deathlypancakes · 7 months
Posted this on Instagram for Turkey Day!!
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I finally drew my Miiformer boys 🦃🥧
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kingabezka · 2 years
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Add this to ur google document. Do it.
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When Magnus take his husband to Mexico for vacation and Alec gets a little too enthusiastic during the tequila tasting tour
Drunk Alec: baby, Izzy show me how to do that twerk challenge. Watch me!!!
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kiiraes · 2 years
Bdoubleo100 from hermitcraft for the character thing
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cosmiclaugh · 1 year
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Rip my buddy twerky they evicted them from the site
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godofvillains-aa · 2 years
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((It's a twerky...
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mymemevideos · 3 months
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shadowthedragoncat · 8 months
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Another twerking among us gif
But of my oc >:3
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hercomputersublime · 9 months
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officermaddie23 · 2 years
I found another video of the twerky
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screensmudge · 2 years
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I had a fun drawpile with my friend today, lasted like 5 hours
friend is link to friend
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queenbeaver69 · 2 months
Twerky twerk
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kiiraes · 1 year
guys do you remember the time when i had a functioning tag system
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grailknightmonty · 2 years
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Happy MCC day!! Todays event was so much fun! No spoilers but i will say, compared to last year’s holiday MCC, Jordo did get his (/lh) “revenge” 😎🤙🏼
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aesfocus · 2 months
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A tiny little celebration and recounting of this lil old lady, who passed away yesterday april 22 2024, 6 years to the day her adopted sister left the world.
Read on to learn about her adoption story and some of her fav things!
I made sure she had a comfortable lovely weekend, but she let me know it was time.
So who was Turtle?
In Aug 2010 I went to a local shelter and adopted 2 kitties. One a kitten we named Genki, and another a 1+ year old mystery owner surrender they named Hello Kitty.
She saw us and started yelling and slamming herself on the glass to show us how to pet her. She snugged onto my lap immediately in the little private room to meet her and I was in love instantly.
But back at home she was very scared. She hid under the couch for three days only peaking her head out to eat some food and then she went back in. This would be the last time in her life she would be shy, but I didn't know it so I named her...
Alligator Snapping Turtle; Turtle!
She quickly became my shadow. Clinging to me night and day. She would jump onto the back of my chair, lay on my back and slowly slide down towards my butt. She did this so frequently she managed to break the chair, eventually. After that all my chairs have been bought with more room for her to snug me. For a whole decade.
If someone visited, she would insist they hold her, or she'd sleep on them in their sleep. She once was held through a 3 hour long DnD session by someone she had just met; she loved people. Loved being pet, but above all, she adored me.
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She had a specific meow for me, she spent every single night for nearly 14 years in between my legs, and unfortunately, as she got older she got separation anxiety real bad. She would cry and cry for about an hour each time I left. (I rarely do as I no longer work but even a trip to the grocery store did not leave her happy!) I know this because my husband had plenty of videos of her standing at the door hoping I would return.
No matter what I did in the house there she was.
But lets back up a moment, remember that bit about owner surrender? That intake form was interesting. with questions like "What is your pets favorite toy?" came answers like 'small glove'. She spent at least a year in someone with 7 children's garage. They fed her 'cheep food' and knew very little about her past other than they found her about a year prior. No judgements to them, but this girl was a lap cat to end lap cats. You would pick her up and move her to stand and she'd jump right back into your lap. She's dig her claws in if she thought you were trying to leave. She wanted the warmth god damn it!
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Here is her on top my husband. Human's were good options.
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Heat vent? Also a great option.
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She would, when I worked, stay in bed in the covers right where I left her until I came home from work, all nice and cozy.
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She loved it when my husband worked from home, gave her ample time to try and fry his laptop during his breaks or lunches.
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But her fav place was on top of me. I set up my desk just for her actually! This big living room chair was purchased so she could always be near me.
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Because the previous snug situation was not cutting it!
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Here she is on the chair I bought for us.
She was never very photogenic, because she saw my hand and wanted pets. If I wasn't petting her she'd cry and show me how to pet her with her paws, or she'd flop around or rub herself on something and look up at me like 'come ooooonnn you know the good spots.'
Or she would do a 'turkey twerky'(where cats twitch their tails and step from foot to foot rapidly in excitement).
Her fav toy it turned out was not a 'small glove' but in fact the simple spring. Yellow was her fav color of the springs, but past that any small bit of plastic she could chase around and yell at was great. She was a very loud little lady!
I sang her a song daily for about ten years;
"Her name is turtle! and she's a turtle! And she's got a lot to say!"
after which she'd generally make a BIG meow and I'd give her tons of attention. Because she was my lil baby girl.
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But her all time fav thing, beside me of course, was going outside. She didn't get to much as I believe in, and have, indoor only cats, but on special nice days we'd go outside and she'd gets some nice supervised time with the grass. (She made the other cats jealous because only she was let outside without a harness, but that's because if she wasn't in about a 2 foot radius of me she'd come back and yell at me to follow/I was able to out run her.)
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Last year I had her shaved, because she was a fat cat who was struggling with cleaning herself so we were going to get on a rotation of shaving and baths and brushing to make sure she stayed nice and clean...
But unfortunately she began to drop in weight very quickly, the primary sign something was very wrong.
She was adopted on the same day as Genki, and six years to the day she passed on the same day as her sister. Genki lost a very long fight with a fungal pneumonia in 2018 and our hearts shattered and then yesterday they did it again.
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If Turtle was my heart, my little shadow, then Genki was my husband's.
Turtle was such an amazing good friend, I have so many memories of her and it doesn't seem real that she's gone. But I wanted to keep this light, and positive, and so I will end it with, adopt.
Don't shop, adopt. You never know who is waiting for you in a shelter, what kind of very full wonderful life you can provide each other! Hello Kitty became Turtle and she knew that name, she'd come running any time I called, she was my very best friend and I miss her so fucking much.
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harlowcomehome · 2 years
“Turkey Day!”
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It was the night before Thanksgiving and you were in the kitchen double checking all of your ingredients for what felt like the millionth time.
“What doing?” Jade asked as she chewed on her finger, a habit you were trying to get her to break.
You picked her up, setting her on your hip. “Making sure we’re all good for turkey day” you tickled her stomach as she let out a giggle.
Jack heard the commotion and came from the living room, Hazel following closely behind him. “Tell me you’re not double checking ingredients again” he teased as he came up behind you, placing a kiss on your neck.
You giggled as his beard tickled you, “I’m just nervous. This is the first time we’re hosting.”
Hazel was watching from the middle of the kitchen “Uncle Clay said he’d bring pies. Do you think he’ll remember?”
Jack laughed “doubtful, your mom bought extras just in case.”
You smiled back at her and Hazel nodded with a giggle.
Jade rubbed her eyes and you shut the kitchen cabinet. “Okay Jadey girl, let’s go to bed” you smiled as everyone made their way out of the kitchen.
“Hazey, did you brush your teeth?” Jack asked and she nodded.
“We’ll be right there to tuck you in” you both reassured Hazel as you and Jack both went to assist Jade with brushing her teeth.
“I excited for twerky day” Jade giggled. Jack helped her get off the counter and the two of you tucked both girls into bed before heading to bed yourselves.
“What time are you waking up to put the turkey in?” Jack asked as the two of you laid down.
“Your mom told me she usually starts at 5” you yawned and he looked over at you in shock “as in AM?” You laughed “yes, as in AM.”
The two of you fell asleep after a few exchanged “I love you’s” and lazy kisses.
The next morning was hectic. You woke up and made sure the turkey was put in the oven at a decent time.
Jack had overslept but he deserved to, so you didn’t mind it. You showered and got the girls ready before he finally woke up. He panicked walking into the kitchen, “babe! Why did you let me sleep in?” You laughed, walking over to him and placing a kiss on his lips. “Go shower, your family is headed over here soon ” you slapped his butt as he walked away earning a wrinkly nose from Hazel.
Jack got ready quickly and helped you set up the table, making sure the girls were settled and entertained as well. You had also made a separate table for the kids with Thanksgiving day crafts to keep them busy.
Urban and his daughters were the first to show, he had brought some baked mac and cheese, which Jade was excited for. Clay and his fiancé showed up right after and then your in-laws immediately behind them.
“Pies?” You questioned Clay who surprisingly remembered them and handed them right to you. “I assume this was all you huh?” You teased his fiancé who immediately giggled and agreed.
You had just taken the turkey out of the oven, Jack was slicing it up for everyone when Hazel ran over to you.
“Now?” She whispered, Jack still heard her though and held back a laugh, you looked up at him suppressing your own giggle.
“Yes, I’ll go with you and help you put it on” you patted Jack on the back “you got it?” He nodded “we’re good.”
You and the girls excused yourselves to the bedroom. Hazel was giggling “I think grandma and grandpa are going to think this is funny.” Jade giggled too, obviously less aware of what was going on.
You helped both girls get into their turkey costumes. Jack had the idea of making sure the both of them wore a turkey costume today. At first you weren’t sold on the idea but Hazel seemed really excited about it, so you thought it would give everyone a laugh.
Jack knocked on the door, “it’s me” he yelled and you told him to come in. The first sight he got of his girls made him audibly say “awww.”
“You both look so cute” he snorted, laughing at the sight.
“I’m a twerky daddy” Jade giggled. Hazel spun around in her costume making the two of you laugh and shake your heads.
“Are you recording or do you want me to do it?” You smiled.
“Can you?” Jack giggled back, still looking at his daughters.
“Yeah! Girls, are you ready?” You smiled as you took your phone out of your back pocket.
Both girls nodded and Jack walked out of the room first, “the girls wanted to show everyone something” he announced.
Both girls walked out of the bedroom, greeted by giggles and “awww’s” immediately.
Your in-laws took pictures of the girls and with them. You and Jack stood back and watched as the girls did their best turkey impressions.
“I can’t believe you actually got Hazel to do that” you laughed and he shrugged “I promised her a bigger piece of pie.”
“Jackman” you laughed as you shook your head, he just smiled in response.
“Let’s eat!” Jack announced making sure everyone had a plate.
When everyone was sat down with their plates, you watched Maggie as she tried the turkey. She looked over at you and winked, giving you the reassurance that you needed. You felt like you finally took your first deep breath of the night.
Jack turned to you and whispered “told you, you had nothing to worry about.” His hand on your knee, giving it a light squeeze. You smiled, leaning in to give him a kiss.
“You were right” you smiled.
“Oh, I’m sorry! I was what?” He gloated and you laughed “I don’t blame you for wanting to hear it again, it’s not every day that you hear that.”
“Wow” Jack laughed as he playfully rolled his eyes.
“No comeback?” You smirked and he laughed, “it’s Thanksgiving! Be nice to me.”
You smiled at your husband, who never failed to make you laugh. You were thankful for your family and you loved all of your moments together.
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