#Def Märch
shitpostingkats · 1 year
Def Märch is actually one of the funniest things in The World Ends With You. They're a group of dead people who also have a fairly up-and-coming rock band. They're the only employees of the afterlife we ever see who still have ongoing careers in the living world and it's never explained how. Their tech guy is a still-living man who seems to have no idea all his bandmates are dead. They all dress exactly like the wall reapers so either all the wall reapers are secretly Def Märch members, or they just wear their uniforms from their Underworld Security jobs to their gigs. Minamimoto steals their microphone and they genuinely consider using his megaphone as a replacement. What is going on with these people.
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twewywhispers · 1 year
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zyzix · 2 years
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Poll masterpost
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twewytransswag · 1 year
Round 1B, Match 5
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hellpupp · 1 year
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still mad that ntwewy completely retconned def märch, so i am rejecting the proffered canon & substituting my own.
bj & tenho are alive & In Love. def märch forever, baby.
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stargengen · 6 months
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Friday night with Def Märch
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purplelea · 2 years
"Eri is difficult to write since we don't know anything about her!" "She doesn't have a real personality, we don't see her at all..." Guys guys guys... You are SO WRONG it's not even funny. We know many things about Eri, actually! It's easy to build her personality from that. You just need your brain and a little bit of imagination! But since I'm a little bit too obsessed with twewy, I made a list of all canon facts we know or can easily guess about her. Feel free to add to it!
First, we know that Eri is super popular. She has many friends, we even see her hanging out with Mina (in game) or an unnamed friend (in the anime). For both times, neither of them know who Shiki is, despite her being Eri's best friend. I think we can guess from this that Eri has many friends, but none of them know her like Shiki does—in other words, she doesn't have many true connections with others.
Then we know that Shiki's self-esteem issues aren't really new. For someone who's her best friend, Eri has been really blind about that (maybe blinded by how herself put Shiki on a pedestal and admired her?) and didn't do anything about it. And when she finally did something, it was very badly said ("you're not meant to be a designer" geez Eri, are you sure that's what needs to be said to comfort Shiki, struggling on a design?).
Finally, we know that Eri does have a sharp eye, but only for fashion and trends. It's said she always notices mistakes on Shiki's designs and always points them out. She's also said to be very smart and successful at school, and of course, very pretty.
Other less important info about her are that she likes Def Märch and that her favourite clothing brand is D+B.
Remember that this is a non-exhaustive list of all we know about Eri from canon! I may have forgotten lots of stuff. Hope this helps! ^^
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scramble-crossing · 1 year
bold of you to make tsugumi like, some normal ass person, when she basically blows up over def märch in another day, and does the ojousama laugh, and even in the og universe got in trouble for investigating kubo and dissonance like a boy detective (gender neutral)
To me Tsugumi is the "normal one" in her workplace who every now and again implies that she has something really fucked up going on in the background but everyone sort of passes over it and it never gets elaborated on or brought up ever again
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lesbovalentine · 10 months
i love twewy so much u guys. i dont have any real thoughts im just thinking About the music thing. the banger soundtrack and enemy names. neku and kitanijis headphones and parallels. the composer producer and conductor being the important roles in the reapers game. 777 and def märch. the importance of subculture re: identity with music and fashion etc
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amcdrawnon · 2 years
While visiting Tsoogy, Minamimoto spots a photo of a dark haired Tsu with Big Su. He's like, "When did the refractory index of your hair transform?" She's like, "Oh that? I dyed it to match my idol." Coco's like, "Don't open this can of worms Mini-moto or your ears will totez fall off." Tsu's like, "O-hohohohohoho, as a young lady, I went to see a concert of the one and only Def Märch, with my idol, 777 blah blah blah blah" while Minamimoto is just 6_9
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In which Tsoogy lore-dumps
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strawberry-barista · 1 year
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⚅— @heartsurpluss asked: —⚅ ⚅— ❝  if you wanna discuss it in private,  we can go outside?  ❞ - 777 !! —⚅
Conversational Starters
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
Hanekoma turned his eyes askance to the collections of people all busying themselves and getting things in line. There probably wouldn't be much more of a chance after this, and this was something Hanekoma didn't really want to leave to just agents who might pressure their clients into doing something they didn't want to. He knew that his name (or rather, his "client's" name) held a weight to it that made others in the field start shaking in their boots. It wasn't really that CAT was a superpower in the music scene as much as it was how influential they tended to be among all forms of art, no matter the medium. Music was just a small branch of something much, much bigger, and it was intimidating for those that he interacted with. There were plenty of people within the music scene that didn't like him or even straight up hated him for his ability to stand boldly in the midst of it all, especially when CAT refused to show their face. And he had one too many times seen an agent go to their clients and force the loathed CAT down their throats even though they stood against everything CAT was.
But he was excited about the little reaper that had provided such character when he was fighting to survive during the Long Game, and he wanted to do what he could to observe him close up. So for the first time in a very long time, CAT was going to go live, if he could talk 777 into it. He'd get to do the observations he wanted to, and maybe he could help influence the crowds around Def Märch as well, which could get them more out of the show and leave them with a heightened sense of creativity. It could be good for everyone involved, including the city at large, and as long as he was careful, he could keep his cover from being blown.
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"If you don't mind," he replied casually, sliding hands down into pressed slacks. "This is something my client and myself have been discussing for a while, but I wanted to have this conversation with you personally, just to make sure no one got pressured into doing something they didn't want to. So is it alright? I'll only take a little of your time, I know you're in a hurry."
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anixdraws · 3 years
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💀 Def Märch on 💀
[A quick sketch made in between bigger projects while I test some new csp brushes]
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coldramen24 · 4 years
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twewy as text posts 5/?: i lived bitch
to everyone’s dismay i have returned with my shitty content
for the fourth one i was debating between using sanae and coco but i decided on her because she made more sense and also i haven’t used her yet. cannot wait for NEO so I can still not have a clue what happened in A New Day
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def-march · 4 years
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Because I convinced my best friend to buy final remix, I am reminded by how much i LOVE 777 and the whole twewy gang.... We’re only on w2 day2 and he already doesnt trust joshua (which?? WHo can blame him???)
I had to draw my favorite punk rocker again bc I miss him, and i love him. I was playing with screentones on CSP bc thats like the biggest thing i got this program for lmao.
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voicefromthecorner · 3 years
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Sho, who are you posing for, ya poser?
To be fair, it’s a cool new look for him. Wonder what happened to his old bandana. Maybe it’s still under there somewhere. Or maybe it got looted, which is fair, given its stats.
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I’m so glad his trash talk and math talk are back on top form. It’s also really cool to see Rindo reacting to it by doing what the OG gang either couldn’t do, didn’t care to do or just didn’t need to do with Joshua’s intelligence, which is looking up what he’s saying and trying to translate it. All while Fret just stares in bewilderment before rolling along with his boundless positive energy. I’m loving this trio!
In the old game, he called the Players “yoctograms”, which is marginally smaller than a “zeptogram”, which is an oddly specific yet adorable way of subtly implying that while Sho’s superiority complex is still as active as ever, he does have a higher opinion of these two than he had of the Players in the last game.
And if you don’t know what a cyclic number is, I found out what it was because of this and they are so freaking rad! If you take 142,857 and times it by 2, you get 285,714‬. If you times it by 3, you get 428,571. The exact same digits, just rearranged when you times it by anything from 1-6, ending with 857,142. It’s so cool! So I guess what Sho’s trying to say is that this game is different but the numbers are the same? Oddly inspiring.
Also, while I'm thrilled that his loudspeaker is back, did he trade it with Def Märch (or, the remnants of it, RIP) for their mic back? Darn it Sho, he probably didn't.
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sage-nebula · 3 years
Thinking about the crack headcanon I had years and years ago that 777 and the Prince (Eiji Oji) were brothers who died and played the Game together, as partners, and that when they won the Prince elected to return to life while 777 chose to become a Reaper. They weren't close before the Game—actually, they always fought—but they repaire their relationship during and so the Prince was actually upset, at first, when 777 chose to stay. It was fine, though, because 777 could tune into the RG, and the Prince could always go see his concerts.
I'm thinking about this because in Neo, it's stated that the Prince has gone from an apathy shtick to outright depression, to the point where some fans (such as Fret) lost interest. And 777 was erased by Konishi at the end of Week 3 of the long game, meaning he's gone forever. (And given that BJ and Tenho don't show up at all in Neo, I think it's clear they didn't continue Def Märch after his erasure.) If I continue my headcanon that they were brothers, and that the Prince would never truly know what happened or why, only that his brother was suddenly erased one day . . .
Well. The depression makes sense.
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