knightyoomyoui · 1 year
Chaeyoung x F Reader - "Something Just Like This"
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FINALLY, THE LAST ONE-SHOT TO END THE SET 5 LINE-UP. I know this is the last, but sorry if this may suck, because I wrote it in just one go and it lacks editing. I'm still struggling with my lack of interest in writing these days and it's more difficult to cope if you're also battling with your poor mental and emotional health condition (yes, i'm currently having anxiety and panic attacks again because of being depressed from my personal matters) while stuck in a tight schedule full of stressful tasks both in campus and home. This one also lacks deeper research, but I still did some for basic infos that might help me with executing this concept that I input in this story. I needed it because it's the first time I'm doing this type of relationship-origin in romance. Despite of the cons and flaws, I still poured all the best that I have to write this story. Again, I'm sorry if I'm not updating often now like I've been doing since last year. Things has been pretty rough for me so far.  Anyway, enjoy reading and kindly donate to my Ko-Fi account here if you liked it! I'll appreciate any amount of support from you guys. Thanks and see yall again on the Set 6 line-up!
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To serve and to protect is the golden rule of a cop's duty.
For Son Chaeyoung, who has been working as a correctional officer or a warder for short, that apply much to her position.
She had to endure regulating and guarding the various behaviors of the prisoners that come and go around the place where they are locked up for the bad deeds they've done.
It was getting boring, in honestly speaking, with just standing and walking around most of the time every day to watch over prisoners who mostly couldn't care less about her.
Thankfully, she's not the only one who suffers in this particular line of work. There are colleagues of hers who can sympathize with her and could help each other to lessen the gloomy mood and at least search for a way to cheer themselves up during their duty.
Chaeyoung could tell that she has a lot of fellow officers here with whom she has gotten closer. She wants to be humble, but she knows that the reason she can attract others is because of her nice personality and... Well, yeah, her beauty that others seem to see is what separates her from them.
Chaeyoung doesn't have any interests in love life as of the moment, but she could admit that she's looking for someone who would like her not just for her qualities but to acknowledge that she's worth a meaning in her life.
She was walking with other police officers outside of the prison block to greet the new convicted people that were brought here by bus.
They watched them hop out one by one before the assigned member who will be in charge of organizing them instructed them to fall in line first.
"Alright, listen up. All of you were transferred here in Seoul Metropolitan Prison Camp, and this is where you will be placed in jail permanently, meaning that you will stay here depending on how long your granted sentences are." The leader of the correctional officers team, Boo Seungkwan, introduced
"As you all see, these cops will be in charge of monitoring your cells, so don't do anything stupid that might increase the length of your time here if you all want to leave and start another life, unless you still have one." Seungkwan points at the officers who are grouped on the other side.
"Now follow them, and they will be directing you all into your respective blocks. Move."
All of them start to walk side by side with the officers as they start their responsibility of keeping their eyes on these prisoners.
"I hope many of these newbies won't add up to those who are pain in the ass, Chaeyoung heard her colleague named Lee Youngji blurt before releasing a sigh. She didn't respond in words; just a stiffled laugh was enough for the latter to notice.
They were slowly presented to their new cell block, and we gave them their prison attire to change into.
At the West Hall, where Chaeyoung and Youngji are assigned, they split the six remaining inmates into three each.
With the last one, Chaeyoung looked at this person. She was a female, and it was a bit strange why she was giving out a smirk at the good cop.
"Inmate number 2129, name YN/LN, guilty for arson, hmm." Chaeyoung reads her information from the document papers she's holding. "Follow me."
"Your voice is mellow" the inmate said out of the blue. Chaeyoung slowed her footsteps.
"Yeah, I'm right." YN seethed. "You sound way less authorative. than those fellow peeps like you."
"Do I need to be harsh on you?" Chaeyoung tilted her head and raised her eyebrow.
"Oh, nope. Sorry." She shook her head.
"Good. Then stay quiet if you don't want me to show you how cruel I can be." Chaeyoung warned. "My day's getting real fine so far, and I don't want someone like you to ruin it."
"Yes, boss." YN taunted as she raised her handcuffed hands slightly.
They were inches away from their destination. Chaeyoung was about to head forward and release her keys when YN spoke again behind her, disregarding her threat just few minutes ago.
"One last thing, uhm... can I ask something?"
"What inspired you to be a cop?"
"To capture criminals like you. Is that even hard to tell?"
"Wow, I'm offended." YN touched her chest, pretending to be hurt.
"Ofcourse, you do." Chaeyoung went in front of the cell door and inserted her key there to open.
"That's what you think." YN shrugged. "But honestly, I just asked because... you look just way too beautiful to be a cop, though. There's more out there who could-"
"Look, Ms. LN. I've heard many people try that same old lame move they've been doing on me and they all just failed. I don't give a damn if I choose this job, because this is my dream and I won't just give in to others who dictate what my life should be." Chaeyoung faced YN and applied a slight ferocity to her tone.
The latter wasn't terrified but rather impressed that this cute officer could indeed show a different side that gives her at least a fitting characteristic of being a cop.
"I didn't mean it to be that, I swear. I'm just saying the truth...." YN defended, trying to calm down Chaeyoung, yet it didn't work out so well still.
"Did you even hear what I told you that you should shut your mouth?" Chaeyoung crossed her arm. "Your first day here hasn't even starting yet and you're being arrogant already."
YN gaped her mouth, about to speak but choses not to in the end.
"Good. Prove me different, would you?" Chaeyoung rolled her eyes before opening the cell.
"This will be your section for now on. If you need anything or whatever you do there inside, I have to remind you that I will be the one in charge of you among others here with you in the hall. Now, go and change up." Chaeyoung instructed before she closed the door, leaving YN inside still standing in the middle of an average space room holding her attire.
"She'll believe me someday." YN popped her mouth before she heads to her bed and lay there to rest after a long ride.
Meanwhile, Chaeyoung who returns in her spot, placed down the papers on her desk and sat on her chair.
She glanced up at YN's room and shook her head as she sighed, with the inmates's compliments repeating in her head.
The next day, Chaeyoung escorted YN to the visitation booth when she received a visit request from a person who might be close to YN in her personal life.
She informed YN and walked her through the room. Opening the door, she urged YN to enter and leave her with her visitor for some alone time to discuss whatever they might have privately.
For YN, she stood in the room and recognized the guy sitting on the opposite side behind the plexiglass.
She sat on the chair and grabbed the telephone, pressing it on the speaker just like he did to hear each other's words when they spoke.
"I never thought that it would come to this moment where I would be seeing you in those inmate clothes, sister" her brother Insoo, said. "I know how terrible of a sister you are, but going through the point where you could actually commit a crime? Not surprising, but interesting for you."
"That's bullshit, Insoo-ah" YN said. "You really believe their accusations against me? You know that I don't play with fire; the hell I would dare to cause such destruction of a property by burning it down!"
"People can change, YN, and so can you" Insoo replied. YN scoffed, looking unbelievably at her older brother. "I don't know what has gotten into your mind, but have you really ever thought of what this would bring to our family? Now that you did it, you scratched and tainted the reputation of our name; even our family, who worked out to make us relevant, was affected by it!"
YN didn't say anything, she lets her brother to continue as she kept on listening to her manipulated remarks. "They're so disappointed of you, sister... and even me. This is a serious mess you've caused for us, and do you really think that you'll make us clean it for you?"
"W-where are you going with this, Insoo?"
"I came here today to tell you that our parents decided not to take any legal actions in attempt to grant your request of proving yourself not guilty in your case."
YN's eyes widened, petrified at the information given by her disrespectful brother.
"You've caused them enough burden and headaches through these years, YN and it's normal for them to be tired of dealing with you."
"Don't tell me you have become one of them, Insoo-ah..."
"I already did."
YN's heart cracked. The trust and support she was expecting to receive from them despite all the mistreatment she's been getting from her rich family since her childhood has vanished completely.
At this moment, she truly felt that she had no family to live with anymore. She doesn't know, though, if it's like they're the ones who don't exist or if it's her now who is being appointed to be responsible for any of this.
"I never liked you, YN. I never even wished to have a sister like you, Insoo said. YN's eyes became watery at the painful words she'd been getting from the sibling she cherished the most, even though she wasn't being reciprocated after every effort she had to make.
"And now, I sincerely do think that our parents made a good decision by keeping you here. Because, after what you've done, you have proven yourself that you don't deserve to be my sibling and to belong in our family, let alone to have a criminal like you."
YN wants to respond, but it's as if the words filled with rage, disbelief, and torment were stuck in her throat. Only her desperate pleas were able to be released from her mouth.
"No, p-please. Insoo, don't. W-why are you doing this to me?!" YN leans forward and clasps her hands; her position clearly defines what a begging person would look like.
Teardrops began to run down her face, brought on by the simultaneous collapse of everything she'd built for herself because the one thing she was once treating as her source of inspiration and strength now turned out to be her weakness and the cause of her destruction.
"You simply deserve it; no further explanations are needed. Actions speak louder than words, and that is where you are mistaken, YN, Insoo commented. YN noticed that he didn't call her "sister" for the first time, signifying that his intentions of getting rid of her from his connection for good were serious.
"Take this as the last time you will ever see me, YN. This is enough for me to see you pay for the sin you've committed."
"Insoo... Insoo-ah!!! Come back! P-please... save me... get me out of here, I'm your sister for fucks sake!!!" YN stood from her seat and shouted at Insoo, who took his way out of the room. She slammed her hands on the table and placed her head down on it as she cried terribly.
Chaeyoung opened the door when she heard a knocking signal. A messed-up look from YN is what greeted her, and that piqued the curiosity of the cop.
As they arrived back at the cell, after Chaeyoung unlocked the door, she wanted to at least ask the inmate what happened to her.
It's not that she's concerned about her; she just wants to know why, since this is the first time she's seen YN with this broken demeanor after weeks of her stay in prison.
However, she failed to do so when YN immediately went to her room and crashed her body against the bed. Chaeyoung was about to say something but decided to just give her some space since she might need it a lot.
And she was right; after she closed the door and locked it, she was about to walk away when she heard some heavy sobs from the inside, focusing her attention more on the prisoner's poor condition.
The next day, Chaeyoung saw YN sitting on one of the benches alone in the yard, surrounded by a crowd of other prisoners just doing their own business, whether chatting with their cellmates, playing sports, or just enjoying the fresh breeze of air like YN is doing, even though the word "enjoy" doesn't seem to apply to what Chaeyoung is witnessing.
YN was just staring at the grassy land, spacing out from the unknown. Chaeyoung predicted that what she encountered yesterday during the vaation must left some heavy thoughts to cloud her mind deeply.
It kinda haunts and makes the officer uncomfy, again she doesn't know but who cares? That's her prisoner and it's her duty to ensure that they are in proper condition.
"You look lonely."
YN raised her head up to see Officer Son standing beside her, clutching on her pockets. That didn't lasted long as she just returned it back on her leg.
"Could I provide some way to fix that?"
"Why would you bother anyway?" YN asks. "I thought you wouldn't care about me, just like anything I've ever known and encountered in my life."
"You're under my supervision, YN/LN, so it's my responsibility to assist you."
"How so?" YN blurted. "If I tell what I want, and that it to bring the people I've lost in my life to come back, would you do that for me?"
"What is going on, YN? Why did you have to mention them?" Chaeyoung stepped closer at YN who is now trying to shift herself to the side, flinching at the presence of the cop.
"This has something to do with yesterday, doesn't it?"
YN didn't reply for a second there as she remained staring down at the grass. Chaeyoung thought that she still couldn't make it so in respect, she grabbed a bottle of water and gave it to YN.
"Take it."
"For what?"
"Give yourself a break for now", Chaeyoung said before YN finally took a sip and capped the bottle. "I know what happened might be too personal for you, but if you're having any struggles, I'm just right here for you to lean on and open up whatever you've been carrying deep inside of you."
YN sighed and tightened her lips, keeping her eyes focused on the other prisoners around her. She sensed Chaeyoung about to turn her back and walk away when she finally spoke, preventing the latter from leaving too soon.
"My brother just visited me yesterday. He told me that they weren't going to do any solutions for my sentence."
Chaeyoung turned around and looked at her, wiping off tears in her eyes with the back of her hand. "I feel betrayed, disheartened, whatever you want to call it. I never would've expected them that they would just drop the ball and never pick it up again. I was rather telling myself that maybe someday, everything's going to be alright and they'll get to show me that they do indeed care for me despite how they've never been expressive for me all these years."
"But now, I just learned that I've been making myself like a fool for believing something that will only remain in my imagination. They really don't care about me, and never will be. Seeing how they're just completely fine for them that I get to spend 2 years of my lifetime here in prison for something I didn't do." "You didn't do it?" Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows. "Wait... YN-"
"I don't know if you have forgotten that not all people who get convicted in the world were guilty and masterminds of the crimes that were committed. There were others too who got victimized and blamed in order to save their selfish selves, picking any innocent person that is unaware of what's going to happen for them."
"I didn't, YN. I know and I have encountered other colleagues of mine who shared their own stories about them experiencing one."
"Then I guess you have your own story to tell this time."
Chaeyoung looked intently at YN.
"YN, you're not who I think you are... don't you?"
YN smiled and shut her eyes. "I'm actually disappointed that although you've known the fact, you couldn't resist assuming others that they're criminals just because they're wearing these sinner's clothes, just like what you did to me these past few weeks." She glanced at Chaeyoung after, her lips formed straight in seriousness.
"L-look, YN... I'm sorry, but the evidence that was presented against you in the court that led you here just proves that you were behind the arson. That won't grant you what we call "guilty until proven innocent". That's why you're locked up here at the moment, and that's why I don't see any mistake for us to call you a criminal because that's what the judgment provided us to know about you."
"So it looks like I do deserve it; I'm sorry if I blamed you, off-."
"No, don't mind it. I have a fault here too. I should've been mindful." Chaeyoung shook her head. "But please, tell me. If you're really not the one who did the crime, then who do you think it is?"
"I have no idea." YN shrugged, her voice raising a little. "All I know is that detectives and other police went to my house and sent me an arrest warrant saying that the evidence they caught in the scene all leads to me. And I was wondering how I would cause a fire if I didn't even know what place that was, and not to mention, those things they saw were stored in my garage."
Chaeyoung nodded as she took in YN's summary of her mind. "So you're saying that if that wasn't you, then somebody did that fire on the hardware store and they used your things, am I correct?"
"Then in that case, the real culprit is still roaming around out there, enjoying the life of being unruled within the justice system, Chaeyoung said. "Do you plan to reopen the case?"
"I... I don't know." YN sighed, gripping at the wood of the bench tightly. "I've lost hope anymore, Officer Son. My family turned their back on me, and for sure everybody who knows me will surely do the same. You don't know how influential they can be."
"Officer, it's too late for me. I feel like this is my fate. Where I belong to. I know that I was never technically a part of their family, sharing their blood, but... it troubles me that if they didn't care about me, why they'd still take the decision to adopt me when I was a lost child."
Chaeyoung was astounded at YN's reveal of her backstory, shedding more light to make herself more understandable.
"You know what, I should stop this. Whatever happens, it will all be left for me to deal with it. This is my karma for being ungrateful."
After their conversation, YN stood up from her seat and walked away with her head lowered. Chaeyoung watches her disappear, with an obvious sight of concern and pity present in her face, after discovering the facts that YN has never given a chance to be explained and defend herself.
Each day that passes, YN and Chaeyoung's closeness grows, which begins to capture others attention, mostly from the prisoners, where they earn teases from them.
However, they both also receive some discrimination, mostly from the cop's low perspective towards YN being a criminal and for Chaeyoung seemingly losing her focus on the real deal of her duty by being affectionate towards prisoners.
There's one time where Chaeyoung is patrolling around the blocks when her fellow cop approaches and joins her on the stroll, only with the intention of attempting to hit up the young lady.
She feels immensely harassed by him with all the force insists and weird flirty acts. Chaeyoung tries to decline and separate herself from her co-worker, but she just can't let go and arrogantly proceeds to irritate her.
Chaeyoung is doing her best to hold on to her stability and not cross the line and risk her job for a scumbag like him until YN suddenly shows up and confronts the cop.
"Couldn't you hear what she's saying? How many more times would it take for you to leave her alone?"
"Shut up, prisoner. This ain't none of your business here. Cops talk." The male cop smirks smugly at her as he presses his biceps closer to Chaeyoung, who begins to shiver in a mixture of frustration and disgust.
YN noticed Chaeyoung's discomfort, which motivated her to help this poor woman more. "Oh really? From the looks of Officer Son, though, she looks like she doesn't want to see you disturbing her. Are you even aware, or are you just pretending to be blind?"
"Last warning, get out or I'll throw you back to the cell where you belong."
YN sighed and looked at Chaeyoung, who just shook her head and silently signaled her to not go with it, but she just glared back at her and stared at the perverted cop dead in the eyes.
"I've been giving all my respect to all of the officials doing their duty to manage this place, but of course, just like everybody, I have an exception, and I do it especially for people like you who couldn't understand what consent is."
YN stepped closer and stood toe to toe with the male cop, keeping Chaeyoung close to her with his hand on her wrist.
"Get your goddamn hands away from her." She gritted her teeth as she hissed.
The male cop's lips twitched and rolled his tongue before he gave Chaeyoung a headbutt, making the girl dizzy as she landed on the floor.
"Come here, you piece of shit." The male cop tugged YN's hair and dragged her closer to him.
"DO. YOU. KNOW. WHO. YOU. ARE. CURSING. AT, YOU. BITCH!" The male cop is slapping YN harshly both in her left and right cheek with every words he pronounce.
Chaeyoung shouted for help, drawing all the prisoners and cops attention to the fight that was happening.
They split them apart from each other. The male cop abusing YN furiously sweeps away all of his colleague's hands from touching him in an attempt to calm him down before he walks away and glares dangerously at YN's attack state.
The cops who helped YN escorted her to the medical room to get her wounds and bruises treated.
The nurse was about to apply aid to YN, but Chaeyoung interrupts as she enters the room, saying something to the nurse before she leaves, leaving the two alone.
"You're supposed to guard there; w-why are you here?"
"I can't be calmed knowing I had somebody used herself in defense for me to be protected." Chaeyoung said. She pulled the metal cart with tray filled with medicines in her.
"Let me treat you by myself. Take this as my repay atleast for what you've done for me." Chaeyoung said as she reached for the cotton and betadine liquid to pour into.
"You don't have to do that." YN groaned as she felt the aching part had pressure applied to it. "I can't just stand there and watch you working with passion just to get disrepected and sexualized."
Chaeyoung smiled at YN's remark. "Thank you for that, seriously."
"You should do something about that guy. You can't just let him get away with it."
Chaeyoung went silent, trouble plastered in her look.
"Why? What's with the tense?"
"I don't have much evidence to prove. He might spun around the story and make himself a victim."
"The CCTV's?"
"The CCTV's range of view doesn't reach in that area, YN." Chaeyoung answered.
"Well I guess I have to do it myself." YN said before she winces in pain. "Ow ow aish..."
"Stay still, I know it hurts but you won't heal if you allow me." Chaeyoung then wheezes after.
"Why? What's so funny, huh?"
"I don't know... I just find it funny that you're more scared of a cotton getting damped in your wound than receiving a bunch of heavy blows from a well-built guy."
YN rolled his eyes and nudges her lips. "Stop teasing me."
Chaeyoung laughs and continues to wrap the wounds with gauze properly. "Now, now. We're almost done so be chill."
"But I just find something funny too."
"What's yours?" Chaeyoung asks.
"You even made an effort to come here and do the aid by yourself when all I needed to be fine and ease my pain was to hear your soothing voice and see you unharmed by that pervert."
Chaeyoung paused at her movement and slowly made contact with YN's eyes, viewing her as she reacted speechlessly. She saw her smile developing while she wandered around her features.
"Believe me or not, but I meant what I said before. I'm not the type who focuses only on the outside, but you're just pretty; it's so unavoidable.
So thank you, Chaeyoung. Thank you for always making me calm when you're near."
Chaeyoung was only able to nod before she finished her treatment for YN; the lack of words dealt by her fluttering and appreciative remarks is what sent her conscience to go crazy.
She declared that the wounds in her face were now treated. Before she's about to go away, YN halts her for one last message before they end seeing each other for today. "About your problem, I got your back, Chae. I'll volunteer as the witness if it requires one."
"B-but what if they won't believe you?" Chaeyoung worried. YN can see the hopelessness in her, exactly the same as what she's been going through.
But YN didn't focus at that, there's this difference that she spotted which was more important for her to based on.
"Then I will keep pushing forward until I make them be, because you have a chance and you have the right to grab that, Chae. I don't want you to end up like me."
As Chaeyoung left the room, she sighed and stroked her hair stressfully as she makes her way back to her station.
She is beginning to become impatient and irritated at YN's negative insights.
"You keep saying that to yourself, why have you given up already?"
She knew it wasn't over for YN yet, and if that prisoner has lost its way to search for a solution down the road, then she doesn't want her to remain like that forever. Now she is convinced that she was just left there abandoned by the people she considered her loved ones.
"Hang in there, YN. It's my turn to get you out of your misery" Chaeyoung confidently said to herself as she quickened her pace of walking.
She has found you in the middle of your unfair fate, and all that she needs to do is lead you the way and take you as your sign of escape.
The harassment complaint that Chaeyoung has filed against the male cop was approved as the final decision despite its attempts to reverse the suspect's blame and disguise himself as non-accountable.
It wouldn't be successful if it weren't for YN's voluntary act to state everything she witnessed during that scenario. The proof was strengthened when Chaeyoung's friend, Officer Lee Youngji, joined YN's goal to save and make Chaeyoung's side represent herself as the victim.
In punishment, the cop was stripped of his badge and position and fired. The chief made one last reminder and advice to everyone that they won't tolerate this shameful and disgusting act, and if they caught anybody, they better report it immediately for it to be discussed.
Chaeyoung thanked YN and Youngji for their assistance. The desire of hers to hug YN just like she did to Youngji is strong, yet unfortunately, she has to cover it up to make herself less suspicious.
In a gesture of gratitude, she only patted YN's shoulder and shook hands with her.
A few months later, Chaeyoung and YN both confirmed on their own that they are falling in love mutually, but with the same issue, neither has made the first move yet.
They both know that it's illegal for a cop and a person deprived of liberty to be in a relationship with each other inside the prison, as stated in the rules.
They were keeping it disclosed to the others so nobody could identify it and possibly report it to the higher-ups, so YN and Chaeyoung have no other choice but to hide their feelings and act like nothing's been going on between them.
It was hard when they always saw each other with their hearts shouting for one another's name, but for the sake of their safety, Chaeyoung and YN would do it all so none would face the consequences that would put them in a tough situation.
Aside from that, YN was baffled when she received another notification that she got a visit from someone after months of last seeing her brother.
She was unsure whether they changed their minds or if it was a different person this time who managed to pay a visit for her.
Entering the visitation booth, she was stunned to see a familiar person who appeared in her sight.
"C-Chaewon?!" She said in disbelief.
Rushing through the chair, she took a chair and sat in front of her bestfriend who just returned from abroad.
"Chaewon..." YN began to cry, she placed her hand on the glass in which Chaewon placed hers directly into the reflection.
"Take it slow, you have the time." Chaewon comforts her poor friend, frowning at the sight of her being devastated.
"T-they didn't took you away from me, right?"
"Huh? Wh-what? Who's they?"
YN pauses as she sniffs at her tears. "Mom, dad, or my brother. Did any of them tell you anything wrong about me?"
"I-I mean, they told me that you committed arson when I tried to meet them after I couldn't meet you at your house. I went here to confirm it straight at you, YN. My guts are telling me not to believe them immediately."
"No, don't! Just don't listen to whatever they say, Chaewon. Please."
"I didn't, don't worry. I know you aren't capable of doing that. You're not the YN I know that they believe you to be today." Chaewon relaxes her. YN was at least uplifted that a miracle just unexpectedly came to her, something she never knew would happen.
There was still at least one special person out there of hers who never lost their trust and loyalty for her, and it was stupid for her at the same time to not show the same positivity as her best friend.
"Just tell me, specifically. It might be not everything, just... give me atleast idea of what happened to you and why I have to witness my friend locked up behind bars."
YN sighed and wiped off the remaining wet stains around her face. "I-I feel like somebody framed me up, Chae."
Chaewon also perceives the same thought but she kept on listening. ""I didn't burn a property, Chaewon. I swear, but the evidences that were attained to the crime scene were all connected at mine. And I do admit, those are my belongings but I don't know how it just magically appeared there."
"So you mean, there's somebody out there who did it in actual but it uses it to cover her violation?"
"And who do you might think it'll be?" Chaewon wondered. "Did you have any altercations with somebody?"
"No, I didn't."
"Whoever did that to you must've held a huge amount of pent-up anger and hatred; that's why they chose that idea to get back at you" Chaewon explained. "That could be the reason for you to request revisiting your case. Do you have plans to?"
"I was... but I lost hope when I thought nobody would ever help me get out of here."
"I'm both sorry and glad to hear you like that, but what matters now is that I'm here to take back my friend."
YN's eyes widened as Chaewon announced that without hesitation.
"Let's file a request with the court, YN. It's not too late for you to flip the tables around and retrieve your justice back."
As they ended their bittersweet reunion, YN emotionally bid goodbye to Chaewon for today before she returns to the hallway.
Chaeyoung pitifully smiled at her. "How did it go?"
"I still have a chance, officer, YN stuttered as she tried to control her tears from escaping again. Chaeyoung was astounded to hear a positive note from YN about herself for once.
"What do you mean?"
"My friend from the States came back to see me, and she wants us to file a request with the judge to reinvestigate the case."
Chaeyoung was delighted at the news brought by that friend of hers. She got curious about who that might be. Her feelings had no involvement with this; it was just the perfect timing for her to propose her plan.
"Great for you! I hope this time, it's you who will win the fight you never wanted to be in."
YN smiled and nodded before she walked away. Chaeyoung felt refreshed; it had been a long time coming to see her full of bloomy mood, and she wished it wouldn't stop immediately because YN... is her source of energy for working every day.
As she disappeared to the distance, Chaeyoung enters the other side of the booth and requests to the guard to hand her the logbook.
She searched through the recent notes and there, she got what she wanted to find.
"Kim Chaewon...." Chaeyoung muttered as she saved her contact number on her phone.
"Are you Officer Son Chaeyoung?"
A woman who is almost the same height as her, sporting a short black hair with bangs, striped t-shirt, cargo pants, and sneakers emerged beside her as she carefully peeked at Chaeyoung who is sitting comfortably outside of a cafe.
"And you are Miss Kim Chaewon, right?"
"Yes." They bowed at each other for respect before they also exchanged greetings to each other.
"How did you get my number, if I may ask?"
"The logbook you signed in when you met YN/LN." She clarified. "She's your friend, right?"
"Yes, officer."
"Just call me Chaeyoung. No need to be formal."
"Oh uhm... yes. YN's my friend since we were in high school."
"Okay." Chaeyoung nodded. "You're the perfect person would could take my favor easily." "Uhm, why did you brought me here and meet you up? I'm curious."
"I know that you want your friend to get out of prison, so is YN and...
I am too."
Chaeyoung nodded. "Yes. YN has turned out to be my friend there. She has done so many nice things for me, and I'm here to return it all back, and I need your help just as you need mine."
Chaewon stayed silent; she only narrowed her eyes when she spotted a bit of an intriguing word that Chaeyoung used there.
"YN told me that she's going to continue insuing a request for motion to reinstate to the judge, and I support her for that. I couldn't help her for that because I have to remain anonymous or else I'm done" Chaeyoung elaborated.
"But, I could help her by providing the best of the detectives who can help her revisit and investigate the case again, which will eventually grant her a non-guilty decision. All I need to know is... do you accept my offer?"
Chaewon bit her lip as she processed it in her mind. Chaeyoung has effectively presented herself as a useful ally here who sets up a deal with her on her agenda to help YN reward her freedom.
Without showing any pride or doubts about the mentioned proposal, Chaewon spoke out shortly enough to prevent the officer from wasting more time.
"I accept."
The judge approved, and the reinvestigation went smoothly with the help of Chaeyoung's friends she recommended from the police district in her hometown, Detective Kim Dahyun and Detective Chou Tzuyu.
Every detail that they collected was being updated to Chaeyoung so that she could tell YN, who can cooperate by helping the team expand and clear all the confusion that might be a barrier to their progress.
On the final day of the trial, Chaewon was about to enter the waiting room with cups of coffee in her hand when she captured Chaeyoung peeking at the door.
Intrigued by what she's watching, she found out that her eyes are locked on YN, who is silently praying near the window.
She slowly poked the officer's shoulder to avoid her being startled and cause the inmate to halt her prayer.
"How long have you been watching her?"
"N-not that long." Chaeyoung swallowed, side-eyeing in a glimpse of shame in her part.
"Hmm. Okay." Chaewon nodded, pursing her lower lip.
They both continue to monitor YN who is now viewing the scenery outside.
"You're doing this for her, but not only because of what you told me, do you?" Chaewon said from behind. Chaeyoung glances to the right where she easily heard it.
"How c-could you tell?
"I'm a psychiatrist actually. I'm on my vacation for 3 months here in South Korea that's why i'm here... temporarily." Chaewon revealed. "So yeah, I could depict whether a person is lying or not. I suppose your mannerism is twitching your upper lip when you do."
Chaeyoung opened her wide widely as she turned around and looked at Chaewon in shock. The latter just grinned and shrugged.
"Looks like I hit the bullseye with that."
"Don't tell her please." Chaeyoung bowed her head.
"I won't, but why?"
"I'm about to tell her myself, but I'll do it on the right time. I'm prepared, but I much prefer to do it at any place where we both can feel that we're free from anything. Away from a bunch of judgmental and rude people. Where nothing could hold me back from saying that I love her too."
A few hours later, the trial has reached its conclusion, but with a breathtaking twist for anyone who is present in the court.
Just as the judge declared the win for YN's side, implying a non-guilty order for her, the two detective buddies of Chaeyoung arrived at the scene to make a shocking statement.
It was found out through a series of tests that the new fingerprints, footprints, and cctv footage they gathered, which were absent from the previous investigation, all pointed to the sole person that Dahyun and Chaeyoung forcefully brought with them to show anybody that the accused is indeed innocent.
It was none other than YN's stepbrother, LN In-soo, who plotted and performed the crime against her.
He was about to sneakily escape the country when the team chased him all away to the Incheon International Airport when the experiments that were conducted from him matched positive to what they received in the materials he used on burning the said establishment.
Instead of being completely happy that she can now walk out of prison, it was mixed with devastation and anger that the only man she considered special in her life would be able to do this to her unmatched to how she looked up at him throughout their childhood days.
"I TREATED YOU LIKE MY REAL BROTHER! WHY DID YOU, MOM AND DAD INCLUDED ME TO BE PART OF THE FAMILY! JUST SO YOU CAN EMOTIONALLY ABUSE ME MORE THAN WHAT I'VE BEEN GOING THROUGH WHEN I WAS ABANDONED BY MY PARENTS?!"  YN shouts and tugs the shirt aggressively at her brother who is the real criminal and the mastermind of one of the worst happenings existed in her life while the guards tried to seperate them apart from each other.
Based from the interview, they have learned that Insoo did it so that he can get rid of her stepsister for good. He never wanted a sibling to be a girl, but he had no choice before but to get along with his parent's plan to let YN in their family so that they could make their grandparents proud that they had finally found a granddaughter to cherish.
That's why when YN entered in their life, Insoo felt like everything has been disrupted for him, starting from his grandparent's attention, the priorities, and the popularity among others who knew about their family's background.
So he came up with a plan that perfectly describes his cold-hearted personality with a cruel intention... and that is to destroy YN and reclaim everything he lost. He was the man behind the hooded and tracksuit wearing figure caught in the camera invading the front of YN's house from the hidden smart cam in one of the houses in the neighborhood.
Unfortunately for him, karma always prevails in the end and that led him to replace the spot intended for him to receive in the first place, not by his innocent step-sister who did nothing wrong with him or even dared to try it.
Meanwhile at the prison camp, YN has finally said her goodbyes to all of the inmates she had gotten close to, including Officer Youngji and Detective Dahyun and Tzuyu.
She had one last person to see which she saved because she always thought that she is the best amongst everyone.
Chaeyoung was sipping on her coffee as she reviews all the punishment of the newly arrived inmates when she saw YN walking towards her, now wearing a civilian attire with a backpack behind her.
She didn't forgot that it would her release today, she just wants to distract herself from thinking about it because she couldn't help but to sad not seeing her frequently around here anymore but still, she's happy that she finally made YN get the fate she deserved to have.
"Officer Son", YN called her.
"What happened with our agreement that we shouldn't be formal with each other?"
"Sorry, but I just want to call you that one last time for me to say my farewell properly as your inmate." She chuckled, rubbing her nape shyly. Chaeyoung grinned at how cute she was.
"Goodbye, Officer Son." She bowed in front of her. Chaeyoung hesitantly did the same, as her smile was about to shrink, but not until YN followed up with one more thing to say.
"But... as for you, Son Chaeyoung, the one whom I met as my best friend in this crowded, unreal place, I have to tell you something that is much better than saying goodbye."
She reached for her hand and squeezed it. Chaeyoung just had the biggest blush and the fastest heartbeat she ever had in her lifetime.
"I'm in love with you. It sounds cliche, but I meant it with all my heart. You were the first one who kept me calm and fought through all my negative insights just to shed some light of positivity for me to realize that it's not over for me yet. As long as I'm living, there is no end until time says so, and I thank you for making me realize it again without denial. You gave me hope and chances I thought I would never get when I went through this state that I thought I lost everything meaningful in my life... but then it all changed when I met you. My life was all dark until you showed up, and it was all yellow because you gave it color."
Chaeyoung cried at YN's heartfelt and sincere message. She gripped her hand more, and she cuddled it near her face, allowing YN to help her wipe off her tears.
"Don't cry. I didn't say goodbye to you, Chaeyoung, because I knew this wasn't the last time we'd meet again."
She pinched her cheek before she started to twirl her body around and walk away from Chaeyoung, who was left blossoming and touched by the confession she had been waiting to hear.
YN parked her car and greeted the guards before she entered the facility.
Bringing the gifts with her, she enthusiastically walked to the help desk to state her concern.
"Good morning, I'm here to visit Officer Son Chaeyoung, please."
"Oh, uhm... you're looking for Officer Son?"
"Yes. Is she here?"
"But... maam, she left the camp last week." The policewoman said. YN was surprised at the news.
"Wait, what? T-then may I know where is she stationed now?"
"No, maam. She wasn't moved. As far as I know, she resigned from her position."
YN's mind went blank as she became clueless on where she could find Chaeyoung and return to her as what she was aiming to do once she got released, with the problem being that she didn't get to save her phone number before she left.
Back at the new house where she's currently residing and start a new life being away from the reputation of her family, acquiring a new surname for her to use legally.
She went inside, and it was still the same; everyone was preparing for the party they organized for today.
"You're back! And... what's with the pout, bestie?" Chaewon asked Chaeyoung, pointing at her with a pack of spaghetti noddles she's holding.
"I didn't get to see her, Chaeyoung said lamely. "She wasn't working at the camp anymore."
"Ahhhh... okay." Chaewon nodded, looking uninterested at Chaeyoung's reveal. "Anyways, get some rest, and we'll be about to start soon." She quickly rushed to the kitchen.
"What's up with her? Does she care about me getting sad that Chaeyoung's not around anymore after all she has done for me?" YN muttered at herself before she slumped her body on the couch.
Half an hour later, the celebration for YN's new home began. Chaewon's family joined, and even Detective Dahyun, Detective Tzuyu, and Officer Youngji paid a surprise visit to check on YN and enjoy time with her.
YN appreciated their presence but the thought of missing Chaeyoung still couldn't make her be in ease.
She approached Dahyun, Tzuyu, and Youngji wjo are now eating their respective foods in one table.
"Uhh hey guys, I just want to ask if have you guys know where Chaeyoung lives?"
"Yeah, we do." Dahyun said. "Why?"
"I want to visit her. I went to the camp earlier and I just found out that she wasn't working there anymore so I'm just curious and concerned for her, you know." YN explained. "Can I get her address?"
"No, why should we?"
"Why should we give it to you? So you can waste your time finding her?" Youngji answered.
"Huh? Ummm guys, I don't know why you guys are acting weird too li-"
"Shush it, YN. Let us finish, okay?" Tzuyu interrupted. That effectively made YN quiet as she observed the strange acts of her friends. "Again, why should we tell you her address and let you waste your time looking for her when you can even meet yourself right here today?"
They all pursed their lips in one direction. YN furrowed her eyebrow before she turned around and followed what they were referring to.
Her eyes landed on the familiar figure standing meters away from her at the gate. It slowly walked straight towards her, which was then followed by her own footsteps.
They did it until they shrank their gap, where they can now see their faces closer and more visible to admire.
"Looking for me?" Chaeyoung smirked, her hand hands behind her back and stared deeply at the gasping YN who is seeing her in a different new look. "I'm sorry if i'm a bit late. I had to try some clothes in my closet."
She was wearing a red dress, black heels and a new short haircut which she stylized it with blonde color, looking even much mesmerizing than her being in her police uniform.
"Chaeyoung." YN breathily said. "I-It's fine, you picked the right choice and it looks perfect on you."
"Hi." She grinned brightly.
"I-It's fine, you picked the right choice and it looks perfect on you."
"I'm sorry too if didn't gave up an update about what happened to me. Well, I wanted to make my surprise live up to its term."
YN understood it. "Can you tell me now?"
"Ofcourse. If you are thinking about the possibility of it, then you are correct. I was resigned from my job."
"I made a violation and the chief discovered it when somebody went to report at her that caught me involving myself in Dahyun and Tzuyu's investigation without permission. She gave me 2 months of suspension in return."
"B-but the helper said you were fired?"
"No, I didn't. Nobody except those three in the back knew about exactly what happened." Chaeyoung clarified.
"You only got suspended though, so why did you resigned?"
"I already achieved my dream, and 10 years of service was enough for me to step out. I just had another new dream to live on, so I sacrificed one for it."
Chaeyoung grabbed both of her hands and watched their own pairs lock into one another's touch satisfyingly. "I said before to myself that I would only do it when both of us are now free from anything.
Where nothing... can hold me back from telling you that I love you."
Chaeyoung held YN's back of her head and pulled it closer for her to press their lips together for a much-awaited kiss. All of their friends cheered at the back as they watched this happy ending that they were all anticipating.
"For the first time in my life, I had to let my heart choose itself what lies ahead of me, and I finally did it. I thought you'll be just like one of them who only cares about 'what' I am but never at 'who' I am but instead you turned out to be someone who made me feel how valuable I am by cherishing how small things I've done could mean a lot already to you even though I knew I could've done better. I got what I'm finding for, and it was something just like this, YN." Chaeyoung softly said, her hands sliding up and down on YN's shoulders. "I told you, I never fully regret what happened to me, because if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't be able to meet the person who was ready to risk and join me wherever she wants to go. If that's what you desire... then I wouldn't mind follow you along, Chae." YN said heartfully. "Let's continue to make hopes and enter opportunities for the future together."
They both kissed passionately again with their own initiative, as it lasted a little longer than the previous.
Breaking their moment for a while, they nodded and grinned before deciding to return to their friends and join them celebrate this special day they're having.
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