#tw:mentions of fatal vore
corysmiles · 3 years
Just a joke
Little Streamer AU
Cw: THE BAD STUFF IS ALL IN A VIDEO GAME, gore/body horror (in a video game), language, angst-ish, mentions of fatal vore (again, in a video game)
Notes: Woah the little streamer au isn’t dead???? I’ve got content again >:] eat up my friends!
(Also the content warnings make it sound much worse than it actually is I promise)
Maybe Tommy shouldn’t have pushed to be let into Ranboo and Tubbo’s stream. Maybe he should’ve taken Ranboo’s advice and sat out for a change. But of course he didn’t, he was stubborn and he’d been putting off doing a group stream with them for a while.
He thought this game would be perfect: horror, multiplayer, story-based, and at least a couple hours long. It was perfect for a stream. When he asked if he could join, Tubbo seemed enthusiastic, but Ranboo had seemed a little more...unsure.
What do you know about this game tommy??
Tommy remembered reading the dm from Ranboo while he was editing one of his videos. Him and Ranboo got along pretty well even though they played up their arguments on camera, so he wasn’t sure why Ranboo didn’t seem happy about him joining the stream.
Not much why? Is something wrong?
Ranboo had taken a couple minutes to respond and when he did Tommy received a couple links to some articles and then a long message.
I do want to play with you I promise that’s not the issue, but maybe not this game, it’s kinda a rough one from what I’ve heard
Absentmindedly Tommy scrolled through the articles not really reading much. Horror....tinies...gore- he’d seen it all before. If Ranboo really thought it would be enough to stop him he was being ridiculous if not overbearing.
Dude it seems fine, as long as you’re good I’m down to play
Small dots blinked on his screen for a few minutes after that before disappearing. A couple minutes later a text lit up Tommy’s screen.
If you say so, pls look into it though
Tommy had scoffed, brushing it off to prepare for the stream. Ranboo was too much of a worrier anyway, he was sure he’d be fine.
The game started okay, all three of them were streaming and the hilariously edgy game was a good bounce off point for lots of their jokes. It was fun!
They played as detectives trying to find some murder(?) in the city- Tommy hadnt really paid attention to that part- and the tiny was having a great time watching him and his friend’s pixelated characters jogging around.
“I think we’re supposed to go this way,” Ranboo laughed after a couple seconds of watching Tommy and Tubbo’s characters bounce around each other.
“Shhh no,” Tubbo interrupted, “Were dancing”
“We’ve gotta finish the game Tub-“
“Let us dance.”
Tommy sat back in his chair and watched as Tubbo’s character started to run circles around the other two, occasionally bumping into the npcs wandering around the city. From below he could hear the clattering of pans while his mother cooked.
“I’m a dance detective,” Tubbo sang.
With a crude laugh Tommy joined in circling around Ranboo until reluctantly the third boy joined in. All concerns he’d had about the game were gone, it was harmless fun. Ranboo was just being a prick before.
At least he thought so until they found the back alley.
According to Ranboo- the only one actually paying attention to the game- they were looking for someone at the black market who knew about the murder. The three were excited that they’d actually progressed the story until they actually entered the dark alley...
Tommy was starting to wish he’d read those articles...and that he wasn’t live in front of thousands of people.
He knew it wasn’t real- just some gross horror tactic- but seeing tiny charred and skinned bodies in buckets was almost enough to make him sick. The playful tone in the call was almost immediately dropped as they passed by stalls offering to cook tinies in various ways with butchers chopping them into bits. A couple of the npcs were even shown biting into them, with limbs sticking out of their teeth.
Ranboo let out a shaky breath and from the look of Tommy’s chat the other streamer was fuming. “I don’t like this at all...I’m gonna punch someone. Can we save them, is that something we can do?”
“Oh my fucking god dude,” Tubbo laughed weakly.
“I’m gonna murder someone,” Ranboo huffed, “I’m actually going to kill someone. Where’s the kill button?”
Tommy laughed weakly and tried to play along with his friends desperate attempts to keep the stream lighthearted. They had thousands of people watching each, they couldn’t just stop.
“It’s alright it’s alright,” Tommy butted in, “I look like that too on my bad days. All crispy like.
Apparently it was the wrong thing to say. He could almost hear his friend’s cringe.
“Oh god please don’t say that,” Ranboo groaned.
“What big man!?” Tommy laughed although the words made his throat feel weak, “What’s wrong with a tasty Tommyinnit snack huh? Huh?”
An uncomfortable choked sound came from the discord and Tommy wasn’t entirely sure which of his friends made the noise.
His phone dinged next to him; it was Ranboo.
We can stop if you need it, we’ll find a way to end the streams
Yeah big man this is getting weird
Fuck, even Tubbo was in on it.
Quickly he typed in a message saying it was fine before returning to the stream. The last thing he needed was the audience knowing he was uncomfortable. He had time to freak out later, when he was alone.
Every few minutes Tommy would throw in another joke, hoping to the twitch gods that his chat couldn’t tell how much he hated this game. Ranboo and Tubbo weren’t to happy about it though.
“Where can I get some, looks tasty.”
Ranboo grunted, “Shut up. Let’s get through this part quick.”
“What I’m a tiny I can say it!” Tommy fake pouted.
When Tommy looked back down at his chat they were spamming “Wilbur” over and over again.
“Oh Wilbur’s here, hello!” Tommy yelled as he tried to find his friend’s message.
This is not a good bit
Like Wilbur knew better...Tommy had no choice but fake amusement. He had a persona to upkeep.
“Oh shut up you prick it’s just a joke,” Tommy laughed before going to find his friend’s characters.
Luckily the part over was quick, and they were back out into the main part of the game. The stream went on smoothly and neither of the other boys mentioned anything about the...tinies from before.
“Alright boys, good stream good stream. I’ll be back whenever, new videos soon,” Tommy yelled out to the chat.
He watched as the chat filled with emotes and “goodbyes” before ending the stream. Immediately he let the breath he’d been holding leave his lungs.
It was just a game, just a joke, just harmless fun
Even though it wasn’t real he’d never been very good with horror. And watching humans eat people like him made him feel sick inside.
Its not like it didn’t still happen, his mind supplied.
His parents had taught him to be careful exactly because of people like that. Some sick fucks just never stopped looking at tinies as pests.
His mother yelled for dinner, but Tommy didn’t think he could stomach any food. He just wanted to sleep and forget about the awful stream.
Quickly he shot out a text to his mom that he would eat later, and jumped into his makeshift bed. Just another blessing of being a tiny, nothing was made well. The bed frame was an old decorative matchbox and it was full of small quilts made by other tinies. He didn’t even get a mattress.
It could be worse though, he guessed.
Lazily he looked down at his phone and watched as a whole string of notifications pop up.
Sorry about all that Tommy, if you wanna talk I’m here
Hey Tommy sry about that stream dude, didn’t know it would be that bad
Toms you ok??
Tommy sighed and let his head fall back against his pillow, pulling the quilts tighter around his body. He didn’t have the energy to respond yet...he hoped they wouldn’t mind too much.
Before he drifted to sleep he pulled up Twitter, as he always did. His timeline was cluttered with random messages and posts by his friends, but one thing caught his eye.
It was trending.
Tommy could already feel the persona side of him trying to put it in a better light- it meant he was funny enough if his joke trended. Yet the more logical side, the more Tommy side, felt his heart twist.
When he went to sleep that night he dreamt of charred skin and teeth.
@encaos @blurrybunnie @brooky71 @forgetful-dorito
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corysmiles · 3 years
Caught (Again) Part 3.
Friendly Giant AU
part 1
part 2
cw//language, mentions of fatal vore (this part is extremely vague and short)
(Also I’m so sorry this is longer than the things I usually post but I hope you like it 💛)
“Wilbur please eat your food,” Phil hummed from across the table.
It had only been a couple hours since Wilbur woke up, and he was already becoming a problem. The moment his eyes opened he was yelling for help. They tried to calm him down but the hysteric man wouldn’t stop shouting about the giant.
“Dad stop fucking ignoring me! I know i saw-“
“Wilbur!” Phil snapped, “Please, eat your food. We’ll discuss this later, but you need to eat.”
Techno took a spoonful of the soup and nudged it towards Wilbur’s face. As soon as it touched his lips Wil sputtered and slapped it out of the older man’s hand. The spoon hit the table with a hard thud, interrupting the uncomfortable silence.
“Fucking stop it, I’m not a child!” Wilbur gasped.
Techno picked the spoon back up and huffed, “You’re really acting like it.”
Wilbur shot Techno a dangerous glare and shoved the soup bowl away from him. It sloshed out onto the table, spilling onto WIlbur’s lap.
“Dad the towns in trouble! It knows where we-“
Wilbur couldn’t even finish his sentence before a spoonful of soup was forcefully shoved into his mouth by Techno. Wil coughed and hit his chest but swallowed it down.
“Will I love you I really do, but you’re probably concussed,” Phil said softly, “And we’d know if there was a giant I promise. That’s our job. If the boys had been with a giant they would be dead, and look at them, not dead.”
Wilbur shot a dangerous glance at Tubbo and Tommy who just sat in silence at the other end of the table. Tommy’s face lit up with a sly smile as he turned to face their angered brother.
“I don’t know how they’re not dead. But I KNOW what I saw,” Wilbur snarled.
“You’re being stupid big man,” Tommy scoffed, “Of course theres no giant we don’t have a death wish.”
“Oh shut the fuck up Tommy,” Wilbur snapped.
“Don’t talk to your brother like that,” Phil scolded, “but Wil is right mate. Going into the forest was stupid of you two, you basically did have a death wish...I really don’t believe you two found a giant, but if one actually did find you, we’d be holding a funeral right now.”
Tubbo looked up at Phil with a mouthful of soup and nodded.
“You know how dangerous they are,” Phil said, “They aren’t people. A giant would slaughter you like pigs and not have a second thought.”
“Tell me more dad I’m intrigued,” Tommy grinned.
Phil glared at Tommy and sighed, “It’s not a joke Tommy. Giants are a serious danger, all we are to them is food.”
“Mhm,” Techno hummed.
“Giants are the closest things to the devil you’ll ever meet.”
“Mhm,” Phil agreed, “They wouldn’t even hesitate to eat kids like you, you’re like a fucking snack to them.”
Tubbo stared down at his soup while Tommy continued to egg on their father. The claims he made about giants got more and more extreme...but at least the soup tasted good.
“Can we please stop talking about this,” Wilbur snapped after a couple minutes. His posture was stiff, and the staring contest he had with their father was thick with tension. It didn’t last long though before Phil reluctantly gave up and motioned for him to eat more.
“I’m gonna uh..I’m actually gonna go to sleep now I’m pretty tired,” Tubbo exclaimed after a few minutes of silence. Tommy grabbed at his arm to get him to stay but Tubbo was already gone.
As soon as Tubbo got to his room he dropped down against the wall and pulled his legs to his chest. A deep breath cleared his mind.
At least Ranboo was okay, he thought. And Tommy was doing a good job of convincing Wilbur nothing happened. Even though Tubbo felt a bit guilty over lying to their brother, if it meant Ranboo was safe it would have to happen.
He would never forgive himself if he was the reason Ranboo got caught.
After an hour the door to his room slowly creaked open as Tommy entered.
“You feeling alright big man?” Tommy asked as he sat down beside Tubbo.
Tubbo sighed and leaned his head against his brother’s shoulder. He was thankful for Tommy’s help but it was still overwhelming.
“Yeah,” Tubbo whispered, “Just anxious...we were so close to being caught.”
A gentle hand rubbed against Tubbo’s back while he talked.
“Try not to worry about it,” Tommy sighed, “I’ll deal with Wilbur, and dad and Techno don’t suspect anything. It’s all okay...Are you gonna visit him tonight?”
Tubbo stared at the floor for a few seconds, just letting his eyes follow the natural grain of the wood. It was a habit he’d had since he was a kid. He used to make stories out of all the shapes and pictures he found hidden in the wood, but now all he could find in the grains were reminders of Ranboo- his eyes, his tail, his awful fishing rod.
“Yeah, I think I should,” Tubbo sighed, “He’s probably so worried right now.”
Tommy hummed beside him in agreement. The hand on his back pulled him closer against his brother’s side.
“Yeah, wouldnt wanna make Boob anymore anxious than he already is,” he smiled, “I’ll go with you- to make sure nothing happens of course. Wouldn’t want a giant to mercilessly kill you.”
Tubbo snorted and punched Tommy’s side, “I hope he slaughters you.”
“And eats me too right?”
“Obviously,” Tubbo snorted, “Like a snack.”
After a few hours when they were sure the rest of their family was asleep, Tubbo carefully cracked open their window letting them both jump out onto the grass below. It was still squishy from the morning rain, but further out in the forest it would hopefully be dry. The thick tree tops could be thanked for that.
Tubbo and Tommy got all the way to the walls with no issue. One at a time they climbed up the small ladder on the side until they reached the top. Tubbo sent his brother a grin before hopping off onto the pile of leaves they’d set up below.
Tubbo thought it was strange looking back at the walls. From the other side they looked so small, especially compared to the giant he actually did know...it was a good thing Ranboo had no intentions of getting into town. Or hurting anyone.
After a few seconds he was startled out of his thoughts by the thud of Tommy landing beside him.
Tommy grabbed his wrist as started to lead them forward. But they didn’t get very far before a heavy weight tackled into them from the darkness.
“Fuck!?” Tommy yelped as the boys were slammed onto the ground.
Tubbo desperately tried to push off whatever monster was attacking them until a familiar voice grunted in pain.
“Wilbur!?” Tubbo asked incredulously.
When the weight finally got off of them they were met by a very very angry looking Wilbur. His head was still bandaged from where Tubbo had hit him, but apparently he was fine enough to be up and moving.
“Where the fuck are you two going?” he growled.
Tommy brushed the dirt off his shirt and glared at their older brother.
“What the fuck-“
“No no no, what the fuck are you two doing? Are you fucking idiots?” Wilbur asked.
Tommy sighed and grabbed Wilbur’s wrist. His soft placating smile was all Tubbo needed to know what would happen next. It was his lying smile.
“Jeez Wil calm down. We followed you out here, are you lost dude? Are you ok-“
Wilbur slapped Tommy’s hand away with a shout, “I’m fucking fine, stop treating me like I’ve lost my mind! Now you’ve got two fucking minutes to tell me what’s going on or I’m telling dad you were out here again.”
“Not like he’d believe it,” Tommy snapped back.
Wilbur’s glare hardened as he marched forward, his finger pointed at Tommy’s chest.
“Oh so you fucking admit you’ve been lying to me, Huh? Really nice of you,” he snarled.
“Hey hey stop it!” Tubbo shouted. Immediately Wilbur’s head shot towards him with a deep frown. His finger still pressed against Tommy’s chest.
“You fucking too,” Wilbur growled, marching towards Tubbo, “Why are you out here what the fuck is wrong with you, I expect you to be smarter at least!”
“Hey!” Tommy snapped.
Wilbur shushed Tommy with a hand and glared back down at Tubbo. Even as sickly as he looked he was still intimidating, and Tubbo didn’t think he’d ever seen Wilbur that angry before.
“Tubbo you take me where you were going...or I tell dad,” he said slowly, “If you’re going to leave anyway I’m going too.”
Tubbo stared into the older man’s eyes and saw the liquid fear starting to swirl inside of them. Wilbur was angry but...there was more to it. It made sense given how often he had nightmares about the giant that had gotten into town. Of course, he’d be afraid of seeing another one.
“Tubbo let’s just take him home we can-“
“No,” Tubbo interrupted, his eyes didn’t leave Wilbur’s.
“No...he can come Tommy,” he said.
Immediately Tommy gasped in confusion and shoved Tubbo’s shoulder.
“What the fuck are you talking about you can’t just-“
“Tubbo it’s not safe it’s not-“
“Do you even care about him, what the-“
“Tommy!” Tubbo shouted.
Tommy’s eyes hardened into ice as he stared at Tubbo. But Tubbo knew what he needed to do.
“You can come Wilbur,” Tubbo said slowly.
Wilbur blinked, seemingly confused by how fast he had won, and nodded at Tubbo. He straightened his posture but his eyebrows still furrowed anxiously.
“Let’s go then.”
The three walked through the forest in a thick silence. Tubbo lead the group while Tommy walked behind with Wilbur. The previously furious man now just seemed terrified. His eyes flicked back and forth anxiously, and every broken branch or gust of wind made him flinch. Tubbo was sure that if he even said the man’s name he’d bolt the other direction.
“How long until we get there?” Wilbur asked.
Tubbo turned back to him and shrugged earning a glare from Wilbur.
“We’re almost there,” Tubbo hummed, “You should know, you’ve been here already haven’t you?”
Wilbur paused in his steps. The white noise of crickets and birds filled the silence.
“It was real...” Wilbur whispered. His voice so thin it almost blended into the sound of the wind.
Tommy’s eyes darted to Tubbo sending him a silent warning- he had to be careful. But they’d already gotten that far.
Tubbo locked eyes with his older brother and nodded. Immediately, Wilbur’s mouth squeezed shut, and for a moment Tubbo feared he would run until thankfully he fell back in line with the group.
After a few minutes they were at the entrance to the den. The warm air from inside washed over Tubbo like a comfortable blanket or a hug, but Wilbur didn’t seem as pleased. He could almost see the fear radiating off of Wilbur in waves as he stared into the dark cave.
“It’s safe,” Tubbo muttered, gently resting his hand on Wilbur’s shoulder.
Wilbur nodded and swallowed, letting himself be guided in by his younger brothers. Every step was torturously slow though since he kept having to stop to collect himself.
“We’re almost there Wil,” Tommy whispered at the fourth stop. He laid an arm around his brother’s shoulder and waited patiently until he stood back up, ready to walk again.
When they turned around the next corner the tunnel lit up- they were close now. Tubbo’s feet sped up like he was on autopilot and he had to force himself from running through the rest of the tangled pathways.
It wasn’t long before a familiar booming voice echoed through the last tunnel.
Immediately a gasp escaped Wilbur. Tubbo turned to his brother who looked like he was about to pass out- his whole body stood deathly still and his eyes looked like they were a second away from rolling to the back of his head.
“What...” Wilbur heaved.
Tommy motioned for Tubbo to go on and sighed, “I’ll stay with him until he’s ready.”
Tubbo nodded and walked the rest of the way into the large cavern where Ranboo was curled up next to Michael. Meanwhile Tommy’s cow Henry slept peacefully against the stone wall of the den.
“Hey Boo,” Tubbo grinned.
As soon as the red and green eyes met his own they beamed with excitement. Behind Ranboo his giant tail thumped up and down happily.
“Wheres Tommy?” Ranboo asked.
Tubbo walked up to his friend and leaned against his giant arm. His body sunk into the soft fur and he could already feel the feint vibrations of a purr.
Tubbo took a deep breath and rubbed his hand into the giant’s fur, “He’s uh...well we have a guest?”
Ranboo tilted his head at the human before a loud gasp came from the other side of the den. Standing next to Tommy in the entrance to the cavern was Wilbur, and he looked horrified.
“You...it-“ Wilbur froze, “Oh my god.”
Wilbur’s shifted away, but before he could run Tommy grabbed his arm and yanked him forward.
“Fuck! Let me go,” Wilbur yelled, “Let me go please!”
Tommy shushed his brother while Ranboo stared wide-eyed at the man. His ears pushed flat against his head and Tubbo could tell by the way Ranboo’s fingers moved to wrap around him that he was anxious.
“Wil, he’s not gonna hurt you,” Tubbo said softly. To prove his point he rested his arm against one of Ranboo’s massive fingers- it didn’t seem to comfort Wilbur much though if his heavy breathing was anything to go off of.
“Wilbur breathe,” Tommy hummed, “It’s safe I promise. I don’t even like him, but you’re safe.”
“Yeah we’re not gonna let you get hurt big man,” Tubbo reassured.
Above them all Ranboo made a show of putting his hands behind his back before sitting back down.
“See not scary,” Tubbo smiled.
However, Wilbur still looked like he was going to cry. His eyes blinked frantically to clear away the oncoming tears while Tommy tried to calm him down to no avail.
Wilbur gulped down a deep breath, “How are you...”
Tubbo opened his mouth to continue before Ranboo’s voice echoed through the den again.
“I’m not gonna hurt you,” Ranboo whispered, “You can leave if you want.”
Wilbur’s head snapped upwards as he cowered away from the giant again.
“Look...I’ve been seeing Tubbo and Tommy for months now,” Ranboo said slowly, “If I meant to hurt them I already would have done it...And you’re their family, so why would I hurt you?”
Wilbur tightened his grip on Tommy’s arm, “You’re a monster...”
A soft hum came from Ranboo as the giant shifted to lay down on his stomach- his face now eye level with Wilbur.
“I know,” Ranboo agreed, “...But Im not going to hurt you. I would never.”
Meanwhile Tubbo walked over to Ranboo’s face and leaned against his cheek. With one finger Ranboo moved Tubbo to his nose and gently pushed against the human. Wilbur’s mouth hung open as he watched.
“Tubbo...” Wilbur exhaled.
Tubbo smiled at Wilbur and motioned for him to come closer. With a gentle nudge from Tommy, Wilbur reluctantly took a couple of steps until he was only a few feet from Ranboo’s face. His posture was rigid like a frightened animal ready to flee, but it was progress.
When nothing happened Wilbur took a couple more steps until he was face to face with giant. Ranboo’s massive eyes blinked once at the human before closing.
“How is this possible?” Wilbur whispered.
Tubbo shrugged and grabbed onto Wilbur’s wrist with a questioning look. When there was no resistance from Wilbur, Tubbo slowly placed his hand against Ranboo’s fur. Wilbur tensed up at the feeling but allowed Tubbo to guide his fingers through the thick strands.
“He’s different big man,” Tommy hummed from beside the two, “Not like the one you saw before.”
“Yeah, and he saved me yaknow?” Tubbo smiled.
Wilbur yanked his hand away when a slow vibration resonated from Ranboo’s body. Tubbo chuckled and guided Wilbur’s hand back down.
“He’s just purring dude,” Tubbo reassured, “It’s safe.”
Wilbur furrowed his eyebrows at the the giant with a small frown.
“See he’s just like a big dumb cat,” Tommy laughed.
One of Ranboo’s eyes popped open and glared at Tommy. Slowly, as to not startle Wilbur, Ranboo’s hand gently shoved Tommy to the side; Tommy huffed out some curses but didn’t seem too upset.
And for the first time that night Tubbo heard Wilbur laugh. It was soft and still a bit shaken, but it was a laugh nonetheless. Ranboo seemed to notice too and slowly opened his eyes to look back down at Wilbur.
Slowly, Ranboo pressed his face against Wil’s hand and whispered, “It’s okay”
Wilbur let out a small broken laugh, “This is...this is so fucked up.”
“Tell me about it,” Tommy scoffed.
Wilbur watched in complete awe as the giant reached out a hand to him. The clawed fingers were only an arms-length away but the creature made no move to grab at him.
Within seconds Tubbo had crawled up onto the outstretched palm and Tommy reluctantly allowed himself to be pulled up too. Wilbur’s face fell at the sight.
“I won’t move I promise,” Ranboo whispered, “And you don’t have to.”
Wilbur took a deep breath and slowly reached out his hand to the giant’s. His skin met Ranboo’s for a brief moment before he pulled away again. He couldn’t bring himself to be that close to that...that monster.
“I...I would like to go home,” Wilbur muttered, “Please.”
Ranboo smiled sadly at the older human and gently placed Tubbo and Tommy back onto the ground. Tommy looked like he was about to argue with Wil before Tubbo stepped in.
“We can go home Wil just...you can’t tell anyone about him,” Tubbo said sternly.
Wilbur met Tubbo’s hard gaze and let his eyes momentarily shift up to the giant’s. The red and green gaze was frightening, but it also held a deep sense of kindness.
After a few moments he let out a small hum of agreement and waved an anxious goodbye to the giant.
“I’m Ranboo,” the giant called out, “By the way.”
Wilbur paused beside his brothers and thought for a moment before turning on his heel. His eyes held a sense of determination as he walked back to the giant. With a deep breath he moved his hand to the giant’s own and pressed into the fur.
“I’m Wilbur,” he said after a few seconds of silence.
Ranboo grinned and gave him a small hum before Wilbur ran off back to the other humans. The giant watched as the three left- his tail wagged beside him happily. He was a little upset Tubbo wouldn’t be staying, but the meeting with Wilbur wasn’t that bad.
Ranboo knew it was hard for people to get used to him but he hoped eventually Wilbur would come around too.
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corysmiles · 3 years
for the little streamer au- tommy is with his friends at all times, but has he ever had to deal with somebody who thinks tinies are less than alone? what about while he's staying with wilbur? cue the perfectly timed of big brother wil lmao
Little Streamer AU-Kidnapped
cw//language, mentions of fatal vore (talk about it, it doesn’t happen)
Tommy was at a park with Wilbur eating lunch when a fan walked over to take pictures with the older man
Tommy sat alone on the bench they had been eating on and continued to munch on his sandwich until a shadow fell over his head
His gaze swooped up until he was staring into the eyes of an unfamiliar human. He asked the human what he wanted but the man just squinted down at him
After a second Tommy was grabbed in a tight fist as he was brought to the older man’s face
The fingers around him squeezed uncomfortably tight, cutting off Tommy’s breath
Warm breath washed over his body as he squirmed under the human’ gaze
The man laughed as he pulled at Tommy’s arms before shoving him into his pocket; from above Tommy heard a zipper pull closed
He immediately started to panic screaming and shouting to be let out until the man’s fist slammed into him, knocking the breath out of his chest
Tommy began to tear up and scream even louder for help, he called out to anyone who could help him but there was no sign of anyone coming
He felt the rough fabric drag across his skin before he was not so gently tugged out of the man’s pocket
The man grabbed Tommy in his fist while he sat under a tree
He started to tell Tommy about all the ways he wanted to hurt him and how much fun he was going to have with the tiny making Tommy tear up
At one point the man told Tommy how he planned on eating him alive afterwards while dangling the boy above his mouth
The man held him between two fingers as he swung him back and forth in front of his face, every time Tommy cursed or swung at him he laughed
The tiny desperately tried to break free but there was nothing he could do to get away
It didn’t take long though before his phone started ringing in his pocket causing enough of a distraction for him to break free from the man’s grip
He dropped into the grass and immediately sprinted, he kept tripping on twigs and rocks but he had to get away
When he was far enough away Tommy picked up the phone breathlessly and was met by Wilbur’s panicked tone
Tommy explained what happened and where he was to his friend. Within minutes the boy was safely in his brother’s hands; the gentle hold a stark contrast from the tight grip of the stranger
When Tommy pointed out the man who had take him he watched a fire start in Wilbur’s eyes. His friend walked over to the man and immediately asked what the fuck was wrong with him
The stranger just played it off as if he didn’t know what was happening until he spotted Tommy in Wilbur’s hand
The man laughed at Wilbur before patting the taller an on the shoulder
“You’ll learn soon those bugs aren’t worth shit. The best thing about them is how nice they are to squish in your teeth”
Tommy had never seen Wilbur as angry as he was in that moment. Before the man could even finish talking Wil’s fist had connected with his face.
The man stumbled over onto the ground while holding his nose. Wilbur spat on him before kicking him a couple times for good measure
“You’re fucking awful, I hope you rot.”
The man glared up at Wilbur and spat out an insult before he was kicked in the side again
The rest of their little trip was put on hold as Wilbur held Tommy close to him
He was weirdly quiet, and it made Tommy anxious about how upset he seemed.
When they got back to Wilbur’s apartment he took Tommy to his room and cuddled up with him near his chest
Tommy could barely get anything from Wilbur the rest of the night except for muffled apologies and reassurances
Wilbur wouldn’t tell Tommy but if the tiny hadn’t been there he would’ve done so much worse to that asshole
He wouldn’t let anyone hurt his brother, it was just unfortunate so many people seemed to want to just because of his size
@encaos @blurrybunnie @brooky71
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