walkingdeadjunkie · 5 years
(GIF is not my own, so thank you to the lovely person who created it.)
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“I’m done with this goddamn shit.”
Rick tossed the last box into the trash and stormed back in the kitchen with a scowl. The entire morning had been a tornado of testosterone-fueled-hysteria, and it was all thanks to the man with a grotesque baseball bat and sick sense of humor. You sighed loudly and took the last swig from your cup of coffee, all the while Rick’s remained untouched on the counter.
“Stop worrying about it, please. Come and sit down with me.” He remained animated.
Rather than the typical small gift Negan would have delivered to rile up the morning; the antagonizing gremlin had gone a step further, and it caused Rick to become a man possessed by fury. Carl had pulled the two of you from bed early that morning. What should have been an enjoyable Sunday became anything but the moment you set eyes on four large crates at the doorstep. There was no need to guess who it was for or who it was from, but still you read the card a red-faced Carl handed over.
‘Can’t wait to check out that tight ass again. I love you endlessly, Negan.’
Rick had torn it into pieces immediately.
Within minutes the majority of Alexandria had circled around to inspect the contents of such a large drop off- even Daryl wandered over to see what the fuss was all about. There were candies and snacks that you shared around despite Rick’s reservations, an array of baby toys for Judith neither of you wished to keep, fancy hygiene products with scents you hadn’t experienced for years and layers of skimpy lingerie that were hastily shoved into the arms of anybody who wanted them.
Negan gifted you an entire mall- but it was at the price of Rick’s increasing distress and you wanted to get a return.
It was near eleven and Rick still hadn’t cooled down from his warpath. He paced back and forth in the kitchen while muttering to himself; hands flying up every once and again during what seemed like a one-way argument. He didn’t stop moving around until you crept up from behind and wrapped two stiff arms around his middle; preparing your sweetest voice before speaking up.
“He just wants your reaction. Try and look at the bright side of his pettiness, at least everyone gets to enjoy something new today, right?” He scoffed, offended by the passive opinion you held. Your arms loosened to let him turn around in the embrace.
“It doesn’t matter why he does it or who gets ‘something new’.” Rick seemed more on edge than he had for a while and it was upsetting to see him so shaken by another one of Negan’s head games. “He takes my town, my power, my people- and now he’s coming after you? He’ll never stop.” You pull him down and press your lips against his swiftly.
“There’s no doubt in my mind that Negan will get his comeuppance one day soon-.” He tried to pull back but you held on defiantly. “I promise you it won’t be like this for long, okay? The bad guys always fall. They always have when they go up against you.” Your fingers tangled through his hair and his expression softened. Quickly he tucked his hands underneath you and lifted high until your legs wrapped around his hips. The intimacy was familiar and a sigh escaped you. “You know, I’m thinking that we use this whole thing to our advantage.” His was gaze steady and a brow rose high.
You clicked your tongue and smirked, readjusting a little against him in search of the soft growl he would give. “Oh, really. I’ll request a rocket launcher. Hell, if I say how much you would hate to see a heavy weapon in my hands, I would get at least a shipment worth of them.” Your tone grew husky and you tugged him closer by the shirt with a grin. “Then, Mr. Grimes, we blow that asshole back to hell and celebrate over a few glasses of Alexandria’s finest water.”
He chuckled and dipped low to place a soft kiss to your forehead. “If it was only that easy.”
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playusers · 8 years
twd + nick jonas { songs }
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