#tw noncon touch (nsx)
whumpdrivethru · 11 months
Hello! Can I get a group of whumpers kidnapping a whumpee to get to Caretaker, who they wanted revenge against? Thanks so much!
-- @whumperofworlds
Heyyyy! Coming right up. Thank you for choosing the whumpdrivethru. Hope you enjoy 💙
Vengeance for Your Woes
TW: Blood, bruises, kidnappingggg, restraints, light torture, drugging, unconsciousness, choking, an instance of dehumanising language, defiant whumpee, male whumpee, sadistic whumper (First Whumper), non-con touch (non-sexual), captivity, bone fractures, violence, smoking and holyyyy crap, this is the longest tw list I've ever written
Words: 1.2 k
"That is it!" First Whumper screamed, slamming their boot into the door, kicking it open.
Second Whumper groaned, massaging their left temple where a migraine was threatening to form in anticipation of one of First Whumper's frankly child-like temper tantrums. And the second the leader learned that Third Whumper hadn't had any luck finding Caretaker, wherever the hell she was, it was just going to get better from here.
"I didn't find the bloody idiot," First Whumper huffed, practically hurling themselves onto an armchair, throwing one leg over the other.
"Ah, I really couldn't tell," Second replied dryly, letting the ghost of a smile grace their lips.
Braver people than Second would have crumbled under First's dark glare, their whole face contorting into the very definition of fury. "This is really not the goddamn time for you to get smart with me, Second." 
Second Whumper merely rolled their eyes as their commander barked at some servant of theirs to fetch them a lighter and their slowly dwindling pack of ridiculously expensive cigarettes.
"Can you not do that in here? My asthma's still acting up," Third remarked timidly, as they wiped at their hair, still somewhat wet from the shower. They were the newest member and a little younger than both their teammates, thus not as numb to First's rage as Second was.
Choosing to disregard their comment, First Whumper turned to them, slowly exhaling as smoke came out of their mouth in phantom shapes. "Got any closer to finding Caretaker?" they asked, voice dangerously calm. 
Third shook their head, refusing to meet First's steely, stormy grey gaze. The latter sharply sucked in a breath, slowly letting it out again. "I'd be pissed at you, but that would be stupid, considering I couldn't find her either," they spat, flicking the ash off their cigarette.
"This is a sign of growth. First realising they can't do something too. Calls for celebration," Second mentally quipped, deciding the best course of action was to keep that to themselves, absolutely revelling in the look of utter shock on Third's face.
The three Whumpers all had a bone to pick with Caretaker, an infuriating bastard who'd crossed them a whole lot more than once. Stealing from them, ruining meticulous plans and even going as far as killing some of their best men, all acts servicing her misguided and highly annoying sense of heroism.
Second's smugness wasn't completely lost on First, probably taking note of their languid gaze, "Well, got anything useful to add, Second? Or are you just going to turn your nose up at us?" Their eyes held a glint of danger as they blew a ringlet in Second's direction.
The person in question merely smirked at them, turning the full weight of their gaze on them. "Actually I do. The reason we've been failing every time is because we've been doing the exact same thing every time. As an insane man does. I say we lure Caretaker over to us," they replied evenly.
Third leaned forward, resting their elbows on the table, eyes sparkling with curiosity while First raised a skeptical brow at them, flicking the ash off of their cigarette. "Well, Caretaker doesn't care about anything in the world, aside from this person called Whumpee. A friend, family member, lover, I'm not sure, but what matters is, Caretaker would do literally anything for Whumpee. I found out about his existence just today. So, if we get him here, maybe rough him up a little, she will come crawling right to us," they finished, the ghost of a smile playing on their lips.
"There's just one thing wrong," Third remarked, raising one eyebrow, "If we can't find Caretaker, how the hell will we find Whumpee?" 
Second's smile sharpened. "We're lucky that he decided to go camping all by his lonesome in the woods, not too far from here."
First nodded in approval, discarding their practically dead cigarette. They were going to show Caretaker just how much it cost to be their enemy.
It had been easy, far too easy to sneak up on Whumpee, to stick a chloroform-soaked cloth onto his mouth and nose and watch in delight as his struggles died down and, his pointless screams became muffled as his whole world spun and faded to black. 
He was light and slender, and while he was somewhat fit and muscled, he wasn't a fighter, not as dangerous as either the Whumpers or Caretaker. So breaking him shouldn't have been a problem. The simple concept of the irrational sensation of all-consuming fear that accompanied regaining consciousness in an unknown place should've scared him into submission. 
"Wake up, sunshine. It's playtime," Second taunted, roughly patting his cheek. 
Whumpee's bright blue eyes burst open, and like they expected, he resembled a deer in headlights, frantically looking all around him, as his chest rose and fell rapidly with panic. "Wh-who are you?" he rasped out.
"Friends of Caretaker," Third replied evenly, their jaw clenched and their face stone-hard, surprisingly menacing when they wanted to be.
"Wh-what did you do to her?" Whumpee accused, growing a little bolder.  "I swear if you lay a hand on he-" 
"Aw you poor, little lamb," First cooed, caressing his jaw, their fist tightening on his face when he tried to pull away in disgust, "Caretaker's not here, but we're hoping you'll be our lucky charm and lure her here." 
Whumpee's face contorted into a scowl, while First's lit up with a grin. This was going to be fun. 
They seemed to have gotten a little carried away with 'roughing him up', carving deep, ugly lacerations into Whumpee's skin with a pen knife, also leaving fist shaped bruises in disgusting shades of purple of brown, snapping several of his ribs underneath their boots.
"I think I should throw my punching bag out. You are a whole lot better," First remarked, rolling their shoulders and grinning savagely at him. 
"Screw you," Whumpee spat, only to be rewarded with a knife stuck in his shoulder and an animalistic snarl of pleasure. Even though this was characteristic of almost every one of their hellish torture sessions, First Whumper never got tired or bored, actually claiming to find Whumpee's torment "rejuvenating."
Second and Third may have been almost slightly more merciful than First, using the pain only to get as much information about Caretaker as possible, or actually, Third asked the questions and Second acted out the threats, wrapping their fingers around Whumpee's throat and slowly tightening their grip with every furious "No," that Whumpee barked out until he literally blacked out.
They'd planned to continue this for a week before sending proof of their handiwork to Caretaker, except they hadn't even gotten the chance, their target bursting into Whumpee's makeshift holding cell in the middle of another impromptu torture session, the pained, broken look in the captive's eyes being replaced with another defiant smirk. 
"Hello bastards," Caretaker seethed, letting a savage grin dance across her face as her hand went to the gun in the holster on her hip. "I've put up with so much of your crap, but touching him? I'll make you pray you were never born."
The fury in her eyes could set fire to entire countries, lay waste to cities and rip people apart like ragdolls. She was going to show them hell for even daring to think of harming him, let alone rendering him tied up, bruised and bleeding. 
You have been served by Natalia < 3 < 3
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