#tw: max cady
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shesarainbow · 1 year
Max Cady x Reader | Murder in the name of a loving God
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Part I | Part II
TW: abusive relationship, emotional abuse, gaslighting, twisted religious beliefs, horror, violence, death. (you have no idea how difficult and disturbing it was to write this 😢)
The weather is gloomy, and rain clouds are getting ready to pour forth rain.
You turn on the radio as you watch the fields pass by. There are some disquieting cross-shaped placards planted amid the wildflowers, hand-painted, on which they read some phrases, most of them are questions about eternal life and soul redemption. You raise an eyebrow and turn to Max.
“Where are we going?”
Max initially ignores you, turns off the radio, then finally answers your question. “You’ll see.”
You stare at him, dumbfounded. You start feeling anxious.
“Max, please, tell me where you’re taking me…”
“Home?” you repeat, puzzled. You know he’s not taking you home, or at least not what you consider your home.
“Max, everything’s alright?” you keep asking as he remains silent and stares at the road. You can tell he’s upset. You sigh deeply. You’re about to burst into tears.
“Max, please… I beg you, answer me!” you want to take his hand, but you’re afraid he might lose his temper and do something bad. “Did I do something wrong?” you finally ask.
Max abruptly brakes, pulls over to the side of the road, and stares at you through his sunglasses. “You tell me.”
You gasp in shock and quickly lower your gaze. Your mind is racing, but you are unable to recall anything. “I’m sorry…” you apologize, even though you don’t know for what.
He takes off his sunglasses and looks at you, disappointed. “For what? Are you sorry for what?”
“I don’t know, Max.” you admit, ashamed.
“You don’t know… See, that’s the problem. I respect you, but you don’t respect me.”
“No, Max, that’s not true.” your eyes well up with tears, and you gingerly touch his arm, but Max ignores you.
“Then why were you flirting with that guy earlier?”
“What? What guy? I didn’t flirt at all.”
He clicks his tongue in disapproval. “I saw you—the way you were looking at him.”
“Max, listen to me, I—I only care about you. You know that I need you more than anything. Okay, I’m sorry, if I upset you. Please, forgive me…”
When Max doesn’t reply, you start to worry.
“I didn’t do anything wrong!” you yell, exasperated, and try to walk out of the car.
Max glares at you. “Where do you think you’re goin’?” he asks, grabbing your arm.
“I need to pee…”
“Can’t you wait?”
“No, I’ll be right back…”
He lets you go, and you walk across the field, hiding behind a large bush. You look around and spot some trees and a barn in the distance. You look back, then start rushing to the barn.
Max is patiently waiting for you. “Come on, darlin’. It’s getting late.” No reply. “Look, I’m sorry… Darlin’?” he raises an eyebrow and begins to get suspicious. “Darlin’?” he gets out of the car, grabs the handcuffs from beneath his seat, and walks around the bush and freezes. You’re not there. He looks around and spots you as you enter the barn. “You little bitch…”
The barn looks abandoned. You go inside and look around for a place to hide. You spot some large wooden boxes and hide behind them, crawling on the ground. Your breath is heavy, and your heart starts pounding.
Suddenly you hear footsteps and cover your mouth to avoid whimpering. Your eyes well up with tears again, then you hear his voice and stop breathing.
“Come out, come out, wherever you are!” singsongs Max, walking slowly. “Daddy knows you’re here. It’s alright, honey. I’m not angry at you, why should I? I’m not gonna hurt you, I promise.”
You know he’s lying. His mellifluous voice sends shivers all over your body. Footsteps get closer and closer, and your heartbeat gets faster.
“Darlin’? I’m sorry for earlier. It’s not your fault, I swear. C’mon, come to Daddy!”
You’re about to believe his words and come out in order to bury your face in his chest, longing for his touch, his arms wrapping around you in a protective hug. You need him to make you feel safe and accepted again. You resist yourself, even if it’s very hard. You just want this to end.
“I was tellin’ ya’ the truth before. I am taking you home. You ain’t happy, sweetheart?” he keeps talking as he comes closer. “Do you wanna play hide and seek, huh? My lil’ girl wanna play and Daddy’s gonna find her…”
You try to remain still and quiet, but you’re so frightened that you start shaking uncontrollably. You look around for another way out, but you are unable to move. You suddenly jolt when you hear Max sigh deeply, right next to you, and immediately you see his shoes. You lower your gaze and try to cover yourself with your arm.
Max is towering over you, just smiling. “There you are, sweetheart.” he says softly as he lightly smoothes your hair. Your heart races, and you tremble, closing your eyes. His fingers stroke your cheek, you keep your eyes closed and stay still.
“Please, don’t hurt me. I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll be a good girl, but please don’t hurt me…” you whimper.
“Poor little thing, you cried… don’t worry, a promise is a promise. Everything’s gonna be okay. Daddy’s here, now. You wanna a hug?”
You find yourself nodding. Max gently holds your arm and helps you up, then he wraps you in his arms. You start sobbing as you feel sorry.
“Ssh, it’s alright. Why did you run away?”
“I was scared, I’m sorry…”
“It’s alright.”
“You’re not mad at me?”
“No, honey.” he lifts your chin and gives you a lusty kiss. And you let your guard down, calming down. You no longer tremble.
“Yes, darlin’?”
“I—uhm, I respect you. You’re very important to me and I—well, I did something for you.”
Max looks at you with interest.
You inhale deeply and begin quoting a psalm. “He restores my soul. He leads me—” you close your eyes and try to remember it well. “—he leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me.”
Max is so surprised. “Well, well, well… I’m impressed, honey. I think you did your homework. When did you learn that?”
“Last night, while you were asleep.” you smile shyly. You spent the whole night flipping through his Bible and memorizing the psalm over and over. You know he would have appreciated that.
Max nods and smile, satisfied. “What about the other psalms? Do you still remember them?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Good girl… I’m so proud of you.”
You blush as he leans in for another kiss. You can't help but smile.
“Well, I think you might be ready. You’re gonna adore your new home.”
“Is it far?”
“No, sweetie—oh, I almost forgot: aren’t you afraid of snakes, are you? Not that it matters that much… ”
“What?” you don’t understand.
“You’ll get used to it.” he shrugs. “Now, shall we go, honey?” he offers you his hand. “It's gettin' late, so...”
You hesitate. You’re confused and don’t know what he’s talking about. Why is he being so evasive about this new home? Where exactly is he taking you? Suddenly you realize everything: all those crosses you’ve seen along the way, his speeches about taking you home, his home or whatever he means by it. And the fear you’ve been feeling, how bad you’ve gotten, how much you want to please him because you need his approval more than anything else. You no longer know if you can really trust him. You only know you have no control over yourself.
“No.” you find in yourself the courage to rebel against him.
“No? Did I hear you right?” he stiffens.
“I—” you hesitate again.
“It’s alright, honey. It’s normal to be afraid, but I’m here. I’m not gonna leave you, y’ know that.”
His gentle tone of voice confuse you.
“No, I said.” you convince yourself that you can stand up to him.
Max simply smiles, then abruptly grabs your arm, pulls you towards him, and puts a hand on your head. “I forgive you, sweetie. Now, just do as Daddy says.” the smile fades from his face. “You don't wanna upset me, do you?”
You suddenly feel anger bursting inside you. You hate him, you hate how he’s looking at you, and how he’s manipulating you.
“Don’t fucking touch me, you bastard!” you yell, wriggling to get free. He holds you tightly and forces you to kiss him, his hand gripping your chin to make you open your mouth. You bite his lips, Max groans, letting you go. “Naughty girl… are you suggesting something? Mmh?” but before he can stop you, you scratch his face with your nails. Max grabs your wrists, you try to wriggle out of his grip, but he keeps you from moving.
“You’re a sick, twisted man! You’re just a piece of shit, Max.”
“You poor thing, did you really think you could hurt me? It’s just a little scratch…” he chuckles as he checks his face. His fingers, covered in blood, stroke your face, leaving traces of blood on your cheek.
“You have no power over me, not anymore.” you yell before spitting in his face. Max is shocked. He loosens his grip, and you take your chance, pushing him aside and backing away. “You don’t own me.” you look around for some kind of weapon to use against him.
“After all this time, this is how you pay me back, huh? I’ve committed myself to you and you treat me like this. Daddy’s disappointed, very disappointed… His little girl is really acting very badly.”
“I'm not your little girl!”
You almost trip on something. Your hand reaches for what appears to be a pitchfork.
A thunderclap suddenly strikes, and Max is taken aback for a moment. A heavy downpour begins. You take your chance, lift the heavy pitchfork, and strike Max on the head. He groans in pain and collapses to the ground, but quickly gets up, panting, and staggers towards you. Blood flows from the deep cut on the left side of his head.
You try to hit him again, but he dodges the blow and grabs the pitchfork from your hands, tossing it away. Then he grabs you by the hair.
“Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.” he recites by heart.
“Down on your knees! Now, take off your clothes. Hurry up!” he yells.
You refuse, whimpering. “No, please… Max, please…”
He pushes you down, and you eventually fall to your knees. You keep sobbing hopelessly.
“Take off your clothes!”
You try to defend yourself, but Max grabs you and rips your shirt open.
“You’re gonna learn to be an animal, to live like an animal and to die like one!” he yells, threatening you.
You are in shock. You don't want to die.
Max notices the fear in your eyes and grins. “But I was like a gentle lamb led to the slaughter. I had no idea that they were planning to kill me!”
You stare at him wide-eyed, scared.
He looks around and has a sudden twinkle in his eyes, staring at the chain and the gas tank in the barn’s corner. He takes the handcuffs out of his pocket and binds your wrist to a metal ring hammered on the ground.
“Max? Max, please...”
He grabs the tank and begins pouring gasoline around a wooden shaft. Then he grabs the chain and approaches you, smiling.
“You’re gonna burn like the witch you are. The fire will purify your soul from your sins.”
He removes your handcuffs and drags you back by pulling your hair. You whimper in fear, trying to wriggle out of his grip. He throws you to the ground as he puts a foot on your back to stop you from escaping.
“Repent for your sins!” he says as he lights up a cigar.
Max is about to pull you up and handcuff you again when a bolt of lightning strikes the barn’s roof, breaking through it and hitting the chain next to you and Max.
The sudden electric discharge throws you against a pile of straw. Max trips over the chain, absorbing the majority of the discharge. He collapses to the ground, unable to move and screaming in excruciating pain. His cigar lands on the gasoline, which ignites istantly.
You get over the shock and stagger to your feet, staring in horror at Max, who is lying on the ground, unconscious. His clothes are in tatters, and his skin is covered in burns. You’re about to drag him away from the flames, but the fire and the smoke are spreading so quickly that you can’t help but flee this living hell.
You cough and tears stream down your cheeks as you run; you stumble, but you immediately get up and walk out of the barn, where the rain soaks you and washes the blood away. You fall to the ground, exhausted, and cry out all your tears and pain. Gradually the rain stops, and the barn goes up in flames. You pant in short breaths, watching it burning.
Max is still inside. A part of you wanted to save him. After all the bad he did to you.
You get up, still coughing. You're covered in bruises and you stagger a bit.
You suddenly realize you’re free, finally free.
Now you can go home, you think as your eyes well up with tears, tears of joy.
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polkaraton · 6 months
There's so many reasons I hate Cape Fear (1991) that I can't list them all in one post. The main one is that male directors don't need to be making movies involving rape in general, another is that the 1991 remake is significantly less tasteful than the original, and then there's a bunch more.
But the one I'll focus on now is Max Cady's evil underwear. It's one of many points of melodrama that I thought were comedic but were apparently supposed to be menacing. I read some filmbro's interpretation saying "No, see, they were ANIMAL PRINT because he's a PREDATOR and it's a psychological game! They were BLOOD RED because he's SCARY and such an amazing actor!"
TW dick under read more.
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Those are lil pink cheetah panties. He probably bought them at TJ Maxx. They're less threatening than the grandma disguise he wears later. This movie is garbage and Scorsese is a one trick pony.
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Absolute, Unconditional Surrender
Max Cady x Reader
All smut, no plot! Mature readers only!
Requested by @lamourducinema 💖✨
The title comes from Sexus by Henry Miller.
"To make absolute, unconditional surrender to the woman one loves is to break every bond save the desire not to lose her, which is the most terrible bond of all"
TW: SMUT, rough sex, deep throating, explicit sexual language, Max Cady in general
Word Count: 2.7k
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"Hey, Max?" you call from the living room at your boyfriend's place.
"Yes, darlin'?" You hear him answer from the bedroom down the hall with that thick southern accent you had come to love.
"Come here! I have something to show you!"
"Oh? Well, why don't you bring it in here where I can get you in this bed?"
"But... Please? I promise you'll like it."
You're standing there leaning against a chair, dressed in some new lingerie you had bought. You just know it'll drive Max crazy. It's lacy and pastel colors: a two piece bra and panty with thigh high stockings and a choker beaded with pastel hearts and stars. Max is gonna love the sexy shape it takes on your body and how revealing it is and the child-like colors. He loves to play with the idea of you being so much younger and smaller than him.
You hear the man get up out of bed, and so you quickly stand up straight and put on a shy expression. Your legs are close together and your hands are holding each other behind your back, playing into how nervous you are to show him your new outfit.
He stalks down the hallway, tall, muscular, hair slicked back just the way he liked it.
"Oh baby..." is all he can say when he sees you in your lingerie. He lets out an excited grunt and makes his way across the living room to you in just a few steps of his long legs. He puts a hand on one of your shoulders and the other on your hip, squeezing his fingers into you as he looks you up and down.
After a moment, he spins you around slowly, so he can see your backside. He runs a hand over one of your butt cheeks before squeezing at it. He wraps his other hand around you, his hand landing on your chest at the base of your neck, and he pulls you back into him.
He gets right next to your ear and in a low voice asks, "Did you do this just for me, princess?"
You let out a hum as you feel his clothes pressing against your nearly bare body.
"Now, you know better than to not answer my question," he says, putting on a disappointed voice.
"Yes, I did it for you."
"Aww, see that's all you had to say," he says, turning you back around to fave him and backing you up into the wall, "you know I love it when you dress up for me, baby doll."
Max places his hands on either side of you, grabbing at your ribs, and he places a lengthy open-mouthed kiss on your lips. As your lips move together, you reach up and try to unbutton his shirt. He pulls away from the kiss and pushes your hands off of him.
"Is someone being a needy little baby tonight? Hmm?" He likes to talk to you like this, like he is in charge of you; it makes him feel like he has to protect you and take care of you. It also turns you both on to play this game, although it felt like it wasn't a game for Max sometimes.
"Well, you just look so good with your shirt off, I know you like to keep in shape."
"Aw, you sweet thing. You like my muscles?"
"Yes, sir."
"Mmm, well I like your little outfit," he says giving you another kiss, "but don't you think you should've come to the bedroom to show it to me, silly girl?"
"Well... I, uh," your voice trails off.
"You what, baby?"
"I was thinking maybe we could, um, do it in here."
"In here? Where in here?" He questions you in between kisses to your neck. You reach out and pat the arm of the big chair next to you. It was a big sturdy armchair that Max liked to sit in when you were in the living room. You spent a lot of time sitting in his lap making out with him in this chair before he would carry you back to his bedroom to make love to you.
He turned to look at your hand as your fingers lingered on the chair. "My chair? You want me to fuck you on my chair?"
You nod your head at him with a small smile, "Yes, please."
"Mmm, I guess you are feeling needy, honey," he says grabbing your by the hips and lifting you easily before sitting you on the side of the chair. He starts to make out with you again, as his hands travel to your thighs. He pushes them apart, teasing you by scratching there with his fingernails. When you let out a little whine, his hand moves to start massaging you through your panties.
You moan and arch your hips towards his hand. You pull away from his lips and ask in a breathy voice, "Can I take your shirt off, please?"
"Please what?"
There's a small pause, as you know what he expects you to say, but you like to make him wait for it. "Please, Daddy," you say, looking at up him through your lashes.
"Mm! Baby girl, you know I love it when you call me that... Yes ma'am, little darlin', you can take my shirt off," he says continuing his actions. You reach up to unbutton his shirt before sliding it off his shoulders, exposing his large biceps and toned abs that were covered in tattoos.
You let your hand slide down abdomin and past his belt to rub him through his pants.
"Ooh..." he says as he leans back down to you for another round of kisses. You feel him getting hard against your hand, and pretty soon he would be wanting more than just your hand on him.
He moves his hand away only for a second to slide it into your panties. The look of his big strong hand and long fingers disappearing into your pastel, lacy panties is a huge turn on for you. As his middle finger finds your clit and starts to stimulate you, a wave of pleasure passes through your body and you let out a loud, "Oh!" and your hand moves away from his pants and you try to grab at his sides, wanting him closer to you.
He makes a disappointed grunt at the loss of your hand. He grabs your hand and puts it back on his groin, and you try to move your hand against him and best you can, but you simply can't concentrate with the way his fingers are working between your legs.
"I'm disappointed, baby girl, you know I expect more from you. All distracted by my hand in your panties and you can't even think about me." Despite saying this, he still presses on pleasing you.
"I'm sorry, Daddy, it just feels so good," you say between heavy breaths.
"Oh, I'm sure it does, but you're just being a spoiled little girl. You want Daddy to make you feel good without doing anything for him," he mocks at you. "Well that just won't do," his hands leave you and he straightens up, towering in front of you, "you're gonna make me feel good too."
You look up at him sheepishly, "What do you want me to do?"
"Get on those knees for me."
"But... I'll mess up my new stockings! I got 'em to wear for you, Daddy," you argue. He likes it when you put up a bit of a fight, makes him feel like he's in charge, but he knows as well as you do that you have him wrapped around your little finger.
"Hmm, well you should've thought about that earlier, princess," he says, pulling you up off the chair and putting his hands on your shoulders, pushing you onto your knees in front of him.
His hands move to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants, before he shoves them down to the floor. He puts his thumbs in the waistband of his underwear, which here always small, silky, and vibrantly colored, to pull them down, but you reach up and stop him.
"Wait- can I do it? I feel bad about not making you feel good, Daddy," you explain to him.
"Aww, well, since you asked so kindly," he removes his thumbs from his briefs and puts a hand on your cheek and the other in your hair, "and I know what a good little angel you can be when you want to."
You reach up and grab his hard member through his underwear, teasing at the head by cupping you hand on it over and over again. He lets out a long low moan as he weaves his fingers into your hair. You lean forward, kissing and nibbling his member through the fabric. He becomes needy feeling the sensations traveling through his body. You fingertips grace over his the skin at his hips and happy trail just above the waistline of his underwear.
"Oh, now you're just being a tease..." He says looking down on you. He looks great from this angle. Looking up on him, his abs look more defined and his lusty eyes stare at you through his lashes.
You simply smile at him, kissing him through his underwear a few more time while you look into each other's eyes.
"Don't you act like you're innocent-" he starts to say, but you cut him off by pulling his hard length out and taking the tip in your mouth. As you please and suck on it, you push his silky underwear down around his ankles. Max, being the noisy lover he is, starts grunting and breathing heavily, finally finding some relief in the warm and wet of your mouth.
"Oh god, darlin'," he leans forward over you, putting a hand on the chair behind you for support and the other grips the back of your head at the nape of your neck, "you look so pretty with my cock between your lips."
When you feel the tip of his penis hit the back of you mouth, he moans loudly and begins to rock his hips into your mouth. When he starts to tug at your hair, moving your head back and forth, you know what he wants. You relax your mouth and throat as much as you can, and he pushes his length back into your throat.
"Good girl..." he practically growls, "Such a good girl for Daddy." His movements become a bit bigger, essentially fucking your face. You do your best to stay relaxed for him and try not to gag too much. You look up at him through your lashes; he looks down at you in pure ecstacy like there was no better feeling on Earth.
After a few moments, he started moving slower, pulling out almost entirely and then pushing all the way back in. He does this a few times before pulling out entirely.
"I'm not gonna lie to ya, baby girl; I got pretty close there and had to slow down," he said through heavy breaths and a chuckle.
"You could've finished if you wanted to," you say while trying to wipe the drool from your mouth. Max grabs his shirt from the floor to wipe your mouth.
"Oh, and missed out on fucking that little pussy of yours? I don't think so, little miss," he helps pull you up off your knees, "now get on that chair for Daddy."
You turn around and prop one knee up on the chair and arch your back so your butt pops out a bit.
"Mmm, you want it like that, baby?" Max asks with his eyebrows raised.
"Mm-hmm," you nod your head at him excitedly.
"Whatever you want, honey," he walks up right behind you and snakes his hand into your panties again, "since you were such a good girl for me."
You gasp lightly when he flicks a finger over your clit. He massages your there for a moment before removing his hand, grabbing your panties at the back, and pulling them to the side.
"I like your little surprise you had for me. I hope you don't mind if I fuck you in it," he whispers next to your ear. Behind you, you hear him spit in his hand and rub it around the head of his erection. You let out an eager moan when you feel him rubbing it back an forth on your entrance. Carefully, he pushes past your lips and enters you.
You move your hips up and down, taking him in deeper and deeper with each movement. The angle of him towering over you as you lean on the chair allows him to find your g-spot easily. When you begin to make noises letting him know how pleasured you feel, he grips your hip bones tightly and starts fucking into you hitting that sensitive area again and again. You begin letting out noises involuntary, whining and yelling as his dick slams into you.
"So wet and loud for me, baby girl..." he grunts into your ear, "and it's all mine, right?"
You furrow your eyebrows unable to form words, "Uhh-huh..." you utter.
"What's that, princess? Answer me. Are you mine? Do you belong to me?" he questions you.
You simply whine and arch your back, enjoying the feeling of him inside you. You feel a large muscular hand clasp around your neck and pull you back towards his chest.
"Answer me!" he growls, fucking into you furiously. As his hand clenches your airway, you feel the beads from your new choker pressing into the delicate skin of your neck, leaving a ring of little bruises.
With your head laid back on his shoulder, you look over at him as you feel the pleasure of the loss of blood circulation to your head, "Yes..." you squeak out. He loosenes his grip in your throat so you can speak. You cough a little bit and say, "Yes, Daddy, I'm all yours, Daddy!"
"That's what I like to hear; that's my good girl," he coos to you. The hand he had on your hip wraps around to your front and presses on your belly, forcing you to feel his hardness inside you. Your moans grow louder, and he continues to squeeze his hand around your throat ever-so-often.
You turn into a mess in Max's have as you feel your climax coming, "Max, baby... I'm gonna cum."
"Good, baby, good," he slides his hand down to massage your clit once again, and within seconds you're coming undone. Being pleased inside and out, you yell out for Max letting out string of "Daddy" over and over.
The man behind you squeezes down on your throat again, letting you feel the ecstacy of being choked while you orgasm. He also uses this as grip to grind his hips into you harder. Your orgasm continues on for a long time as your g-spot takes a pounding while Max searches for his own finish.
"Oh, I'm gonna cum inside you, baby. Daddy's gonna fill you up, princess," his pumps become quick and more rhythmic as he reaches his climax. He grabs your hips and shoves into you hard and deep; you feel his warm seed as he empties into you.
When he pulls out of your he releases his grip on your neck and steps back from you. You try to get your leg off the chair and lower it to the floor, but it starts shaking.
"You okay, little darlin'?" Max asks.
"Yeah, I'll be okay," you chirp to him.
When you try to stand up and step away from his chair, your shaky legs betray you. Max steps over quickly, catching you in his strong arms.
"Silly baby... I guess I fucked you 'til you couldn't walk anymore," he smiled, quite proud of himself. "C'mon, let's get you cleaned up and go to bed." He scoops you up bridal style to carry you to the bathroom.
Surprisingly, Max is excellent with aftercare. As much as he likes to use and abuse your body for pleasure, he also likes to check on you, ask you if the sex was good, clean you up, and comfort you afterwards. He feels that if he doesn't take care of you, you won't let him play out his fantasies with you, which is his favorite thing to do.
And so he takes out a washcloth to clean you off, tells you how pretty you looked in your cute lingerie, and cuddles you until you fall asleep in his arm.
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shesarainbow · 1 year
Max Cady x Reader | He's a fire eater, he's a cult leader
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Part I
TW: abusive relationship, emotional abuse, gaslighting, Max at his worst, blathering about his twisted religious beliefs
You and Max are at the gas station. It’s early afternoon, and Max decides to stop to refuel. You get out of the car to stretch your legs. You look around in apathy and spot a lonely phone booth in the corner. You reach it and stare at the phone, hesitant.
Things have gone so fast since you ran off with Max. You had a good time with him, but the last few weeks have been difficult, and that initial sense of joy you felt in the first few days has suddenly vanished. Now you just feel numb and you don’t even know why.
You and Max are always on the road, never stopping and always driving. You feel homesick, you wonder how your parents are doing and if they’re still thinking about you. A part of you longs to return home, but your heart only beats faster when Max is nearby. You don’t want to leave him, you don’t want to return home and be trapped in that awful situation. Max has become your drug: your body needs him, your mind literally hangs on his lips, even though you know very well he’s a destructive force, a hurricane, and yet…
You sigh deeply and pick up the phone. Your hands are shaking, but you dial your home phone number anyway. You don’t have to wait long, your father’s voice on the other end sounds so distant that you can’t speak. You don’t know what to say and immediately regret calling him. You start whimpering, and suddenly Max is next to you, hanging up the phone on your behalf.
“You don’t need ‘em.” he says as he wraps you in a protective hug and lightly smoothes your hair. You can’t help but keep sobbing uncontrollably.
“I know you’re homesick, but I’m your home now. Remember when you told me you weren’t happy back home? Your folks wouldn’t understand our special connection… You're a lost soul, and I’m the best thing that ever happened to you. I bring meaning to your life.”
You sniff as he kisses your forehead in order to calm you down.
“Stop crying, sweetheart! Daddy doesn’t want to see you like this, y’know that… Daddy's here for you, babe. I’m here to save you.”
You look up at him. He’s so sweet, yet you find him repulsive in a way. He's always been good with words. It’s like he’s inside your mind, controlling it every time. His charisma mesmerizes you, and he uses your body whenever he likes.
His fingers stroke your pretty face; he softly smiles and coos gentle words into your ears.
He wants to save you. Save you from what exactly? You still don’t know. He keeps blathering about sin and temptation, redemption and rebirth, quoting Bible verses and psalms at every opportunity. You find him annoying, but you lack the courage to disagree with him. You know perfectly well how very important religion is to him. And yet there are times when you just want to scream, yell at him, punch him in the face, but you remain still and silent, dying inside day by day.
Except for yesterday evening, when you had, as he calls them, one of your tantrums.
Max was teasing you as usual, and you, surprisingly, stood up and yelled at him. “I’m not your fucking daughter, Max! You can’t tell me what to do!” you hit him in the chest several times until he held your wrists to stop you. “You're a hypocrite!” you screamed before collapsing in his arms, utterly wrecked.
Max was taken aback, but he didn’t lose his temper. On second thought, you would have preferred he had. He gently chastised you, pretending to be sorry. “I’m hurt, honey. But I know this isn’t the real you, the true you. I forgive you.”
And last night, things eventually got out of hand. You were overwhelmed by his superhuman strength and unable to rebel against him.
Suddenly a sense of nausea pervades you, and you throw up your lunch right in front of him. You feel so ashamed, but Max is holding you even though you try to refuse his help. He hands you his bottle of water and you take a little sip.
Max talks to you softly, but you can't hear him. You are so pale and dizzy, muttering, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”
“Sssh, don’t worry, honey. Lemme take care of ya’.” he says as he helps you get in the car, headed for a motel.
The next thing you recall is the softness of the bed as Max helps you lay down. “Ya’ need to rest. I’m gonna prepare you a bath, alright?”
You keep your eyes closed; your head is still spinning. A few minutes later, you feel Max undress you, lift you up, and carry you in his strong arms before dunking you in the bathtub. The water is lukewarm, and he starts gently rubbing your back with a sponge.
“Does it still hurt?” he asks, gently touching the bruise on your arm. You shake your head no.
“I’m sorry if I hurt you last night. Y’know Daddy’s one hell of an animal and I must admit it: I got too rough on ya’. But you must understand that I was disappointed… It was for your own good, y’know that, right? Daddy’s needed to tame you in order to teach you a lesson. A valuable lesson. But I’ve already forgiven you, hun. That’s all that matters.”
You reach for his hand and intertwine your fingers with his.
He keeps rubbing your legs and your chest, then he strokes your cheek. “You feelin’ any better?”
You open your eyes and nod.
“I know it’s been a big few weeks, but you’re doing so great! Don’t give up just now. Your folks rejected you and I took you in when you had no one. Remember what I told ya’ before?”
You look at him, clueless.
“There’s no judging here. Just a search for truth. Have I ever judged you?”
“No...” you whisper.
“Have I ever been angry at you?”
“No, Max...”
“Have I ever forced you into anything?”
“No, exactly. Your folks instead—they judged you, they got plenty angry at you, didn't they? They didn't care about your happiness. I do. But y'know, every man carries a circle of hell around his head like a halo. Every man has to go through hell to reach his paradise. And I’m here for you, I’m your anchor, your Beacon of Light guiding you through darkness. Do you believe in me? ‘Cause I believe in you. Remember what I told you last night?”
“That I was—I was like the lost sheep returning to the fold.”
He smiles at you kindly. “Now, let’s get you dried off and dressed. You must be starving, sweetie.”
You and Max are at the diner. You were so hungry that you ate up your whole meal. You are feeling better now and your face is no longer pale.
“Can I get you anything else?” the waitress asks, looking directly at Max and staring at his tattoos.
“No, we’re good, doll.” Max answers with barely a glance at her, too busy reading his Bible and smoking his cigar.
“Max, I need to—” you say as you get up to use the bathroom. Max simply nods but actually raises his eyes and watches you as you walk away.
When you pass by the counter, the waitress starts chatting with you. “Your father—he’s so cool with all those tattoos…”
“He’s not my father…” you mumble, annoyed.
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“Uhm, he is... I mean, I'm his...”
“Ah, sorry, just—just one sec.” the waitress rolls her eyes and walks into the kitchen.
...his little girl, you answer in your mind. You sigh deeply and reach the bathroom. You look in the mirror and start worrying. You feel bad about before, for thinking all those horrible things about Max and treating him so badly last night. He's been so sweet and nice to you this afternoon.
Again, you feel that sense of nausea. Something’s wrong, you know that. And you can’t help but feel ashamed and guilty. All your doubts and insecurities surface once more. What are you even doing with someone like Max? Why do you keep staying with him? He could be your father, even the waitress thinks so, too. You could leave him and return home, but you know you prefer to remain by his side. And then it hits you: you’ve nowhere to go. You’ve no one but Max.
When you come out of the bathroom, you can’t believe your eyes: the waitress is flirting with Max. He’s smiling, but you know it’s a phony smile. You know how he despises that kind of girls, which he calls them ''sluts'' or ''whores''. You keep staring at them; the waitress is literally wrapped around his little finger, and Max pretends to care about her, until you realize that Max is actually looking at you, out of the corner of his eye. He’s testing you.
You feel so jealous, and you start to panic. You would like to tell her off, but you know how much Max hates arguing in public, so you walk over to the table and grab your rucksack.
“I need some fresh air…” you say, desperately trying to make eye contact with Max. The waitress barely looks at you and continues to flirt with him.
“Alright, babe. Just don’t go far.” he replies.
You make your way to the red Mustang and wait for Max. You can clearly see him, still talking to that girl. Please, Max... come back to me. I need you.
Suddenly the girl’s face changes expression, and her eyes tenses up. Max gets up and walks out of the diner, visibly irritated.
You turn around and you jolt as he kisses your neck.
“You alright?” he asks as you sit in the car.
“What did you tell her?” you can’t help but ask him.
He’s glad you asked. “Who? Who are you talking about?—oh, I see. That unclean and corrupt girl. Well, I told her that I already found a companion for that long walk to the light.”
You secretly smile, but Max lifts your chin so you can look at him. “For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. James 3:16” he quotes by heart. “Don’t be jealous, there’s no use. Instead, you should pray for her as I do.” he kisses you slowly. “It’s getting late, darlin’. Let’s move.”
Back in your motel room, you keep watching out the window. You know he tricked you into thinking he was going to flirt with that girl, but deep down you feel so stupid for being so jealous of that girl. You feel so insecure, despite Max reassuring you.
“C'mere, darling.”
You ignore him, so Max gets up and hugs you from behind.
“There’s no one out there waiting for you. Everything you need is right here, in my arms.” he wraps his arms around you and you rest your head on his chest. You inhale his scent and close your eyes.
“You can’t live without me.” he coos as you feel his erection pulsing against you. Your body responds automatically. You're so addicted to him, and he knows that. Yes, he does.
He’s right, you know he’s damn right. He controls your body, he’s manipulating your mind, and soon it will be your soul’s turn. You’ll end up worshipping him fully and blindly, as cult members worship their leader. In the end, you’ll be his forever.
“You. Can’t. Live. Without. Me.” he repeats again. You’re too confused to realize it’s actually a threat.
“We had a long, difficult day…why don’t we go to bed, huh?”
You lie down on the bed as he towers over you.
Yesterday you failed, today you failed again, and tomorrow… perhaps tomorrow you’ll have the strength to leave him for good.
He presses his thumb against your lips, and you open your mouth and suck it unconsciously. “Good girl, you’re learning… you’re as meek as a lamb.” he smiles at you, stroking your cheek.
“Tomorrow you’ll learn a psalm for me. The one you like best. If you can learn it by heart, you’ll get your reward. Would you do it for Daddy? Would you make Daddy happy? I know you will. But for now...”
“...for now, Daddy’s gonna take care of you.” he says as he unbuckles his belt.
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Dewey Decimal System
Max Cady x Reader in the library, no plot, just smut
Dedicating this little work to @droogiesanddiscourse who just today found out she's graduating with honors!!! I'm so proud of you bb!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
TW: smut, public sex, explicit/raunchy dialogue, Max Cady in general?
Word Count: 2.2k
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“My baby’s so smart, knowing how to find any book in the library,” your boyfriend, Max, coos quietly to you as you saunter through the aisles and aisles of books, softly leading him with his hand in yours. “You know I didn’t learn to read until my stay in the big house, but I never did learn numbers all that well. I’m glad my little princess can navigate this, uh, what do you call it? Dew something?’
“The Dewey Decimal System!” you whisper in a giggle.
“The Dewey Decimal System...” he tried the words out on his tongue, “Well, I’m glad you can lead me in the right direction, angel.”
“Oop, right here!!” you point up at a tall shelf. Max’s body crashes into yours, nearly landing you both on the floor, as you stopped so suddenly.
“Goodness gracious, girlie, you must be excited to do some reading, huh?” his voice rumbles lowly next to your ear. His muscular arms wrap tightly around your midsection, pressing your backside against him. You can feel his arousal stirring already; he really has no qualms about doing nasty things to you, any time, anywhere. “Oh, baby, I’m already thinking about you reading to me... Hearing that sweet little voice say such naughty things, those pretty little lips forming unholy syllables...” And in true Max Cady fashion, his fingertips are already teasing at the edge of your skirt, threatening for his rough palms to attack your delicate thighs.
You feel a single finger creep up to your hip, teasing at the waistband of your panties, “I hope you aren’t particularly fond of these, ‘cuz they’re coming off now, honey.” And with that, his other hand quickly follows the first one up your skirt and before you could even protest, the man is on his knees and the lacy underwear around your ankles. He helps you out of them as is you were a toddler, getting them over your shoes.
He quickly snatches a book from the bottom shelf and flips it open to a random page before stuffing your panties in it and shoving it back on the shelf. “Max!!!” you whisper-yell.
“What?” he plays dumb, standing back up to press himself into your backside again. “You don’t want someone findin’ your panties? Knowin’ what we did in here? Mmm, well I wanna spread the word about you, baby... Besides, they can use it as a bookmark.” His hands grip your hipbones and he gives you a sloppy kiss on your neck, making a loud slurping noise.
“Max! Shhh!!”
“You’re so cute, all worried about getting caught. You think we’ll get in trouble if someone sees us, or god forbid if someone hears us in this quiet place?”
“Maaaaxxx...” you whine.
“Mm, yeah? You like that idea? Someone hearing the way I turn you into a whore for me? You don’t sound as innocent as you look once I get you goin’.” His hand slides around to your sex, teasing you roughly through the smooth fabric of your skirt, and when you let out a little whimper, it only proves his point.
"Alright, princess, why don't you grab us that book we're looking for?" Following his question, Max's strong arms easily hoist you off the ground, lifting you up, up, up to reach that top shelf and pull down one of Max's favorite books: 𝘛𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘪𝘤 𝘰𝘧 𝘊𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘳. Oh, and don't think that he missed the opportunity to peak under that skirt...
• • •
As you and Max relax in two adjacent armchairs that he scooted close together, you recite prose from your boyfriend's favorite author. Just a few pages in, you're already at one of his favorite parts. You can read the sheer excitement on Max's face when he says, "Alright, darlin', you better speak up for this next part, you know how much I like the dirty bits."
You look around, making sure no one is nearby, and you start, "'At night when I look at Boris' goatee lying on the pillow I get hysterical.'"
"Louder," Max tilts his head forward, looking at you from under his brow bone.
You raise your voice only slightly, "'O Tania, where now is that warm cunt of yours, those fat, heavy garters, those soft, bulging thighs?'"
"I can't hear you..." he chimes devilishly.
"'There is a bone in my prick six inches long...'"
"And what's he gonna do with it?" Like he doesn't already know.
"'I will ream out every wrinkle in your cunt, Tania, big with seed,'" you look around again, checking for any poor passersby, "'I will send you home to your Sylvester with an ache in your belly and your womb turned inside out.'"
Max let's out a low whistle, "That Henry Miller suuuure knew what he was talking about, huh?" He leans forwards and rather directly slides his hand under your skirt, thumb quickly parting your lips to find that special little bundle of nerves.
You gasp loudly, and Max continues, "Yeah? You want me to turn your womb inside out like he did to Tania? Make that little cunt smooth with my big cock?" His voice is just loud enough that it still sounds intimate but anyone walking by could easily hear.
In an attempt to quiet your moans, you press on reading, "’Your Sylvester! Yes, he knows how to build a fire-‘"
"’But I know how to inflame a cunt!’" Max finishes your sentence for you before pulling you up out of your chair and into his lap, where his fingers quickly find their place between your thighs as if it is the most natural thing in the world to him. "Keep reading, princess," he whispers softly in your ear.
You become aware of his hard length pressing into your thigh, as you read the line, "’I shoot hot bolts into you, Tania, I make your ovaries incandescent.’”
Max lets out a deep moan that rumbles your eardrums and presses some kisses to your cheek and jawline.
“‘Your Sylvester is a little jealous now? He feels something, does he? He feels the remnants of my big prick. I have set the shores a little wider. I have ironed out the wrinkles,’” Max starts to rut against you in his lap. His hands take a firm grip on your hips and slide you back and forth against the erection trapped in his pants. You keep going, “‘After me you can take on stallions, bulls, rams, drakes, St. Bernards. You can stuff toads, bats, lizards up your rectum. You can shit arpeggios if you like, or string a zither across your navel.’”
His moans become quite noisy and his hands search for your flesh; one hand slipping under the edge of your shirt to feel the soft skin of your tummy, the other getting an anchor hold on your hair and giving it a rough tug. You inhale sharply wincing at the pain. You can tell Max is getting needy for you; it would never cease to fascinate you how some little girl (anyone is small next to his towering muscular frame) could have so much control over him.
“‘I am fucking you, Tania, so that you'll stay fucked. And if you are afraid of being fucked publicly I will fuck you privately-‘“
“Damn, that sounds like a good idea,” Max grunts out and unzips his pants, “I sure hope you aren’t afraid of being fucked publicly.”
His next few actions only take a few seconds, and before you can even realize it, you’ve been hoisted up and swiftly dropped down onto your boyfriend’s thick cock. You somehow let out a gasp and a squeal at the same time, and Max claps his hand over your mouth. The only other sound is the thud of the book hitting the floor and closing. Where Max wanted you to speak up before, now it’s time for the quiet game...
“How’s that feel? Daddy’s big cock stretching out those tight walls, huh?” Clearly, it’s a rhetorical question since his hand stays clasped over your mouth. It’s Max’s turn to tease you with his words. “You always take me so well, my little princess. You think if anyone walked by they would know that you’re filled to the brim with my prick? You’ve been trained well, baby girl, you can take me and no one knows I’m inside you, but I know how turned on you are, I felt how wet you were when I was touching you. You wanted this, and I bet everyone knows how much you wanted it, I bet that librarian in the next room knows you have your pussy stuffed right now.”
In all honestly, this guy Ryan had just started working at the library; he had hoped it would be more a bit more relaxing than his job at the local drive-in movie theatre. But Ryan recognized you and Max when you came in, and he really, REALLY doesn’t want another awkward interaction with your boyfriend, so he’s gonna leave you to do whatever you want in the back room of the library...
His hand still covers your mouth as you lean your head back onto his shoulder, looking at him out the corner of your eye. His other arm braces your hips, keeping you flush to him so you can feel every time his member twitches. “You feel me, princess? Feel that ‘bone in my prick’ and how bad I want you?”
You nod your head as much as his grip will allow, eyes never leaving his.
“If I can be frank, sweetheart, Daddy’s never been good at this whole cockwarming thing like you are. It always leaves me wanting more, and you know Daddy can’t resist having more of you... Whaddaya say we play horsey instead? I’ll bounce you on my lap like the dumb little baby doll you are, just like your old man did for you when you were a kid."
You let out an excited little whimper, and Max moves his hands to your hips. "Now I can't keep a hand on your mouth anymore. Think you can keep quiet for me?"
You nod your head excitedly and whisper as quietly as you can, "Yes, sir, Daddy. Can I have a kiss?"
"Aww, of course you can, angel," his lips meet yours in a wet, unrefined fashion, giving you the rough kind of kiss you need. Max also takes this moment to start bouncing you in his lap, just like horsey. With your lips pressed to his, it muffles any sounds that escape the two of you.
His thrusts are small and quick, but actually really satisfying at this angle. The girth of him presses against that special spot inside you. That combined with the thrill of possibly getting caught already has that feeling creeping up in your belly. Your nails dig into his hips looking for something to ground you as you find ecstasy in your orgasm.
But your climax isn't gonna stop Max from what he's doing. He continues to bounce you on his lap, whispering, "Mmm, finished so soon? You must like bouncing on my cock. Bouncy, bouncy..."
You bite your lip, still riding out your orgasm as he continually slams into your g-spot. When a drawn out little whine hums out of you, Max shushes you with a "Shhhh, shhh, baby. You're doing so good, such a good girl for Daddy. Just a little longer, I'm so close, princess."
With your brows furrowed and eyes closed tight, you brave yourself on the arms of the chair. You feel two calloused fingertips at your bottom lip, and you open your mouth, taking them in.
"There that'll keep you quiet for this next part," Max warns before absolutely plowing his hips up into you as fast as he can. His other hand maintains such a firm grip on your side, you think he'll probably leave bruises.
Max chokes back a deep grunt and pulls you down into his lap to spill his seed inside you. You feel his length jolting and that warm gooey liquid. You both sit there catching your breath, and Max wraps his arms around you in a loving embrace.
He gets you to look at him, placing another dirty kiss to your mouth. Then he pulls you off of him, stand up, places you back down on the chair, and gets his pants zipped up.
"Um. Max?" you whisper, a little tense.
"What is it, little darlin'?" He gets on his knees in front of you, placing his big hands on your thighs.
"Uhhh... I think there's gonna be a little mess on this chair," you get right next to his ear and oh so quietly tell him, "it's, uh, leaking."
"Aww, are you worried about leaving some of my cum on the chair?" he places a hand on your chin, "That was the point, baby. The librarian can handle it." Max gives you a wink before taking you by the hand and leading you out of the library.
Poor Ryan.... Scarred again by Max and his girl, and now he has to clean up after them.
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Imagine hitchhiking and Max Cady picks you up.
TW: Smut.
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You walk down the road with a large suitcase in your hand, nearly too big for you to carry
You had picked up and decided to move somewhere new, your whole life packed into the suitcase
You walk in the grass next to the road when you hear the brakes on a car squeake
Over your shoulder, you see a red mustang; you turn back and ignore the man in the car
"Hey there, little darlin'! Need a ride?"
Keeping your eyes ahead, you just keep walking, while he creeps alongside you in his car
"Sweet cheeks, what happened to you? Carryin' that big ole' suitcase, mad at the world. Was it a boy, did he treat you bad?"
You turn and look at the man; you both stop
He takes of his sunglasses to get a better look at you
You stand there, not saying anything
"Well, I would never treat you bad, you little princess. So why don't you get in this car and let me drive you where you need to go?"
After staring at him for a minute, you out your suitcase in the backseat and open the passenger door, sliding into the mustang
"Thank you," you nearly whisper to him
"Well, it's no problem, baby doll!" He puts an arm around you, pulling you close as he drives away
You reach over, stroking his thigh
"Mmm, see something you like?"
"Yeah," you move your hand to squeeze his groin that was already half hard, "you."
"That's good, because I like you too, princess." As you start to palm him through his pants, he groans, "Oooh, that feels good, baby..."
"Maybe I could..." you start
"Maybe you could, what, honey?" he asks
"I don't have any money. Maybe I could pay you back...like this," you give his member another squeeze
He takes a deep breath and says, "Well, I don't require payment from pretty girls like you, but I'm not gonna turn you down if you're offering, sweet thing."
You unbutton his pants, then look up at him and give him a kiss on the cheek
You get on your hands and knees on the seat next to him, and free his hard length from his pants before sinking your mouth down on it
Max lets out a noisy moan and tries to keep his concentration on driving
Over the next few minutes, you bob up and down on his length, flattening your tongue and licking roughly at the head, leaving kisses all over it, using your hand to cover what length you can't take in your mouth
It was pretty easy to tell when you hit the right buttons with him, as he is a noisy lover
When he feels his orgasm coming, he holds the back of your neck, almost forcing you down on his cock, moving your head up and down with his hand
"You gonna swallow my load like a good girl? I just know you wanna be a good girl for me"
And when the time comes, you swallow. You have no idea why you wanted to please this stranger, there's just something about him, you guess.
When he's done, he pulls you off him; your mouth leaves his member with a loud pop, and he holds you against his chest with one arm, still driving with the other
"Good girl, that's my good little princess... All mine, spoiled little princess"
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Imagine Max Cady with a Girlfriend in College.
Requested by the Queen of Max Cady content herself, Miss @droogiesanddiscourse 💖✨
TW: mention of prison, age gap, implied smut
You probably met Max as he was cruising through your college town one weekend
He'd formed a habit of visiting new places just to get a change of scenery and he just loooves to drive his hot red mustang all over
Max had grown particularly fond of college towns, lot of cute girls there, and he could admire the goods as they strolled down the sidewalks or leaned over the passenger door of his car to flirt a little
AND they were all legal age, so they wouldn't get him into as much trouble
But boy did he want to get in trouble when he first laid eyes on you...
"My God, you could stop traffic with a body like that, sweet angel," he hollers out to you as you walk from your dorm to the nearest bar with a friend
As he rolls along beside you in his mustang, you throw over your shoulder, "Well, I don't see you stoppin'!"wwwwwwwws
"Oh, and she's feisty too, Lord help me!" he shakes his head as if he needed to pinch himself to believe you were real, "Darlin', would you and your friend like to grace my backseat with your presence, and I'll drive ya where you're goin'? Chauffeur style..." He raises his eyebrows and swipes his fingers across the brim of his hat
That was all she wrote; Max was all over you like bees on honey after taking you out that night, and you certainly didn't mind the attention from an older guy. Besides, he was a real gentleman with his own special style and classic southern charm.
Max made it a point to see you as often as possible, but was also more understanding than you expected him to be about needing time for school work
"I like to check up on my princess, make sure she doesn't have any suitors throwin' pebbles at her window, other than me of course. Like in those fairy tales, ya know? But I know my smart lil' princess likes to keep her grades up, so I can't be with her as much as I'd like to" he'd say over the phone
He likes to call you a lot, even if just for a few minutes to hear your voice and make sure you're okay each day
Max even buys you a phone for your dorm room, so you don't have to use the payphones on campus anymore! Of course this leads to some spicy phone calls late at night...
He loves getting to visit you on the weekends, maybe take you to dinner or lunch, then maybe to the library where he can read aloud with you, and whew! Some of the things this man makes you read out loud... Scandalous.
What he loves most is when you don't have too much homework and he can stay the whole weekend with you
He makes you breakfast in the mornings, it's not great, but it's nice having that stress off your shoulders
Max likes to read your textbooks while you work on some small assignment, getting to understand what you're learning and what interests you
And while he does adore making love with his hot young girlfriend, what he adores most is the other acts of intimacy you share, such as cuddling late at night as you share your thoughts with one another before drifting off to sleep, or when he runs you a bath and you gently bathe one another as you soak
He constantly praises you for getting your education, after studying for so long in prison, he knows how fulfilling it can be
And lastly, Max always looks forward to you graduating, telling you how he's gonna whisk you away, and you'll get to live together and that you can work or stay home, whatever Daddy's Little Princess wants ✨
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Smut Alphabet for Robert De Niro
TW: all smut.
Requested by @josh--lymans
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A=Aftercare - What they do/act like after sex.
Very loving. Lying in bed with his arms wrapped around you, cuddling until you fall asleep (if it's night), and placing kisses wherever: on your shoulder, head, cheeks, hands
B=Bondage - Are they into BDSM, and how far they’ll go if they have a green light.
Robert's a pretty simple guy, he just likes sex, but he might like to play with choking you or smacking your butt or thighs. He would probably tie you up if you asked him, and would let you blindfold him if you wanted.
C=Cum - pretty self explanatory.
He likes to cum inside his partner, being as close to them as possible for those few seconds.
D=Dom - Are they dominant, submissive, a switch?
Dominant, but in a subtle kind of way. His actions show you what he wants from you, and he gets what he wants. Even though he's a giver, he will take a backseat and let you please him, but you both know it's because it's what he wants.
E = Experience - how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?
Very experienced. He's been everywhere and has had all kinds of women, maybe even hundreds, and he left them all feeling very satisfied.
F=Fantasy - A fantasy of theirs (ex: a teacher/student fantasy).
Again, he's kind of simple, he just likes sex, but he likes to play into size differences and age gaps.
G=Got Caught - How they react when they get caught having sex.
Robert would probably throw a blanket over you to cover you up though. He would dismiss the person that walked in as quickly as possible, then he would probably just keep going as long as you're comfortable with it.
H=Hot Spots - A place that drives them crazy when stimulated (EX: neck).
Oh, he loves having his hair tugged, his neck kissed, and his lower back scratched (but that's more when he's fucking you).
I=Intimacy - How romantic they are, or can be, before, during, or after sex.
Robert like the intimacy of sex, which makes it really romantic. He doesn't like to talk too much, but while you're in the act, he will make sure you're okay and ask "Does that feel good?" or "Yeah? You like that?" He likes to say those things lowly, right next to your ear.
J=Journey - Their ideal way of leading up to sex.
Quickly. He loves foreplay because he likes to leave a woman feeling pleased, but his sexual encounters come on quickly.
K=Kinks - I’ll list a few of their kinks, be they the normalized ones or kinkier kinks.
He would let you call him Daddy if you really wanted, but he actually likes it a lot more than he lets on.
L=Location - Where they like to have sex at, do they like risky locations, etc.
He prefers to have sex in a private setting, but he's not too picky. So in any bed, in a car, in his office, anywhere he can get you alone long enough.
M=Masturbation - How they are when they get themselves off, what they get themselves off to.
He's Robert De Niro, he could get anyone he wants, whenever he wants, so he really has so need to masturbate.
N=NO - A few things that they will absolutely, under no circumstances, ever do.
Even though he likes being called Daddy, he wouldn't like his partner pretending to be a minor in any way.
O = Oral - preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.
Robert looooves oral. Loves giving it. Loves receiving it. He'd do anything to make you feel pleasure, and that is typically an easy way to get to you. Don't even get him started on the warm, wet feeling of your mouth on his hard length; he thinks it's spectacular!
P=Position - Their favourite position to have sex in.
While he appreciates missionary so that he can look into your eyes, his favorite has to be with you lying flat on your tummy as he enters you from behind. He loves the feeling of your plump ass pressing into his pelvis, and he loves the sounds you make as he pleases your g-spot in this position.
Q=Quickie - Do they like it, do they prefer quickies over actual sex, etc.
Robert lives a busy life, so naturally he loves quickies. However, he also enjoys slowing down, taking his time with you.
R=Rough - How rough they are, or get, when in bed.
Typically he's very loving in bed, simply searching for pleasure, but if either of you needs a little extra friction, he's not afraid to pick up the pace and slam those hips into you.
S=Stamina - How long they can go before they tap out.
Robert can go as long as he needs to, making sure you're satisfied before he finishes. He can also go a few rounds if you're up for it.
T=Toys - Do they use toys, do they own them, what kind, etc.
He doesn't need any toys to please anyone; he's very good at what he does, but he would be interested in trying a vibrator on you to heighten the pleasure you feel while he's inside you.
U=Unfair - How much they tease you, how they tease you, etc.
He wants you to want him as much as he wants you, and he realizes that takes some effort. He commonly teases you in public or at events, touching your thighs or whispering naughty things in your ear. It makes for a pleasurable night when you finally get him alone.
V=Volume - How loud they get when having sex, things they might say, etc.
I spoke on this earlier a bit, but overall, Robert is pretty quiet, asking you if you feel good often. When he feels good or is close to reaching his climax, he will let out grunts and needy little moans.
W=Wild Card - a random letter for the character of your choice.
Making love to Robert means making love to whatever character he is playing on screen at the time. At the time he plays Jake LaMotta, he takes on a rough personality during sex. At the time he plays Max Cady, he becomes more dominant in the bedroom. While playing a role like Jimmy Conway or Sam "Ace" Rothstein, he becomes a total sugar daddy. His roles spill over into real life very easily for him.
X=X-Ray - How they look with their clothes off.
Sexy as hell!! Toned muscles, chest hair trailing down to his pelvis, and well... he's packin'.
Y=Yearning - How often they need to have sex.
Pretty often, several times a week, almost every day. However, he likes to do it at different times a day. He likes to keep things spontaneous; he doesn't want sex to fall into a boring routine.
Z=ZZZ - How quickly they fall asleep after having sex.
Robert certainly likes to relax after sex, and he could go to sleep right away, but he prefers to cuddle with you for a while in your post-coital bubble. He does like to sleep after sex if he can though, even if it's just a nap.
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