#twewy has one of my favorite styles of npc design. Which is 'make the wildest dude and explain nothing about him. Die wondering about it.'
shitpostingkats · 1 year
Def Märch is actually one of the funniest things in The World Ends With You. They're a group of dead people who also have a fairly up-and-coming rock band. They're the only employees of the afterlife we ever see who still have ongoing careers in the living world and it's never explained how. Their tech guy is a still-living man who seems to have no idea all his bandmates are dead. They all dress exactly like the wall reapers so either all the wall reapers are secretly Def Märch members, or they just wear their uniforms from their Underworld Security jobs to their gigs. Minamimoto steals their microphone and they genuinely consider using his megaphone as a replacement. What is going on with these people.
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