down to the woman “What do you, little elda, wish to ask that you would risk my counsel?”
Her horse shuffled backward, her eyes darted around and she took a long, deep breath before actually pushing him forward again.Finally, he smirked, her faux confidence broke enough to let Melkor know that not yet had been born an Elda that didn’t fear him.
“I have long sought the Valar for help,” she explained, her voice gaining momentum with every word “But the answer has been the same each and every time and I’m terribly tired of it, I cannot trust them, they take my love to a distant land but they never-”
“There is another Vala” Melkor hissed, gripping the banister.
“Yes,” she acquiesced and Melkor thought he saw her gulping “That is precisely why I am here”
“Very well,”
“I wish for a child!”
Melkor choked.
“The gull!” Mairon exclaimed, his slitted pupils were so narrow you could barely see them, he looked ready to go down and strangle the woman.
“What?!” Melkor screamed, finally finding his voice again.
Somehow she seemed amused by them, Melkor chose to ignore it, “I do not bleed,” she explained “The other Valar say there is nothing to be done, but I know my love, I see it in his eyes and sense it on his spirit, he wishes for a child, I want to give him one.”
“Then just say so, you headless bint” Mairon murmured, his breathing calming down.
Melkor sat on his thoughts for a moment, the woman's wish was far more placid than he imagined, it honestly surprised him that Manwë hadn’t simply granted it already, but then again, his brother was a pedantic asshole, something, something, the song and how we have to stick to dad’s will or whatever. Yes, he could see how such a simple wish would be met with rejection, and if Manwë refused then the other’s would follow suit.
It was almost sad, honestly.
“You were my last hope”
He looked at her.
“What would you give me then? You offered a trade”
“I,” her voice faltered “They call me the broidress, I realize it’s not-”
The gates opened in front of her and out came Melkor, he saw how she seemed ready to bolt away and smirked in satisfaction.
“You know who I am, do you not child?” he saw her hurriedly nodding “I will have a true trade, if being able to bear a child is what you wish for, that is what I may grant you, but in return, I want your firstborn.”
She screamed, her fear gone, dark rider my he be but to Miriel he could perish.
What kind of trade was that? To give her something only to take it back? Then he was granting her nothing more than what she’d already been told by the rest of the Valar, she’d heard he was unfair, that he twisted everything he touched, but even so, she had hoped that she could at least find a better deal with him than the Valar shallow comfort of spiritual healing in their lands.
He simply laughed and Miriel didn’t know what to do, hurting him would be best but hardly feasible when she had no weapon, not even her needles.
“Just think, woman!” he said, getting closer to her “I grant your wish and you shall be able to walk to your lover at this very moment and create a child if you so wish, then another, and however many you eldar would be able to bear”
Miriel couldn’t deny the image painted was a tempting one, yes, Finwë had said he was content with just the two of them but she knew he wanted more, to raise a family in safety at long last. If she could give him that…
“All I ask,” Melkor’s voice seemed to come from her own mind “Is the first one of your plentiful brood, what is one, when you are finally able to have many?”
So much could go wrong, even his promise could be a lie, maybe she wouldn’t give birth to an elven child at all, made from his dark machinations she could hardly dismiss the possibility. He could be lying and the moment she agreed he’d tear her to pieces. It still seemed wrong in every way, but if she didn’t take this opportunity then what hope had she left?
A dangerous thought made it’s way into her mind, if she could trick the trickster, if she could find a way to have both the children and not give any away…
“I agree”
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When news came that Melkor had fallen and taken back in chains to Mandos, Miriel cheered. She had long mulled over what she was to do with her terrible promise, the trade had been a success, she bled now and was considered a miracle by all, but not even Finwë’s delight when he learned about it upon his return managed to drive away her guilt. Now, however, she could believe the Valar promises of safety, she could be free to have her children and keep them by her side for all time.
She dreamed of terrible, all consuming, flames that night.
She tried to forget that dream, and the healers giving her the notice that she was in fact pregnant took her mind away from it for a time. Miriel took her joy in telling Finwë and watching him beam at her, seeing how their fledgling kingdom rejoiced at their happiness.
Flames, terrible, dark, flames.
Her first feeling for her child’s fëa was a disaster and Miriel had to finally admit that things were not well. And with every day that her fatigue grew she questioned if this was Melkor’s cruel punishment, if her pain was their deal.
Flames, high flames, waking her up in a sweat in the middle of the night.
And she cried, because she couldn’t do anything, even sewing was barred from her now, her hands would tremble too much and it had already caused for her to stab one of her needle through her finger, she cried, because it was her fault, she cried because she didn’t know how to protect her child, if he would even survive, that is.
Even with Finwë by her side, consoling her through the night, telling her it would all be alright, all she could do was cry. She wanted to talk to him but how could she ever tell him that she had sold away their child.
All she saw were flames while her healer and handmaiden told her to push.
But when she saw her child’s face she thought that, perhaps, burning was worth the pain.
She was tired, more tired than she’d ever been in her life, and she already knew that she had returned to how she had been before, no child could she ever bear now. It didn’t make her sad as she thought, not when she looked at the peaceful sleep of her child. Yes, everything would be alright with him.
Her little Fëanàro.
Miriel smiled, her full heart alleviating her spirit, she wanted to pick him up even if she shouldn’t as it would wake him up... she couldn’t resist. She was holding him when everything went dark.
“Well met, oh, queen broidress”
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hey-a-clown · 1 year
Some dumb lore about OCs
The Cain family mostly the children (From oldest-youngest)
Zyrian (40's-50's)-Lillian(late 40's)-Oliver(mid 30's)-Nathan(mid 30's)-Azua(early 30's)-Lucy(17 years old)-Yuki(11 year's old)
Parents: Yureka Crypt Cain (Dad), Autumn Cain the ll (Mom)
TW- Metions of gore/force cannibals and child abuse
In a family of nine, the parents are members of a cult that subjected their children to aggressive obligations. As a result, Zyrian and Oliver's faces were severely disfigured, and Lillian's lower face plus half was also severely mangled. (luckily she was still alive and was healed by Nathan) The majority of the other kids also endure hardship.
Yuki's eye is taken out by force at a age 7, so she just has a missing eye socket.
Lucy arm was purposely rip off
Azua had her wings ripped off as a quote-on-quote "punishment".
She was numb to pain, which made the cult leaders pissed off, meaning the poor girl was used in most of the rituals as a dummy example.
Yuki was deemed a mistake by her peers, which is basically unplanned yet heavily praised alongside Zyrian for doing most of the unhinged things like doing blood sacrifices or eating still-alive victims.
Lucy got held done due to not wanting to kill an old friend at 9 years old, which resulted in losing a limb with Lillian rushing into the scene to help her younger sister with the bleeding while for her punishment was to eat the sever arm.
The cult's adherents made the children eat human flesh under duress, turning them all into cannibals (with the exception of Lillian), and using them to attach a creature to each of them that contained a torturous conveying itself, they assigned them to go hunting for other living people, Kidnapping people, or even bringing people to join the cult.
This is where Zyrian met Ami in the process falling in love with her, and they ended up getting married to one another desperately. He made sure to keep her safe at all cost because he didn't want to risk her safety, but we all know what happens...
But even the tiniest of mistakes would lead to brutal beatings that cause black out's or broken bones. Of course, this made all the siblings feel pressure to be perfect no matter what cause no wants to deal with the consequences of failure.
Some of the children allowed the mass murder to spiral out of control by either eating the majority of the members or torturing them to death. Yes, their demise was protracted and agonizing, but...
They were finally liberated after many years of suffering, but most of them made wrong decisions in the aftermath of the horrifying previous terrors, resulting in Lucy going insane and attacking Yuki and Nathan. Her younger sister and older brother both have marks on their skin. Like superimposed ghosts, this cause Zyrian to make his own cult.
Able to overcome this trauma, but it resulted in disputes between Zyrian and Azua, mainly due to insanity acting out, her blaming him about how its his own fault for getting them in the cult in the past & is repeating what their god awful parents did. Fights have erupted in the siblings' home. Lillian was always the one who sought to prevent the arguments, only causing more out lash to happen.
If anyone has questions about the lore I'm more than happy to try and explain
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1birthdaycake1 · 30 days
Light Was Brought to Night
Sal x Afab!Prosthetic!Reader (Doesn't happen in this story!)
This is a sneak peek to my Wattpad story!!
(y/n = Your name, f/m = family member)
I walked around the school halls feeling out of place. I was 'weird' to other people. My prosthetic was what threw people off about me. They thought I was childish because of my prosthetic's design. It was one of a porcelain doll, I've had it since 'the accident.' 7th grade year, March 23rd, 1988, I took a choir class, that year we had started to go to festival. We walked on stage, the most confident I had ever been. The choir sang the familiar tune of 'Ain't No Sunshine' and 'Lean on Me' by Bill Withers.
During one of the songs, a crazy person from the asylum nearby broke into the building, jumped onto the stage, and told me to smile. Out of fear, I ran away from the stranger, but he chased after me anyway. In the back of the stage, adults were trying to pull the individual off me. It was too late then. The stranger struggled through the adults to carve a line in-between my lips, forming a forever smile. Then, he had gotten pulled away, before he was fully away from me, he had scratched my eye as well.
The Police came shortly after the ambulances had come to take me into the hospital. Later, the police found out that the individual was coming to kill people who wouldn't smile after asking them too. He was later sentenced to death by lethal injection in 1989, after he had killed 6 other woman and 3 men; all with a smile carved into their dead bodies.
My tears stung at the memory, thinking of my former beauty. I quickly wiped my face after hearing a knock on my door.
"Y/n," My (F/m) said, "I have to talk to you about something urgent..." She stated skeptically.
I had never been so scared in my life. What would happen now? Did they find my blade? Did they find out about my smoking addiction? Did they know about the bottles of alcohol in my closet?
They had spoken again after opening the door, "Y/n?" They spoke inquisitively.
Snapping me out my trace, I replied, "Yes (F/m)?"
"Me and your father are getting divorced today. He doesn't want to keep you, so you'll go to an orphanage." They scoffed, chucking the copy of the 'Nockfell county: Schuyler Orphanage' to me. Tears started to fill my eyes; I've never felt so betrayed.
"I would keep you for child-support, but it's better to send you off, I'll just make my own money." They stated harshly. It's like they never cared about my feelings. Not that they ever did, though.
"I highly doubt anyone would want to adopt you. Your useless, you never do any chores, you sleep all day, you don't get any exercise; I mean... It's just the truth." They said before slamming the door to my room to announce they had left my room.
While my tears fell, I heard the discussion of the divorce to my (f/m)'s friend. She had to be behind this. She was always a bad influence.
A few days later, I had taken a train ride to Nockfell. A small, and 'almost' underpopulated town. I had arrived at the orphanage on May 23rd, which marked the first few days of summer. I walked into the orphanage, passing by a few people. They had all stared at me, for two reasons of course; 1. my prosthetic, 2. I'm new here. I had never felt so anxious, I ignored all the staring faces and walked to the Directors office; they told me to call him Sir Wright.
I had knocked on the door three times, then I was told to come in. As I walked in, I smelt the musky scent of men. I stood Infront of three men, One, which I found out later was Sir Wright, had a monocle, brown hair paired with brown eyes, and a black suit; he seemed more like a businessman. The one to the left had ginger hair, clear glasses frames, blue eyes, and wore a suit as well; he seemed to be near my age, he was tall, handsome, and respectful! The man to the left was blonde, he had a mullet, paired with the prettiest green eyes and wore a suit as well.
"Hello Sir Wright... I was told to come to your office upon arrival." I say nervously, twitting my thumbs and tugging on my clothes.
"I suppose you are Y/n L/n, yes?" He asked me, he had a really deep voice. (Kinda attractive)
"Yes sir." I told him, looking up into his eyes and straitening my posture.
"Take this guide," he commanded. "I'm in a meeting right now, tell Mrs. Ameri to give you a tour."
"Yes sir." I grab the guide a hurry out. I've never been so embarrassed in my life!
A few days into being in the orphanage, I was already sick of it. Being bullied into showing people what was under my prosthetic was too much for me already. As of now, I was walking through the corridors to Sir Wright's office, I twiddle my thumbs, nervous to hear what he has to say.
I open the door to the office after knocking, and the first thing I see is a couple and Sir Wright signing some papers, then handing it off to them.
"You called, Sir Wright?" I speak nervously.
"You're lucky. No one has gotten adopted this fast." He said, dismissing my question.
"Wait... I'm getting Adopted?!" I spoke softly, too scared to jinx myself.
(A/n: I hope y'all enjoyed this part of the fanfic! I got carried away, so this part doesn't include getting to know Sal... I may have a problem because this was supposed to be a drabble... BUT the good thing is that this is an ongoing series now! I will need to make a Wattpad account to upload this onto so I will finish it on there!)
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Look at me being productive and posting lore on the OC ask blog.
OC ask blog: @ask-el-and-the-gang
TW if you decide to go read it:
~Child death
~Child being attacked
~TW cursing
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~Missing Children ~Implied child death
~(tag TW) car crash metion
“Felix. Where are my C H I L D R E N?”
Was all Felix heard through the phone.
He felt horrible. He knew what he would tell Jack.
*Date: May 3rd, 1974* ”FELIX! WHERE ARE ED AND MOLLY”
”They weren’t at the school when I got there, I searched for as long as I could...”
Jack stared for a moment. “They...They what.”
“They weren’t at the school.”
Jack ran over to Rosemary to tell her what Felix told him.
”Hm. Sophie?”
The small 14 year old was standing next to Felix and was holding his hand.
”We’ll find Ed and Molly. Right?”
”I-I hope so kiddo...”
The two just stood there after that in silence.
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