makeda71 · 8 years
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I'm a #BlackHistoryHitwoman...... #TwaPygmiesGenoicide In #AncientEgypt they had this thing called the #Uraeus, its the #HeadDress with a #snake in the middle. The #Druids #Europeans from #Ireland was introduced to #AncientKemet (#Egyptian) philosophy by a #VeryShort #AfricanPeople called the #Twa (#PygmyPeople) who migrated there from #Africa and wore the #UraeusHeadDress. #PopeCelestineV commission (#MaewynSuccat) #StPatrick who was a #ExBritish #slave to go into Ireland and build #CatholicChurches. St.Patrick (Maewyn Succat) is credit in history books for driving the #snakes out of Ireland. This is #SymbolicLanguage think about it? Why would the Catholic Church make someone a #saint for driving snakes out of Ireland? He didn't drive snakes out of Ireland what he did was killed over 200,000 #people who had taken on and understood the Ancient African philosophical system of #MAAT. These #Irish and #Twa (Pygmy people) was wearing the Uraeus snake head dress didn't accept St. Patrick (Maewyn Succat) teachings of Catholicism so St Patrick killed them. For expanding the church and killing people who wouldn't take on the #RomanCatholicFaith Pope Celestine V coordinated and made him a "Saint" because he set up over 300 churches in Ireland after getting rid of the Druids and the Twa (Pygmy people) who wore the Uraeus/snake head dress. He didn't drive out snakes as the history books states he committed genocide on a people. When you see people wearing #shamrocks and talk about #leprechaun it was no #leprechauns it was the Twa (Pygmy people) from Africa they are talking about. A people who had the Ancient Kemet (Egypt) knowledge who was also considered magicians by the ignorant. Now they called them leprechauns and have your children eating #LuckyCharmsCereal. This is the History of #StPatricksDay.
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makeda71 · 8 years
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#TwaPygmiesGenoicide #HappyStPatricksDay
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