twistedhavoc · 2 years
Sorin's opinion on Ei’s cooking…?
“… Look. I like unique food, edible things with unique flavours and tastes… You heard how I said edible, right? Whatever it is Ei has made is not edible. I feel as if I could die from just standing close for it to long. Not to mention the smell…”
- Sorin
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twistedhavoc · 2 years
Does Sorin use any of the elements of Teyvat? If so, which ones does he prefer using?
Well, technically he does- but he does so without needing to even connect with any of the elements. In his spellbook he has a few pages of just spells (obviously). These range from offense/defenisve spells to healing ones, each of these spells have one element they need for Sorin to be able to complete the spell.
For example, to cast a fire ball spell he'll obviously need something directly connected with the pyro element for him to complete the spell. So he'll hold the pyro element connected thing in one hand while h reads out the incantation. In the hand where he's holding the pyro connected thing the spell will form- so he'll just need to raise his arm and open his hand to shot a few fire balls.
Anyways, he definitely has a strong preference for hydro related spells. He says that they're easier to control and shape to ones own will. He also just has a preference for water.
(Fucking jellyfish)
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twistedhavoc · 2 years
𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 - 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞
"Nk joj oz gmgot", they say looking out the window. "O qtuc, juky nk tuz qtuc zngz nk corr xkikobk gt kbkt cuxyk vatoynsktz tuc?" One responds while scoffing. "Vkxngvy, zngz oy cngz nk cgtzy", One suggests unhelpfully. "[REDACTED] oy zgrqotm zu nos, ck payz ngbk zu mobk uaz znk vatoynsktz tuznotm suxk. Ck ynuarj tuz huznkx uaxykrbky cozn znkyk sktogr zgyqy", the highest one states, and the others nod in agreement. They all turn towards the door expectantly.
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“You know you are not allowed to interfere with the mortals”, [REDACTED] said looking down at [REDACTED]. [REDACTED] knew this, he just couldn’t help it. They were just so fascinating. The way they seemed to survive any hardship, and their determination. Not to mention those mortals in Khaenri’ah who seemed to reject the gods but still live on. “I hope you are listening right now [REDACTED], this is the third time you’ve done this. The only reason you’re still here is because the [REDACTED] pities you”, they said coldly. Gods weren’t supposed to feel, that was only something mortals did, but [REDACTED] could only assume that the sharp stabbing in what was supposed to be his heart could only indicate that it was sadness. Or perhaps disappointment. He pushed that thought aside. Now is not the time to be weak. As [REDACTED] stares into their eyes he can’t see anything except for a void- an empty abyss of nothingness. 
No emotions. 
No nothing.
Exactly how a god was supposed to be. How he was supposed to be. 
“I am, and I know that. I’m telling you it won’t happen again”, he finally says and in response, they just scoff: “That’s what you say every time.” They start walking toward judgment, and he followed shortly after holding tightly to his book. He could feel his fingers tremble the closer he got to judgment. He could barely lift his gaze from the ground as he heard the doors open and the light shines through. 
He just wishes that he’ll get to keep his book after the punishment.
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It was empty.
Dark too.
[REDACTED] checked that he still had his book. Once he confirmed that he looked around but he seemed to be the only one there.
“You are the only one here”, a voice suddenly echoed. The voice had no body, at least not one he could see. “There’s no point looking around”, it continued. “Where am I?” he asked. “Nowhere, yet everywhere at the same time. You are in the space between space and time. This is the Far Reach”, the voice announced. [REDACTED] had never heard of a place like that before. 
A place between space and time? How would that even work? 
[REDACTED] pushed away his questions, he could ask those later. There were more important questions to be asked. “I know you have a lot of questions. But everything will come in due time. For now, I’ll explain why you are here”, the voice pauses for what [REDACTED] assumes is dramatic effect before it continues: “This is your punishment.”
That surprises him. What kind of punishment was this? Were they just going to leave him here for a while? That can’t be it, he thinks, they’ve given him worse punishments before. Is this a joke? He thinks before crossing off that thought completely, the gods don’t joke. “I can sense some doubt in you. Does this not live up to your expectation of a proper punishment?” It asks though it sounds more like a statement than a question. It didn’t. In all honestly [REDACTED] was expecting a lot more than... Well, whatever this was. “As expected”, the voice cut through, “the [REDACTED] suspected a normal punishment wouldn’t be enough for you. This would have been enough to make most gods start crying, I suppose you are different.” 
That’s one thing [REDACTED] didn’t expect to hear. Just being in this place would have made gods cry? His eyebrows furrowed at the thought. “Well, worry not. For this is just where you will reside until we are able to give you your punishment”, the voice continued. “As for how long it will take, we are unsure. Though, you will understand when the time comes.” Then as soon as the voice said that it disappeared. “Wait! I still have questions”, [REDACTED] shouted but the silence was his only response. Guess I’ll just have to wait, he sighed as he sat down. The ground was weird, he realized, felt like water but wasn’t wet. This place just becomes odder and odder.
He thought of just using his spell to teleport to the mortals' realm but ultimately decided against it. He didn’t really want to anger the [REDACTED] any more than he already had. So he just resigned himself to his fate and waited. 
And waited.
And waited.
It felt like seven moons had gone by but nothing had happened- or changed. He was still stuck in the empty void with the weird floor. But he didn’t even have the voice to distract himself with. It hadn’t come back even once since it left and [REDACTED] can’t help but wonder if something happened to it. Though, thinking about it logically, he doubts anyone could really do anything to a voice. He groans as he rolls around on the ground still trying to get used to the odd sensations that come with it. Been here for seven moons and I’m still not used to it. He hums to himself. Though, I doubt seven moons have actually passed- time probably works differently here. If at all. I am in a place between space and time.
Letting himself get lost in his own head once again he fails to notice the white light seemingly engulfing the once dark and empty void. Nor does he seem to notice how his head gets hazier and hazier.
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twistedhavoc · 2 years
Meet Sorin, one of the Twisted Spellbooks muses 🎶
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Rumor has it that you may one day meet a wandering writer who writes stories not from this world, and if they deem you interesting enough you might have a story written about you
Though, of course, these are all just rumors
“How unique, your story deserves to be written down and preserved”
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[ concept art by me ]
Get to know Sorin 🪸
Age : [N/A]
Birthday : 13th of June
Dominant hand : Right
Birthplace : [N/A]
Likes : Writing, exploring, and trying new things
Dislikes : People who break promises
Talents : Multi-tasking
Personality :
Often preferring to stay in the background and observe, Sorin is quite quiet. Though his unusual clothes and attitude always seems to make him the centre of attention.
Sorin tends to talk quickly and hop from topic to topic with his short attention span. He loves everything and anything new or unique and often tends stay up all night doing something until he get’s bored and moves on. Once he deems something boring, he has no need for it anymore- wether that be an object, hobby, or even person. Though the one thing he seems to never get tired of is writing.
Most times you can see him with his head stuck in a book- the book being either some random novel that caught his interest or the spellbook- and during these times it’s almost impossible to get him to return to reality.
Though, even with his aloof nature there are times where his anger get’s the best of him, and those are the times you would wan’t to stay clear of him. For even with how much he’s a pacifist and prefers being a spectator during conflict there are a few times where his moral’s and personal belief’s tend to take control.
History :
Nobody really knows where he came from, not even himself. If you asked him to tell you anything about him or his life before he started wandering he wouldn’t be able to tell you anything except for a few places. The earliest thing he can remember is waking up on the northern beach of Mondstadt with a book tightly held close to his chest. The book was the Twisted Spellbook and kept on beckoning Sorin to “tell it his stories”, according to Sorin. But, he never really cared about his history when there was so much more right in front of him.
Well, to some it can be seen as quite ironic how the writer who seems to love stories more than life itself can’t bother to care about his own.
More about Sorin :
# For some reason he seems to resemble a jellyfish- in more ways than one.
# When he found out about the Fatui he kept oh trying to find ways to meet the harbingers because he thought they were “interesting”.
# He doesn’t really believe in the gods but rather the “strength” of mankind. Though enjoys the company and stories of the archons. (He’s super suspicious of Celestia though).
# Horrible at wind-gliding. Honestly, he’s just terribly afraid of being above ground.
# Even though he always seems aloof and distracted, he’s in reality very observant and seems to be able to notice even the smallest details. People never seem to be able to sneak up on him or anything.
# He has terrible sense of humor and laughs at basically everything.
# He loves trying new recipes from different regions, really enjoys sour and spicy food.
# Doesn’t like cold temperatures, he’s very cold in general so being in cool temperatures doesn’t help. He hates going to Dragonspine and always has to have someone with a pyro vision and who is very warm with him every time.
# The spellbook has a few pages that include actual spells. They range from offensive spells to healing magic, they seem to mainly use hydro though.
> He has a fan that he uses as a type of catalyst for his spells.
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twistedhavoc · 2 years
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#TwistedSpellbook.asks = Asks basically
#TwistedSpellbook.info = Any information to do with the spellbook
#TwistedSpellbook.brainrot = Yu’s brainrot tag
#TwistedSpellbook.stories = Any of the stories in the masterlist
#TwistedSpellbook.yukka = All about Yu
#TwistedSpellbook.cassandra = All about Cass
#TwistedSpellbook.sorin = Sorin’s stories!
#TwistedSpellbook.lostpages = All of the Lost Pages
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