#twinklnyan adventures 4 son of dimensions
twinklnyan4life · 2 years
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I made it last year but don’t want to show it here but now I do because today is the anniversary of Twinklnyan Adventures 4: Son of Dimensions! (Sorry it looks messy)
Glad I made these great ocs besides Galaxynyan last year with their adventures and big battle! Glad they’re now grown up in TA5 to make their Yokaisona bondage grow!
Happy Anniversary, TA4!
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bearlycute-art · 4 years
Twinklnyan Adventures 4: Son Of Dimensions is coming in January! Two months till is finish, I’m really busy with the notes and story so can you draw Galaxynyan and Deku for the cover? Please.
That’s sounds awesome to do! I will do my best!
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twinklnyan4life · 3 years
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Since Miitopia is coming on the switch I decided to finish my art from last summer of Galaxynyan and his team that is currently on my 2ds. Took 3 or 4 hours with breaks but I want to show it to you guys! Hope ya love it!
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twinklnyan4life · 3 years
Dimei Gang Headcanons (TA4 Headcanons)
This shows Headcanons on my Yokai ocs from TA4. They be in TA4 Aftermath fic and bit in TA5 so spoilers! Ok let’s get started!
- Even though Wolfynyan and Lonernyan are the same age as Galaxynyan, they are couple months younger than him.
-Iisinyan’s favorite food is soup which is a bizarre dish even as an ice Yokai.
-Syilvnyan may do magic and creepy things but she enjoys dancing such as ballet.
-Smashinyan went to country clubs when he knows how to play tennis and had plenty of time of swimming.
-Galaxynyan is passed down few things from Twinklnyan, Tomnyan and Jerry such as playing guitar, drawing well and enjoying pancakes.
-Wolfynyan favorite hobby is collecting Disney Princesses dolls while Lonernyan’s favorite hobby is collecting monster toys.
-Flarernyan is into girls older than him and flirts with them.
-Above the headcanon, Flarernyan often read women magazine and not interested in girls his age.
-Gloien loves to listen to slime videos which relaxes him and plays with slime when he’s alone.
-Galaxynyan and Flarernyan relationship is bit of friendship and rivalry between each other.
-above the headcanon, They may be opposite like Deku and Bakugo but they both love superheroes and they idolize Todoroki.
-Characters by birthday. Galaxynyan (January 26), Lonernyan and Wolfynyan (March 19), Gloien birth is unknown so his adoption day is on (June 14), Flarernyan (August 2), Smashinyan (September 5), Syilvnyan (October 13), Iisinyan (December 10).
-Iisinyan looked up to Galaxynyan as he’s a role model of handling dangerous things. Shows she and Galaxynyan are close friends with some believe they’re a couple.
-Galaxynyan got annoyed with Iisinyan being better than him and saying he got beating by a girl. Iisinyan on the other hand loves to tease Galaxynyan thinking he treating her like a princess.
-Smashinyan is into Wolfynyan so he secretly flirts with her by asking for her help but Wolfynyan is too smart to fall for his moves.
-Gloien called Lilo and Nani “sis nui”. (Means Big sis in Hawaiian) or “Oni-san” (mean Older sister in Japanese).
-Syilvnyan is very protective of her twin brothers and she acts like a mom.
-Smashinyan and his little sister Yuganyan had a close relationship despite of their parents making them like them but they stick together.
-Gloien is in Lilo’s hula school and when it comes to deal with Mertle and the girls, he had to defend Lilo and when it failed he will snitch.
-When it comes for Gloien who need to be his eyes when he’s alone, Stitch is with him as a guide dog/alien but when he’s not Stitch or Lilo when he with his friends, they be there for him.
-When Galaxynyan met Tanknyan for the first time. He fear that he be a mean stepdad and did his best to get rid of him.
-above the headcanon, Galaxynyan and Tanknyan got to know him and call him “Tank” when he get angry.
-Here’s how the the kids voice is like: Galaxynyan (Voice sound like Twinklnyan and Tomnyan but little deep tone like Jerry), Lonernyan (Voice sounds little higher than Galaxynyan), Wolfynyan (Voice little deep and serious different than Lonernyan), Smashinyan (High but raspy), Syilvnyan (quiet and high), Flarernyan (High and normal and bit raspy), Iisinyan (Sweet and bit quiet), Gloien (bit high and mixed like Froppy from MHA and Morgana from P5)
-the Kids often went to a treehouse at Galaxynyan’s house but when they visit their owners, they used the dimension elevators and yes Olivenyan fixed it.
-When Gloien interact with Flarernyan, he shows that he’s not that mean but needs a friend.
-When it comes to Flarernyan being a reform ex-bully the only friend he can interact better is Gloien. Even he interact with Galaxynyan but Smashinyan is a third friend he made.
-When Galaxynyan and Flarernyan met Class 1-B, they enjoy the classmates but don’t like Neito Monoma and when he gets crazy at them, they work together to slap some sense with that guy.
-Gloien enjoy playing the ukulele and got good at it. He often use it when he hang out with his friends or perform with Lilo and Stitch.
-Syilvnyan, Iisinyan and Wolfynyan’s relationships shows girl power and they sometimes don’t let guys telling them not to do and do payback if someone mess with them.
-The kids act like adults sometimes when it comes to defending and acting like lawyers and being the judge of this conflict.
That’s all of the headcanon for TA4 but TA5 headcanon are better than this. It will come after I reveal the characters for TA5. Anyway I hope you enjoy these headcanon and you can use them anytime! TA4 Aftermath is coming on June 5 so be prepared for it!
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twinklnyan4life · 3 years
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Today marks the 1st anniversary of Galaxynyan. Actually is Galaxynyan’s birthday. The art is messy because I use sketching and layers... but I get better soon. I can’t believe I made that little guy all because after seeing @unicornyokai’s YWG Future and recycled name from the old future rp with @bearlycute. Twinklnyan deserves a child who is cute, curious and funny. After I created him, I know he’s a good character for the series and be the hero in the fanfic. Anyway he’s probably 4 years old... (yearly he’s one year old). Happy Birthday, Galaxynyan!
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twinklnyan4life · 3 years
So as I typing TA4 chapter, I dig through the story and realize again is finished quickly. So two chapters of TA4 is coming tomorrow and next week is the last chapter. Because of it I be drawing special art to celebrate the conclusion of TA4 next week. Just to remind you all.
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twinklnyan4life · 3 years
TO-S! Update + Announcements
Twinklnyan One-Shots! Chapter is postponed for tomorrow because I recently got Miitopia full game and two I’m busy with TA4 Aftermath chapters. Also I be posting videos, art and pictures of TA4 cast on my spare time. Starting on memorial weekend, I be posting TA4 headcanon so you guys will get to know them. The last chapter of Twinklnyan One-Shots before is on hiatus is on May 29. TA4 Aftermath will be release in June 5 with hopefully 2 chapters. Each characters get two chapters which results 14 chapters. This also are debut of a couple of characters who also be on TA5 so be prepare for it! That’s all. Also, i got one month of Nintendo Online Membership and I would like to share my characters. If you want them here’s my code. Sorry I don’t have most of the characters yet also forgive me if I could leak out new characters. I also locked some because I didn’t make them.
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twinklnyan4life · 3 years
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Today’s chapter of TA4 shows a glowing alien in Kauai, Hawaii who loves to express himself in drawing version. He’s really fun to draw (next to Galaxynyan) and believe me he just wanted to eat his favorite food which in fact I had today from Mom. Oh no, he’s gonna get it!
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twinklnyan4life · 3 years
TA4 Aftermath chapter part 2 is done! Sorry is late but I made it!
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twinklnyan4life · 3 years
Teacher: Hey this look like an jalapeño....
Me: -CHOKED- Is An aLiEn!
He’s in deed a little jalapeño to me... who gives out love. thanks teach.
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twinklnyan4life · 3 years
TA4 chapter 10 is here!
Guest stars are in are @unicornyokai @paranormaldoodles and @bearlycute
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twinklnyan4life · 3 years
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These two made me get too excited for TA4! Just wait for it!
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twinklnyan4life · 3 years
TA4 chapter 22 is here! 3 more chapters left also enjoy the battle!
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twinklnyan4life · 3 years
TA4 Aftermath chapter is here! Next week I be starting classes and hope I’m not too busy to write the fic but the good news is TA5 notes are almost done. As soon I finish it, I be showing ya the new characters! Ooh hope you love it.
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twinklnyan4life · 3 years
TA4 Aftermath Chapter is here! Perfect time to mention E3! Sorry is late...
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twinklnyan4life · 3 years
TA4 chapter 19 and 20 is here! Like I said before two chapters are kinda short so please forgive me...
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