eastorhild · 1 year
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Hi, this is a couple of pictures and things I remember from Twoset Violin's Helsinki meet & greet and Q&A on 15th June 2023.
I asked them to sign my music stand bag that I made, and Eddy said "that is one cool bag" and me and Brett commiserated on how flimsy the original bags are. 😁
I wish I had to talked with them more, but I was totally overwhelmed and way too excited to think. The next day I realised I could've actually told them what is obvious to me but I could've told them too: that they influenced me to practice more, which in turn has made me a better singer in my choir, and I could've thanked them for it. *facepalm* Now it probably looked like I was just in it for the autographs, argh. Well, they’ve probably met hundreds of people just as awkward as me, so probably no big harm done.
Eddy’s skin looks actually so good compared to some years ago, I don’t know what his secret is but looking good! They both look the same as on Youtube, but I noticed they sort of look more slender and lightly built in 3D. (I just realised if Brett looked thin and pale on camera when he was ill, how freaking thin was he in real life?? Oh lord. Poor Brett.)
The Q&A was fun but so short, I think I could’ve just sat with them for an hour more. Some of the questions were very huge and all-encompassing like “what is creativity” and so were the answers, so I can’t remember everything, but here is what I do remember!
Brett was marvelling at how light it was in Helsinki even 10:45 pm, and even after that it doesn’t get really dark, like how do you even deal with that (with blackout curtains, Brett) and we were like “yeah we know! 😃” and he was like “haha I’m totally telling on myself”.
Another question was about their first musical memories. Eddy laughed that his memory isn’t the best but perhaps the first music lessons in New Zealand, and Brett told us that his mother would put on classical music to play for him when he was going to sleep. Aww.
Someone asked them about Tiger moms, and Eddy told us that when he was in high school, on a scale of 1-10 his mom was like an 8.2, but now it’s more like 3.8 so she’s mellowed out and she’s ”lovely”. In high school Eddy would’ve wanted to go to a sleepover with friends, and his mom would be like ”No” and when he tried to go like ”But but friends, social life” (this got laughs from the audience) his mom would be like ”what do you need that for, you’re here to study and do well” or something (more laughs). Brett said his mom was something like 5-6 on that scale, but very ”nosy”, always asking where he’s going and with who, and he laughed that she still keeps asking to this day. ”I’m going out – with who – with Eddy – Eddy who – Chen – where’re you going” etc.
Twoset came across as very genuine. Exactly the same in real life as on Youtube, it feels like they are not pretending to be anything, they seem to be very honestly who they are. Maybe they have Youtube personas which they’re wearing as naturally as second skin, but it seems to be a very comfortable fit and not a forced one. They just earnestly want to do their thing and I love that for them! ❤️
I don't want to spoil the concert plot for anyone so I won't be saying much about it, but it's a lot of fun, just you wait, get tickets if you can!
Helsinki exploded with applause, gave them standing ovation and I feel like that night will be one of my best memories for a looong time.
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twoset-updates · 1 year
[220623 troxylondon ig post]
@twosetviolin delivered a fantastic show last night. It’s not often you find violinists hoola hooping on stage whilst they perform! Here’s a roundup of some of our favourite moments throughout the night 🎻 #twosetviolin #twosetviolinworldtour #violin #violinist #twosetviolintour #troxy #troxylondon
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eastorhild · 1 year
New cities for the Twoset Violin world tour!
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I just went to take a looksie and there are lots of new places for concerts in Asia, Australia + New Zealand, Europe, and North America!
If you don't see your location, sign up and get all your friends to sign up too and there might be new places!
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twoset-updates · 1 year
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[100623 sher.memes.a.lot ig post]
My transformation to polite cat is complete after meeting @twosetviolin in person🐈🤯 Brett and Eddy gave the wittiest and warmest responses. I tripped during the meet and greet session (which was mildly embarrassing🫠no harm was done though), they asked me are you ok in the middle of their reply🫨ahhhhhh Hope you guys like the present #YAS and the letters we wrote, you are such an inspiration and we can’t thank you enough for that🥹✨ Thank you @hongkongfestorch for organising the meet and greet session🫶🏼 Can’t wait to see the performance tomorrow! #twosetviolin #twoset #twosetviolinworldtour 🎻🎻
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