I didn’t know the tumblr clan thing had taken off…
but apparently it did so..
I blame this on @littlegrayram
Fuck it
medicine cat; Gaud, hairless cat I do not remember what name I thought of before.
leader: Thunderstar, formerly Thundersong, Pukicho
deputy: Rabbitfur: PM seymour
if this gets any attention, I’ll be cursed to make more, won’t i
The Kit: formerly Eight, then Checkkit, then Checkpaw
Eight did love their parent, truly.
but Bluebird (what a dumb name for a cat) was just, .. just so BORRRING.
the Kit huffed, as their parent finished grooming them, and curled up in the nest.
It wasn’t just the dullnes off Bluebird.
it was also their icky Twoleg… Eight hated their twoleg. He was mean, and cruel, and cringe!
and Bluebird’s exciting stories of years ago, when they were in a clan! With a friend called Tumblepaw! They sounded really cool.
the gray Kit glanced at Bluebird, Sleeping soundly, and wriggled out of the nest. Their two leg had decided they’d be purely indoor cats but the window was open.
all Eight had to do was get up there..
after a while of silent struggling, the Kit managed to jump up on the windowsill, and out the window.
the Kit bounced excitedly, and ran into the woods.
the woods were so BIG. And so exciting! the small Kit laughed, darting from bush to bush…
until Eight spotted a bird in a small clearing. The Kit giggled, and instinctively dropped into a crouch, prowling closer, slowly and slowly.. and sprung
the bird looked up two late, as the small kit dug their claws into it, and bite it’s neck. The bird went limp, and the Kit meowed, thrilled, and dug in to enjoy their meal.
but an unfamiliar scent caught their attention, followed by the sounds of paw steps.
the Kit looked up, seeing a large cat with dark fur prowl out of the bushes.
“Well what do we have here… a lost kitty pet.. stealing my prey?” They asked, their voice, low and dangerous.
eight’s ears flattened, and they dropped the bird.
“I-I didn’t know it was yours! I just.. I just..”
“Why are you in your comfy home, kitty pet?” The unknown cat asked, walking closer and nudging the small Kit.
“What’s.. what’s a kitty pet?” Eight asked.
“A coward.” The cat answered firmly. Now that they were closer, a white mark on their face, and a large scars over their body, were visible.
but they looked, so coooool!
“But you’re.. intriguing. That was a flawless technique, and you effectively caught a bird..” the cat said, nudging the Kit a bit. “What are you doing out here?”
eight looked up at the cat, before shifting their paws.
“I.. I hate my twoleg. And my parent is so boring. I just wanted to be free for a bit. I heard of the cool clans, and just.. I just wanted to try…” Eight said, looking down, embarrassed. “I’m sorry I bothered you..” they added.
the other cat was silent, before licking the Kit’s fur, in the wrong direction, messing up the smooth, carefully groomed fur.
“Cheer up Kit… are.. are you interested in .. joining a clan?” They asked. The Kit perked up, looking back at the cat.
“I would be.. but I.. heard that the clans had fallen..” they said, making the wild cat snort.
“Where’d you hear that? Kit, do you want to join, or not?”
Eight blinked, and nodded quickly.
“Yes! It doesn’t feel.. right living with that Twoleg, I want to be free!”
the wild cat smiled, and turned around, beckoning the gray Kit with their tail.
“Don’t forget your kill. First rule, never let someone else take credit for your hard work.”
Eight beamed, and picked up the bird, hurrying after the wild cat.
“Whass urr nawme?” They asked, struggling to talk through the bird.
“Now, Kit. Once we arrive at camp, you’ll see a pile of fresh kill, by one of the dens. I want you to bring your bird to it, before we go to the leader.” Tumbledash told the excited Kit, who nodded quickly.
“Who da leder?” They asked.
“Our leader is a very wise cat, named Thunderstar.” Tumbledash explained, as they walked into the camp.
eight looked around as they walked in.
there were so many cats! A white furred cat, with long ears, and black paws, was sitting by a stump, surrounded by small white kits.
A very pretty she cat was talking excitedly to some young cats, and some elder cats. She looked familiar to the Kit.
Perched atop a large rock, was sitting a cat with golden fur, with a an oddly cut tail, talking to some cats, who were all nodding.
as Tumbledash and the kit walked in, the cats slowly fell silent. Eight stumbled, and glanced up at Tumbledash, who kept walking, so they followed. they spotted the fish kill pile, and ran over to it, dropping their bird. A Hairless cat was sitting by it, holding some herbs in his mouth, and examined the Kit closely.
“A kitty pet, eh?” He said, his voice a shrill raspy one. “And brought by our own Tumbledash?” the kit shuffled their paws awkwardly, and ran over to Tumbledash again.
“Everyone shut your fucks, we gotta hear thsi story.” A voice boomed from the rock, as the leader spoke.
Tumbledash bowed their head at Thunderstar.
“I found this young kit, successfully hunting a bird, and interested in joining Tumblrcan.”
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