#i got the vip tickets as a treat because i never get anything nice for myself
eastorhild · 1 year
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Hi, this is a couple of pictures and things I remember from Twoset Violin's Helsinki meet & greet and Q&A on 15th June 2023.
I asked them to sign my music stand bag that I made, and Eddy said "that is one cool bag" and me and Brett commiserated on how flimsy the original bags are. 😁
I wish I had to talked with them more, but I was totally overwhelmed and way too excited to think. The next day I realised I could've actually told them what is obvious to me but I could've told them too: that they influenced me to practice more, which in turn has made me a better singer in my choir, and I could've thanked them for it. *facepalm* Now it probably looked like I was just in it for the autographs, argh. Well, they’ve probably met hundreds of people just as awkward as me, so probably no big harm done.
Eddy’s skin looks actually so good compared to some years ago, I don’t know what his secret is but looking good! They both look the same as on Youtube, but I noticed they sort of look more slender and lightly built in 3D. (I just realised if Brett looked thin and pale on camera when he was ill, how freaking thin was he in real life?? Oh lord. Poor Brett.)
The Q&A was fun but so short, I think I could’ve just sat with them for an hour more. Some of the questions were very huge and all-encompassing like “what is creativity” and so were the answers, so I can’t remember everything, but here is what I do remember!
Brett was marvelling at how light it was in Helsinki even 10:45 pm, and even after that it doesn’t get really dark, like how do you even deal with that (with blackout curtains, Brett) and we were like “yeah we know! 😃” and he was like “haha I’m totally telling on myself”.
Another question was about their first musical memories. Eddy laughed that his memory isn’t the best but perhaps the first music lessons in New Zealand, and Brett told us that his mother would put on classical music to play for him when he was going to sleep. Aww.
Someone asked them about Tiger moms, and Eddy told us that when he was in high school, on a scale of 1-10 his mom was like an 8.2, but now it’s more like 3.8 so she’s mellowed out and she’s ”lovely”. In high school Eddy would’ve wanted to go to a sleepover with friends, and his mom would be like ”No” and when he tried to go like ”But but friends, social life” (this got laughs from the audience) his mom would be like ”what do you need that for, you’re here to study and do well” or something (more laughs). Brett said his mom was something like 5-6 on that scale, but very ”nosy”, always asking where he’s going and with who, and he laughed that she still keeps asking to this day. ”I’m going out – with who – with Eddy – Eddy who – Chen – where’re you going” etc.
Twoset came across as very genuine. Exactly the same in real life as on Youtube, it feels like they are not pretending to be anything, they seem to be very honestly who they are. Maybe they have Youtube personas which they’re wearing as naturally as second skin, but it seems to be a very comfortable fit and not a forced one. They just earnestly want to do their thing and I love that for them! ❤️
I don't want to spoil the concert plot for anyone so I won't be saying much about it, but it's a lot of fun, just you wait, get tickets if you can!
Helsinki exploded with applause, gave them standing ovation and I feel like that night will be one of my best memories for a looong time.
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you weren’t supposed to hear that (F! reader)
A collection of instances where your roommate hears you moaning their name whilst your fingers are between your legs. Or your neighbor. Or maybe you walk in on them saying your name. Take your pick 😈
warnings: NSFW, manga spoilers (in terms of what the boys do post timeskip) words: 9.7k (oops)
a/n: wow it’s been awhile since I wrote one of these!! This has been half finished for a while and i finally got the inspiration to complete it. please enjoy!! 💖
Other parts: Kuroo | Sakusa
Ushijima Wakatoshi 
Being Ushijima’s roommate is fairly simple. He’s easy to get along with once you get past his jarring frankness and strict regime. Seriously, the guy never changes his routine; working out at 6am, breakfast at 8, leaving for practice at 9, home at 5, dinner at 7, and in bed by 9 o’clock. He’s a machine, but you don’t mind his predictability. It certainly makes your life easier being able to plan around his tried-and-true schedule.
You saw his ad for a roommate a few months ago when you were desperate to get out of your parents’ house and into the world. They weren’t too keen on the idea of you living with a man, but upon meeting Ushijima, they changed their minds quickly. Neither of them able to believe that stoic Ushijima Wakatoshi would ever lay a hand on you. Plus, the deal was far too good to pass up, he is seriously underselling the room you’re currently renting; and there’s the bonus that he’s frequently absent at away games, leaving the entire apartment for you to enjoy alone.
You learned quickly to keep your mouth shut on who exactly your roommate is, never inviting anyone over anymore in fear of them finding out from the various volleyball paraphernalia Ushijima so sparsely decorates the apartment with. It became difficult for you to tell if people you just met actually liked you, or if they just wanted a glimpse of the infamous Ushijima Wakatoshi and maybe an autograph. And don’t even get you started on his fangirls that he’s so oblivious about.
To your surprise, he was indifferent about having a roommate of the opposite sex. You thought for sure he’d try to ‘keep your honor’ or some shit like that, but all he’d asked you was what your job was to make sure you can pay rent, if you were tidy, and if you didn’t mind being alone. He’d seemed satisfied with your answers, and you’d moved in the following week.
The first and only time Ushijima has someone over, you get home from work surprised to see an interesting looking character standing in the kitchen across from him. They both look up at you, Ushijima giving you a slight nod in greeting while a wide smile spreads across his friends’ face.
“Ushiwaka! You didn’t mention your roommate is that pretty!”
Ushijima blinks as if he’s never considered that about you before, while you chuckle. “Ushi…waka?” You don’t think you’ve ever heard anyone refer to him in such a casual manner before.
The red-head beams, slinging an arm around Ushijima that he surprisingly allows. “Yup, me and Wakatoshi have been friends since high school!”
Now it’s your turn to blink, never having expected Ushijima to have friends outside of volleyball. Especially not ones who call him by his first name. In fact, you don’t even know if he considers any of his teammate’s friends either. He doesn’t spend any time with them outside of volleyball (that you know of) and so far, this is the first person he’s brought to the apartment since you moved in.
“Well,” the visitor nudges Ushijima in the side, who’s expression hasn’t changed throughout this entire interaction. “Are you going to introduce me or what?”
Finally, Ushijima speaks, his deep voice rumbling through your chest as he says, “This is Tendo, we played volleyball together in high school.” He doesn’t show it, but he notices your piqued interest at that information.
“Oh?” You say, “Do you still play?”
Tendo waves his hand dismissively, “Nah, it wasn’t for me. And I’m nothing compared to golden boy over here.”
You try to hide your amusement. This is definitely not what you were expecting from one of Ushijima’s friends. Tendo is rather enjoyable and chatty, much unlike the stone of a man sitting beside him.
“Tendo is a chocolatier in Paris,” Ushijima supplies.
Now you can’t hide your surprise. “Wow! That’s really amazing. What are you doing in Japan then?”
“Just visiting,” he beams. “And of course, I had to see my best friend Wakatoshi-kun.”
“Are you going to his game tomorrow?” You ask, ignoring the way Ushijima’s attention focuses on you. He didn’t think you paid much attention to his volleyball schedule besides when he’s going to be away.
Tendo nods excitedly. “Wouldn’t miss it! You should come too!”
You open your mouth to give some excuse, but then close it again at Tendo’s expectant expression. You bite your lip nervously; in the time you’ve been living with Ushijima you’ve never once actually seen him play. There’s a part of you that avoids it, fearful you might become one of his dreaded fangirls. But you can’t refuse Tendo’s invitation, and to Ushijima’s surprise, you agree to attend.
Clapping his hands together Tendo says, “We get to sit in Ushiwaka’s special seats! Maybe I’ll bring some chocolates for us to snack on…” And when he sees your eyes light up at that, he smiles again, “Chocolate for the lady, done.”
You laugh, and then Tendo is seeing himself out, telling you he can’t wait to see you both tomorrow. And once he’s gone, you can’t help feeling like you don’t know what to with yourself now. Not with Ushijima’s stare boring into your back. After a minute he says, “You don’t have to come.”
And if this had been the first week you’d known him, you might’ve taken that a little personally. But knowing him, he thinks he’s just stating something. He doesn’t see how it can be interpreted as him not wanting you there. “No, it sounds fun! And Tendo seems nice.”
“Tendo is very kind,” he states, and you have to resist the urge to chuckle at him. Ushijima is not a man of words and if that had come out of anyone else’s mouth you would’ve thought they were little strange. But in the months of living with him, despite your limited interactions, you’ve gotten used to his mannerisms.
Looking away from him, you start retreating down the hallway to the safety of your room, but before you disappear you say one more thing. “Plus, I’ve never seen you play.” Then you’re gone, not to be seen for the rest of the night. You don’t see him watch you until you’re out of sight. If you had, you would’ve been shocked by his dumbfounded expression at how the small smile you gave him made his heart stutter for a moment.  
Ushijima has to leave much earlier than you do for the game, but he informs you that Tendo will be by to pick you up and go to the game together. Then, for the first time probably ever, he bids you goodbye and tells you he’ll see you afterwards.
Tendo comes by the apartment a few hours later, sporting an Ushijima jersey and a box of chocolates he asks to hide in your bag. For having just met him yesterday, he easily leads the conversation, asking you all sorts of things—though he seems particularly interested in your relationship with Ushijima. You try to assure him it’s nothing. Really, you aren’t even sure if you can consider Ushijima your friend. Right now, you’re pretty much strictly roommates and that’s it.
When you let it slip that you’ve never seen Ushijima play, Tendo is shocked. “Really? Not even on TV or anything?”
You shake your head. “Nope! I guess I never thought of it.” The lie slips through your teeth easily and Tendo doesn’t bat an eye at it.
Though he does grin telling you, “You’re in for a treat then! Have you ever watched volleyball at all?”
Your regretfully admit to him that no—you’ve never seen a game. You do vaguely remember the rules from high school, but they’re a bit fuzzy now. Tendo tells you not to worry and spends the rest of the train ride to the stadium filling you in on all the aspects of volleyball. And the more he talks, the more excited you get.
When you finally enter the stadium, Tendo is amusingly proud to show off your VIP tickets to be allowed entrance to the special seats reserved solely for Ushijima’s guests. To your delight, they’re some of the best seats in the house and you and Tendo get to work on the chocolates you snuck in while you wait for the game to start. Already the stadium is buzzing with excitement and you can feel your own continue to grow.
Meanwhile, Ushijima hasn’t said a word that he has visitors today. So, it comes as a complete surprise to his teammates when a chorus of cheers erupts from his seats when he enters the stadium. He doesn’t take note of how shocked his teammates are—he’s never had any spectators before. And none of them ever expected one of them to be a girl.
“So, who’re your friends?” Heiwajima asks during warm-ups, nudging Ushijima in the side and motioning his head towards you and Tendo.
“Isn’t that Tendo-san?” Kageyama notes, his own eyes up in the stands.
Without looking upwards, Ushijima replies, “It is.”
Heiwajima rolls his eyes. “Yeah, we aren’t so interested in him as we are the beauty sitting next to him.”
Now Ushijima lifts his attention, eyes drifting to you. He hasn’t told anyone on the team he has a roommate. Not because he has any reason to hide you, but there has never been a reason for him to bring you up. So, he doesn’t think much of it when he says, “That’s my roommate.” And then introduces you.
Everyone on the teams’ eyes nearly bug out of their heads at that information.
“Ushijima, you bastard!”
His brow furrows. Why is he a bastard? You’re just his roommate. And he never lied to anyone about you, nobody ever asked.
“Keeping that a secret from us this whole time!”
He ponders that. He wasn’t really trying to keep any secret. “It’s not a secret,” he says. “You never asked.”
The team guffaws at him and continues to grill him about you until Hirugami claps his hands and tells everyone to focus on the match. They’ll have plenty of time to discuss Ushijima’s secret roommate later. Again, Ushijima tries to explain it you were never a secret, but Hirugami brushes him off and tells him to start spiking warm-ups.
It isn’t hard for him to ignore you and Tendo during the game. He’s used to having nobody here for him, so he just treats it like any other day. It’s nothing special, he’ll play the way he usually does. Meanwhile, up in the stands, you can’t keep your eyes off him. You finally see why he works so hard, and maybe understand him a bit better.
He loves volleyball, you know that—but seeing him in action really drives it home. He’s a machine. Every time he serves or spikes you swear the other team’s arms are going to rip off from the force of the ball. And the sound that ricochets in the stadium when the ball connects solidly with the floor is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. It’s like a clap of thunder rattling your bones and before you know it, you’re cheering loudly alongside Tendo with no qualms.
It’s exciting being here. You can feel your heart racing in your chest each time the Adlers or the other team is at a critical point, and sometimes you catch yourself holding your breath in anticipation for the outcome. You never thought watching a sport could be so thrilling.
And Ushijima is incredible. You suspected as much, but actually watching him for the first time is something else. You can’t help gobbling up the sight of him, his powerful thighs thrusting him into the air when he jumps, his biceps on display when his hand connects with the ball—and above it all, that sharp look in his eyes that sends goosebumps prickling down your spine without your permission. If Tendo notices you shamelessly ogling your roommate at all, he doesn’t comment.
He's oblivious to the fact he’s actually playing a lot more intensely than he usually does. Which some of his teammates never imagined possible. And most of them, besides the clueless ones alongside Ushijima, have a pretty good idea what’s different about this game. Though they can’t pinpoint if it’s just a result of having spectators in general, or if it’s you specifically.
The Adlers come out victorious after four hard sets, winning the first and second, but then having to snag the win in the fourth. You watch as the team gets swarmed by reporters looking for a post-game interview and Tendo tugs on your arm telling you that Ushijima is going to meet you by the locker room. You must give him a surprised look because he holds up the card dangling around his neck with a grin. “VIP, remember?” You giggle and follow him out.
In the locker room, Heiwajima and others try desperately to invite him, you, and Tendo out with them after the game. But he has to decline, you three already have plans. And he doesn’t wait around to see their disappointed expressions as he heads out of the room to look for you and Tendo. He finds the two of you nearby and once you catch sight of him, a smile splits your face in two.
“That was amazing, Ushijima! I’ve never had so much fun watching a sport before!” You gush once he’s in earshot.
“Volleyball is very fun.” He nods as the three of you head towards the exit. Ushijima purposefully avoids the spots he knows he is likely to be ambushed by reporters or fans, opting for a back exit instead that he sometimes uses when he wants to make a quiet escape.
“I had no idea being left-handed was such an advantage! Tendo told me it really throws people off apparently.”
Tendo sneaks him a smile and then throws an arm around his shoulder. “So, where is the great Ushiwaka takin’ us for dinner?”
You end up at a nice restaurant not too far away, and of course Ushijima gets recognized a couple times being this close to the stadium. He politely agrees to autographs and declines photos, seemingly unaware to the fact they’re just taking them secretly when they return to their tables. And while you’re waiting for your food to arrive, you can’t seem to stop talking about volleyball. Admitting that you’ll probably watch a few more of his games from home now and even cover your face in embarrassment when Tendo suggests you get your own Ushijima jersey to wear in support.
It’s then that Ushijima realizes he very much enjoys listening to you talk about what you thought of volleyball. Though he does feel heat creeping up his neck at the thought of you wearing one of his jerseys. All the while, Tendo is sitting beside you smirking up a storm, and Ushijima can’t for the life of him place why.
After dinner, when you’re walking a bit ahead of them and out of earshot, Tendo nudges him playfully in the side. “She’s pretty great, right?”
He looks at your back, expression unchanging. “She’s a good roommate.”
Tendo groans dramatically. “No blockhead—like, she’s pretty great, if you know what I mean.”
He blinks. “Do you want to ask her out?” Tendo can’t help slapping himself on the forehead. Who was he to think that Ushijima has any idea you are available, and he has a very high chance with you?
“Not me,” Tendo spells out slowly. “You.”
“I don’t want to ask her out.”
Tendo’s thin brows lift. “Are you sure about that?”
Tendo doesn’t miss his slight hesitation before he says, “Yes.”
And he doesn’t—you’re his roommate, and a good one. He likes having you around, but not the way Tendo seems to think.
But Tendo isn’t convinced. “Okay~,” he sing-songs before skipping up to loop his arms through yours and make you laugh about something. Ushijima thinks about that for a few minutes, why doesn’t Tendo believe him?
When you first moved in, it took a few weeks to get accustomed to each other. But once you figured out his schedule it became a lot easier. You know exactly when to hide in your room if you want to avoid him and when to come out once he’s gone. After going to his volleyball game, you especially try to avoid him during the times he’s walking down the hallway towards the shower, damp with sweat from a workout. Your brain can’t seem to function seeing him slick with the shine of sweat, his hair clinging to his forehead, and a towel draped around his neck—it’s too much for you, as much as you hate to admit.
But one week, you swear he’s on a warpath to make you a stuttering, flustered mess. Despite knowing the fact you’re certain Ushijima has no clue he can have that effect on people, much less do it on purpose. But every single day he’s waltzing around the apartment without a shirt on and while he doesn’t seem to see the problem with it, you don’t think your heart can take it much more.
And it’s the final straw when you see him a few days later, a thin sheen of sweat covering his skin as he saunters across the apartment from his home gym towards the bathroom in the hallway. All while you’re standing dumbfounded in the kitchen trying really hard not to get caught staring at his enormous biceps or the way the shine of sweat accentuates the dips of his abdomen. It’s in this moment you can truly understand why he has so many fans despite his rather stone-like demeanor.
“You have got to put a shirt on,” you blurt when he’s halfway across, knowing this will turn into some dangerous territory if he keeps walking around the apartment half-naked.
He stops in his tracks, his head cocking the only indication he’s confused by your statement. “I don’t want to wear a sweaty shirt,” he says by way of explanation. He doesn’t seem to notice your flustered expression. “I might catch a cold.”
You resist the urge to groan and slap yourself on the forehead. “Fine, then I’m wearing whatever I want around the apartment,” you say, determined to make him realize why he can’t just walk around like that. Though knowing Ushijima, you’ll never get through that thick skull of his.
And as you suspect, he simply replies, “Alright.” Before disappearing into the hallway and the bathroom to take a shower.
You lower your forehead to rest it on the cool countertop, shaking your head at how dense he really is. And you’re beginning to realize you think it’s endearing. While his infuriatingly toned body may be a major perk, you’re starting to see that you like him too. Now you actually groan. You swore this would never happen—not with Ushijima at least. But here you are.
After that, you make a pointed effort to wear the shortest shorts you can possibly find whenever he’s around. And you purposefully pair them with an oversized shirt, so it doesn’t look like you’re wearing pants at all. But if it has any effect on Ushijima, you can’t tell. You can’t help cursing his dumb impassive expression every time you retreat to your room for the night. Seriously—is he swayed by anything ever?
However, Ushijima hardly knows what to do with himself the first time you strutted out like that. He might be dense, but he’s still only human. His eyes naturally span down the expanse of your exposed legs and he has to grip his water bottle like a vice in order to keep it from clattering into the sink when you rise to your tiptoes to grab something from the top shelf. Your shorts ride up even more, hugging the curves of your ass as you stick it out to balance yourself.
You let out a surprised sound when he appears behind you, easily picking up the thing you were vying for and handing it to you without so much as a word.
“I really need a stepstool or something, huh?” You joke, taking it from him gratefully and blissfully unaware he was just blatantly staring at your ass.
He doesn’t say anything, but the next week you find a small stepstool leaning against the cabinets for you.
Staring at your phone in your hands, you thank any god listening that you brought it with you. How stupid do you have to be to lock yourself out of your apartment when you’re taking the trash out? Sitting on the floor against your door, you lean your head back on it and let out an exasperated sigh. You already went down to the office for help, they called a locksmith, and they aren’t available until tonight. And by that time, Ushijima will be home from practice and you won’t need the service anyways.
You have several options here. You could call a friend and stay with them until Ushijima gets back from practice, but they all live too far to walk to, and you don’t have your wallet. You could hang out in the apartment buildings lobby until he gets home, but if your phone dies, you’re stuck with nothing to do and no way to contact anyone.
The last option is slowly beginning to seem like your only option: calling Ushijima at practice for help. Burying your face into your hands you groan—you really don’t want to do that. Plus, you doubt he’s going to answer his phone anyways. After you sit there for a few more minutes, you take a deep breath and steel your courage. Leaving a message is better than nothing.
Despite deciding to call him, you still stare at his contact for a few moments before finally pressing the ‘call’ button. It rings a few times, then unsurprisingly goes to voicemail. When it beeps for you to leave your message, you swallow your pride and say, “Hey Ushijima, I know you’re at practice, but I locked myself out of the apartment…and the locksmith can’t come until tonight. If you by any chance get a break, would you be able to let me back in? I’d really appreciate it…sorry for the inconvenience and disrupting practice!”
Then you hang up and slump against the door again. Might as well head down to the lobby to sit somewhere more comfortable than the hallway floor. You turn the brightness down on your phone to conserve battery and resist the urge to just sit in the lobby scrolling through social media to pass the time. If he by some stroke of luck calls you back, you want to make sure your phone isn’t dead.
“Hey Ushijima, your phone was ringing in the locker room while I was in the bathroom. It was your roommate~,” Heiwajima teases. Ushijima slowly looks past his shoulder back towards the locker room door—that’s odd. You’ve never called him before. “And she left a message!” He coos.
Before Heiwajima can make any more comments, Ushijima strides past him to check his phone. They’re taking a short break and he doesn’t see a problem with making sure everything is alright. You wouldn’t have called if it weren’t important. He doesn’t see the rest of the team share suggestive looks behind his back. Before you, Ushijima refused to check his phone during practice, no matter how many messages he had (which are few and far between but still).
Upon hearing your message, he calls you back immediately.
You’re shocked that he’s calling you back within a half hour of your call.
“Uh, hi,” you say upon answering the call. “Sorry for bothering you. I’m surprised you saw my message so fast.”
“Heiwajima heard my phone ringing while he was in the bathroom.”
“Lucky me,” you joke.
He gets straight to the point. “I’ll leave now.”
Your eyes widen. He’s going to leave practice right now to let you back in? “Oh—um, you don’t have to do that! I’m just waiting in the lobby; I can wait until you have a longer break or something!”
“I can come now,” he says plainly. Then he hangs up on you. You sit back in the chair you’re sitting in and huff out a breath speechless. Never once has Ushijima left practice early. And now he’s just dipping out without hesitation because you’re a major idiot? You can’t fathom it, and the little voice in the back of your head that’s been slowly falling for him is absolutely swooning at the thought.
When he enters the gym again, Heiwajima finds him immediately, while the other members of the team look curiously on as he asks, “So, what’d she want?” Immensely interested in the fact that judging from his sweatpants and jacket over his practice clothes, Ushijima looks like he’s about to leave.
“She’s locked out of the apartment,” Ushijima explains as he heads towards the door.
The team looks around at each other surprised. They don’t get another word in as Ushijima explains to the coach the situation and says he’ll be back in less than hour. Then he’s out the door and a few of them start chuckling to themselves, while the more clueless members wonder why in the world Ushijima would willingly leave.
The gym isn’t far from the apartment, so it’s not long until you see Ushijima step through the front doors and sweep his gaze across the lobby. You greet him right away and the two of you get in the elevator. The silence is unbearable for you—though you’re sure he’s completely fine with it.
When you reach the door and he lets you in, you finally say, “Thank you. You really didn’t have to leave practice though; I could have waited.”
You swear his eyes soften, but it might just be your eyes playing tricks on you. He appreciates that you are being considerate for his time, but he found he wasn’t keen on the thought of you being locked out. It didn’t sit right with him. Not when he’s only 20 minutes away. He’ll be back in under an hour, and that’s better than you just sitting out here for several hours.
He just nods his head and says, “I’ll come anytime.”
At those words, that voice inside your head becomes a pathetic puddle and it’s an effort to keep your knees underneath you.
He can’t explain the way his heart lifts at the smile you give him. Stepping backwards into the apartment, you say as you’re closing the door, “See you when you get home.”
He’s surprised how that word coming out of your mouth makes him feel.
Any feeling of domesticity is thrown out the window the morning you’re walking around the apartment in one of his sweatshirts he lent you a few weeks back when you were cold. He’s stops in his tracks in the hallway seeing you in the kitchen at the stove cooking breakfast, his sweatshirt too big for you covering your shorts and just brushing your bare thighs.
Without giving him the chance to quell it, against his will, his dick strains against the front of his sweatpants and he rushes out the door with barely a goodbye in hopes you don’t see it. It doesn’t even go away on the train on the way to the gym, no matter how hard he tries. His thoughts subconsciously drift to the sight of you and how soft your thighs looked. It’s shocking to him how much he liked seeing you in his clothes. It was the same sort of sensation he felt when Tendo suggested you get yourself an Ushijima jersey—only it’s a hundred times worse.
He tries to ignore it, walking into the locker room like nothing is wrong, stripping his sweatpants and jacket off and shoving them into his locker before he looks around and sees Heiwajima staring at him with raised eyebrows. Then his eyes pointedly look downwards before he lifts them to meet Ushijima’s again. “You wanna deal with that before practice?”
“It’s fine.” He’s sure it’ll go away once he starts warming up.
But then his thoughts drift to you warming up and stretching in his clothes. You bending over, his sweatshirt sliding up your chest, revealing more of your ass and thighs as you count to ten. And any sort of effort he’d put forth to settle down is destroyed as his shorts feel uncomfortably tight. What is going on with him? He hasn’t been able to stop thinking of you as of late, and it’s only been getting worse.
Heiwajima just starts laughing. “Seriously dude, nobody wants to look at that all day.” Then he motions his head in the direction of the showers.
Ushijima’s eyes widen, realizing just what he’s suggesting. He hesitates for a moment, but eventually concedes. He won’t be able to play like this. Nobody seems to care as Ushijima grabs his towel and heads off to the showers, despite feeling distraught about what he’s about to do. He’s never really been one for masturbating, so it surprises him how easy it is to let you in his sweatshirt come to mind as he wraps a hand around his cock. And he comes a lot faster than he expects too.
That’s the first time he jerks off to the thought of you. He tries to brush it off as a necessity for him in order to practice well that day, but it soon becomes a terrible habit he can’t stop. Especially when you keep doing things that make him uncomfortably hard. Like still wearing those tiny shorts around the apartment, doing yoga in the living room, showing him your Ushijima jersey you finally ordered online—seriously, never in his life did he think this would ever become a problem.
He hardly knows what do with himself at this new infatuation.
Recently, you’ve started going out on dates because you’re beginning to feel this strange tension between you and Ushijima, and you have no idea how to deal with it besides letting some other guy pound you into a mattress while you ashamedly picture it being Ushijima instead. One night, when you’re bidding him goodbye as you’re on your way out the door, he asks you, “Will you be home tonight?”
Your heart stutters a bit at that word. Home. And then you feel disgustingly guilty that he’s noticed you don’t usually come back after these dates. Meaning you think even he can put the dots together on what you’re doing.
But really, he’s asking because what you’re wearing is already making his pants feel tight and even though it makes him feel a little ashamed, he needs to get his frustration out somewhere that you’re out spending the night with other guys. It makes him feel incredibly jealous—an emotion he’s not used to yet.
“Probably not,” you tell him, swallowing your pride about it and shutting the door.
For the next couple of hours, he tries to resist the demon in his head telling him to go sprawl out on his bed and think about you with his hand wrapped around his cock. But even after he makes dinner, works out, and takes a cold shower; it’s still there nagging at the back of his head. And he knows it won’t go away until he’s coming into his hand with your name spilling from his lips. He resigns himself to this becoming something he does now and heads off to his bedroom to satiate himself.
Your date is terrible. He wasn’t like this when you met him at the coffee shop last week, but tonight he must be feeling extra lucky. Enough to let his cocky, asshole nature shine through and you find yourself forcibly smiling your way through dinner. It doesn’t help that all you can think about is a certain stone-faced, stoic, gentleman who’s just sitting there waiting for you at your apartment. And just the thought of letting this guy touch you tonight makes your skin crawl. So, once the dinner is over, you end the date short, blaming it on not feeling well. He looks pretty put out that he won’t be getting his dick wet tonight, but you’re not inclined to care very much.
Unsurprisingly, the apartment is dark when you return. Ushijima goes to bed promptly at 9 o’clock every night, so you weren’t expecting to find him awake. So, you’re stunned into silence when you hear sounds emitting from his room on your way to yours. It sounds like he’s…panting? Is he working out?
Your brow furrows and your curiosity gets the better of you. You know it’s wrong, and such an invasion of privacy, but you just can’t stop your fingers closing around his doorknob, turning it slowly to just get a tiny peek into his room.
Your heart comes to a jarring halt at the sight you stumble upon.
Never, in your entire life, did you think you’d catch Ushijima Wakatoshi masturbating.
It never even occurred to you that is something he might do, not really seeming the type to.
And holy shit—is it a sight.
Your mouth involuntarily dries up at his enormous hand wrapped around his equally massive cock, pumping it from base to tip as his hips work in unison with his hand. His hair is a bit damp, and fuck—his cloudy, lust-filled gaze is making heat pool in your core. Additionally, he’s completely and utterly naked. Who the hell jerks off totally naked is beyond you, but you aren’t complaining as you watch the way the muscles of his abdomen ripple with each movement of his hips and breath he takes.
You could probably stand here watching him do this forever if you’re being honest.  
That is, until your name falls from his lips.
You swear the floor drops out from under you.
At first, you think he’s caught you. But you soon realize that is very much not the case. His hips start shuddering, his pace becoming erratic as he chases his orgasm and you’re suddenly struck by the thought of: you don’t want him to finish without you.
And before you can hesitate, you open his door fully and step into his bedroom.
His reaction is nothing like you imagined from someone who just got caught masturbating by their roommate who’s name not two seconds ago escaped his mouth. Anyone else would have yanked their hand away and scrambled to cover up. But not Ushijima.
To his credit, he does cover himself, but he does so in such a calm manner, you’re shocked. Plus, you can see he clearly still has his hand around his cock beneath the blanket. The two of you just look at each other for a few moments, and after what seems like eons of silence, he opens his mouth and says, “You said you weren’t going to be home.”
Your brows raise, amused he’s chosen that as his defense. “I think I said, ‘probably not’ actually.”
His expression doesn’t change as your gaze drifts downwards towards his impressive erection that somehow has not gone away despite that he’s lying there in all his naked glory caught red-handed.
You lick your lips subconsciously. “Can I help you?”
He wasn’t expecting that. Nor was he expecting the way his dick twitched in his grasp at your words. Or how heat is spreading across his entire body at the way you’re looking at him. Is he really going to let this happen? He’s pretty embarrassed you caught him, but you don’t seem phased at all. To him, you almost look…excited.
You don’t really wait for him to respond, taking the way he eyes you up hungrily as a yes, and stepping further into the room. Tentatively, you start lifting away the blanket he covered himself with, and he seems to be in a daze as you toss it aside, baring him for you to see. Glancing up at him, you see he’s breathing heavily, his pupils blown wide as he watches you—and while he may not be able to tell you with words how he feels, his body is telling you enough.
But you still want to make sure. Settling yourself between his thighs, you set a hand on each of them and squeeze lightly to get his attention. His olive gaze rises to meet yours and you ask, “Is this okay?”
Without hesitation, he replies, “Yes.”
And if you know Ushijima at all, he means what he says.
You get yourself a bit more comfortable between his legs, chastely kissing each of his thighs, finding it immensely ego boosting at the way they tremble at your touch. You make your way to the base of his cock and lick one stripe up to the tip. He groans quietly at the sensation, realizing his hand will never be enough again.
His fists curl into the sheets beneath him as you take his head into your mouth, and you fail to suppress the quiet groan that emits from you at how heavy he sits on your tongue. Your mind immediately wandering to what he might feel like inside you—if this goes that far, that is. His eyes haven’t left you, watching you intently as you take more of him into your mouth, the weight of his heady gaze making heat pool between your legs.
Steeling your confidence, you hold his stare as you take nearly all of him into your mouth and start bobbing along his length. A barely audible hiss escapes him, the muscles in his arms straining with how hard he’s fisting the sheets. Yet, you still have his rapt attention, and it makes you want to make him feel so good he has to close his eyes and lean his head back against his pillow.
The thought of having Ushijima Wakatoshi a puddle beneath you makes your thighs clench together. An action that surprisingly doesn’t go unnoticed by him.
In a matter of minutes, you’ve made him throw all qualms out the window and you soon get your wish of seeing him let go. His eyes close, head leaning back revealing the strong column of his neck, and his hips start to move in tandem with your bobbing motions. A guttural groan escapes him when you hollow out your cheeks, and the sound rumbles through you before adding to the growing ache between your legs.
You can’t imagine he’s even close to reaching the end of his stamina, but you are certainly losing patience. So, you pop off his cock, and start making the motions to undress so you can finally fulfill your fantasy of riding him.
He startles you by lifting himself to rest on his elbows, his deep voice filling the silence, “Wait.” You pause, your dress already halfway off. He sits up and pulls you into his lap, completely unbothered by the fact your clothed core is now sitting directly atop his prominent erection. “Let me,” he says so softly you think you might combust.
His hands replace yours, and he gingerly unzips the back of your dress and starts sliding it off your shoulders, each inch of newly exposed skin met by the soft press of his lips. You have no idea if he’s ever been with anyone before, but whatever he’s doing is making your insides scramble and burn. His movements are slow and meticulous, like he’s savoring each touch are you’re positively melting in his lap.
Eventually, you have to stand up to shimmy the dress down your legs, but he sits at the edge of the bed waiting patiently before his large hands rest at your hips and pull you back into his lap. Now you’re looking down at him, so you lean down and press your lips against his.
He’s somewhere else entirely—heaven, maybe, as you kiss him. Your lips are soft, body pliant and warm against his as his fingers dig into the plush skin of your hips. He groans involuntarily when your fingers slide into the hair at the base of his neck, tilting his head so you can kiss him even deeper. You’re pleasantly surprised when his tongue darts out questioningly and you happily open your mouth for him.
I’m doomed, you think as his tongue sweeps in at the same time he uses his hands at your waist to grind you down onto his hips. He feels absolutely huge beneath you, and you have no idea if he will even fucking fit inside you. “Fuck…Wakatoshi,” you breathe. His fingers grip a little harder at your voice saying his name like that, but you’re too dazed to notice what it does to him. You continue, “Fuck me, please.”
He makes a noise in the back of his throat, and for a moment you think he’s going to comply with your request. Instead, he murmurs, “Not yet.”
You almost pout, but then he’s unclasping your bra and lifting you to set you down on the bed. He doesn’t waste much time ridding you of your underwear next, and you have to resist the urge to cover yourself as he stares at you with a near predatory look in his eyes. “You’re perfect,” he says, clear as day and you feel heat course through your veins at his words.
He’s looking at you like you’re the only thing in the world to him right now. The intensity of his wanton gaze making you squirm beneath it until he lays his body over yours, the comforting weight of him pressing against your skin as he takes your lips again. He elicits a moan from you, his fingers dancing along your sides and his tongue sweeping into your mouth, making you nothing more than a trembling mess underneath him.
His lips leave yours, but he slowly begins trailing kisses along your jaw, down your neck and across your collarbone; almost as if he’s worshipping every inch of your skin before he reaches your breasts. He takes both of them into his enormous hands, the callouses of his fingers scratching along the supple flesh, making your back arch into his touch. Pressing a chaste kiss to your sternum, he rolls your nipples between his fingers, all while keeping his steady gaze on you. And you have no idea how the simple action of him just teasing your nipples while pinning you with those olive eyes is so unbelievably erotic your head begins to feel light.
And then he takes one of them into his mouth and you about lose your goddamn mind. How the fuck does he know exactly what to do? In the time you’ve known him you’ve never once seen him be even remotely interested in anyone. But at this point, you’re well past the point of caring how he learned his way around a woman’s body.
His tongue laps at the pert bud, all while he keeps his meticulous pace on your other nipple before turning the attention of his mouth to it. Without thinking much of it, your fingers dive into his hair, curling into the strands as he continues his worshipping. Though it does pull a deep rumble of pleasure from his chest that goes straight between your legs.
“Wakatoshi,” you pant breathlessly, chest heaving, desperate for him to do something about the growing ache at the apex of your thighs.
This time, he seems to heed your words. He pops off your breast and wanders with his lips down the expanse of your stomach, his hands finding purchase at your hips as he settles himself between your thighs. Your thighs tremble in anticipation as he presses soft kisses to each of them, fingers kneading your hips and pulling you closer to his mouth.
Never in your life did you think you’d have Ushijima Wakatoshi between your legs, looking for all the world like he’s about to devour you.
He groans as he slides his tongue between your folds, drunk on how wet you already are. And despite the fact his cock is throbbing almost painfully and leaking on the sheets, he knows to take his time. If you want him to fuck you, he has to make sure you’re ready for him.
You throw your head back, fingers fisting into the sheets as a lewd moan escapes your throat that only makes him bury his face even deeper into you. His tongue finds the bundle of nerves at the apex and sweeps across it, moving in small circles that have you finding purchase in his hair to keep him there as you move your hips in unison with his tongue.
A loud gasp fills the air as one of his thick fingers enters you, the ministrations of his tongue not stopping as he slowly pumps it in and out of your core. He’s kept his attention on you this entire time, his gaze never wavering as he watches you fall apart at his mercy. And he finds he’s thoroughly pleased at how easily his finger slipped into you, enough that he tentatively prods another one at your entrance that after a moment slides in without any resistance.
It’s so satisfying that he buries his face even deeper, his tongue pressing harder against your clit as you fuck yourself on his fingers. At the sensation of his second finger, your own find purchase in his hair, babbling utter nonsense that if you were in a clearer state of mind you might be a little embarrassed about.
“Please,” you beg, desperate for his cock inside you, “fuck me Wakatoshi. I want you inside me.”
He nearly falls apart at your needy request, but he isn’t finished yet.
You continue to plead with him, until you abruptly feel the absence of his tongue and you look down to find him staring intensely at you. Your throat clams up at his smoldering gaze as he says simply, “You aren’t ready.”
Your mouth drops open as you blink in surprise. Is he joking? Are you not frantically fucking yourself on his fingers right now, desperately asking for him to be inside you? How can you possibly be anymore ‘ready’?
“What are you talking about?”
Now his eyes drop, and very quietly he murmurs, “I’ve been told I am…quite large.”
“By who?” You blurt.
All he says is, “Others.”
You decide to leave it at that, your attention traveling to his erect cock, it pulsing so hard you can almost see it and dripping from the tip. You swallow nervously trying to imagine that going inside you. Ushijima just watches you eye him, his two fingers still knuckle deep in you, which he seems to have forgotten about as he angles his head in question. “Do you want to keep going?”
Warmth blooms in your chest at his concern. “I would very much like to,” you reply, smiling innocently at him, despite the fact the position you’re in is very much the opposite of innocent.
And the answering small smile he gives you makes your stomach flutter. It’s so soft and dazzling, it nearly knocks all the breath out of you. He presses his lips to your inner thigh, smiling against your skin, and all you can do is stare in awe of him.
Then, as if remembering where is fingers still are, he drags them slowly out of you, his mouth latching on to your clit once again before sliding them easily back in. Soon, he’s got you writhing on his fingers once more, toes curling and your own fingers gripping onto his bicep you can feel flexing with each thrust of his hand.
He waits a bit longer, until his fingers are soaked with your wetness again, before tentatively prodding a third finger at your entrance. He stifles his groan against you when he finds that it slips in along with the others effortlessly. Particularly as the grip you have on his biceps tightens, nails digging into his skin and eyes flaring open at the new sensation.
“Fu—fuck,” you mewl, holding on to him for dear life as he continues his slow and methodical pace. At this point, you’re practically shoving yourself onto his fingers, wanting him to fuck you deeper and trying to match the pace at which his tongue is flicking against your clit. The sensation becomes overwhelming, your thighs starting to tremble with the effort to not come around his fingers and mouth.
“Wakatoshi, please—I’m going to—,” you try to warn him, nails digging so hard into his arms that you’re leaving small crescent indents in his skin. He doesn’t stop though, not until you’re practically sobbing, “Let me come on your cock, please.”
That seems to be his undoing. His fingers and mouth abruptly leave you, eliciting a small sound of discontent from you. But you quickly shut your mouth at the sight of him leaning over you, aligning his hips with yours, one massive hand palmed around his cock as he pushes forward.
When the head of his cock sinks into you, a strangled gasp rips from your throat at just how utterly massive he is. Instinctively, your fingers wrap around his wrist to keep him from going any deeper as you say, “Slow.”
His brow is furrowed in concentration, as if it’s taking all of his willpower to keep from snapping his hips forward and sinking to the hilt in you. “Of course,” he growls, his voice taking on a deep tone that makes your toes curl.
And inch by glorious inch, he pushes deeper into you. His forearms coming to rest on either side of your head as he takes your lips to distract you from him nearly splitting you wide open. You tug him closer, fingers tangling in his olive hair, slanting your mouth against his and slipping your tongue inside which he gladly allows.
Eventually, his hips meet yours, and he pulls away to rest his forehead against yours, his toned chest rising and falling with the deep breaths he has to take in order to keep his sanity. The feeling of your tight walls clamping down around him is enough to make him hiss through his teeth, “Shit.”
The word alone makes heat pool in your core. Ushijima Wakatoshi never swears.
“Holy fucking shit.” You correct him. He’s seated fully inside you and you’ve never felt so full in your entire life. Your legs splayed out to either side from just how big he is, and once glance down confirms his thick thighs are shaking with the effort to be gentle.
He just shakes his head at your crass words, then pulls out slightly before ramming his hips back into yours. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pull him close to you, your chest meeting his and his head finding the crook of your neck and he begins slowly. And while you’re very much enjoying each of his careful, deep thrusts, you very much would like to be pounded into his mattress. You’re certain he can.
You wonder if he’ll dirty talk with you.
Running your fingers through his dampening hair, you whisper against his ear, “You feel so good, Wakatoshi.” He merely responds with a kiss against your neck and a small approving growl that makes you keep going. “You know what I thought about anytime I was in someone else’s bed?” He makes no indication whether or not he likes you talking to him, so you press on. “This,” you murmur, “You.”
He stops, and for a second you think you’ve gone too far. But then he rises from your neck, and you swear to god—you almost come on the spot at the carnal glint gleaming in his eyes. Like he is about to utterly and completely destroy you. Your entire body buzzes with anticipation as he finally draws his cock almost all the way out of you before driving his hips home in a way that sends you into total euphoria.
His pace becomes brutal, his hips punishing, wordlessly making you realize it was a mistake for you to ever think anyone but him should be between your legs. It was pure luck you stumbled onto something you didn’t realize—he was immensely jealous every time you came home in the morning, clearly having spent the night with someone else.
It drives him so wild that he growls against your lips, “You’re mine.”
The words are so deliciously possessive, you can’t help the way your walls tighten around him, nor how your legs wrap around his waist and start helping him with each thrust of his hips.
“Yours,” you say, lips brushing against his. His hands wander down your sides, fingers digging into your hips pulling you even closer so that there is virtually no space between your bodies. He’s resting almost his entire weight on you, and his warmth and build is so strangely erotic, the coil in your stomach winds tighter and you can feel your impending orgasm begin to climb.
He cages you in his arms, hips never relenting, seemingly chasing his own release. His quiet grunts of pleasure are going straight between your legs, and you can’t help but start exploring the expanse of his exquisitely toned chest pulling an even deeper sigh from him making you almost melt on the spot. Your hands eventually find a place to rest in the dimples of his hips, relishing the sensation of his muscles moving beneath your fingers.
He refuses to finish before you, no matter how unbelievably tight you’re pulsating around him. So, he reaches between your bodies, fingers finding your clit, pride filling his chest at how you moan lewdly; your head falling back and fingers grappling even harder onto his hips. He takes the opportunity to press kisses to your throat, shoulders, collarbone—any expanse of skin he can get his mouth on.
“Fuck—yes,” you groan, hands leaving his hips to weave their way into his hair, using your legs to push him even deeper and meeting each of his thrusts with your own. You start quivering under him, your body preparing for the onslaught of pleasure rising in your chest, threatening to snap at any moment.
You come completely undone when Ushijima commands, “Come for me.”
Something about his husky, lust filled tone; his lips making their mark all over your skin, and the harsh thrust of his hips sends you over the edge. Your body bows off the bed, and Ushijima meets you, his arms wrapping around your middle to press you against his chest as his lips latch onto your neck and he buries himself to the hilt in your wet heat.
For the second time tonight, he curses quietly, holding you to him as your walls pulse with your orgasm and he finds his own release alongside you. You hold on to his shoulders for dear life as waves of pleasure roll through you, your body spasming in his grip all while he kisses you softly. It’s tender and erotic at the same time. As you start to calm down, he claims your lips, tongue sweeping in as you push his damp hair off his forehead before cupping his cheeks.
He pulls away from you, only to set his forehead against yours, your warm breath mingling. Both of your chests are still heaving, and although it’s silent, it’s comforting as he holds you.
After a moment, you open your eyes and find his closed, his lips curved into a barely noticeable smile. It fills your heart seeing him look so…content. “Wakatoshi?” You say quietly. His eyes open and your throat closes at just how handsome he is. “I…I like you.” Your eyes close now, embarrassed at how pathetic that sounded.
“I’d hope so.”
Your eyes burst open finding him looking at you comically seriously. You know he doesn’t mean it as a joke, but you can’t help the smile that rises to your lips. He gazes at you curiously as you ask, “And? Do you like me?” As if his softening dick isn’t still inside you right now.
Though, it still makes your heart flip when he replies without hesitation, “Yes.”
“Good.” You grin. “I’d hope so.”
You kiss him again before he finally pulls out of you and without a word, he gets off the bed and disappears out into the hallway. You grimace at the mess between your legs but are pleasantly surprised when he returns with a warm towel to clean yourself up with. While you deal with the mess, he rummages around in his drawers and at first you think he’s looking for clothes for himself, until he hands you a pair of his briefs and a t-shirt.
You must eye them curiously because he sets them on the bed saying, “Sleep with me.” He doesn’t word it like a question.
Taking the clothes, you smile teasingly up at him. “I just did.”
To nobody’s surprise, he’s relatively unfazed. “Overnight,” he explains further. “In my bed.” Though the light dusting of pink coloring his cheeks as he says this makes you want to smother him with kisses all over again.
You slip on his clothes and climb beneath the sheets as your response. You watch him dress, marveling over the muscles shifting in his back and arms until he covers them and joins you in the bed. He draws you close to his side, letting you run your fingers across his cheek before settling at his chin and pulling his lips to yours. You kiss lazily until you both grow tired and you tuck your head under his chin, letting his fingers intertwine with yours and enjoying the affectionate kiss he presses to the top of your head.
He surprises you when he says into the silence, “Are we going to do that again?”
The chuckle that escapes you is by no means meant to be mean. He just fucked you better than anyone in your entire life and if you were in deep shit falling for him before this—you’re doomed now. Yet, you don’t mind in the slightest. Not when being here in his arms feels exactly where you should be.
So, you kiss his neck and reply softly, “Yes.”
You don’t see his answering smile.
taglist: @bobawithpomegranate @anothermessedupbitch @abswrites @toorus-goodgirl @apollochjld @vicassa @sssjuico10
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housamo-side-blog-2 · 3 years
So i got this idea literally 5 mins after i watched a video about couples kissing when the kiss cam showed them on screen ,But in Harumo”s case its you know.
It was a clear sunny afternoon, here in Shinjuku Central Park,You,Ryota and Kengo just got out of the grocery store to deliver the ingredients to Shiro back at the safehouse, because he’l be preparing to dinner for tonight,While Agyo and Moritaka are busy cleaning the safehouse,Toji however could not make it because he was needed back at the shrine.
Harumo: Why would Shiro need this much ingredients? It literally looks like he’s planning a feast.
Kengo; You better eat everything that you put on your plate,!
Ryota; No problem,This will be a breeze,i wonder what kind of food Shiro will e making for us?
Harumo: Well if Shiro’s going to be cooking,Then, it will be very delicious.
Kengo;Yeah,But why so many anyway?, its not like today is something special.or anything.
Ryota: Special or not,its going to be so much fun.
While you three are carrying a lot of grocery bags,You see someone very familiar infront of you, You call out their name,They were surprised that you were infront of them this entire time and they didn’t notice.
Gunzo: Oh Hi Harumo!, i didn’t notice that you were there.
Harumo: Hi Gunzo! Nice to see you again!.
Ryota: Hi Gunzo! its nice to see you.
Gunzo: Nice to see you too Ryota,Kengo!
Kengo: Yeah, great to see you again.
Gunzo: Y-YEAH!.anyhow i was going to ask you about something?
Harumo: OH!.were you going to ask me on a date?
Gunzo with a red-faced expression from what you said,Gives you 6 tickets for a rugby game today at 5:00 thats being held at  Shinjuku Stadium.
Gunzo:Uhm,,,,I was wondering if.....you could come to watch me play and im really nervous because its my first game at a stadium.And if you’re there it might.uhhh.
You break off Gunzo’s awkward speaking by saying you and your friends will be cheering you as loud as they can to give you the confidence you need to play.
Gunzo: Really?! GEE! THANKS HARUMO! i swear im going to do my best if you’re cheering me on,Thanks .....i really mean it Harumo..
Harumo: Anything for you..
Gunzo: Y-YEAH! anyhow,I’ll be going now i have to prepare for the match i’ll see you there,BYE!
You,Ryota and Kengo wave at Gunzo, And quickly rushed to the safehouse to tell Shiro and Agyo about the game that you and your friends were invited.
Your group have just arrived at the safehouse,Agyo opened the door for you as well helped you and your friends put the grocery bags at the table,And later told Shiro,Agyo and Moritaka about the news.
Harumo: Shiro! great news,We just got tickets to go to Shinjuku Stadium.
Shiro:WHAT?! thats a surprise who invited you?
Harumo: Gunzo invited all of us to go and cheer him on.
Agyo: OOOHHH! That sounds fun, I’ve never been to a stadium before.
Moritaka:Neither did i,Its amazing that Gunzo went all the way to graciously invite all of us to watch the game,
Shiro: Hold on!,Gunzo gave you six tickets right?
Shiro: That’s quite suspicous don’t you think?
Harumo: WHHAAAT! No way! Gunzo will never do something that will hurt someone.
Shiro: Im not saying he’s planning something like that,But why would he give you six tickets that all of us could go,Maybe he knows of our wherabouts?
Harumo: HMMM, Maybe he doesn’t want me to feel lonely on the seats.
Kengo: He doesn’t look like the type that will cause trouble.
Ryota:Maybe he just wants us to be there, Its going to hurt he’s feeling if we don’t show up,And he went all the way there just to give us tickets,
Harumo: Yeah, i promise that i’ll be cheering him on,the stands,Please,can we go Shiro?.
Kengo: You’re treating Shiro like your own mother! Cut it out!.
Shiro:*Sigh* fine, Would it kill you to practice some caution,
Ryota and Harumo: HOORAY!.THANKS SHIRO!.
Agyo: You too need to stop acting like little kids.!
Shiro: Then its settled,We’ll go to Shinjuku Stadium to cheer Gunzo on,
With Shiro”s agreement,you all are very excited to go,
[5:00 outside of Shinjuku Stadium]
You and your friends have arrived punctually at outside of Shinjuku Stadium and are later to devoured by the large amount of people going inside,While there are a lot of food stalls outside,to provide food and drinks for everyone before going in.
Harumo: Wow, rugby matches seem to be very popular today,with all of this many people coming to watch.
Moritaka: I know,this is my first time to attend the stadium,Its humangous.
Agyo:Whoah! there are so many people here and that building is so huge!.
Shiro:Everyone! stay together or else will get lost in the crowd.
Harumo: You heard him,everyone.
You all stayed together,to prevent getting lost in the crowd,Shiro made sure that Agyo would not get lost,since this is he’s first time to be in a crowded place,Nonetheless you all made it to the entrance and hurried excitedly with food and drinks you all are holding, At first you all struggled to find good seats to watch Gunzo and he’s team in perfect view,
But luckliy,Thanks to Shiro’s brilliance and your trust in his skills and believing in him,The summoners have finally found a perfect view,To watch the team play in the field.
Ryota: Phew!, We’ve got a nice view at the field thanks to Shiro.
Moritaka:Indeed, We could clearly see everything in perfect view.
Agyo: Oh my gosh!, Its even more huge than it is on the outside!. And there are so many people out here.
Harumo:Thanks to Shiro!,We’ve manage to find a good view on the field,
Shiro:Haha!,Thank you for believing in me Harumo, But i must say,This is quite impressive, Gunzo’s team is going to be representing Yoyogi Acaddemy,I bet they are feeling a lot of pressure.
Harumo: i can’t wait to watch them play, i hope all of his hard work will pay off.
Kengo: What the?
Kengo was looking at the crowd and spotted a certain group or two.
Harumo:What is it?,Kengo?
With a look of shock being shown on Kengo’s face,He doesn’t here you,Curious of what was he so shocked about,You looked at the direction he’s looking and then both of you were quite surprise  when you saw a group of people that stand out in the thick crowd.
Ryota,who was seating next to you,wondered what was wrong.
Ryota:Uhm?,Harumo,Kengo?,whats wrong,why’d you look so surprised all of a sudden.
To answer his question, Kengo pointed where, and then Ryota followed where he was pointing,He was surprised to see, the  AOYAMA GUILD.sitting inside a room with windows that look like only VIPS could only enter,But thats not all, You three see Arsalan,Zabanniya,Gabriel,and Maria along with the....TYCOONS.
Inside the VIP room,decorated with luxurious furniture along with a bar filled with expensive drinks,There sitted on one of the chairs that feel like you’re sitting ontop of a cloud,Sit Ophion and behind him is Aizen and next to him are Lucifuge,Hakumen and behind her is Xolot,, Along with the guildmaster of the Roppongi Guild Licht and beside him is his faithful servant,none other than Melusine.
Licht: Well,it seems like everything is going really smoothly,don’t you think everyone? 
Ophion: if only my spouse were here to be at my side,it would have been perfect.
Hakumen: If only my liege were to be here,it would have been excellent.
Xolot: Mistress Hakumen,Would you like some expensive wine?
Hakumen: Oh, Yes,Its a good thing you’re really useful.
Xolot:Thank you Mistress Hakumen!.
Arsalan, who was sitting on the left side of the room,seems to be surprised about the two,wishing there beloved to be here.
Arsalan:*whispers to Maria* it seems the young cub,has some sort of charm to these two,don’t you think?
Maria: Well,Harumo does have a way to charm anyone he comes into contact with.
Licht:Aish,These two really want Harumo to be here, I mean it makes sense.Its a good thing Lucifuge is it really worried about i-
Lucifuge: Oh! i wish my shining star to be here!
Licht: You’ve got to be kidding me!.
Melusine: It makes a maid blush when these three act like that.
Ophion leaps from his seat,With excitement,due to seeing something among the crowd that caught his eye,The others offcourse were surprised by the dragon’s sudden burst of happiness,They could’t helped but wonder? why
Lucifuge :Ophion!, You startled me, why are you so happy all of sudden?.
Ophion: Its nothing!,i just saw something worth paying attention at,
Licht: Wait, Is that, 
Melusine: It appears so Monsieur Licht,Harumo is right there.
After Melusine said Harumo, Both Hakumen and Lucifuge were struck by a lightning of realization,And turned there killing gaze to Ophion, They question him if he’s going to secretly have there beloved all to himself,
Hakumen: You scalles lizard!, You’re not getting my liege only for yourself Ophion!....Xolot!,Quickly get him,And don’t mess this up!.
Xolotl: Yes Mistress Hakumen!.Right away.
Ophion:Aizen!,You better get to the spouse first!,You got that,or i’ll take away your sweets!.
Aizen: Yes Sir Herr Ophion!,
Both ordering their servants to come and get their beloved, It turned into a race and a showing of usefulness to their masters,And offcourse a battle of roots and fire.
{Back at Harumo”s seat}
Harumo: Lets hope they didn’t see me,
Ryota: Why are you avoiding them?
Harumo: Because 1,They will just mutter me up all day, 2 i won’t be able to watch the game,If they are just going to be distracing me,Because they wanted my attention.
After so much waiting,The time has finally arrived for the game to start, The crowd bursting with cheers as the announcer,Who by the way is non-other than Nyarlotothep,He starts off with a big SWAGGGGGGGGGG!,Is introducing the teams on each side,The east corner is team from Nagoya-shi Academy and the West corner is Yoyogi  Academy’s team.
Gunzo and his team all prepared themselves both physicly and mentally for the game that they are about to play infront of all these people,But Gunzo, seems to be really nervous of the fact that so many people have come to watch them play, He couldn’t helped trembling and shaking scared,and sweating a lot,
But he knows that this a game that he can’t be afraid of,Gunzo worked really hard just to make it to the team, so that he could become an amazing rugby player, To snap himself out being scared,He slapped both his cheeks,Painful,to the point were red handprints are visible on Gunzo’s cheeks, 
He then remembers Harumo,Whom promised to be there watching him and cheering him on with everything he’s got, Remembering that memory,He’s bursting of determination and tenacity, You could clearly see the raging fire in his black eyes,And with that reassuring thought,Gunzo tells he’s team to give everything that they’ve got in this game, To aim for the win that symbolizes all of our effort,all of sweat,grime,tears,and blood to be in this game, The one thing that we have aiming for,SO LETS GIVE EVERYTHING WE’VE GOT OUT THERE!, Words of encouragement and motivation echoed inside their room,that it can even be heard outside the hall, And then a loud cry burst inside the room,but its not a cry of sadness,but the cry of an army aiming to win the war,All of the teams eyes are filled with the fire full of determination,Their body shaking,but not from fear,Their shaking because they couldn’t wait,their bodies are full of inspiration derived from their hearts beating in acceleration.
They huddled up together and shout out their motto for their team,
The staduim is filled with cheers and words of encouragement as each team slowly appear from their corners,along with them is one person carrying their school flags,as a sign that they will represent their respective schools.
Harumo: There they are!,GO GUNZO! GO!,
Ryota: Go Gunzo’s TEAM!
Shiro: YOU CAN DO IT!.
As the team line themselves with their opponent,shook hands as a sign of sportmanship and LETS HAVE A GOOD GAME!, 
As the team’s players head to their assigned positions,The crowd goes silent,waiting in baited breath if the first kick from Gunzo’s team will make the first score, You gulped in anticipation,your friends sit silent, And then.....
Aizen and Xolotl: THERE YOU ARE!.
Harumo: WHAT THE!,
Aizen: I have strict orders from Herr Ophion to bring you him immediately!.
Xolotl: No!, You must come with me, Mistress Hakumen ordered me to bring you to her.
Harumo: Seriously!
Distracted by the two bruised and burned servants, You hear the commentor saying it was a miss.
Harumo: Ahhh i  missed it.!....UHHHH, Please tell them that i will be there in a sec.
Aizen: You love singularity!, If Herr Ophion asks for your presence,You will go immediately!,
Harumo: UHHHH.......Shiro a little help please?.
Shiro: Why are you looking at me?.........Uhmmmm, how about if all of us go with you,If they asking you won’t be able to enjoy watching the game, Hows that sound.
Xolotl: If thats what it takes to bring Harumo to Mistress Hakumen,Then i will try to convince her,
Harumo: Aizen?
Aizen: F-FINE!,If its to fulfill Herr Ophion’s wishes,Then do as you wish.
Harumo: Okay, Lets hurry !, i don’t want to miss the game.
Your party now head towards the VIP room,as requested by the Tycoons,However when Gunzo looks to where to were seated a moment ago and now gone, 
Gunzo: Huh?!,Where”s Harumo?........Did he got bored?.
Gunzo sees your empty seat, doubt and other thought stired in his mind,thinking it might be because of his lack of performance, He can’t stop thinking about it,He can’t even focus on the game, But..
Gunzo: No Gunzo, Nows not the time to be unfocused,You have a game to play,
{Whistle sounds}
As though the whistle is like a trigger, Both teams tackle,rush,runned all together, While in the VIP room,
Harumo: Hey Licht!, 
Licht: Ah, My friend,Pleasure to see yo-.
Ophion: My spouse, Fate once again brought us together again, come and sit beside me,
Hakumen:OHOHOH!,You must be mistaken Ophion, My liege!,Has to come to be on my side,so stay out of it you overgrown lizard!.
Lucifuge: Oh,my darling lightbringer, i am moved beyond tears to see you again!.
Harumo: Good to see you again Lucifuge,
Lucifuge; Oh!,Im so happy for your kind words to me,My grand overlord!.
Ryota: HI Maria!,Good to see you again,
Maria: Im glad to see you all again Everyone.
Shiro: Good to you see again Maria, is it okay to assume that The Missionaries is conducting a joint operation with the Tycoons?.
Maria: Yes, We’re actually the sponsors for this event, 
Shiro: I see,
Nyarlothotep: Oh my baby!, this is getting brutal, The teams are beginning to push each other,back and forth, with the rugby ball in Gunzo’s hands he goes for a swift side-step manuever baby!, And oh my,
He got tackled and pushed to the ground.
Harumo: OHHH, Thats got to hurt, C’mon Gunzo you can do it !.
Shiro: He can’t hear you, That glass is blocking your voice from reaching him.
Licht: Allow me my friend, I can remove this glass wall with a push of this remote i have,...And there.
 The glass wall slowly descends downward, The noise it blocked quickly pierced your hears as the wall keeps getting lower,Quick to adjust to the noise you can finally hear much more better now.
Harumo: Thanks Licht !, Gunzo you can do it, Im here to cheer you on, Give it your all.!
Your cheers fall on deaf ears as the noise from the crowd covered your cheers for Gunzo, Gunzo however seem to be a little sad, Probably from the fact that he’s friend is not there anymore to cheer him on,Thoughts full of doubt began to cloud his mind and unable to realized it, The whistle blew,Slow reaction was seen by the opposing team,They caught the ball quickly,Gunzo tried to shake it off but he can’t,because the one person he’s counting on is no longer there, With Nagoya shi on the lead as half of the game is near,Gunzo’s team is starting to struggle,Their stamina completly drain and beginning to lose hope,Their fire’s are starting to faint away,It appears his team has given up 
Harumo: Do you guys have a microphone?.
Hakumen: Here you can borrow mine my liege, Make sure to touch it with your lips, 
Ophion: You!,you backstabbing vixen,how dare you try to get an indirect kiss from my spouse.
Hakumen: OHOHOH,You snooze you lose, You were just to slow to get the opportunity.
Harumo; Thank you Hakumen.
You took a deep breath and carefully spoke the words you need to reach Gunzo.
Harumo: Gunzo!,
Your words quickly spread throughout the entire staduim,Shock and confusion spread throughtout the crowd as to who might have said that, Gunzo appears to be shocked as well,Looks around to see where,When he looked it front of him,He saw you , 
Harumo: Gunzo!, You’ve given up already, You made a promise to me to give it your all, So GIVE IT YOUR ALL GUNZO, IM YOUR NUMBER 1 CHEERLEADER!,
Everyone in the enitre staduim as well as people watching it being broadcasted heard your cheer to him, The crowd are both laughing and inspired by your bravery,That the people behind you are also shocked beyond belief as though they have not witnessed you doing this crazy type of stunts before,
Gunzo realizing he’s cheerleader is there infront of him all this time and thinking, Why did i thought about of you leaving me? man that was stupid of me.
Harumo: I know you can do it Gunzo ,i’ve believe in you!.
After you inspired Gunzo and possibly something else,Gunzo signals he’s team to huddle up and him as leader.With the role of leader of the team,He quickly fulfills he’s role as captain as he gives he’s team the backbone to keep playing.
Gunzo: Alright team listen up!, I know i’ve not been fulfilling my role as captain,But this time its going to be different! Im going to fulfill to promises and one is win this game with my team!,So please i need all of your help.
Gunzo bows to plea for his teamate’s cooperation,And in a shocking turn.
Teamate num 2; You have my cooperation captain!, 
Teamate num 5; Im gonna give this my all captain so you could count on me!.
One by one the other members are starting to retain their fighting spirit.
Gunzo:Everyone.........Alright then HUPP!.
The unison of their shouts are like a battlecry,An army of hungry warriors ready to devour everyone,Nagoya shi seems to be unintimadated by their fighting spirit,Little than they know Nagoya shi is going to be surprised.
Nyarlothotep: Well looks like Yoyogi Academy has retain their fighting spirit!,Could that cheer just now lit their flame back or is it something different,But enough of the details for now....The game has resume...And the kick off is Yoyogi Academy but with Nagoya shi in the lead can they turn this ga- Oh my BABY!....
With the kick off the kicker kicks the ball all the way to Nagoya shi’s goal...And with that everyone cheers for the point.
Moritaka: Seems like that outburst you did ignite their flames Harumo,
Agyo: ooooooohhhh this is getting exciting, Lets go Yoyogi Academy!.
Harumo: Go Gunzo!.
Kengo:Man,You’ve got guts partner,
Harumo:What do you mean?
Kengo:You just yelled infront of a huge crowd like this!
Ryota: He only did that,so he can cheer Gunzo on,i mean its pretty gutsy
Ophion:My spouse,you never ceased to amaze me,how bright you shine!.
Nyarlothotep: OHHHHHHHH!Thats going to be it for the 1quarter, With the score of 18-9,Nagoya shi has the lead, This is here ladies and gentlemen is going to be the opening for the fun thats going to happen so stay tune,
Gunzo: That was a nice play team, If we keep this pace up we can turn this around,
Yoyogi Team: Yeah!.
Harumo: Whew,Gunzo’s team are amazing.
Ryota:Yeah, You really inspired them Harumo,
Moritaka: I must say,i never knew a rugby could get your blood pumping like this,They’re really amazing.
Agyo: Yeah, Gunzo and his team are good at defending their goal, They get 100 guardian points for that.
Arsalan:Hahah, Well,nothing beats a good leader who has his teamates support on them, 
Maria: Yes,Everyone is doing very well,I just hope they’ll won’t injure themselves.
Licht: But if they do our medical staff will heal them up real quick so don’t worry about it.
Shiro: However,Yoyogi is down to half a margin, I wonder what strategy they’ll come up to turn it around.
Harumo: Don’t worry,I believe in Gunzo,Im 100% sure he’ WIN!,
Ryota: i knew you’d say that, I believe in Gunzo too.He’l win 
There was no doubt in your mind that Gunzo won’t lose this game,Your words carry such emotion that Lucifuge is crying buckets of tears from your determined words. 5 mins have past and the game had resume,Nyarlothotep the commentor, brings a surprising guest to his side,to join him in his “commentating”
Nyarlothotep: Now we’re back at the game,And im join by non other than our most powerful ruler, ALL HAIL  AZATHOTH!.
Azathoth: HEHEHEE, this game is really startig to get interesting,they better have save file for this.HEHEH
Shiro: If Azathoth is here then, The Genociders must be present then,
Harumo: Really?!, Where? i hope they’re enjoying the game.
Meanwhile The Genociders sat on the left side of the stadium, Babalon,Surtr and Arc watch the game in excitement.
Babalon: My my, They better play nice with each other, as a caring mother i still feel anxious seeing children get hurt like this.
Arc: Mother its okay,no will get hurt in this game, If they do then the medical staff will take care of them.
Surtr: Ahhhh, nothing more exciting than an amazing bout, This should be shown to the children of Muspell.
Arc: Another thing is,Harumo is here as well,
Babalon: Yes, i was moved to tears for his bravery, Nothing could make a mother more proud than to see her child shine through.
Surtr: I am indeed impressed by his bravery,he really is my child.
Babalon: Arc when this is over get Azathoth quickly,before “IT” happens again.
Arc: *HOLDS CHAINS TIGHTLY* i’ll make sure he never does it again.
With Arc possible dragging Azathothe back once the game is over, Everyone in the VIP room watch the game unfold infront of them as Yoyogi and Nagoya give out every once of energy that they have on the game, You watch the game feeling nervous and excited while looking at Gunzo being covered in dirt, from the times he’s been sliding,tumbling,and falling on the ground, You are amazed by his determination and spirit, 
Harumo: Wow, Gunzo is really amazing.
Moritaka: Im amazed by his fighting spirit, He’s got the face of a warrior.
Ophion: Now my spouse, Sit on my lap to have a magnificent view.
Harumo: YEY!,Alright here i come!.
The moment you’re jumping to his lap,you were quickly taken away by a mysterious grabber.
Harumo: Huh? what?
Hakumen: Ohohoh, Good boy Xolotl,Now my liege i want to be sitting on your lap now.
You are sitted on Hakumen’s chair decorated for a queen as well as the comfiest pillow in the enitre world. Ophion however.
Ophion: How dare you!,Snatch my spouse away from me, You’l pay for this.
Hakumen: What you want a FIGHT!?
Ophion and Hakumen: HRGH!.
Both stared at each other with eyes that are out for blood,Their stares are so intense you could literally see lighting between them as they argue for your attention.
Harumo: Please don’t fight over me guys......Pleaseeeeeeee. Alright then you two leave me no choice then..
You showed them the one trick that will knock out even the most ferocious beast will find themselves defeated by it.and ITS non other than 
Harumo: Secret Tecnique: Puppy eyes!.
They look at your eyes shaped like a begging puppy,your lips upwards, Both of them stared at you with a expressions that look like they got a heart attack, Hakumen almost fainted for the cuteness displayed that even she could not resist getting charmed by it,Ophion looks in astonishment to see he’s spouse looking more beautiful in whatever expression he takes.
Nyarlothotep: GOAL!,GOAL! BABY. what  a twist, Yoyogi is starting to reach Nagoya shi,what a twist of fate,oh my stars,Now what do you think? our grand overlord.
Azathoth: HEHEHE,they’re reaching the final level,ahhaha
Nyarlothotep: With the score of 24-18,Nagoya shi still holds the lead, Yoyogi is starting to make their comeback,
Gunzo: Alright team !, Lets keep the pressure on them!,
Team Yoyogi: YEAH!.
Nyarlothotep: And thats it for the first quarter,The score is 24-18 Nagoya shi still holds the lead,And Yoyogi is somehow making a strong comeback. YEEEYEEYYYY!.
Harumo: Yeah!,Go Gunzo’s team!,Keep up the pressure!
Shiro: Looks like they catching up, I wonder what will they do next ?
Ryota: They’re really giving them a run for their money, Wonder if they’re hungry?.
Kengo:  They’re hungry for blood Ryota, This is gonna get real good once the 2nd quarter begins. 
Moritaka: This game is like a battlefield, Who knew this kind of sport existed.
Agyo: Yeah, This wasn’t even invented in the Land of Wa.
Harumo: See guys! i knew Gunzo will keep his promise.
Shiro:We have no reason to doubt you.
The noise from the crowd drops as the battle is halt to a pause,Which gave Babalon some breathing room, Gunzo’s team rested on their area,tied there laces again, and drink energy drinks to hold on during the game, The captain of the team is strategizing for the 2nd quarter,Unaware this is the moment where everything will change.
The crowd cheers for him for the fact they are going to be doing there favorite pass the time game and its none other than...
Nyarlothotep: You all know this, Its the one and only KIIIIISSSSSEEEEE.........CAMERA!.
Harumo:Kiss Camera?. 
Shiro: Uhmmm...Let me explain..
Just as Shiro was about to explain it to him,The loud commentator got ahead of him..
Nyarlothotep: As you all know, We have cameras all over the stadium.All of it is connected to the giant screen,now for the fun part, one of the camera will pick a lucky couple and then all they have to do is smooch the person next to them..And they will be shown at the screen. Alright everybody ready?.
Harumo: Please pick me..please pick me.
Zabanniya:{Already kissed him.}
Everyone waits in bated breath as the camera views around everyone on the entire staduim looking for a couple that looks like a couple and then it stops,the screen is connected to every camera and it flashes an image of a certain person, non other than,
Harumo:WHOAH! THATS ME! and....
Summoners and Tycoons: WHAT!
Nyarlothotep:Oh my stars, looks like we’ve got ourselves a fine looking couple here.Now kiss him up!.
You look at your soon to be smooching partner, and the person can’t hide their embarrasement ,as it was visible to everyone looking ,even though their entire face is turning red from the emotions their feeling.you waik slowly to him with your lips pukering up,already in a kissing stance,your smooching partner takes a deep breath and close their eyes and slowly but surely closes the gap and slowly both of your lips are coming in contact with each other,
Everyone behind you panics except the Aoyama Guild, The summoners braced themselves and some watch in awww 
Agyo:What are they doing?
Agyo: What the.. Hey i want to see!.
Shiro: Will explain it to you after.
Agyo:Awww, But i want to see. 
 as they are so jealous for the fact everyone wants to kiss Harumo,which Harumo loves, and possibly after this is done everyone is going to kill that person or maybe torture them, The Tycoons watch angrily and jealousy, for they also want to kiss Harumo especially Ophion,he grits his teeth so much that even a nutcracker will be considered second -rate in this situation, since he’s spouse is about to kiss the LUCKY BASTARD!, he tries to calm himself down with some help from his loyal servant Aizen, by bringing him one of the most luxurious wine they have at the bar behind them, but the more the gap closes everyone stares at them wide open and angrily, and Hakumen is well, the most angry of them all,Xolotl is very worried and scared since he hasn’t seen Hakumen this angry in his enitre career,but neverthess he tries his best to calm the angry vixen down by giving her the most relaxing massage in the entire universe. though it appears to working just a little,Xolotl tries to restrain her,but that is the worst move he could hve ever pulled in that kind of situation, in his mind that is, Xolotl thinks carefully on how to calm the angry fox down,he then brings the one thing that will instantneouly calm Hakumen down and that is WINE!.Xolotl brings the most elegent wine that even the wine that Aizen brought will seem inferior to the smoothness and deliciousness the wine Xolotl brings,he quickly pours a glass with it and gave it to Hakumen and hoping for it to work. 
And it worked like a charm, Hakumen is now calming down and her tails have finally calmed down with its embers fainting,this serves as a lucky sign for Xolotl has he can breath easily now,knowing he did an excellent job in handling the situation, Lucifuge,well is taking it really well even though his mighty overlord is literally about to kiss someone infront of him,even though Zabanniya has already kissed Harumo back at the battle of Otemachi, he watches in aww as the gap closes,
Harumo: So...... we’re actually doing this?...... Ryota.
Ryota: Uhhh.......Yeah....lets do this Harumo!
Harumo: Pucker up!
Your lips touch with each other,as you put your hand on Ryota”s back and slowly caressed his hair. The crowd watches your public display of affection and so those everyone watching, including kids that parents have to cover their eyes for reasons. everyone awwws and cheers for you two as you both kissed each other infront of a massive crowd as well as it being broadcasted. But that doesn’t stop there, both of you are still kissing each other unaware of everyone still watching your public stunt. 
Licht:Uhm...Harumo?..i think.
Shiro:Uhm you two...
it has finally ended,both of you stopped kissing and stared at each other,smiling and laughing at one another as both of you have shared an incredible moment infront of thousands of people watching you right now.
Harumo and Ryota:Hahahh!
Agyo:Hey!, what did i miss?
Shiro: Will tell you after.
Moritaka: That was gutless you two!, 
Kengo:Yeah, you smooched while everyone is everything literally everyone in the entire stadium. 
Ryota: What!?
Harumo: Hey its us on the screen Ryota.
The screen of the stadium records your stunt and replays it in slow motion. 
Nyarlothotep:Well isn’t that sweet, they’re kissing awww,.....WELP BACK IN THE GAME!
After a long so called break,the game finally resumes and made its way towards the 2nd quarter of the game. Everyone’s focus is glued at the game like they just forgotten about the entire INCIDENT. some are still jealous and some however.
Gunzo: Harumo........
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Was It A Dream? (Sungchan Yuta x reader ft doyoung, jaehyun)
A/N : hello again!! This is a light, and fun fanfiction. It’s intended to make you just imagine how fun and chaotic it is to live with two brothers like Jaehyun and Doyoung. You have your eyes on Sungchan and Yuta, until one day they notice you. Join the fun of bickering and expect some plot twist okay! 
WARNING : none, it is not rated and Yuta is flirty here. Doyoung and Jaehyun are your brother, but they’re also finding their way to win their s/o’s heart.
"Drooling over those two soccer players again?" Your second brother snickers when he finds you sitting on the podium watching the school's soccer team practice. You don't take your eyes off the two young men who look super charming to you especially when they are playing soccer.
Without looking to your older brother you reply "So what? Like you're not eyeing that cheerleader boy too?" That hits him right on the spot, Jaehyun has no words to attack you back. Just when you thought you can gaze on the two princes of your life; your oldest brother surprises the two of you.
"Yak! Doyoung stop doing that! We can have heart attacks!" Jaehyun wipes his shoulder as if cleaning himself from his own brother's touch. You don't get surprised that much and still watch at the two man, the tall Korean guy from your math class Sungchan and the Japanese guy who shares writing class with you, Nakamoto Yuta. They were both older than you but you've fallen for their charms. Both are the aces of the team and you always stay after school on their training days to just watch them from afar.
"Let's go home! I can't believe my sister and brother are this creepy." Doyoung shudders when he sees how focused Jaehyun is in watching that cheer squad leader, Taeyong and his sister (y/n) is sending laser beams to Yuta and Sungchan. 2 men at the same time! Doyoung just shakes his head and notes his watch, it's time to go home. It's almost five and as a student on his last year, Doyoung has extra classes to attend and he was tired. He wants to just go home and sleep, unlike Jae and you who still have the energy to sit there and look like a creeper.
"Okay we're going home now." He stresses his words and pinches yours and jaehyun's shoulders before walking away to the parking lot. "Aish why Doie can't let us have our time?! He's just jealous he doesn't have anyone to look at." You complained Jaehyun reluctantly picks his bag and stands up "Come, I am not walking home." He reaches out his hand for you and you take it. He pulls you to stand and you reluctantly leave the stadium.
"Oh she's going home already?" Yuta asks to his friend when there's a slight break and he sees you being dragged by Jaehyun. The tall man looks to the area Yuta's watching and nods "Guess Jaehyun brought her home by force."
Yuta smiles "She's never taking her eyes off you." Says Yuta and playfully punches sungchan to tease him. Sungchan laughs "I thought she has her eyes on you! I swear she's always sending you that heart eyes when you're running on field."
Yuta smirks "Was she checking out on both of us at the same time?"
Sungchan shrugs his shoulder and finishes his last bottle "I don't know, shall we see who is she actually crazy for?"
Yuta ponders but curiosity takes over his mind "Actually I am curious of that! What do we do?" Sungchan whispers something to the Japanese guy's ear and his smile widens when he imagine how fun will this be. "That sounds interesting!"
"Hey (y/n)-" Sungchan taps your shoulder before you stand up from your chair to leave the class. You turn to look at the man tapping your shoulder
"Oh Sungchan-" you look a bit surprised. The tall guy smiles "I saw you yesterday on the podium, guess you like soccer huh?" Your mind wants to scream "no i'm just there to watch you and Yuta...." but you'll just creep him off so you nod your head "Um yeah I grew up with two brothers so I'm more into sports than drama." You lied. Your brothers don't watch soccer :")
"Cool I have a ticket for you so you can watch us. It's the VIP pass. You can come meet us when we're done." Sungchan hands you a ticket and you can't contain your happiness. Well the VIP ticket is expensive and hard to get, even if you have the money sometimes the tickets are sold out already so you're super happy when you get this.
"Woah thank you! I'll definitely come and watch you!" You keep the ticket and walk with Sungchan in the hallway. Your heart is not calm at all, you're going to burst any time soon if this guy did not stop talking to you. "What's your next class?" Sungchan asks you since he also has another class to attend. "Writing, I gotta go." You nervously squeeze your bag and Sungchan did the most unexpected thing. He nods and brings his hand to ruffle your hair "Okay then, guess I'll see you again on my training day." He winks and walks away leaving you speechless with his words and act.
Before your mind can work again someone else has already place a hand over your shoulder. "Hey writing starts in 5 minutes, if we don't rush there, we'll be late." Another deep voice greets your ears. You shake your head, trying to get rid of all ridiculous hallucinations you're having but when you feel your shoulder heavy and someone is breathing next to you.... your legs feel like giving up. "Yuta?" You stammer Great… Sungchan just left you after his heart fluttering actions and this flirty Japanese guy is here.
Well Yuta's known for his flirty side and his tsundere side looks like he is on his flirty side today. "Come (y/n) we need to rush." He squeezes your shoulder and drags you to walk with him to the class. You follow his large steps, your heart beating even faster when you feel his body sticking into yours. You made it on time to the class. The last chairs available are the one in the back and you're sitting next to Yuta for the first time. Yeah you never have the balls to sit beside him, you'll just get distracted and you don't need that right now. But here you are! Seating next to Nakamoto Yuta who's laid back on his chair, playing with his pen, and then focuses on scribbling something. You try to keep your eyes on the board but his hand movement you can see from the side of your eyes caught your attention more. In the end, like attracted to a magnetic field, you turn your head to find out what is making him super focused.
Yuta caught you staring into his paper, trying to figure out what he is scribbling and before you can look away, he holds your hand rips his notebook and places the paper on your hand. Then he pushes your hand to you, and you stare at the paper on your hands. There Yuta just drew a sketch of you holding a hand banner with his jersey number on it. On the bottom corner right, he added his signature and a small note "For my number 1 sweetheart fan
You want to gawk at him that no you're not his number one fan, or yes you are but your mouth can't say anything. "Wow this is nice. Thanks Yuta..." you look into the Japanese guy and wonder just how many more talents he had that you never know. You know Yuta's great in writing, especially since this class is about fictional writing, he aces this class. His plots and imaginations are wonderful and now his drawing skills can make him a successful comic writer if he did not want to be a soccer player! Really Japanese people are mostly great at arts eh?!
"You like that?" Yuta asks when he sees the glimmer in your eyes. You nod "I love it! Gosh Yuta you can be an illustrator and even make a comic out of your stories."
He chuckles "I know, but that's not what I want."
"So what do you want?" You curiously ask him and the man smirks "I want you to come with me this afternoon to a cafe I love."
Boom! Yuta just asked you out on a date. "Me? You're asking me?" You point yourself Yuta nods "Yes you, who else am I talking to?"
You stutter "I- I mean yes I'd love to." He closes his notebook and picks his pen "Okay then, see you at two on the union building."
He leaves after throwing a sweet smile to you and you're once again glued to your seat. You squeal secretly when there is no one and what did you dream of having two of your stars hitting on you. You meet Yuta that afternoon, he treats you on a coffee and both of you ramble on your favorite anime that he watched too. With his Japanese tone he can tease you with some of the male lead lines and you're really dying inside. "Yuta, thank you for the treat, it was great talking to you!" You bid farewell because he needs to attend his soccer club.
"No problem, you're going to watch me?" He asks while standing up and picking up his bag. "I want to, but I have essays to write." You frown.
Yuta ruffles your hair "Himnae! You can watch me in the real match this week. See you!" He waves when he sees your ride has arrived. Yes Jaehyun picks you up and you disappear behind the door.
“Pinch me! Hyung pinch me!!” you shake Jaehyun’s shoulder. He looks at you with an annoyed face and pinches you on your cheeks.
“Happy?” he mischievously grins and pulls your cheek harder. You wince at the pain and slap his hand away “Enough!”
“You ask for it!” he taunts, and you bring one hand to soothe the red cheeks, “I AM NOT DREAMING!”
Jaehyun just shakes his head at your antiques, he drives safely back home while you’re busy opening your bag to check the ticket Sungchan gave and Yuta’s drawing. When you find both of them in your possession, you kiss both papers and laugh happily. Jaehyun really looks at you like you’re being possessed, and he should slap you to reality, and he did that on the red light.
“WHAT?!” you yell when he slaps you hard enough.
“I thought you might be possessed.” He shudders
“I am not. Look, I got a VIP ticket for this week’s match and a nice portrait of me from Yuta!” you show your brother the papers and he pulls out an “Eeew you’re like a crazy in love teenagers.”
You taunt at him, “Admit it if you’re jealous. I don’t care what you say. I am not dreaming; today is not a dream and this week I’ll be seeing my men up close!”
Jaehyun laughs at you nevertheless, well he is happy as long as you’re happy and Doyoung? Guess he’ll just stay quiet until Doyoung watches you boast about the same thing to him too.
“For your information, you just got a ticket right?” Jaehyun suddenly asks you when both of you are taking the lift to the sixth floor.
You nod your head and Jaehyun just smirks, “I won Taeyong’s number already.”
If the lift door is not opened, you will already scream out loud “What?! When?”
But since the door is opened and other residence and your oldest brother comes in view you decided to stay quiet.
Doyoung notices the fishy look on Jaehyun’s face and your surprised face. He wonders what silliness he should deal with again today, but he won’t ask if no one is going to tell.
 In the end, Doyoung figures out about your meeting with Sungchan and Yuta. He also hears Jaehyun boast around about his closeness to Taeyong now, and he’s tired watching the two of you bicker about being closer to have them in your hands.
“You two, actually (y/n) bet to me that Jae wouldn’t get Yong’s number but he did, so you owe me 20.” Doyoung suddenly smirks as he hands out his palm of hand and you roll your eyes as you stand up to get your wallet and pay him.
Doyoung then turns to Jaehyun, “And you, when did you win Taeyong’s number?”
Jaehyun thinks for a while, “Yesterday?”
Doyoung smirks, “I have gotten Jeno’s since last week. Pay up!”
You hang your mouth when you realize just how smart and tricky Doyoung is in making you lose and Jaehyun lose too.
Jaehyun felt cheated, but in the end he has to pay up too. Both you and Jaehyun look cross to Doyoung and together mutter, 
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mosh-4 · 4 years
you’re great and you know it
harry styles imagine
you’re great and you know it - your family comes to one of his shows, and he meets them for the first time. 
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you rarely get to see your family. you started touring when you were 19, and you spent every summer in college on tour. when you started touring, your first job was to help set up the stage. you made sure that each speaker was in place on its marker, and then after each show, you helped the crew strike the stage. you did this all summer, and you made enough money to pay off some of your college tuition.
eventually, before your 4th year of college, you needed to complete a stage management internship in order to receive your bachelor of fine arts in stage management. you applied to intern at a touring company recommended by the stage manager from one of your previous tours. somehow, you ended up on Harry Styles: Live on Tour. your job on this tour was as a backstage manager. you set up the dressing rooms and made sure each of the musicians had everything they wanted before each show. you spent a lot of time running errands to get snacks for the artists. you rarely got to see the band since you set up long before they arrived at the arena and tore down after they had already left.
one night, Harry stayed a little longer at the arena than he usually did, and you got to know each other. ever since then, you had both been super close. he stayed in your small hotel room every night, just because he tended to get lonely in his big room by himself, and it was nice to have someone to talk to. you hung out and made snack runs ever night in the hotel gift shop while he showered and got in his comfy clothes. when you got back, you would do the same while he made himself comfy on your bed finding a random movie on tv.
soon after that started, you started to become more than friends, and then eventually you made it official just between the both of you. you hadn’t had the chance to tell your family, but you weren’t sure if this was just a fling while you were both on tour. you didn’t know what would happen after the tour ended so you spared yourself the heartbreak of having to tell your parents that it was over. the less they knew, the better it was for everyone.
you hadn’t even considered telling your parents until they called and asked if there was anyway they could visit you during one of the shows that was near your hometown. you were kinda surprised by them wanting to come to a show. you had just expected to grab dinner with them when you were in town, not take them to work with you. of course, harry, the overeager boyfriend who wanted to do overly nice things for his independent “i don’t need anything-im fine-please don’t buy that for me-i love you regardless” type girlfriend, offered to set your family (FAMILY not just parents, ‘yes the cousins could come too’) up in a VIP box. you obviously declined and attempted to find resale tickets that wouldn’t burn a hole in your pocket on StubHub. with no luck (Harry even helped you look because he knew you were going to be stubborn about this), he offered again. you accepted and told your parents that your boss was very generous and gave them a box to stay in for the show.
             “how do i look?”
             “haz, you look great,” you say running your hand down one of the lapels on his jacket. “i really like this suit.”
             he turned back to the mirror. “mmhm, that’s what you said last show.” he gave you a pointed look.
             you met his eyes in the mirror, and you threw your arms around his waist. “what? can you blame me? each suit is better than the last. i love them all.”
             “yeah,” he murmured before throwing an arm around you. “i suppose you have a point.”
             you pull him to face you slipping your arms completely around his waist. “what’s got you so bugged out? i’ve never seen you second guess yourself this much.”
             he wrapped his arms around you. “suppose ‘m just a bit nervous. i just want to make a good first impression.”
             “haz, don’t worry about it.” you place your hands on each side of his head. “they’re gonna love you. i mean, they already love you. they just don’t know that you’re my boyfriend.”
             “yeah, i guess so.” he rubbed his hands over your arms mindlessly.
             “yeah, you’re gonna kick ass. just like you always do, right?” you said trying to get him to meet your eyes. you bend your head into his line of sight. “right?”
             he met your gaze. “right.” he pulls you into a tighter embrace, and you rest your head on his chest.
             you both rest like that for a minute before he finally speaks up again. “is that my sweatshirt?”
             you look down to the black merch sweatshirt that you pulled from his bag this morning. “yeah, it is.”
             at 6, you met your parents, brother, aunt and cousin at VIP entrance. you chatted with the staff while they received their badges. once they got in, your cousin practically tackled you in a hug.
             you both laugh and exchanged “i missed you”s before you gave both of your parents, brother, and aunt a hug.
             “how are you? are you sleeping? eating?” your mother starts fussing over you.
             you gently pull her hands from your face. “yes mom. i’m doing fine. i’m sleeping and eating.”
             “good, good.” she finally let you go.
             “do you want to stop at a merch table before we go up? it’s less crowded now.” you said pointing to the nearest table.
you mom and aunt spent the next half hour at the merch table looking at all of the different options before deciding on a sweatshirt similar to the one you were wearing while your cousin bought the signature black “treat people with kindness” shirt. after that exhausting trip the merch table, you led them upstairs to the VIP box. after showing the staff member your crew member badge and your family’s badges, you were able to enter your suite.
             “wow, you’re boss is very generous,” your dad said. he hadn’t been to a concert in so long. you were excited that he was here.
you awkwardly scratch the back of your neck after he mentioned your boss. you try to ignore the fact that “your boss” that you told them about was actually your boyfriend that you hadn’t told them about.
             “umm, yeah. he’s great. super nice.” you said taking a seat at one of the bar stools next to your dad.
your mom took a seat next to your dad as you all chatted and caught up. your aunt soon followed sitting on your other side. your cousin and brother wandered out to the seats that were outside your box. you watched them make conversation pointing out all the things on the stage and watching the crew and staff wander about the arena. “i have something to tell you guys,” you say to your parents and aunt in a semi-serious tone. you were finally going to tell them about harry.
             their conversations halts. “oh my god.” your mom gasped covering her hand over her mouth.
             “YOU’RE PREGNANT,” your aunt shouted as your parents went wide-eyed at you.
             you jolted back in shock. “oh my god, no.”
             everyone let out a breath. “thank god.” your mom dropped her hand to her heart. “you scared me for a second. i’m not ready to be a grandma.”
             you roll your eyes at your dramatic mother. “what is it?” you dad calmly asked leaning to look at you.
             “i’m actually seeing someone right now,” you finally let out.
             “oh,” your mom said shocked. you hadn’t had a boyfriend for a while. “is he on tour with you?”
             you nod. “do you want to meet him?” you ask looking up at your family.
             “absolutely,” you aunt answered for your parents. “text him.” she grabbed your arm that was holding your phone and shook it. “text him. have him come up here.”
             you laugh. “he’s busy right now. he’s getting ready for the show.”
             your mom and aunt lean back in their seats. “oh,” your aunt said in a suggestive tone.
             “oh,” your mom repeated looking at your aunt.
             “is he in the band?” you aunt asked like it was a secret.
             you laughed. “kinda?”
             “damn girl, good for you,” your cousin shouted from the doorway. your whole family laughed along with you.
you slyly sent harry a text.
             “haz, they are so excited.”
           “good, i can’t wait to meet them.”
harry was phenomenal. he floated across the stage without a care in the world, confident as ever. he was amazing, and you were so proud of him.
you aunt turned to you expressing how impressed she was of him. throughout the show, you and your cousin danced and sang along to the music. you had a blast, and you were so glad your family was there with you.
at the end of kiwi, Harry looked up at your suite and blew a kiss in your direction. you smiled down at him with a hand over your heart. you shrieked and cheered loudly for him. you looked like a mad woman, and your family laughed at you. you didn’t care because your eyes were on your man. you caught him laughing at you before he turned his attention to the rest of the crowd. Sarah and Mitch waved to you as they moved to take their bows with Harry. You waved back at them laughing as you clutched to the railing that enclosed you in your box. you loved your tour family just as much as you love your actual family. 
when they finally left the stage, you helped your family pack up their stuff.
             “are we going backstage?” your cousin asked.
             “yeah,” you nodded your head. “is everyone ready? we are gonna take the back way to the backstage so you have to stick with me.”
             “yes, let’s go,” your mother said gesturing toward the door. it was getting a little late for your parents, but they wanted to meet your boyfriend. you sent him a warning text to let him know you were on your way to him.
you led them down to the backstage area. you passed through all of the guarded security check points with your badge. your cousin and brother were amazed at everything. they were pointing at everything and had to make a comment about it. you rolled your eyes at them. they could be goofballs sometimes.
when you reached the dressing room area, you turned to your parents.
             “so he’s in here,” you point to the door of Harry’s dressing room. “are you ready to go in?”
             “yes, let’s go,” you mom waved at the door.
you knocked twice before opening the door. you peaked your head inside to make sure he was still dressed before fully opening it. Harry was standing next to his suit rack hanging up his jacket.
             “hi,” you waved entering the room with your family following.
             he turned to you. “hey,” he greeted before pulling you into a hug. he finally looked up at your shocked family. “hi, (y/n)’s family.” he gave them a small wave.
             “holy shit,” you cousin whispered.
             you turned to your family with Harry’s arm still around you. “so this is Harry, my-uh-boyfriend.” you gestured to him. “Harry, these are my parents, aunt, brother, and cousin,” you said pointing out each of your family members.
             “hi, nice to meet all of you,” he said shaking each of their hands. “would you like to take a seat.” he offered gesturing to the sofas that were in his dressing room.
they all took a seat and began to gush about how much they loved the show. they asked you both question after question about your relationship as you leaned into his side with his arm still wrapped around your shoulder.
he looked down at you, and you smiled looking up at him. it was a good day.
later that night, as the two of you curled up in your hotel bed, you placed both hands on his face and stared into his eyes while he held you close.
             “see i told you.”
             “hmmm?” he hummed tiredly.
             “you’re great, and you know it.”
hope you enjoyed :) - mosh
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 6 years
First Ritual
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I’ll write a long and a TL;DR version. Long under the cut!! 
TL;DR - My first ritual was utterly fantastic!! 
~First and foremost, they passed my live band test with FLYING COLORS!! They sound SO GOOD, and some of my favorite songs sound BETTER live!! Getting to see Copia and the Ghouls interact was a treat. 
~Notable stage moments- Cardi putting a Papa dollar in Dewdrop’s pants because he plays guitar so well. Dew proceeded to snap his suspender and nod. Aether and Dew having a friendly guitar duel. The ghoulettes being their wonderful selves and dancing with the songs. And Papa Nil looking like he was going to faint after every solo and the stage hands having to help him up. That and Cardi told us Aether is made of muscle and good stuff and salad. His introduction for all the ghouls was perfect. He couldn’t find water for a second, either!! 
~All the people I met vip were awesome and I met another hardcore ghost cosplayer and we hung out- it was a blast!!!
~SOMEONE GAVE ME THEIR VIP PHOTO OP!!! So, it turns out the website I bought from failed to mention that (EVEN THOUGH LISTED AS A PERK) did not sell the vip package with the op. But one guy didn’t want his so the people who knew how crushed I was sent him my way!! I GAVE HIM THE BIGGEST HUG THANK YOU FELLOW FAN WHO I WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO REPAY!!! 
~Got a LOT of compliments on my rings <3 People couldn’t believe I made them from clay.
~10/10 would concert again. The music is great, the people are dedicated and awesome, and the atmosphere is fantastic. 
So, I cannot get over the generosity of one fan last night. As it turns out, you should double check your ViP packages EVERY TIME!! The way I bought my ticket, it was implied or worded weird that if I bought one color it had the photo op. But, as I found out at the pass table, there were TWO packages (one of which wasn’t listed where I bought it). So the one guy explained it and felt bad, but there was nothing they could do. In fact, the other package was supposed to cost more. I was sUPER bummed and on the verge of tears, not gonna lie. But I went and took a lot of pictures with Papa III and of the others, because they were still on display (it was nice to get to see them!) 
Later, I just sat down to wait for the costume contest (did not place, but the people who did looked incredible!! (THERE WAS AN ELVIS PAPA AND OMDFNDJFSJD )). Later, as I was hanging out with another cosplayer this guy randomly comes up and offers to give me his op. I was so stunned, because that’s a huge deal!! Turns out that he rather have a good front row seat and the photo bleeds into the time to get one. I don’t know what force of nature or karma allowed this to happen, but I nearly cried. Apparently the other vip fan I made friends with and guy at the table pointed him my way. We ended up switching passes and I gave him a huge hug (people even aw’ed). I got ushered away and he took off before I could get his name. But truly, I will never forget what an insane act of generosity and kindness that was. I hope he got the front row view he wanted. 
There are truly some amazing people out in the world, and that guy is one of them. If I could talk to him again I’d hug him even more. Cheers to you, dude- we need more people in the world like you!! 
SO I got to meet Cardi C, and let me tell you he is delightful in character- and he’s taller than I expected him to be- especially with my shoes on!! Side note- DON’T WEAR BIG HEELS TO CONCERTS I CANT FEEL MY MIDDLE TOES!! XDXD But he complimented my outfit and I told him he should have worn his, we could have twinned!! I got an answer like, “aaah but I will wear mine later!” 
I think he said something else but I like panicked and impulsively reached out to take his hand. Normally I don’t touch people without permission, but my level of feels was through the roof. What was even better is that he let me AND SQUEEZED MY HAND TIGHTER. After I spurted out a, “IMSOSORRYFORGRABBINGYOURHANDBUT-” I finally got to tell him what Ghost meant to me, and all the personal things it helped me get through. I told him how it made me love music again, and thank you for what you do, and keep on at it. He didn’;t break eye contact and it was a very nice moment. I think he thanked me or said something, but I honestly can’t remember- I just remember looking down at his hands the moment I grabbed them and feeling him squeeze back. He ushered for me to take a pic, and after asking, let me put my arm around him!! It was a nice picture I think!! I haven’t seen them yet, but when they are posted I will share <3 
After that, he told me enjoy the show and I thanked him and said he was going to do fabulous. I skittered out of there as fast as I could, ngl. I don’t know how I didn’t have fangirl tears!! 
THE SHOW WAS GREAT!! As I said above, a total delight and sounded good. It was fantastic when the crowd sung Faith, Square Hammer, Year Zero, and Monstrace Clock together. They sound soooo good live. Bonus was a gent filming didn’t even mind that I was screaming next to him. 
After, I went out back to the tour bus. It actually didn’t take as long. One of the ghoulettes came out, but no one recognized her but one guy next to me. Then Chris Catalyst came out, and the crowd cheered- idk what happened or if he waved because they were blocking my view. Unfortunately, did not do signings but hey- he deserves a break. 
THE GUY WORKING THE VENUE WAS SO NICE!! He helped us set up and set up a line so we could meet Tobias. It’s so weird seeing him in person, especially when all you see is pictures. He’s super sweet and it’s neat to see him out of character and being himself. Very nice dude, and it made me happy to know.
I told him the show was fantastic, and it was my first ritual- I had a blast. He smiled and didn’t break eye contact, so he was making sure he listened to each of his fans. 
I went on to tell him about ya’ll. I didn’t go into detail but I said I run a Ghost blog and that a lot of us on here have gotten through some tough times thanks to Ghost. I told him how a lot of fans feel safe and better having Ghost and what he made for us. I also said that it especially means a lot to his LBGTA fans. It’s something I had been thinking on and wanted him to know, call it strange. It was something I felt like he would be happy to know, and something I would want to be told if I was in his shows. Call me odd, but I told him how much it means to have a safe space where fans can relate- and how his characters like Copia and Papa III were super relatable. Again, I thanked him for being so open and having such a loving space for his fans. He thanked me in return.
Then I asked him to sing my ita bag, and I was delighted because HE WAS SUPER IMPRESSED! He actually held my bag and looked at all the pins. He asked about it and I went on to say how some of them were from fans and where I found them. Tobias pointed out which ones he knew and could tell what was what, but he pretty much said, “I just have never seen them altogether like this!!” It was awesome to know he thought it was cool and the staff next to him also loved my bag too!! I even got to explain what the fad of ita bags was as he signed. 
I then stood awkwardly for a few heartbeats as I debated whether I should ask for a hug or not, and he patiently waited for me to say anything if I was going to. Thank you Tobias for knowing the fan struggle of words! XD I didn’t but I didn’t feel the need to. Though I think he would of had I asked! I’m grateful he loves his fans enough to do that. 
After that I went home. But, omg ya’ll- if you have the opportunity definitely go to see them! No words can describe how much it means that my first ritual went to wonderfully well <3 Now excuse me, I will catch up on RP’s and Asks!! XD 
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the-citrus-scale · 5 years
Pensacon 2019 Intro Review
Way back in February of this year we attended Pensacon in Pensacola, Florida. Yes, it took forever to get this content out, but we’ve had some major growing pains in the meantime. For one thing, we were just a little ole fandom magazine, The Lemon Magazine, when we attended and now we’re a full-fledged news and media company, so… yeah. Anyway, we had an absolute blast, all of which will be outlined in the posts to follow, but we wanted to give a quick review-y type post for those interested in attending in the future. 
The one thing you really want to know if you’re searching for this convention is whether or not you should fork over the money to attend, right? Well, we can definitely say it was worth it! Every single second was jam-packed with things to do and see. The entire town of Pensacola turns out for this thing and even nearby businesses and restaurants transform. For instance, most within walking distance will change their interiors for the entire weekend into something resembling The Enterprise or Platform 9 ¾. And if that’s not enough, the celebrities that attend every year are more than worth the ticket price. 
Okay, so let’s get to it. First, we were given press passes, but we didn’t get to skip lines or anything like that, so we were treated to the true convention experience. Nothing fancy, which was just fine. We can’t exactly report on what it might be like for you to go if we get anything above and beyond what our readers might get. The only thing that was different was our check-in. It’s in a separate area and the lines for those with regular weekend passes had a pretty hefty line even earlier in the morning, so that’s something to keep in mind when you’re planning. The staff was amazing, though, so while the lines were long, they went fast. Also, if you don’t have parking passes, you will have to pay for something nearby. We suggest taking an Uber or Lyft instead. You’re not gonna want to leave, so it’s fine. You can also get a hotel downtown too, though those can sell out fast. 
Day one is technically Friday afternoon (or Thursday night if you have VIP passes), so not a lot of people attend that day compared to Saturday and Sunday. However, we advise going all three days, if you can swing it. Being there on Friday, when it opened to the public, let us browse all the vendors before the huge crowds the next day. Getting all the shopping out of the way first was nice and allowed us to spend more time in panels and photo op lines the other two days. 
Pensacon has a campus layout. This means that the entire convention is spaced out over several buildings. They’re all within walking distance of each other, as is downtown, so even without a car, everything is completely manageable. We went ahead and started in the main building, the Pensacola Bay Center, where all the vendors are located. This is also where some of the bigger stars are located, and while this place can be a maze, we didn’t have any trouble navigating. Just pay attention to the signage and you’ll be good. 
Because it’s a smaller convention, you could easily walk right up to celebrities’ tables and get an autograph and picture for a fee without much wait. It varied depending on the celebrity and their status, but everyone that attends is pretty reasonable. There were a lot of Harry Potter stars this year, so that was especially fun for us. William Shatner was also there, and his line was pretty long, but even that wasn’t something you might see at the real big conventions, like SDCC or something. Oh, and don’t forget cash. If you didn’t pay for a staged photo op beforehand, cash was key. For most, that we noticed anyway, that was what they accepted. For the vendors, they were more set up to take cash and debit, so just keep that in mind. 
For Saturday and Sunday, there was a lot of walking from one panel to the next. We go into further detail about those in the upcoming articles, but each was very well moderated. Everyone got to ask their questions and was respectful. I did hear of people getting in trouble for recording in the panels, even press, but it was made very clear that you weren’t to do that, so we’re not sure why people still tried it. Regardless, at all the panels we attended, we had zero issues. Everything ran smoothly and on time. We only heard of one panel being canceled, but from what we understand that was due to some outside triggered fanboy threats that, thankfully, never came to fruition. 
Overall, we will be attending any way we can as many years as we can. It was intimate, professional, and had some awesome celebrities and panels. Pensacon even has its own film festival with an award ceremony, though we didn’t have time to attend this year. And before we forget, the cosplayers brought it. We were lucky enough to interview some lovely ladies that attended this year, and you’ll be able to read those later this week too, but every single person we saw cosplaying was incredible. The craftsmanship still has us freaking out! They were all so nice too, and very accommodating of every person who wanted to take a picture, as most cosplayers are. 
Hopefully you’re not still on the fence because it’s definitely not a con you want to miss! And if you do decide to come in 2020, get your tickets early. They were announcing guests up until the last minute, so don’t wait for your favorites to be confirmed. It might be too late by then. 
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hershelsstyles · 6 years
Lost in Japan
Part 3 - Harry gives Nina a backstage tour
word count: 2,281
Series masterlist
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The city gets dark and after having dinner at a local restaurant, I go back to my hotel. After I check in and get up to my room, the first thing I do is pull my SD card out of my camera and shove it in my laptop.
I look at the amazing images I got from today, I choose my favorite and post it to Instagram. I tag the location and write a small caption.
Less than a few minutes later, the picture has over 2,000 likes, and so many comments saying the same thing.
"Omg Harry's in Tokyo to!! Is that why he followed her?"
I remember how Harry said he would be in Japan soon. My stomach starts to feel bubbly. Why am I feeling nervous?
After chilling, I open my laptop again and decide to read through my emails. It's crazy how when you gain a small following on Instagram the number of random companies email you with all sorts of weird brand deals. Almost all of them are spam, but I come across one email from a personal Gmail account that I don't recognise. I click on it.
Hello, you have been invited to Harry Styles live on tour in Tokyo on the 12th of May. Please be at the venue at 7 pm, give your name to the box office to collect your tickets. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Kind Regards
Jeffery Azzof,
Full Stop Management.
This is insane. I immediately check the date as I have basically been jumping time zones throughout the last week, I have no idea what day it is. Today is the 11th of May, that means the concert is tomorrow. My heart is skipping beats, I feel so excited. This is actually crazy, Harry has invited me to his show! How does he know I'm in Tokyo? I know I told him I was going to be in Japan soon, but I never specified dates. My phone buzzes in my lap. Its a notification from Instagram, @harrystyles liked your post. I open the app to see which one he liked, it's not even my latest post, he's looking through my feed.
I don't even have to think about whether I'm going or not, there is no question about it. I don't know if I'm supposed to reply to the email or not. I decide against replying because firstly I would know what to say or not sound desperate. I sit on my bed and try to comprehend what just happened. I think about what I'm going to wear, what is it going to be like? Am I going to see him? Obviously, I'm going to see him perform, but will we get the chance to see each other again?
I decided I should probably listen to his album some more if I'm going to his show. As I'm getting ready for bed I'm singing the words to 'Sweet Creature', his album is actually really good. It so different to One Direction but I find myself starting to really like it. I wonder if it's going to sound different live, what kind of show he will put on. I fall asleep listening to ‘From the Dining Table.’
The next morning when I wake up, I remember the events of last night and my evening plans and my stomach is doing flips. I'm so excited, but nervous. As I hop in the shower and get ready for the day I can't wipe a smile off my face.
Today I was planning on going to the gardens Harry suggested I visited, and since the show is at 7 pm I still have the whole day ahead. After spending the day around Tokyo shooting the whole time, I head back to my hotel around 5 pm so I can get ready.
After I shower, I straighten my hair. I put on a bit of light makeup which consists of a tinted moisturizer, bronzer, a swipe of highlighter on my cheekbones and eyelids, mascara, and lip balm.
I put on my outfit which is a red dress which comes above my knees and has buttons down the front. It light and summery as Tokyo weather is warm, and so is a concert. I decide against any fancy shoes and settle with my old skool black vans, I'm going to need comfort as Ill probably be standing the whole night.
After spending about 20 minutes trying to figure out a route to get to the venue on public transport, I decided to give up and call a taxi. I don't want to risk getting lost and being late. I make my way down to the hotel lobby just as the taxi arrives.
When I get to the venue I'm overwhelmed with how large it is. I quickly spot the box office in the crowds of people and make my way over. Next to me is the merchandise tent with very long lines. I look at the merch being sold as I join the much shorter line for the box office, my eye is caught by the 'Treat People With Kindness' t-shirts, I love that, he's using his platform to spread such a nice message. I really want to get one but the line is so long and I'm already in the line for the box office.
Soon it's my turn to step up to the window. I begin to realise the person working probably doesn't know English, and I don't think my Japanese is good enough to explain why I'm here. My worries soon disappear as when I approach the window she greets me in English.
"Hello, how can I help you today?"
"Hi, um I was told to come here and pick up a ticket for Nina Grey"
"One moment please," she says as she types into her keyboard. I nervously watch her in anticipation, maybe that email was a joke, my email is in the bio of my Instagram, anyone could have sent it.
I start feeling hot, and not because of the warm weather, my nerves are kicking in. She then picks up the phone next to her and starts speaking quickly in Japanese. I can't understand anything she's saying other than when she says my name.
She puts down the phone, I'm fully preparing myself for her to start laughing at me and tell me there no ticket for me.
But she instead smiles at me "I will just print your ticket now, Jeff will be here to take you inside soon"
I recognise the name Jeff, the guy who sent the email. A flood of relief comes over me. The lady hands me my ticket and tells me to wait by the VIP check-in area for Jeff. I thank her as I walk away.
Not long after, a tall man in his early thirties walks over to me, he reaches out his hand to shake mine. "Hi, you must be Nina, I'm Jeff, Jeffery Azzof. I'm Harry's manager, the guy who sent you the email."
I shake his hand, "Hi yes I'm Nina, nice to meet you."
"Well, we better get you inside, ah and before I forget you will need this." He hands me a lanyard with backstage written on it.
"Follow me." He says.
"I really wasn't expecting this, thank you"
"No problem, now I'm just warning you, backstage can be pretty chaotic, so try not to get in the way, everything needs to run smoothly." I nod while we keep walking.
I can tell Jeff is good at his job, his tone wasn't rude or mean, just simply being honest, which I appreciate.
We pass a security guard as we enter through a large door, Jeff waves and smiles. The security guard doesn't say a thing. Jeff was right about backstage being chaotic, there is staff running around, people chatting, eating, and getting ready.
Jeff takes me to the main area where there's a food and drinks table, there's also couches and tables all around, and a ping pong table in the middle of the room. The table has the same words written on it as the merch, 'Treat People With Kindness'.
There are two people that are playing a seemingly serious game of ping pong. One of them looks to be a sound engineer as he's wearing all black and has earpieces, walkie-talkies, and many wires sticking out of his pockets. He hits the ball to the other person playing with him. It's Harry. He's wearing sweatpants, black vans, and a white t-shirt which I recognise, it's his own merch.
I stand and watch the game with Jeff, "Harry is very serious about his ping-pong" He says.
When Harry goes to hit the ball he looks up at me and smiles. He completely misses the ball and it bounces off the table onto the ground and under a couch. The sound guy throws his hands up in the air.
"I finally won! I bet the unbeatable Harry Styles!" Harry doesn't seem to care very much as he puts down his bat and walks over to me.
"Nina, how lovely it is to see you again!" He says going in for a hug. "Thank you for inviting me"
"No problem, I figured since you're here and all you might as well come! I didn't think you would to be honest, we have only met once."
"Of course I was going to come, who would say no to a free show?" I say laughing, he laughs too.
"No seriously, I had nothing else better to do, and I listened to some of your stuff and it's actually pretty good"
"Thank you, that means a lot. You look incredible by the way, red is defiantly your colour." I feel my cheeks starting to blush, and before I can say anything back he grabs me by the hand. "Okay let me show you around"
He first takes me to some dressing rooms, there is a hairdresser styling a guys hair sitting in a chair.
"Nina, this is Ayae our hairstylist, and Adam my guitarist getting his hair styled, because he defiantly needs it," he says jokingly.
"Adam, Ayae, this is Nina."
"Hi, nice to meet you guys"
"So this is the girl you met in business class while the rest of us were sitting in coach?" Adam says in a thick British accent.
"Yes actually it is, and I offered to upgrade you guys, but you all said no"
"Well, we will see you guys later, better get on with this backstage tour." Harry says as he walks out the door, I wave goodbye. The door to the next room is shut, as Harry knocks, I read the sign above it which reads 'Wardrobe'.
"Its always good to knock, I've definitely walked in on more people changing than I would have liked to," He says laughing.
"Come in!" An American voice yells out. Harry opens the door and there are two people standing there looking very suspicious.
"You guys were definitely making out weren't you?" Harry asks. "Definitely not!" the woman exclaims too overprotectedly.
"This is Mitch and Sarah. Mitch is my best friend and guitarist, and Sarah plays the drums, very well might I add." They both acknowledge me by nodding their heads.
"Hi, I'm Nina"
"So this is wardrobe where we keep all our clothes" Harry says as he runs his hand over all the clothing on the racks. "Okay we better be moving on" Harry says as he walks out of the room.
I'm shown around more places, and basically introduced to every person we see. Helene his photographer, Claire his pianist, and many more people I can't remember the names of.
He looks at his watch, "I'm going to have to go and get ready for the show soon, but I want to show you one more thing." He says excitedly.
I follow him as we wind down more hallways, through more doors, and the further we go the louder it gets.
"Warpaint the opening act is on now, but you have to see the crowd from here," he says as he runs up the metal stairs leading to the side of the stage.
I look out at the crowd, "Woah, this is insane" I say. The whole arena is filled. "Don't you feel nervous?" I ask "All these people have come to see you"
"I don't really get nervous anymore, only when there are people in the crowd I know, like you." He says, I smile and laugh, this is so crazy.
"Well we better go back now, I'm due on stage soon, this is their last song."
When we get back to the main backstage area, Harry goes up to Jeff and puts his hand on his shoulder.
"Make sure Nina gets to her seat alright"
"Sure thing" he says then gets distracted by his phone ringing. "Sorry gotta take this" he says walking away.
"Well Jeff is going to kill me if we get behind schedule, so I better be off to get ready. Thank you for coming tonight, I know its kind of odd I just met you, but I really wanted you to be here."
"No thank you for inviting me, that was really nice of you."
"Enjoy the show, see you after?"
"Sure, good luck Harry," I say smiling as he walks off down the hallway.
Jeff walks over to me and puts away his phone. "Okay should I take you to your seat now?"
"That would be great, thank you," I say as Jeff gestures me to follow him out the way he showed me in.
Part 4
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romancequeen27 · 6 years
BTS fanfiction
Chapter 2
I never thought of me standing in this line.
Yes, I got up at 4 a.m. Yes, got pissed when I saw how many people got here earlier than me. Yes, I propably won't get to see them up close. Yes, I'm tired of the flight to London, then sleeping at my cousins Thom's house for 3 hours and thEN ALMOST SNOOZING MY ALARM. YES, I'M PISSED. But I'm still going to a BTS concert.
It's been almost 6 mounths since Christmas, but I still can't get my head around the fact that my international ass is gonna see BTS perform. Plus today's the 2 year anniversary since I became an ARMY. It's a shame I can't celebrate it with my ARMY friend Hona. I only got one plane and concert ticket, so I was really hurt to see her reaction about this gift. I made a promise to film as much as I could and to tell her everything when I get back.
It's 8 a.m. Finaly the doors are opening and the hyped fangirls and fanboys are getting it. Everyone was so pushy. I never knew ARMYs could be like this, but it was a BTS concert after all.
In the line I was like the 40th person, but when I got to the pit I could see all of the stage perfectly and clearly.
How did I become so lucky to have this space?
Other ARMYs were gathering around the stage and some came near me.
"Hey, who's your bias?" Suddenly a tall skiny girl asked me.
"...um, hi. Jimin. And your's?" I smiled at her.
"Jungkook" of course it is. I don't blame her though. "Are you from London?"
"No, I'm actualy from north of Europe." I answered.
"Oh... I see." She turned to her friends and then giggled. "Maybe that's why you're so fat!" And then started to laugh as if this was the joke of the century, her friends with her, even louder.
I wasn't very sensitive at those statments, so I just rolled my eyes and looked the other way. But she didn't stop.
"BTS are never gonna like you. ARMYs like you are an emberasment to them. Go to the back so that they won't see you here, you fat pig!" She shouted to my back.
"BTS loves all ARMYs equally. Even you, you mean brat." I didn't look at her. Trying really hard not to cry at this point.
Her squad laughed with her: "I think I'm not the brat here. Look around. The security has been eyeing you the whole time. Probably stole something from the gift shop!" They laughed again.
I just noticed that. They were watching me like howks. But I think I didn't do anything bad... Did I forget to pay for my ARMY bomb? I'm pretty sure I payed. And if I didn't they would of said something to me right away. So that's not it. But what is?...
I turned to the bitch: "Look I don't know and don't care who you are. You can't talk to me like that. You can't talk to anyone like that. If you don't like what you see, then don't look at me 'cause I'm not gonna put up with you're shit anymore. Actualy I'm embarest that there are ARMYs like YOU. Fans like you start wars and conflicts. Maybe you look good on the outside but you're insides are ugly. So please, eat some make-up, maybe then you'll look better from the inside." I gave her a fake smile that turned to a death glare the second I turned away from her.
She didn't say anything, just snorcked and turned to her friends. Didn't leave the spot but didn't say anything to me either. The only thing that was bothering me were the security guards.
Time skip to the end of the concert
I cried so much. I have a sore trought and ringing ears, but I loved every single second of it. They all looked so good that I almost forgot to record lol. I think some of the members noticed me. V waived at the spot I was in, RM smiled and Hobi was oh so rude near us. They inproved in english SO MUCH. I couldn't be more proud and in love with them.
But the show isn't over yet.
Not only did I get a ticket to the concert. I got a one out of 15 VIP cards. That was one of the reasons I was shook (jungshook) when receving the present.
The 15 VIP ARMYs were led to a big, nice room. It had a few large couches infront of two smaller ones. Guess those ones are for BTS. I sat on one of the couches and notice the bitch with one of her friends is here. Yay. She took a seat near me but told her friend to sit in between us. Typical.
An asian man entered the room from an another door: "Hello ladies, I'm the head of security here. You probably know how I want you to be. So please, control your emotions for the boys. They will be here in 20 minutes, so you are welcome to treat yourself in the bonquet or go to the bathroom" He showed us a table of snackes and finished his speech with a smile. He looked direcly at me and said something in korean to his speaker.
"He probably gonna arest her" this bitch said to her friend loud enough for me to hear. I acted as if I didn't hear that. I needed a break and went to the bathroom to freshen up.
10 minutes later
I came back to my seat just in time. The staff was getting the cameras in place, setting the lighting just right and you could just feel the presure and axiety from ARMYs. When the staff was done, the air felt very thick. They left the room and a man with a small microphone on his shirt came to the room.
"Girls," it got hot in the room, "I present you" all the girls were sitting on the edge, "BTS!" We all stood up and greated our boys.
They walked into the room. Looking even more stunning than on the stage. They were all smiling at us brightly. J-hope answered our screams with his own. Security were watching so that the girls won't jump on them, but we didn't even walk two steps closer to them.
They stood in front of their two couches. "Hello ARMY!" They all said in motion. You could hear some hello's and hi's even hi babies with a cry of joy.
"We don't need to introduce, do we?" Jin said. Some giggled and some said of course not. They took their seats and we did the same. A few girls had prepared question for them and they gladly answered, but that time was limited. After that Bangtan got more seriuos.
"You may be wondering why did we even make VIP tickets. There weren't any at other of our concerts." Said Namjoon. All the girls started to look confused.
"oh god... Another theory..." One girl said under her breathe. The whole room started to laugh and chuckle.
"No, no this is a lot more simple." Taehyung said waiving at us to not think that.
"The thing is, we kept a secret from you." Namjoon looked at our reactions, "We've been busy, but not with music." All were so confused right now.
"So what have you been doing?" One girl asked.
"Let me explane, why you're hear." Namjoon started. " 16 months ago our Bang PD had an idea, how ARMYs could be even closer to us. He though that one ARMY could become a temporary member of BTS. He or she could represent all ARMYs around the world, become a great friend with us and answer ARMYs biggest questions about us and our lives." He looked over us again and continued. "We picked 15 diferent ARMYs from our twitter followers by random order. Then our staff flew to the countries that these lucky people lived, and placed tinny cameras in their homes, when they weren't at home. With your parents and countries permition, of course." He did an adorable awkward laugh. "We watched their lifes. And picked the best ARMY."
He looked at us with a serious smile and said: "Four of those people are here."
The room was dead silent.
I was frozen. Did they really do this? Maybe I'm the one... I almost forgot how to breath. Stupid! Of course not!
"S... So who's the lucky ARMY?" One girl asked.
They didn't answer. Why, tho? Did they want tention?
"Is the person even in this room?" Another one asked.
"Yes." They said in motion.
"So who is she?" The same girl asked.
They looked at each other.
"She will know it's her when we are done with the speech we prepared." Yoongi said and gestered to Namjoon to continue.
They even prepared a speech?...
"Well... She should." Hobi said with a chuckle.
"The reason we chose her was because we can relate to her dearly. She has been through thick and thin and lost hope a lot of times but was capable of standing back up. When she talks about us to her ARMY friend, she talks as if she has known us our whole lives. Perfectly understands how we feel even when we don't show it on camera. She couldn't watch Burn The Stage not only because of her financial state, but also because she couldn't take it. When we watched her it looked like she was hurting more than we were. She understands what she is doing to herself as a fangirl, so she even tried to unstan us. Twice!..." He chuckled.
What are the odds of another ARMY doing that?... Probably a lot...ya...a lot I was getting a little bit anxious.
"...The second time was a bit longer and after a month we thought that she was really done. We almost crossed her out the list. But she started stanning again after watching our new comeback...kinda." Namjoon continued.
The odds were getting smaller.
"She even started to study korean language for us! Once said to herself "If they are learning english then why can't I learn a little korean?!" She's just starting though and I hope she can learn even more with our help." He smiled to himself.
The odds were really small and I wasn't feeling so good.
"Anyway, she is relatable to every single one of us. To me she is relatable because she has writen a poem for BTS. The translation is very sweet." Namjoon smiled at us but stopped at me.
"Because she has a dancer's heart. She can't help but dance to her favorite songs, doesn't matter where she is." J-hope laughed his contagious laugh and looked at me too. Everyone was laughing exept for me.
"Because she is treated like an alien because of her diferent intrests." Said Taehyung in his low voice. Now staring at me.
Oh no... Not him too...
"Because she is very cotious about her flaws. You might think how can Jin relate to that?? But it's true. And she was capable of noticing that." Jin smiled a shy smile at me.
"Because she is very hard on herself and thinks that she isn't good enough." Jimin's accent was so cute but that wasn't the main thing on my mind right now. His gaze was.
"Because she has worked her butt off to help her mother and herself live a better life." Yoongi said slow and clear.
Did he just say mother?...Just mother?... Yup, I think I'm gonna be sick.
All the boys were staring at me. The girls were catching up too, and for the ones that already did, were giving me glares. But that didn't matter to me. And neither did I to other girls when Jungkook stood up and started walking in my direction.
He finaly walked up to me, grabed my hands and lifted me from my seat. "And is shook, oh may I say jungshook, to hear this from us." He smiled his cute bunny smile at me. "Congratulations, Sunny. You are the Queen ARMY."
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April Reflections/May Intentions
Happy May!!
April was quite the roller coaster. A lot of ups, and downs and twists and turns. 
A couple of highlights were me reconnecting with an old friend and rekindling our friendship, I was ghosted out of NOWHERE by someone I thought was my friend, I made it through my more keto friendly month alive (blog post to follow on how it went), my life’s purpose or at least part of it was revealed to me in the most beautiful and crazy way (blog on this to follow) and the last day of April I was tested to see if I’d follow my intuition and that still small voice within that I’ve been questioning and I didn’t and welllllllllllllllllllllllll... someone hit my car (blog post to follow on this as well). I 100% learned my lesson on that one. My car is fine, I’m fine, just a fender bender that the ladies insurance will cover at all costs to fix it and they’re providing me with a rental until it’s fixed. 
Moving on...
This morning I finished up my May Intention list and sat down and pulled a few oracle cards. I asked for one to be on how I need to go about May and what I need to focus on and the other on what message I need right now for today to do my best. I’ll go into further detail on those below. :)
Now to go through my April Intentions and reflect.
Purchase Morgan Tyler’s e-book and practice it for the month - DONE. Funny story on this. She is actually coming to Texas this coming weekend and I get to meet her and take a yoga class with her and go to luncheon after. YAY. So. Effin’ Excited. I had no idea she’d be coming to Texas when I bought her book, but I FREAKED out when I saw her make the post on it and I immediately bought my VIP ticket to go. 
Start keto with Michael - done. The first week and a half were absolutely horrid and I legit felt like I was dying, but it got better. (like I said above I’ll be writing on this in a future blog post)
Try out bone broth - done. LOVE it. 
Pay $500 towards debt - DONNNEE!!! I was so happy I was able to make this happen!! I basically saved almost double what I usually do. 
Go for evening walks after work and hike often - evening walks didn’t happen, but hiking did along with lots of walks on my breaks at work. I actually have a weird tan line on my feet from my shoes from all the walking I’ve done at work.
Eat less pasta, rice, sugar and dairy - I didn’t have pasta all month, I had rice a few times, but only on the weekends if we’d go to Chipotle. I didn’t eat anything with processed sugar and when I’d eat something sweet it was keto friendly and made with monkfruit and dairy is a part of keto and I do pretty ok with cheese from what I can tell. The thing that gets me the most is wheat and SUGAR. I’ve really been slowly cutting back on sugar this whole year and that is what got me at the beginning of the month the most.
Try out phat bombs - done. We’ve tried out so many different kinds and my fave are definitely the chocolate chip cookie dough and cheesecake. 
Be quick to surrender - done. I’ve started to realized I’m not near as resistant as I know I can and the more I’ve surrender the more the Universe has revealed to me.
If it’s not a eff YES, it’s an eff no - this is something I’ve really had to work at since in the past I’ve been a over the top “yes” person and the person who paid for it ended up being me and I’m just not ok with living that way anymore. Saying no isn’t a bad or mean thing and it’s still something I’m learning on the daily and it’s getting easier the more I practice it. 
Plan and book camping trip w/ Michael <3 - the plans are still in the works because the days we did try and book weren’t working out smoothly, so I backed off on it and will revisit it a little later. I don’t ever want to force something to happen and I saw it starting to happen with this, so I surrendered and asked for it to come back to me when it was time.
Purchase teeth whitening kit - doonnnneee and I loooooove the results!!
Less screens, more books - this did and didn’t happen. That is why you’ll see for May I’m not on social media BECAUSE I have books I’m reading and want to make the time for them.
Treat myself to a pedi - done!! and it was gloriousssss and I found my new favorite spa and it just so happens to be not even a mile away from where I live. 
April overall was good to me and I’m grateful for the many ups and downs and I’m even more proud of myself to surrendering when I need to and also standing up for myself when I know I need to. Finding balance with communication, surrendering, boundaries, speaking my truth and saying “no” when I know in my gut I need to isn’t always the easiest, but just like with anything I have to work that muscle to make it stronger and stronger cause let’s be real.. I don’t want to be this doormat of a person who never speaks up and doesn’t set boundaries and let’s people walk all over her and in turn try and control EVERYTHING around me because I’m so overwhelmed and miserable. It just isn’t quite my cup of tea anymore.
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I have a few things I’m really focusing in on this month. 1.) learning and practicing reiki, 2.) reading more books and 3.) HAVE FUN. Every single weekend starting this coming weekend is full of fun and exciting events that I’ve really been looking forward to!! I’m taking a social media break all of May, so I can better focus my attention on the things I’m learning and just to honestly detox just a bit from it. The first few days really sucked, but I’m getting into the habit of taking a book I’m reading with me to work and having one on my phone and I’ll read on my breaks or in the evenings or during my morning quiet time. I’m currently reading “How to Be Well” by Frank Lipman, “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck” by Mark Manson, “Musings of an Earth Angel” by Suzanne Adams and I purchased a Reiki course I’m reading and practicing through as well. 
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So I said a prayer and asked for a message about what I need to focus on for the month of May and I pulled “Soul Family” and for me the message was telling me that I need to be open to unexpected people that will be coming into my life this month and embrace them with love. I’ll be in Austin this weekend, Waco another and Florida as well all throughout this month and I’ll come in contact with so many people, so who knows. I may be making a new soul family friend come the end of May and I’m open and ready for it because I love new people and I love friends.
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Then I went to ask for a message for today and I heard very clearly “pick up your Rumi deck” and something with me using oracle cards I feel a surge of electricity when using these and the ones that is basically shocking my hand is the one I need to be using and after pulling the “Soul Family” card I didn’t feel that energy anymore in the deck I picked up, so I listened an grabbed my Rumi deck and pulled the most perfect card for me. Part of it said “You are the lion and the deer. You are bold, fierce and vibrant, and you are silent, sweet and gentle.” This spoke to me because there are times where I feel too nice, too sweet, too harsh, too blunt, too vulnerable and then I feel the need to play it small and be quiet, but here’s the thing. I am bold and fierce, but I’m also sweet and gentle and I’m learning when I need to be one or the other and honor how diverse I am and to find a balance and acceptance with all of it. I can’t and don’t want to be one thing all the time. I do, however, want to be a light for everyone around me and sometimes that’ll require a more bold Sarah who speaks up and sometimes a more gentle Sarah who is a listening ear and holds space.
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That’s all I have for now and be sure to be on the lookout for my life purpose discovery, keto friendly month, skin care routine and the realization I had from my fender bender the other day blogs that are coming real soon. :D 
Until next time...
Sarah xo
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closetofanxiety · 6 years
New Jersey Death (match) Trip
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I’m sorry this is long. If you’re reading on a mobile device, I know Tumblr makes you scroll through the whole thing instead of respecting their own html cut. 
Let’s just get this out of the way: I’m not reviewing the matches from Game Changer Wrestling’s Tournament of Survival 3. I haven’t watched enough death matches to qualify even as a mildly informed observer, and you know what? They kind of run together. It’s hard to distinguish one from the other, when you’re seeing one after the other.
When the first light tube spot happened on Saturday night, with a loud POP that could be heard everywhere in the building, the crowd erupted. By the time the hundredth light tube spot happened (not an exaggeration!), late into the show, no one in the crowd reacted at all. At some point, you just become numb.
I will say that, for sheer “Oh my God” spectacle, it’s hard to beat this kind of wrestling. I posted a bunch of short clips to my Instagram story, and friends who care not a whit about wrestling were messaging me all night about them. “What is that?” “Where are you?” “That looks insane,” etc. And when you’re standing a few feet away, the brutality is mesmerizing and almost artistic, like Artaud’s idea of the theater of cruelty, but for real.
On the other hand, all the criticisms I’ve heard of death match wrestling were on display: the comparison to the numbing effect of pornography seemed apt, as did the common complaint about guys who are theoretically trying to kill each other calmly waiting while their opponent sets up the next ridiculous spot. During one match (Ciclope vs. Alex Colon? I don’t know. They genuinely run together, especially in a tournament), one guy was setting up panes of glass on two chairs, but they kept slipping off, so THE REF started helping him out, while his opponent just waited on the turnbuckle for the suplex. Tell me that’s somehow less of an “exposing the business” scenario than an intergender match.
So, the matches were fine if you like death matches. Ciclope won, and good for him. What follows are my disjointed recollections of my first - and presumably last - experience at a death match tournament, lazily organized by chronology.
Saturday, June 2, 5:15 p.m.
I arrive at “the historic Starland Ballroom,” which turns out to be a grim loading dock of a building in an industrial park. The parking lot is practically full, and I am arriving 15 minutes after the scheduled bell time, thanks to traffic jams in Meriden, Fairfield County, and New York City. Let me say this: if I never drive across the George Washington Bridge again, it will be too soon.
Luckily, I have not missed anything. Doors were supposed to open at 4 p.m., but there is still a line of people snaking around the side of the building. We’re not just on Indie Time, we’re on Death Match Indie Time.
The crowd is about what you’d expect, with a uniform of black T-shirts and baggy shorts and a general commitment to ill health, although there are more women here than at most wrestling shows I’ve been to. I may be the only person here who has a favorite book. I see three different TSOL t-shirts, which somehow makes sense. I am surprised at the number of WWE shirts I see. I briefly thought about wearing a Kevin Owens shirt, but feared I’d be mocked and derided; within minutes of arriving, I see a huge guy with sleeve tattoos wearing the same shirt. There are more WWE shirts here than CZW shirts, in fact, which I guess is not surprising, given the enmity that exists between the established New Jersey promotion and the GCW upstarts. There are, in fact, more T-shirts here that say “CZW is Pussy” [sic] than CZW shirts.
There are people tailgating in the parking lot, and fragrant drafts of marijuana smoke drift by. A burly guy in an orange T-shirt that says SECURITY waddles up to me and tells me I can’t bring my shoulder bag inside the venue.
“I understand, safety first at the death match tournament,” I say. He nods, either not getting the joke or deciding whether I need to be restrained in a chokehold.
5:35 p.m.
I’m through the doors. There are metal detectors and bored-looking bouncers in orange shirts, because this is a crummy rock club. A guy in front of me with neck tattoos is told he has to take his bottle of prescription medication back to his car. A woman is arguing about a bag search.
There’s a small table set up just behind the metal detectors. It’s hard to know who might be part of the GCW staff. A guy in a black T-shirt and baseball cap is yelling at a woman, possibly about people getting in with bogus tickets.
“I know every name on every ticket sold,” he tells her. Then, to me, he says, “What’s your name?” as I hold out my crumpled printout.
I tell him, and he says “You’re good.” I don’t feel good, but I go in anyway.
The venue is absolutely packed. There’s a ring set up in the middle, and a VIP seating section on what must be the stage for all the shitty bands that play here. There are rows of chairs on all four sides of the ring, and all of them are occupied. Behind the chairs, in standing room areas, crowds of people jostle for position.
My ticket theoretically entitles me to a seat in the third row. Pathetically, I hold my ticket up to a person working at the GCW t-shirt table and inquire about getting a seat.
“Sorry, bro, first come, first served,” I am told. I could have saved $15 and bought a general admission pass, I ruefully reflect.
It’s standing in the back, near the t-shirts and the barbecue vendor, that I notice the long bar is empty. This is a shame, as I am extremely thirsty and would pay at least $10 for a bottle of water. It turns out the venue decided not to serve alcohol tonight, which is the first good decision anyone has made all day.
I wander around, noticing merch tables and the Nick Gage-mocked treats for sale. No one has any water. The treat woman, God bless her, points me to a small bar in the back of the room where the venue is selling pizza, Red Bull, and bottles of water. I buy two and want to sob in gratitude.
“Yo, we’re starting soon!” a voice announces over the PA. It is now 40 minutes after the announced bell time.
5:45 p.m.
A man in black shorts and a baseball cap bounds into the ring. The crowd erupts in cheers. It is the same guy who knew every ticket buyer’s name. This must be a GCW owner.
“Yo, look at all these mothafuckin’ shot callers in this place!” he yells, and the crowd roars its approval. Are GCW fans shot callers? Am I now, by extension, a shot caller? I feel briefly stirred, until I reflect that a genuine shot caller would be allowed to bring his shoulder bag into the venue.
The guy tells us that regular ring announcer is sick tonight. “He’s in the bathroom, shitting and puking,” the guy says, and the crowd cheers, as if excited by any bodily function. Instead, there’s another ring announcer, who is dressed like a frat guy at a golf course and sounds like the world’s most convincing Joel Gertner impersonator. I mean, he really, really sounds like Gertner. It was uncanny, and throughout the night, it was weird to hear that voice and see it coming out of a guy who incels would characterize as a “Chad,��� instead of a tubby, hairy Long Islander with a leopard-print neck brace.
We’re ready to go. The music starts. It’s Nick Gage’s music. The crowd goes insane. I am watching from the small bar at the back of the room. I have two bottles of water and a cupcake. I wanted the “MDK” variety (red velvet with cream cheese frosting), but the woman told me they all melted, so I get the “Ultraviolent,” which is just a vanilla cupcake with buttercream frosting. It’s a little soggier than I’d like, but it hits the spot. I am eating a cupcake and watching men rake pizza cutters across each other’s faces. This is Roman decadence. Our society is doomed.
The matches come and go. Shlak is here; people on Woke Wrestling Twitter hate Shlak and regard him as a Nazi, but I don’t know exactly what the source of that grievance is. He was recently shot in the leg, as he posted on Twitter, along with the motto, “I welcome death.” He gets a big welcome here. In his match, Markus Crane - who is introduced by Not Joel Gertner as “The Devil’s Big Red Dick” - repeatedly does horrible things to the leg where Shlak was recently shot. Eventually the referee stops the match and awards the win to Crane, which results in bloodthirsty disapproval from the crowd.
As this is going on, I notice a man watching the show at the bar, with his 8 or 9 year old son. I briefly think about calling the police, but instead I pay $3 for a slice of pizza that I saw delivered in a box and have another water. Between matches, members of the ring crew use huge industrial brooms to sweep all the broken glass out of the ring, because, safety first at the death match tournament.
7:30 p.m.
It’s intermission now. I don’t know who’s winning. I go over to Takayuki Ueki, the Big Japan wrestler who lost to Nick Gage in the first round. He seems nice. I buy a Big Japan yearbook from him and get him to sign it. Some other guys are selling loads of wrestling magazines from Japan. I buy one with a Minoru Suzuki cover and one with a Naito cover. I am a gormless tourist. “Got any joshi magazines?” I ask. The guy looks at me like I just asked him to make me a casserole. He does not have any joshi magazines.
I buy a Tournament of Survival shirt with all the participants, because I want to remember one of my most questionable decisions as an adult. Now I have a shirt with someone who may or may not be a Nazi. I will not wear this on first dates.
The show starts up again. I’m standing closer to the ring now. During one of the matches, I get hit with broken glass from one of the light tubes, a spot happening about 15 feet away. I decide to go back to my spot in the bar at the back of the room. I have another water.
Nick Gage comes out to wrestle Ciclope. A guy tries to start a “U-S-A!” chant and is immediately drowned in a sea of booing. I’m oddly relieved that the death match crowd in 2018 has no time for jingoism. After 10 minutes of brutalizing each other with glass, pizza cutters, light tubes, a fishing pole (don’t ask), and whatever else, Ciclope beats Gage with a schoolboy, which is hilarious. To me, anyway. The crowd is infuriated. Nick Gage was infuriated, and suplexed the ref through a pane of glass. Well, Nicholas, perhaps you shouldn’t lose matches to routine roll-up pins, hmm?
Joey Janela comes out. He’s wrestling the resurgent PCO in a non-tournament match. This is my first glimpse of the new look PCO, who I have vague memories of from childhood, during his goofy Not-the-Mounties stint in the WWF as one of the Quebecers. Pierre Carl Ouellet, Indie Darling, is one of the weirder and better wrestling stories of 2018. It would be like the Ding Dongs coming out of retirement to win the PWG tag team championships with a dizzying routine of high spots.
Janela and PCO start with a lockup and go into chain wrestling, and it’s like listening to jazz after hours of black metal. It’s so different and refreshing. Eventually they start breaking out the Home Depot supplies, of course, and since part of Indie PCO’s gimmick is that he has a gross, welt-covered chest, there are lots of chop spots involving that. But this is a good match overall. A solid 3.5/5 and my favorite of the night.
9:00 p.m.
It’s time for the main event: Ciclope vs. Miedo Extremo. It’s a death match. Ciclope wins. I scoot out early so I can exit the crammed parking lot and get on the road to my hotel, which is in Neptune. I have a full day ahead of me tomorrow at Asbury Park, where I plan to visit some weird places for a newspaper column I write. It’s also, unbeknownst to me, the day of the Asbury Park Pride parade, so the town is quite full, which explains why I paid $250 for two nights at a Red Roof Inn. I may be the only person in the state who, in about 12 hours, was a death match spectator, Catholic Mass attender, and inadvertent Pride parade viewer. What a day. What a weekend.
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jwisdomhheartmmoon · 7 years
Kaede X Reader Fanfic
Hello Amphy! 
I’m your secret Santa for @danganronpasecretsanta I’m so sorry for keeping you wait so long! It’s been the biggest impact on me about the tragedy indecent in my personal life last month. I’ve returned to college four weeks ago. I have also been much busy and struggle with my writer’s block. So, you want to X reader fanfic, I chose Kaede! 
I have been warning you about my issues of grammar, I haven’t had time to edit it because I don’t want to keep you wait like forever! I’m sorry for my bad grammar. 
Here is it, I hope you like it!: 
Beautiful classical music you’ve been so listening that always save you from everything’s problem, you’re so softy sign like “Hmmmm”. You watch on the screen touch have the song title relate to the classical song been play by talent pianist, Akamatsu Kaede. You may have been so fan of her, but strangely feel to know her inside once you follow the lyrics to find meaning. A young woman appears to be next to you, “Hello, do you really like the classical music?”
You’ve been so startled once she asks you like that and unsure to give your answer, “Ummm…yes?”.
“Oh, not many young people interested in the classical, they’re totally into rock and punk music”, she giggles.
You’ve been hearing her voice so familiar, but decided to deny, “It’s too loud for me, the classical music really so calm down that’s would make me forget my problem. It’s been probably because of Akamatsu Kaede.
You stare so curiously at her although you can’t see everything in her as she wears her red hat, adorable dark pink blouse possibly similar Kaede’s body size you assume. No way, she can’t be, right? She interrupts your thought when she asks you why Akamatsu-san’s song really help you at all. You explain that you feel so strangely know her well about the details of her personality, voices, and more although you’re trying to not sound to be a stalker. That’s right, you’re not do anything’s like stalkers collect personal pictures, follow a lot, and more, but you simply listen to her beautiful music, that’s all. Your eyes turn on her to see what’s her reaction, creepy? Or disgusted?  No, it’s not what you would image about her, but she simply smiles at you. She takes it out of her pocket, hands it to you that would make you're so confused. You look down at it when she points down……..it’s……not…expect…ever..in your life! It’s contest of writing the song for Akamatsu Kaede!
“I listen you explain what do you think about her, you’re lucky at the time. I hope you write the song as the way you express your feeling. Of course, no fanboy” a young woman smile at him and warns him.
You’re unsure and going to ask more question, but her fingers on your own lips, “I know there is a lot of questions, but I encourage you to make effects of express your feeling that’s the way of writing a song. You never know, who’s know?”.
A young woman declares her farewell, quickly leave your side while you’re still in frozen status. It just too fast happens to your unexpectedly, you just met a strange woman strongly resemble Akamatsu Kaede, and then, she handed a contest to you. To be honest, you never thought of writing a song before as you don’t have an interest even often listen to the music. However, it’ll not hurt to try it, right? You never know what’ll happen next.
You sit on the chair in the front of the desk in a silent moment, stares at the blank paper that you’re unsure how to start to write a song. That’s right, you never write a song before even don’t take the music class. It’s very frustrating you ever have; your forehead is going down on your own desk as you groan. You finally begin to brainstorm on what kind of song Akamatsu would like, it’s pretty obvious classic, but you want to do something different would impress her.
Simply beautiful melody? Nah. It would be better write the classical music Akamatsu-san’s favorite? No, it’s a bad idea, you’ll plagiarize on her own song. She’ll probably don’t want to do too loud music like rock and roll. Aw man, why it must to be so difficult to write the song? You don’t understand how a mysterious woman can see the potential inside you, but you think of some words a woman give her faith in you write the song.  Afraid of disappointing her if writing the song Akamatsu might don’t like it. Her word, “express” would give you an idea of the song, maybe you can write the song in your express feeling and thinking that Akamatsu would never think what the magic or important part inside her. Finally, your idea might able to be good impression enough, you grab your pencil so quickly, a point on the notebook, and write the sentence. Of course, it's not going to everything well at the first, but you doesn't’ give up; edits the songs, sing yourself while listening to Akamatsu’s many songs. You now finally done it! However….your deadline is today; you have one hour left! You rush to the famous company where Akamatsu worked! Luckily, you managed to hand your envelope inside a song to Akamatsu’s manager you happen to meet! How funny, you arrive at the perfect time!
It’s so really hard to wait in a month you have to hear out about the winner, but it’s really worth since Akamatsu is a very famous pianist. She might capture many men’s heart in her beautiful melody voice. Wondering what’s your dream will be like if you’ve finally met her in person. Joyful? Nervous? Screw up? NO! You don’t’ want to be like that, you better not speak of what do you think of her well that’s sound you’re a stalker at all!!!!!! You feel you must to be practice in the manner in the front of her until your cell phone ring so loudly that can shot your ears! You almost slipped out it, luckily catch it and quickly pick the call, “Hello?”
“Is this y/n, right?”
Don’t get too hopeful for yourself; taking your breathe, “Yes, it’s me. What is it?”
“Congratulation! You won the song contest for Akamatsu Kaede”, a cheerful voice gives you a jump a bit.
What? I won? That’s impossible……your head going to able so crazy!
“You’ll have to VIP ticket for Akamatsu Kaede’s concert that you can enter into backstage to meet Akamatsu Kaede!”, a voice so excited for you!
Will I meet her in person?......my dream…true- you realize what you don’t have, “Wait the minute, I don’t have the suit”.
“Oh, don’t worry, we have the prepare for you!” a voice speak sound they know what’s happen next once you’ll plan to go there. It’s so strange how do they know about you, but it’s not a big deal now.
They declare “Thank you” and farewell each other, hang up their phone. There is a silent moment, you seem to able be inside scream, but you finally did it!!!! It’s so crazy your dream come out, you really live in the fantasy!!!!!! Wondering what’s like meet Akamatsu Kaede, will it be like a magic? Or maybe she…..wait..No! It’ll be so bad if you become a prevent once you act a daydream. You pray it’be going to be well for Akamatsu Kaede’s concert with your song!
At evening time, there is the big building where many popular/famous musicians play there, it’s very difficult to enter into the concert since It’s been so expensive. However, you’re so lucky, you got VIP ticket and seat and so nice black suit they’ve been so prepared for you! Feeling so weird about your suit, but you feel special person at all. Remember it’s your special day tonight, you’ll see what kind of the music for Akamatsu Kaede will play your song!!!! A man looks a butler stand up and seem able to wait for you that would make you feel so nervous. Nah, it’s so impossible, you’ll just normally walk to enter into the big building. You’re going to enter…….a man finally voice, “Y/N? Do you have ID card?”
You’re so frozen as so unexpected he knows your name, take the ID card from your pocket and show it to him. “Oh, I’m right, you’re Y/N. Let me guide you to VIP seat that you can see Akamatsu Kaede.”
WHAT?!?! You can see her on the stage so close?!?!?!? Okay, Okay, it’s a really lucky day you ever have! You follow him in the hall while you observe around the inside building is really huge that would make you feel so nervous and there are many famous musicians too! Entering into concert room, a man finally points and pull the VIP chair for you. You’re walking so awkward toward the chair and take your seat. Sitting the seat feel so comfortable that would treat you like a special. Many people start to come inside, it’s really so crowd; you're so impressed how popular of Akamatsu Kaede since the classical music doesn’t really like much. It finally starts when the light off now. The spotlight appears on only beautiful black grand piano, but announcer walk to the spotlight and speak to welcome the audience, “Hello! Welcome to Akamatsu Kaede’s concert! I’ve seen you guys been work so hard to come see her here! I’m so happy you guys did it! So, Akamatsu-san will play the song written by the winner of the contest. Please come here, Akamatsu-san!”
Hearing your song going to able be play! You get increase nervous inside your feeling, obverse the biggest audiences you can’t tell what will be the result, and mutter yourself a lot they’ll like it or not. A person who sits next to you; tap on your shoulder, “Take a relax, just enjoy to watch and listen to her song now.”
Listening to their voice so calm, you agree with that person, take so deeply breathe, close your eyes to calm your mind, and open to see the world of music. Kaede come out from the backstage and reveal to be actually so beautiful purple with her side of swirls, wear the fancy purple mask that surely makes her so mysterious! She slowly turns her face to see the audience and her face show so much spark once she smiles that would make men have so beat their heart even you! How beautiful she been!!! Seeing her in person in your dream turns into reality!!! Kaede finally speaks, “Hello, I’m so glad you guys come, I’m ready to play the song someone wrote for me”. A pianist takes so politely sit down, crack her fingers for warm up, take her so deeply breathe, and starts to play the song…..
That would surely so strange atmosphere around the audience, but they feel they’re getting learn who’s Akamatsu Kaede is…the song….could…describe….her…personality….her….
Oh no, they might….not…like……it….because it’s sound so stalker! You're staring at a person who sits next to you, it's so hard telling how they show their feeling with their lack of facial expression. However, you’ve never seen……Kaede’s……..so…happy…..and….enjoyable….while playing your song! Wondering why she’s really happy. Kaede finally finishes it, the whole audiences stand up and loudly clap a lot you don’t expect to! Does that mean they like it? Kaede’s breathe so hard, have sweat a lot on her face, stand up and bow to them. You quickly stand up and clap once you realize you’re only don’t do it. Kaede’s still happy, her eyes turn…..to…target…at…you….and…wink at you!
Did she finally notice you that you’ve been always dreaming? No way! It must be your imagination at all although you strangely feel so blush.
During the party, you're supposed to go there, but the female who wears her glass and her fancy suit appear to able be stand next to the door that people would enter into the party, “Hello. Y/N, right? I’m the manager who takes care of Akamatsu Kaede. Akamatsu-san would like to see you in the private, I will guide you, okay?”
Oh great, another unexpected moment you’ve ever have again! “Come with me”, the female manager beckons to you, you have to follow her. During walking in the hall, you may be excited much, but you don’t know what you’ll talk with of Akamatsu-san; you must be impress her. Flirting with her could be a bad idea that could destroy your reputation. You start to keep mutter yourself which the best subject you can talk with of Akamatsu that female manager can hear you the behind. She so lightly chuckles that makes you feel a bit of embarrassed.  Arriving at of Akamatsu-san’s star door, you quickly clean yourself by fixing your hair and suits. Akamatsu-san’s manager knocks out the door and tells her that you’re here.
“Come here”, of Akamatsu Kaede’s voice would make your heart get beat so fast! The manager opens the door for you, you see Kaede’s hair the behind you while she stares at her mirror as brushes on her blonde hair. Once you enter into her room, Kaede put her brush down on her mirror dressing table. A mysterious girl us the rolling chair to turn to meet your eyes. You have to say it before it’ll be so rude if you keep silent longer; “Umm..Hello…”
“Hello, Y/N. I finally meet you, the winner. Good job on writing the song, it went to be so successful”, she speaks so politely.
“Thank you so much! I’m so glad too! I was so worried the audiences might hate it because it’s so weird that I wrote the song like I know you well although I haven’t met you yet! I’m sorry for being sound a stalker!” you quickly bow down to her in many times.
“Whoa, please calm down. I don’t think you are the stalker at all, but I wonder how do you feel you know me? I’m so curious”, she asks.
“Well, I just simply listen to your music and read the lyrics in finding what the song has meant the behind. Your song really voice on my mind; I’d strangely feel I know you well. It’s so weird, right?” you explain it that would remind you talked the same thing with a mysterious woman at the music store.
“No, it’s not. I’m so happy because many people look up at me as simply so beautiful woman and had music gift. I’d want to mask myself what they want to what kind of person I am. However, your song can help the audience learning a bit more about me not simply melody musician” Kadede show her joyful a lot that you’ve bee never seen before. However….she’s walks toward….you…. You’re unsure what should you do, but take your step backs until a stop at the door. A joyful woman get too close to you that make your heart go crazy! Her warm purple eyes straight to your eyes that give so warm atmosphere, but she starts….to….touch…on….your shoulder….and her other hand slowly touch up on your chest! It’s too fast happen! It’d better stop her, but you don’t know what to do!
“Y/N…….I knew it…..you’re the one……….help me….I’m so glad….I’ve…met you…at…the music store.” her voice’s softy you can hear that make you go crazy much!
“You said the music store? You can’t be-“
“Right. That’s me who’s gave the contest paper to you.”, Kaede confirms her identity.
Oh, that makes the sense much, a mysterious woman’s body size is too perfect fit able to be Akamatsu Kaede. Why did she help you? Kaede’s finger is touch so twist on your heart, oh, you forget she’s too close to you. “I’m so glad you’re the winner, you have the potential a lot I can see. I’m so happy to hear what you told me about how did you see through me not simply beautiful celebrity musician” her soft voice turn into flirty that your body can’t move and don’t be ready for it-
“Just kidding.” Kaede’s hands off your body. Whoa. You’re so confused and shock much although you’re really so relieved at all.
“It’s too fast, right? I can see your facial expression like that, you’re really so cute at all. I would like to get know you better, we could become the first friend if you’d like to” Kaede offer her hand.
Is that so dreams? Are you dream once you’ve heard Kaede ask you for becoming her friend? You can’t believe it’s really happen…you’ve been listen to Kaede’s music in your whole life to escape your problem life. You now meet her in person like a dream come out true. Okay, calm down…..that can the first step of your life, right? “Sure…I’d like to…”, grab her hand so quickly….oops….it’s really so rude to do that to her.
Kaede’s lightly chuckle that you feel little blush now, but you’re happy now, right? “Let’s go to the party together!”, she's called so joyful and gently pull you to leave Kaede’s star room. At the front of the door where people goes to the party, you start to get nervous while Kaede’s holds on your arm. Her melody voice does help you calm down, “Please get relax, have fun. We’re a friend now, right?”
You’re nods at her, take so deeply breathe, and ready for yourself to enter in the party! Before entering the party, you never thought…..Kaed’s…..sexy…..voice…….appear, “Y/N, when we once make our progress well, I’ll give the reward you. Yes, I’m going to do what you want to do with me………………”
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niuniente · 7 years
Your oracle stuff… can we get some snippets of your favourite lives?
A young girls, maybe 14 or 15, which was kept underground in an oracle temple. She worked as an oracle, giving messages to people from Gods under influence of smoke addictive, drug like smoke. They were other girls like her, too, and the owner of the temple was a rather young man who made pure business with these girls. This particular girl had lived in the temple and underground (where she was brought up inside the temple only for work occasions) since childhood, so she had no memories of how the outside world looks like. She was able to hear voices and was not really present in this physical life, so I assume she might have had schizophrenia, some handicapping illness (is that the right word?) or that she was genuinely able to hear spirits 24/7. She got out from the temple when she was too old to act as an oracle anymore (the owner kept only pre-teens and teens). I got a feeling she really didn’t understand what she was doing or what was going on. This is the strangest feeling life I have seen.A man from a roman legion, who lost his unit after a bad decision, which lead them into an enemy ambush. He ran away with the survived men, never going to help the other men who died - and he blamed himself the whole life for this, as the men who had died trusted him and loved him as the general/leader of the group. He knew they had died for him and also expected him to rescue and aid them, but he himself had just ran away, thinking it was the best to try to save both himself and the few men than get everyone killed. He was actually promoted and rewarded from his brave escape from the impossible situation. Everyone praised him and his skills, but he couldn’t get over the blame, ever. It haunted him till the day he died and changed his personality.
A woman from China, most likely in Beijing. She was a daughter of a military officer and her family often attended opera as part of some official parties and such due her father’s work. She was taken into opera with her parents when she was 9 or 10, and she fell in love with the whole opera. She played opera with her servants and parents found this cute. It was when she was still opera maniac at her teens that her father forbid such silly childish acts from her, as they didn’t fit her or her family’s status. He forbid the servants to play with her anymore and destroyed all the daughters opera items. She got very, very depressed over this.She was soon married to his father’s best young man from his army; to someone her father expected to rise to his position or higher later in his life. The husband found out years later that the young wife loved opera (she was ashamed to tell him this). She told her husband how the father had forbid her from ever even talking about the opera. The husband just noted that because they are now married, she’s basically his property, not her father’s anymore, so she’s now free to do what she wants as that’s his will as her husband. The husband was extremely supportive with the young woman’s love towards the opera; he arranged her special opera tickets (even when he couldn’t go with her due his work but made sure some of the servants can go - always making sure she got the best seats), arranged meetings with some of the singers and actors behind the scenes, and even bought original scripts for her. She was able to enjoy her love for opera fully!
A woman who fell in love with her biological brother - he also fell in love with her. They were genuinely in love with each other and ended up moving to abroad where they were able to get married as a couple with fake names. They were married till the death did them apart, for majority of their lives, and enjoyed their peaceful life together. No one ever found out they were siblings in this new country. They had no children and wished to had none - they just wanted to live together and love each other without anyone disturbing them or butting in. When the brother-husband died due old age, his sister-wife also died soon, as she missed him so much.
A fancy, well dressed man with a cane, and he looked like David Bowie with facial scars either from acne or chicken/small box, in 16th century England. He went every day into this same bakery to have breakfast and read newspaper. He had been going there for decades and was friends with the couple who owned the place. He was in his 50′s but had never been married - he actually enjoyed being alone.The baker’s wife - his friend - suggested he should get himself a housemaid to look after his home and clothes. He was against this at first, but then posted a note to a newspaper about looking for a housemaid. He hired 15 or 16 year old girl, who was hard working, polite and well-mannered - a real sweetheart. The man treated the girl nicely, giving her her own room, some extra money on top of her monthly salary and also free time, because he thought she should live her youth the fullest. They soon formed this uncle-niece type of a relationship, where both loved each other unconditionally without wanting anything from the other one; only wanting to serve the other one with whatever help they needed.One winter was especially cold and moist, and wood and charcoal was running low in the whole city. The man was able to keep only one room heated, so they put a small fire in the fireplace, dragged his sofa in front of it and wrapped into same blanket together, talking hours and hours daily about life and such. The man wanted the girl to have an education, so he paid for her school. He also wanted her to marry for love and insisted she shouldn’t marry just because she needs a husband to provide her a living; he would take care of that. He also gave her lots of good advises of how to avoid lousy boyfriends and encouraged her to value herself so that she would marry only a man who appreciates her fully. She did find such a nice man, married him and this old man paid part for the wedding. They had this wonderful uncle-niece relationship all the way till the man died. A woman in Japan who was taken into a brother to pay for her father’s debt and stayed there almost 20 years. Her family was poor and in order to get food, her elderly father loaned many from this criminal gang (the early yakuza as I call them). When the father couldn’t back and was too old for work, they took his oldest child - the daughter - and made her a whore in their brothel, saying she would be free only when the whole debt is paid. She was just 16 and waited for her family to get her back. They never did. The first years were horrible; she started from the lowest ranks of the brothel and her customers and well as her female boss, were all horrible. She hadn’t even seen a naked man before she got in. She was sure she will die here.A nearby temple had a young monk, who never said no to carnal pleasures. He was familiar face in the brothel and he always wanted to get to know the new girls. He bought one night from this young woman and saw she was in distress. She started to cry and told him everything and he actually listened. He promised to help her out by acting as her teacher; what to do, what to say, how to act, where to touch and how, what men like and don’t like etc. He spent his own money on her to teach her. She tried the monk’s tips and when they actually worked, she started to feel that she’s not a victim anymore, but in control of things. Her clients were pleased and thus her boss was pleased, too. She started to get happier, too.She did have one pregnancy with a son, who was given to a temple to raise. She saw her when she got out and when the son was 13.In the her last years in the house she was working in the highest rank (level 5), where work was basically entertaining VIP guests all day long with food, drinks, dance, singing, playing instruments and sex. The clients also treated the VIP whores well, as they were expensive. Being a higher ranked prostitute also meant she was able to do small walks outside the city under a surveillance and get some freedom. She gained this freedom when she was in level 4 out of 5.After the first 5 years or so, she started to enjoy working in the brothel. She got familiar with the clients, co-workers became her sisters, the yakuza guys became her brother and the head of the brothel became her mother. When she got finally out fro this life, she was full of peace and love. 
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eventuallyfall-blog · 7 years
13 Envelopes
pairing: reader x lin summary: After graduating from UCLA, you would find any way to escape having to go back home. Lucky for you, your Aunt Jasmine Cephas Jones had organized a way for you to have the adventure you’d never gotten to have before. You’re ready to take her up on the offer. warnings: rpf (naturally), mentions of teen pregnancy a/n: did someone call for a 5.3k chapter? no? sucks you’re getting one anyway and you are going to like it, dammit. [ted mosby voice] my parents live in ohio, i live in the moment. tagged: @defenestrate-yourself-please @justabravelittleblogger
(part 1) (part 2) (part 4)  (part 5)
As it would turn out, the Schuyler Sisters was a highly energetic number revealing that this particular musical was set in the revolutionary era. All you could think is that whoever came up with the idea for this musical was definitely an insane, crazy genius. It was something that shouldn't have worked but it did. You were absolutely entranced – to the point where you'd almost forgotten about envelope number three that was still waiting to be opened. Pippa reminded you of it after rehearsals. “So what did letter number three say,” she asked. “Jas would not tell me what she was writing at all.”
From what you could tell, Aunt Jasmine truly was friends with everyone in this cast. It just reminded you that Aunt Jasmine had always been able to make friends anywhere she went. Even in LA, Aunt Jasmine had pulled off most of the amazing adventures she'd dragged you on simply by being charming in a way that you were incapable of. Now you wondered how much of what you liked about Aunt Jasmine could only be there if you were with her in person. The third envelope featured a mini drawing of the MET and you instantly realized this envelope was a little thicker than the ones before. The minute you opened it, an old ticket to the MET was included and you instantly felt guilty until around two hundred dollars fell out of the envelope as well.
You realized even before you read the letter what the intention was – to send you to go see a show at the MET. A hazy summer memory came to you from when you were thirteen and Aunt Jasmine had been talking to you about her theater program in her fancy New York City high school. You'd been jealous and asked her if she'd ever been to the MET. It seemed like this adventure suddenly had proof it had been planned with you specifically in mind, with the hazy memories of hanging out with Aunt Jasmine and wistfully longing to go to New York City and soak in the culture.
Honey bun,
Do you remember those times in LA when we'd go down to the various outdoor theaters and watch plays for only five bucks for the both of us? Some of those plays were horrendously acted (budget actors, I'd assume) but every now and then we'd find a diamond in the rough. I think my personal favorite was one that had been their debut of the play – they were all so nervous but they managed to convey confidence that wasn't there. You said they truly sucked and maybe it was true, but I was charmed by how confident you had to be to book a space to put on a play that you hadn't tested with anyone. I've seen dozens of amazing plays, but nothing matches the confidence of that show. I hope one day to be that confident in something.
I think the most important of this letter is the point of making a memory. The MET is full of opportunities to make a memory for the night. I've arranged you a ticket with a full VIP treatment but if you have no interest in seeing this particular opera, I've also included 200 bucks so you can get the same VIP treatment for another opera. You have to arrange in advance for the VIP treatment, so make sure that whatever you decide to do, you decide it quick! That's right, the only task in this envelope is to go see a show at the MET – the same place you said you'd always wanted to go. You might want to go shopping as well. Have you checked your bank balance yet? If not, go do that. You'll find you'll have more than enough to cover a new dress, shoes, and whatever else you think you might need for a fancy night at the MET. You may go solo or you may invite someone if you'd like.
When you have completed that, you may open envelope number four.
All my love, Aunt Jas
It struck you then that you realized no... you hadn't checked your bank balance. How was it that even after years of not seeing you that Aunt Jasmine could know everything you'd possibly want out of a New York City trip? She knew always what you wanted and what you hoped for. Suddenly you felt guilty for being angry with Aunt Jasmine over not seeing you for a while. Perhaps it had been selfish to react with such anger to Aunt Jasmine not being around. Pippa wasn't at the apartment and she had explained she might not be back until late which meant you had a chance to go explore New York City.
You'd already gotten a metrocard, figuring it would come in handy as you stayed longer in New York City and you realized something with an odd feeling on the train: you were falling in love with the city. It had only been three days and you were already finding yourself looking at the city the same way a straight man might look at an attractive women in the club. Was it love – or did you simply lust for the city and what it could potentially make you feel? You were scared of it, if only because Los Angeles was safe in comparison to this brand new city.
You knew you had to check the bank account balance so you stopped by an ATM that belonged to the bank card and stuck it in, pressing the pin in. You had to change that, you remembered, if only because Pippa and Jas had stated many times that they did not wish to have access to the account. Your eyes widened when you saw the balance – two hundred thousand dollars in checking, five hundred thousand in savings. You exited out of the account, stepping back in pure shock. You couldn't simply text Aunt Jasmine and ask her the original starting balance. You were certain this had to be a mistake; people like you didn't just get seven hundred thousand dollars as a gift.
So you stopped in the bank, who confirmed the balance was correct and that while there was indeed interest on the account, the original starting amount in savings had been one thousand eight hundred and checking originally only had seven hundred and twenty. The teller explained that because the accounts went untouched, they accrued interest over the past two years, yielding the current balance. You had been able to successfully change the pin number on the account, explaining that you had no idea the account existed in the first place and that the account had been a graduation gift of sorts from your aunt.
It was the shaking realization that you were beyond overdue for some shopping. You were suddenly rich, thanks to your Aunt Jasmine. The realization hit you like a truck – your old phone was on your mother's plan. You could get your own phone today if you wanted to. You could replace your old laptop with something better. Which you did – you went straight the Apple store and bought yourself a new Macbook Pro as a quick treat yourself and didn't even feel guilty about it. You'd followed the spirit of the trip by leaving everything you knew behind and you missed having access to social media.
However, you did have a promise to keep with the envelopes. You decided to wait until Pippa got home, figuring bonding with her over a shopping trip would be a nice enough gesture. Back at the apartment, you discovered that Pippa didn't really keep the snacks you wanted around – not a whole lot of salty options to chose from. So a quick trip to the corner store later and you had what you decided was at least two weeks of snacks. It was a way of saying you were in it for the long haul. The only thing you couldn't bring yourself to do when you got back to the apartment with the snacks was set up the laptop. It felt like you were betraying your aunt, in a weird way. You owed it to her to follow through on this trip proper. So you put the laptop in the nightstand next to your bed.
What seemed like hours later, Pippa finally returned back to the apartment. Normally you were the kind of person who waited and hesitated. Isn't that why it took you two years to get to those letters? Here, you wasted no time. “Would you like to come shopping with me sometime? Aunt Jas wants me to go to the MET and I kind of need a new dress for that.”
Pippa looked as if Christmas had come early.
It had been difficult to find time in Pippa's busy schedule to go shopping together but they managed to squeeze some time in between Pippa's rehearsal schedule to take a quick trip to fifth avenue. You never saw yourself as being the type to be able to afford anything here. You'd never gone shopping with friends out of embarrassment of being broke and with parents who had struggled their whole lives to provide. Perhaps it had been unfair of you to be so harsh to your parents who were trying to provide but you had been ashamed in California surrounded by people who could afford things and who weren't struggling to get by. It was like a reward for twenty-four years of struggling and working hard to study to graduate and escape home. It was doubtful Aunt Jasmine could've predicted you letting the accounts sit for two years – seven hundred and twenty would've been a large sum to you even two years ago and it would've been enough to buy a new dress and new shoes for the MET at a decent price.
Those thoughts were swirling in your head as Pippa pulled out dresses in excitement at some fancy store with a name you'd already forgotten. Pippa's tastes seemed more boho than your own, picking brown and black dresses with lots of fringe on them. With little experience in shopping in high end stores, you felt a little out of place – almost like you were playacting at shopping. Pippa noticed your discomfort with a look on her face that you'd long learned meant determination. “We're doing this all wrong.”
“Is it possible to do shopping wrong,” you asked, still checking the price tags and having slight discomfort at the price tags. You considered eighty dollars a splurge. These price tags ranged from one to five hundred dollars, with some reaching into the thousands. Pinching pennies was an ingrained habit, it would seem.
Pippa's hands were on her hips and glaring at you checking the tags on each of the dresses you picked off the shelf and putting the ones that were over a hundred dollars back. While you were still getting to know Pippa, it seemed that Pippa was definitely the type of woman to take some control. “Y/N Jones,” she stated, ignoring you correcting her on your last name. “Your aunt went out of her way to make sure you'd have enough cash to treat yourself. Now you are going to stop glancing at those tags. Grab three dresses you like – you're going to try them on.” When you hesitated, she sighed. “Pick three or I'll pick for you.”
You sighed, grabbing a golden dress that hit mid thigh and flared out, a red a line sleeveless dress that looked like it'd hit the floor on you, and glittering silver one shoulder dress that look like it'd cling to you. Pippa was grinning as she shoved you to the dressing rooms and you had a feeling each of these dresses already outclassed your prom dress. And as you tried on the first one, you had a pang of weirdness glancing at yourself, unable to believe how something as simple as a dress could make you feel like you were a completely different person. Pippa was on the other side of the dressing room, half begging you to come out and model the gown for her. “You're being ridiculous,” you said with a shake of your head as you left the dressing room to show her how you looked in the golden dress.
Pippa clapped her hand to her mouth, her dark eyes glittering. “Oh gosh,” she said softly. “You look beautiful! And since you're definitely coming to the premiere of Hamilton, you're going to need more than one dress. So you should definitely get this one.”
A Broadway premiere? That wasn't your life. You didn't go to premieres, you didn't go shopping for gowns to go the MET, and you didn't shop on Fifth Avenue. Except somehow... it was your life. It was all yours. You could almost cry in happiness. “So I'm officially invited to the premiere?”
“It's August 6th. And I won't allow you to be late,” Pippa said brightly. You couldn't doubt her on that. “And you are definitely wearing this gold dress to the premiere! Everyone will think you're some famous model!”
Normally you'd protest the cost, insist that it was too much to spend on yourself. But you figured that Aunt Jasmine had left that money in your account as well as the cash gifts for you to take a leap and spend money on yourself. “Alright,” you said with a slight grin as you looked in the full length mirror and smoothing out the skirt. Looking at the price tag would only make you second guess yourself so you returned back to the dressing room to change out of the golden dress, Pippa insisting you hand it over to her so you couldn't go put it back on the rack.
After you'd shown off all three dresses to her, she insisted you had to buy them all and said it was a “treat yourself” day. She dragged you to another shop on fifth that exclusively sold shoes and made you buy three sets of shoes that matched – each of them with heels over three inches and a sandal like feel to them. They were not the kind of shoes you bought – you bought sneakers and flats, things that you could walk around campus in. You supposed that it was nice to have shoes that you could wear to fancy events, especially since you'd been invited to a nice Broadway event.
Pippa dragged you to Sephora next, commenting that it was so sad that you didn't really have a wide range of make up. “You know, if you're going to be living in New York City, you're going to need a wider range of choices for looks,” Pippa said brightly. “Also, some treat yourself face stuff doesn't hurt! Don't you dare look at the price tag!”
You wish you had a cell phone to pull out and check your bank balance – you had a feeling you'd already spent a ridiculous amount today already. You made up your mind – later today you were going to buy a new cell phone. The anxiety of not knowing how much you had spent was driving you crazy and the fact Pippa kept swatching products on you then chucking them in the basket she'd made you grab. She swiped some red colored lipstick on your lips and grinned. “You look great in red lipstick,” she declared. “Especially with those undertones – you need blue reds for sure, but you look great in warm reds too. We're getting you some.”
And that's exactly what she did – she chucked more lipsticks than you'd ever seen in your life into the basket as well as a few foundations from different brands that she swatched on your cheek. She dragged you all over the store, throwing over a hundred different products into the basket. When she finally pulled you to check out, you nearly died at the nearly three thousand dollar total. “Pippa,” you exclaimed in horror. “We can't spend three thousand dollars on make up and skincare!”
“Of course we can,” she said with a bright grin as she motioned for you to swipe your card. She was definitely not going to let you say no to splurging on yourself. “Think of all the Beauty Insider points you'll earn!”
You knew there was no point in arguing with her so you swiped the card with a slight wince. This went against the grain – you'd already spent almost ten thousand on those dresses and almost five thousand on shoes. And now three thousand at Sephora. This was definitely not you. You could count the number of times you “splurged” on  yourself – the last time had been fifty dollars on a sale that had got you the backpack you had used to come to New York City with and two of the jeans in your bag. On top of that, you still had to buy the MET tickets. You wanted to get the same package Aunt Jasmine had originally gotten the first time around, if only because you wanted to experience this trip the way she had intended.
“This entire trip was insane,” you said the minute you two were out of the store with your new purchases. While you were admittedly pretty excited about having an actual make up selection to chose from, you were miffed at the amount that you had let yourself spend. You knew you could've said something, but you hadn't. You wondered why you kept not saying no when you wanted to say no. Somehow, it seemed like the ultimate goal for you now: learn to say no. That was a good goal to make, you were certain. “You just bullied me into spending almost twenty grand!”
“You needed to learn how to spend money on yourself,” Pippa said rather dismissively. “Since you got here, you haven't really bought anything except for snacks. I know your aunt gave you a ridiculous amount of money and you have barely spent any of it on yourself. Besides, now you have a dress for the MET and for the premiere and for envelope four.”
Your eyebrows shot up. “Envelope four?”
Pippa's eyes went wide and she clamped her hand over her mouth. “Shoot, that's right! I wasn't supposed to say anything! Forget I said anything! Hey, let's get some Starbucks!” She dragged you towards the Starbucks, clearly trying to deflect the whole way. “So you know that musical we're doing? Lin, the guy who wrote it, has been going nuts. The closer we get to the premiere of Hamilton, the more he freaks out.”
“Lin wrote it,” you said in surprise, remembering the fact he'd mentioned meeting everyone on the crew and was involved with rehearsals. “So he's just hanging around?”
“No,” Pippa said, shaking her head. “He's playing Alexander Hamilton. But you knew that, right?” A quick look at your face showed that no, you did not know that. “Oh! Oh, I just assumed he'd mention it to you since you two were talking and he had that look of...”
There was a lot to process. You couldn't figure out where you'd heard the name Alexander Hamilton before, first of all. Second of all, did Pippa think that Lin had a crush on you or something? “Look of what?”
Pippa grinned. “He was looking at you like you were the most beautiful girl he's ever seen,” she said as she placed her order for her Starbucks order. “You should totally at least get to know him. I bet you two would get along.”
You wondered where she figured that from. You thought about that as you two made the trip to the MET with Pippa to organize the VIP experience with her. You figured you might as well pay for her ticket as well since she was being nice enough to take time out of her schedule to hang out with you. It could've been like your roommate situation in college where you barely saw the girl you lived with and when she was there, neither of you talked to each other. It was awkward and you aren't even certain you remember the girl's name correctly – you wanted to say Stacey but you were certain that wasn't it.
The problem with an experience that had to be arranged in advance meant that you both now had to wait until Saturday, Pippa's next free day, to actually go to the MET. Which meant that Pippa dragged you to rehearsals again the next day with a bright grin on her face, insisting that you at least try to get to know Lin better. So with winged eyeliner applied carefully and a test drive of one of the bright red lipsticks you'd bought yesterday paired awkwardly with your old raggedy jeans and a white tank top, you'd agree to come along with her. “Is this musical really based on a founding father? Wasn't there already one of those?”
You were being rhetorical – you already knew there was another musical based on a founding father due to the fact your Aunt Jasmine had dragged you to a production of 1776. You couldn't speak for the quality of the production and you still weren't certain if you'd liked it. History was never one of your favorite subjects. The thing you didn't like about history is how it was exclusively white men telling the story, however with this particular musical you couldn't help but notice how little white men were involved in this project. “Well, yeah,” Pippa said as she led you through the Richard Rogers to her dressing room. “But this one is different. It's a hip hop musical.”
With that, you couldn't help but burst into laughter. It was the single stupidest thing you'd ever heard but the energetic performance of Schuyler Sisters was still in the back of your head. For some reason, you could somehow see it working out if every number was as good as the one you'd witnessed. “That is the dumbest idea I've ever heard.”
“You're breaking my heart,” came a male voice from the doorway. From the look of sheer glee on Pippa's face, you had a guess who it was. “Though I will admit, on paper it does look crazy.”
Your cheeks heated up as you turned around to face Lin, who had a pretty easy going grin on his face for a guy whose work you just insulted. Was he always this chipper? It was nine in the morning and here he was, grinning like he didn't have a care in the world. You didn't know if you liked that or not. “Crazy? Try totally insane,” you said, figuring if you were going to insult him, you might as well go all out. “Who looks at a founding father and thinks yeah, he'd be great material for a hip hop musical.”
“Well, if you'd like, I could tell you all about the thought process while I give you a tour of the theater.”
You turned back to Pippa, as if asking for her permission. She gave a quick nod, letting you know it was totally fine to ditch her. So you turned back to him with a grin. “I'd love to take you up on that tour.”
It turns out that Lin wasn't just a pretty face that vapidly filled the void with as much words as he could as you'd previously assumed. No, it turns out that he was definitely a smart, charismatic guy and that combination was all it took for him to go from background noise chatter to having your full attention. He'd explained his thought process to you about how he had been reading a biography on Alexander Hamilton and just started thinking of it in terms of rap. While you still barely understood his thought process in music, you could appreciate his story telling chops. When he told a story, he commanded attention in a way you'd never seen before. It was effortless.
You'd wondered how you'd never heard about him before as he mentioned that he already had done another musical before in 2008. Aunt Jasmine never shut up about theater. Your father's Latino heritage should've been reason enough to mention a musical that featured an all Latino cast. “So. The casting process here. From what I vaguely remember when Dick Cheney shot that guy and Hamilton was being mentioned as the only other guy who'd been shot by a sitting vice president... Aaron Burr is that vice president, right?”
Lin laughed though you weren't sure if it was over the reference to Dick Cheney or the sheer humor in the fact that someone being shot by the vice president had managed to happen to twice in American history.. “Yes, Aaron Burr is the vice president that shot Hamilton. Maybe in another two hundred years, they'll be making a musical about Henry Whittington.”
“Doubtful,” you said with a snort. “Henry Whittington is kind of a boring dude. But back to the point – Aaron Burr in history is a white guy. You casted a black guy to play him. And my aunt – a black woman – is playing a historically white woman. And Pippa is playing who was historically a white woman. And you casted yourself, a Latino, as Alexander Hamilton, who was historically white. So what's up with that?”
“Reclaiming the story,” he said simply. Your face must have given away your confusion because he ended up elaborating. “Traditionally, it's white guys who get to decide how the story guys and what stories get told. Exclusively using a cast of color, save for King George the III who's an outlier anyway and only there because it's funny, is the best way to take back American history for people of color. It's the ultimate way of reclamation of the narrative.”
You nodded thoughtfully, the reasoning you never liked history coming front and center. It had always been about white men claiming power and being in charge and fighting for power. History as a story was compelling but also it got tiring to read about white men exclusively. And then the Schuyler Sisters number came front and center. “Isn't the Schuyler Sisters a reclaiming itself, too? You so rarely hear about the women of that time era and here, the Schuyler sisters are given motivations and personality beyond the usual motivation of 'I want a husband and a few kids' that are given to women of that time era. I mean, Angelica even says she's looking for a mind at work – that she wants a mental challenge.”
There was an excited look on his face – a look that told you that he was definitely pleased you'd put something together. Once again, you weren't certain if you liked it or not. “You know, Hamilton's story is craddled by his wife. She fought to preserve his legacy, making sure that none of his writings went into obscurity. None of this would exist without her. So yeah, you're right: it's a reclaimation of what women were capable of doing in that particular era.”
Now that was an empowering statement you could get behind. It actually made you curious about the history behind the musical – a feat not easy to do. “Well, I normally really don't care to learn about colonial history... for obvious reasons,” you said, grinning when he laughed, “but what you have here seems interesting. And worth learning about. Though... I have to ask. Why rap? You could've chosen any genre but... you went with rap with R&B and some soul thrown in.”
“You sound like an interviewer,” he commented, causing your cheeks to heat up again.
“I mean, I'm just fascinated with the artistic process,” you stumbled out. “I did major in English, so the process behind the writing and the meaning of the text is kind of fascinating. Almost close to what I wrote my thesis on.”
“Oh? What did you write your thesis on?”
Suddenly you realized that you'd never really had a conversation of this caliber with a guy outside a classroom. You regretted tuning him out last time he spoke to you and wondered if he was spilling this kind of intelligence last time. “Uh, on representation in fiction. How what we see in books can shape our world view. How seeing only white bodies on screen can lead to the dehumanization of kids of color and affect their self esteem. Sort of written out of spite, honestly.”
“That honestly sounds like something I'd love to read,” he said with an easy going grin that made you melt. “But I did sort of side step your question. I think the main reason I chose rap is because it fits. Rap itself is the music of a revolution so it just works.” You nodded slowly as he checked his watch and your heart sank a bit – were you boring him? “Fuck. We're going to have finish this tour later. I gotta go to rehearsals. Would like you to join me?”
And just like that the quick feeling insecurity fled. “I'd love to.”
This time, you got to see them rehearse “The Battle of Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down)” according to the sheet music on the piano. According to Lin, the guy at the piano playing it was named Alex Lacamoire, but Lin seemed to refer to the man exclusively as “Lac”. It was the same with the man who was playing King George the III – you recognized him from Glee as Jonathan Groff, but Lin exclusively referred to the man as “Groffsauce”. It was definitely a pattern with him, calling people by nicknames. You wondered if he had a nickname for you yet. Hopefully it wasn't the childish nickname your Aunt Jasmine insisted on calling you ever since she heard your father call you that.
Once again, the music and cast stunned you at how incredibly well thought out and intricate it was. It felt almost empowering in a way you couldn't quite pin down yet. You were certain once you got to see it all the way through, you were going to leave a change woman. Just watching all sorts of different people up on stage playing revolutionaries felt like something you'd never seen before. It made you impatient for August sixth to arrive.
Pippa was more than excited herself. It was like a reminder that everything in this moment was merely temporary and you suddenly realized the point of splurging all that money on yourself: because nothing was promised. So why not? And the more you immersed yourself into the city, the more grounded in the moment you felt. The more it was obvious you were watching history unfold in front of you with each rehearsal you attended. By the time the MET experience rolled around, you felt more than a little out of body. You chalked it up to the fact you hadn't used your phone or a laptop in ages – everything felt hyperreal.
Entering the MET was grounded even more in reality as you realized you were wearing a red ballgown and designer heels with over a hundred dollars on your face alone. It felt like you had walked from your normal life into a scene from a movie. It didn't feel like you because the day to day you didn't wear bright red lipstick and certainly didn't get their hair done at a salon before going to a fancy opera. It was surreal enough to be sit in a seat that had you less than two rows away from the stage right in the middle. And these actors weren't just good – they were amazing. You had never witnessed anything of its caliber, really.
It took you until intermission that you realized you'd fallen in love with theater in a way that you hadn't been before. As for the cause, you weren't certain. You'll chalk it up to the fact the food was phenomenal.
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condomglitter · 7 years
@austerre don’t be scared it’s not a starter it’s just an extremely self indulgent drabble lmao
    It wasn’t the first time she’d been approached, hackles raised, by some gate keeping trogdolyte searching for validation as of yet undiscovered in their peers. Each condescending confrontation followed much the same tired script, as few noted the badge at her hip that marked her as a KaibaCorp employee before they questioned her presence in the VIP section. 
    Maybe it was how she dressed -- neither in merch, nor a flashy outfit, but comparatively quiet combinations that were (unlike many who surrounded her at these venues) on trend more often than not. Maybe it was how she kept a watchful eye on her phone, fielding emails and requests for Seto while he focused on his matches. Or, perhaps, it was simply the calling of self-proclaimed ‘nice guys’ to further destroy her precious little faith in their gender; regardless, though, someone always stepped up to the plate when it came to challenging her. As if, she thought bitterly, she could not tell them details about their supposed hero that would make their pasty little heads spin.
    Most days, she was content to note that her interest was purely professional, tapping the employee badge at her side and returning her focus to worthier figures. Namely, Seto’s. Dueling was but a card game, to her, but watching Seto at his most ruthless? That, she could enjoy all day. Assuming, of course, no one was breathing down her neck about it. 
     Her job was usually enough to keep her from demeaning their client base, particularly the fans who paid the exorbitant VIP package price to see Seto Kaiba up close and personal. Though she was certain he wouldn’t hold a well deserved quip against her, of all people, she didn’t want to put a bad face to the company name. Her restraint, as far as professionalism went, was stronger than her temper. 
     Though, that was MOST days. Today...
     She couldn’t quite put her finger on why THIS particular one had stepped so firmly upon her nerves, in stark contrast to those other countless times. There were just... SO many reasons to detest the raven haired man who sat behind her; interestingly, though, he hadn’t been the first to annoy her that day.           Only the last. Poor man.     No, her temper had been set initially on edge by someone else entirely, who had seemed to have a knack for it. 
     In contrast to the supposed ‘super fans’ who so rarely recognized her as Seto’s assistant, despite her constant presence at his side, the woman who had slipped into the seat beside her and introduced herself without pause seemed to know exactly who she was. Perhaps, even, too much. 
     “My name’s Cindra, King. You’re Natalie, right? Kovak?”    That was the first thing that set her on edge. That name, long abandoned, hanging in the air like a poison on her breath. It drew her mouth into a tight, thin line, and her response was ICY from the start.     “Arrington.” She corrected, in a voice that brokered no argument. It wasn’t an invitation to continue the conversation, but Cindra seemed to take it as such, prattling on          (as if Natalie didn’t look two steps away from snapping her idiot neck)     regardless. 
     “Oh, I’m so sorry,” She said, seeming to Natalie to be less than sincere as she laid one hand over her heart. “I wasn’t sure, the articles all said that was your real name -- “     “One of their many mistakes.” The increased venom in her tone had about as much effect on the other woman as her initial icy response -- which was to say, none at all. Briefly, Natalie was amazed at her nerve, but quickly quashed the almost admiring thought under one indignant heel. She didn’t want to admire this woman, whoever she was. 
     “Oh, I’m sure. You are Seto Kaiba’s assistant, though -- right?”      Her raised eyebrows and quick (read: sarcastic) glance down at her ID badge seemed answer enough, as Cindra continued with an amused smile. Apparently, she thought Natalie was being funny, and not intentionally rude.      Odd.     “I knew I recognized you. We don’t get as much coverage on duelists here as Domino City does, but I like to try and keep on top of news. That must have been so tough, having all those lies printed about you. I know the feeling -- the paparazzi are brutal, aren’t they? I didn’t realize.. but when I started getting some recognition, they tore me apart too. It certainly wasn’t what I’d expected out of making it, or... sort of, anyway.” 
     It was the sympathy she offered that held back the snide comment at the tip of Natalie’s tongue, which questioned what ‘recognition’ Cindra spoke of. Instead, she took a moment to recall the details of the VIP list, noting Seto’s mention of a young duelist with a dragon deck that was only second rate. A compliment, as far as his reviews went. She had won her ticket, Nat thought, in a KaibaCorp tournament -- which meant that her story had a high likelihood of actually being true.      It occurred to her, then, that Cindra - for all her social niceties and supposed confidence - actually seemed rather... nervous. Her smile was a touch too wide, her voice almost breathless, and her eyes were... frantic, perhaps, as she continued. 
     “I was really afraid it would affect my career, but it hasn’t yet. I was hoping to apply for a summer internship, though, at KaibaCrop, and wondered...”
    Lo, the point of their little meeting. Though her own nerves were still terse from their initial greeting, Cindra’s forceful attitude could certainly benefit her if she were to gain a position at the company -- and Natalie wasn’t certain she could fault her for trying to prepare to speak to her, like this. 
     “KaibaCorp only refers to reputable sources.” She informer her, dropping the combative tone in favour of a more professional attitude. “The media, however, holds very little sway within our decisions.”
    “Oh, that’s -- really great to hear.” Her attitude, thought Natalie, must have been the result of nerves. She seemed honestly relieved, relaxing visibly as much of the tension melted away at Natalie’s words. As she continued, she seemed less like a know-it-all bitch, and more like a young woman excited to reach for her goals - something even Natalie couldn’t crush her admiration for.     “It’s -- a dream of mine, to work there. I know it’s a harsh environment, don’t get me wrong, but he’s really just such an inspiration, and I think I could learn a lot from working there. That’s how you started, right? As an intern? Do you -- Did it improve your dueling, or just your business skills...?”
     Though Natalie had been initially quite annoyed, she found herself now warming to the social duelist, and surprised even herself with a light, conversational laugh as Cindra’s words seemed to bubble out of her. 
     “Well, considering I couldn’t tell a trap from a spell card before, I’d say they’ve improved. You can’t help but pick things up around that place, but I was never a duelist.I was hired for my business experience; what I know, I had to learn on the job. Your knowledge would certainly be an asset, depending on the position you want to apply for.”
    “Really? Wow. I mean, those magazines never said anything about you dueling, but I just thought they were glazing over news that they couldn’t sensationalize -- what’s it like working for Kaiba, as a non-duelist?”
    Ordinarily, Natalie was evasive at best on the topic of what it was like to work with Seto - especially when those articles were mentioned. The other woman seemed genuinely interested, though; and given enough time to chat, Natalie got the sense that they could perhaps get along enough to be friendly. She was, quite frankly, growing on her. 
    “Well, like you said... he’s an inspiration.” She was careful with her tone, but still her heart fluttered traitorously in her chest, and she wondered if she managed to hide the glow she felt as she praised him. “You don’t have to be a duelist to know that.”
    Cindra’s lips parted, probably to unleash another question; before she could, though, there came the sound of something like a scoff from behind them. Cindra heard it too, turning in union with Natalie to see where the derisive noise had come from.
    The culprit was staring down at Natalie from where he sat, reclined in the highest seat of the VIP section. His arms were folded over his chest, though they were the only part of him that was not spread out like some sort of space-hungry animal. His legs were spread and straight, taking up far more room than he was warranted. At his hip, Natalie noted, a deck pouch hung. Clearly, then, he was a duelist, though his face was not one she recognized.      (Not, though, that she cared to recognize third rate losers who had to pay to get close to Seto. 
    “Sounds like someone has an opinion.” Cindra observed dryly. “Pity -- no one asked.”
    “Oh, sorry, did I interrupt your fangasm? My bad -- I’m just trying to watch the duels.” His retort certainly had an edge to it. If not for his tone, Natalie perhaps could have found his complaint a valid one. He didn’t stop there, though, fixing her with a particularly scathing look.      “Some of us are actually here because we give a shit. You know -- seeing as we’re actually duelists. Not just... inspired women.”
    His tone more than explained what he thought of that, and with how he raked her up and down with his eyes, she expected exactly what came next. That did not, however, make it any more enjoyable. 
    “Since you’re so inspired by great duelists, though, I’m sure I could show you a good time when this is all over. Let you play with my deck, even.”      Oh. There were so many things wrong with that innuendo. Cindra made a small noise beside her; something that seemed somewhere between a choke and an indignant gasp. Natalie, however, only raised her eyebrows and returned the raking gaze that the duelist had treated her to. From head to toe, she scrutinized him, stripping him down in her mind’s eye and finding the results paltry. He couldn’t know that, though; in response to her gaze, he sat up from where he’d been reclined, seeming to enjoy the attention.     Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the guard at the door shifting where he stood, responding to how the other man moved in his seat. She wasn’t worried about him sitting up, though, and lifted her fingers quietly toward Gray, the guard, as he straightened. Even in but her peripherals, she saw him stop, though he did not return to the door. Instead, he fidgeted with the comm unit on his shoulder, and stood dutifully nearby. He likely didn’t approve of her decision, but he would never argue with it; not over something so petty.
     “A good time, huh..? Like... with a great duelist?” Her tone was flirtatious and light as she leaned into the back of her chair, returning the confident grin that the duelist bore.      “Of course -- “     “Do you know any? Like, would we meet them later?” Her vapid blink made him pause, as she interrupted him, but he seemed unwilling to quite drop the opportunity to flirt with her despite her apparent idiocy. Evidently, he hadn’t been listening too closely to their conversation - if he had, he’d have known that she already knew a great duelist. His ignorance didn’t help him as he leaned down toward her, resting his hands upon the back of the seat in front of him. 
    “You’re looking at one, sweetheart. In the flesh. Hideko Moria. First place champ, in this area. This tournament isn’t even worth my time." His posturing would have been more impressive, if his name had been at all familiar. It wasn’t, though. Alas.      Her laughter, cutting and sharp, was not the answer he expected to that. He seemed confused, but she was genuinely amused. Cindra, bless her heart, joined in as well. Shaking her head, Natalie waved one dismissive hand toward Hideko, sighing when her laughter faded. 
    “Oh, that’s funny. You think we’d want anything to do with your deck? Your pouch seems pretty small -- if, you know, that’s the innuendo you really want to go with. We’re here watching Seto Kaiba. Why would we want anything to do with second rate ‘champs’,” The finger quotes, she thought, made him mad. “like you?”
    “We’ll see who the real second rate champ is when he gets in here. I’m going to challenge him-”    “Not with that ‘deck’.” Her dry comment made Cindra snort with laughter, her hands flying to cover her mouth. Hideko seemed further irked by her mockery, rising to his feet in anger. The door to the booth clicked -- likely, more security, come to deal with the toddler’s tantrum. Again, she spotted Gray moving behind her, but raised one hand to still him.
    “What the hell do you know. You’re not even a duelist.” The dark haired man spat at her, but earned only more amused laughter for his efforts. Carefully, she unhooked her ID badge, holding it out for him to see. She waited a moment, her face and eyes clearly communicating what she thought of how long it took him to read it, before elaborating verbally -- much, again, to his chagrin.       “Executive Assistant to the CEO of KaibaCorp. Natalie Arrington. I wish it were a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Moria, but I’ve had more pleasurable meetings with our fax machines. I think you’ll find I know quite a lot about great duelists. Not so much about third rate losers, though, which explains why I don’t know your name. Tell me, if this tournament wasn’t worth your time, why is it that you had to pay a fee to be invited into the VIP section, instead of facing Mr.Kaiba on the field?”      “I-”      “Don’t answer, I actually don’t care.” She didn’t give him a chance to speak, rising from her seat and smoothing her skirt around her hips. “You will not be challenging Seto, today, because you’re not worth his time. You’re not even worth mine, and I’m - as you said - not even a duelist. I’m quite sure, however, that I would be more than enough to deal with you."
    “Your time? You’re a glorified secretary, and you don’t even have a DECK --”     “Or anything to PROVE, to the likes of YOU.”
    The sound of Seto’s voice startled them all, and as one, they turned toward the door. It seemed that the click she had heard was not just security entering to supervise their little spat. How she had managed to miss the commanding presence of her lover, she could not say -- but somehow, she had. He stood near the door, now - six towering feet of imposing fury as he fixed Hideko with his coldest glare, his leather clad arms folded over his thick chest. If she had found him pleasing to her eye from on the field, to see him in such a mood here made it all the more tempting -- but she had something more to focus on than the probability of him doling out punishment. Namely, how Hideko was still speaking, even in the face of Seto’s intimidation.
     “Well well, if it isn’t the prince of darkness himself. No offense, Mister Kaiba, but you need to lift your standards. Your little secretary’s mouthy, for someone who can’t even duel. I guess that’s how you make yourself feel better, though -- by surrounding yourself with people who just make you look good, right? Since she doesn’t know the first thing about the game, I bet she thinks you’re just the greatest, doesn’t sh-”
    In Natalie’s mind, she had a vision of hitting him with a chair. Instead, she stepped between Seto and the imbecile who was baiting him forward, asking for more than he could possibly handle. On one hand, seeing Seto destroy him - either physically, verbally, or in a duel, would have been satisfying.    But on the other, he was insulting her as much as he was her boyfriend - and she wanted the taste of his defeat for herself. So she placed herself between him and Seto’s temper, laughter still on her lips. 
     “Your attempts to goad Mr.Kaiba into giving you the time of day are cute, Mr. Moria, but as I said -- you will not have the pleasure of challenging him today. If you would like to try and assert your self worth in the only way you know how, I would be more than happy to duel you. Otherwise, you may join Mr.Moruba here as he escorts you off of the property.” 
    “Natalie --” Seto’s tone was hard to read, from only one word. She assumed, though, that he didn’t think it was a good idea. He was the better duelist, the one that Hideko had come to challenge -- but Natalie refused to give him what he wanted. It didn’t matter, though -- the other duelist was riled, now, and though Seto was who he had come for, he had not forgotten the vicious redhead who had mocked him without pause.
    “With what deck, Red? I know you’re new to this, but you need cards to play.”
    “She can use mine.” The offer came not from Seto, but from Cindra, who Natalie had nearly forgotten about in the chaos. She was holding the stack of cards as she approached, taking a position next to Natalie and offering them out. “That is -- unless you’re scared to duel a secretary. Shouldn’t be a problem for you, seeing as you wanted to challenge Kaiba.” 
    Natalie had been betting on Hideko’s refusal, gambling on a bluff she couldn’t back up without cards of her own. As it turned out, though, she didn’t need to -- reaching out, she took Cindra’s deck from her hands, glancing only briefly down at some of the cards. She recognized their names, from strategies Seto had mentioned before...     Which meant Hideko had no further reason to refuse. Sure, he could claim it wasn’t ‘worth his time’, but then he would need to leave. She could see the gears turning in his tiny skull, and was prepared for the demand that came forth next. 
    “When I finish with you, I will get to duel HIM.”     “If.” she shrugged, hearing the creak of Seto’s grip tightening against his leather sleeves. My, but he was angry. If Hideko did defeat her... well.      He wasn’t in for a pleasant duel.
    “You don’t need to do this.” He repeated to her, in a low and dangerous voice. Over her shoulder, she shared with him a small smile -- one that said more than clearly that she wanted to. His eyebrows quirked higher in surprise, but he unfolded his arms, and very deliberately unhooked the duel disc from his wrist.      Natalie had expected to duel simply on a mat, but she did note that Hideko wore a similar disc upon his own arm. With a flick of his fingers, Seto beckoned her closer, but she didn’t need the instruction he offered to put it on. She had, after all, seen all of the documents to create the damn thing. In a few quick snaps, it was secure against her arm, and she could have sworn she saw Seto’s lips twitch again.      (Apparently, he liked the sight of her, wearing his disc. She filed that fact away, for later.) 
     The booth wasn’t the ideal place for a duel, but there was room -- slipping Cindra’s deck into the proper slot, Natalie stepped into the area that security cleared, facing Hideko with as much care as he deserved. Which was, to be clear, none. Her flippant air upset him, but she didn’t care much about that, either. Thus, the duel began -- with the holographic displays that she had watched Seto create, the flair that the Kaiba name was known for, and Hideko’s veins bulging in his forehead. 
    To his credit, being so annoyed didn’t affect his game as much as Natalie had thought. He started the duel strong, which seemed to only enhance his insufferable confidence to the point of breaking her own considerable patience. With each card he set down, he explained it’s stats and effects in the most condescending of tones -- right up until the tide began to turn. 
    He had been so consumed with his own superiority, he hadn’t stopped to consider that she hadn’t been simply setting cards down at random. As the key to her strategy slipped free on her next draw, control shifted quickly into Natalie’s hands, and she did not waste it by explaining it to Hideko with every move. His explanations quickly halted as he tried to form a counter, but it was already too late for him to regain the ground that he had lost. 
     It was with a smile void of mercy that she watched his life points scroll steadily downward, and when the chime rang zero and the holograms faded, she wasn’t certain that she had ever felt quite as satisfied as she did just then. He was stunned into silence, still clutching what had been left of his hand, and she tutted quietly to herself as she gathered Cindra’s cards back into one stack. 
     “Next time you would like to question KaibaCorp’s standards, Mr. Moria, please remember that a secretary was the one who put you in your place. Mr. Moruba, would you please escort Mr. Moria away? I’m sure it won’t be difficult to find where he belongs. Just follow the smell of disappointment and trash and he should fit right in.”
     Gray seemed only too happy to step forward, cutting Natalie’s view of Hideko’s indignant shock and sputtering short. She thought she heard something like ‘cheating’ as he was escorted out, but didn’t care to listen, turning toward Cindra as she sifted through her clutch for one more card to add to the deck. This one did not bear the signature brown swirl of a duel monster’s card, though -- instead, it was crisp and white, the lack of colour striking a notable contrast between it and the rest of the borrowed deck. 
     “Thank you for letting me use this. You really do draw inspiration from him, don’t you?” She shared a smile with the other woman, who flushed and nodded, torn between watching Natalie and staring over her shoulder where Seto no doubt lingered. He was far too close for Natalie to want to discuss Cindra’s deck, which bore so many similarities to his own it had been simple for her to recall strategies Seto had toyed with before. She didn’t let him steal her own focus away, though, ignoring him in favour of tapping her card with one fingertip as she passed Cindra’s deck back into her hands. 
     “This is my direct line. Call me when you apply for that internship, alright? I’d like to personally review your file, if that’s okay with you.”      “Y-yeah, that... that’d be awesome! Thank you so much!” The taller woman took her cards back in both hands and clutched them close, now apparently finding it difficult to speak. Seto’s presence tended to have that effect on people, though. Especially, Nat thought, when they admired him - and it didn’t help that he was looming so close. 
     It was already out of character, for their public charade, for him to have taken a back seat in the decision of what to do with the so called ‘champ’ who had challenged him, but the fact that he was standing so near only made it all the more strange. She supposed, then, that it didn’t much matter at that point that he brushed his hand against her elbow, demanding her attention in a way that she could not refuse. It took everything she had to keep from jumping at the sudden touch of his skin against hers, and the lightning arc of her heart starting in her chest. 
     She expected to need to excuse herself away from Cindra, and was already detaching the duel disk from her arm, suspecting that he would want it back when he was through scolding her for taking such liberties while representing him in public. Appearances, after all, needed to be kept. When she turned toward him, however, she found him frozen in place, his usually stoic expression strangely... reverent. 
     His face alone brought colour to her cheeks, but she fought for her composure despite how light his look made her feel. They were still in public, a fact of which she felt painfully aware. Though security was busy clearing the booth of the VIP attendees, directing them to the lounge in which Seto would soon join them, a few still lingered, their attention captured by the exchange. 
    “Apologies, Sir.” She said in a too-soft voice, her fingers falling still against the clasps that held the disk upon her arm. “I didn’t intend to delay your schedule, b-”     “Amazing.” His voice cut her off, and what he said robbed her of all attempts to uphold the act they had become so good at displaying in public, and her composure. Her cheeks burned crimson and she froze as well, her fingers seeming locked upon the disk. If Seto realized that the others had not all left, he didn’t show it, his words seeming to escape him before he could stop himself. 
    “You glanced at that deck, and still managed to build a strategy to WIN. It wasn’t even your deck, princess...” He paused, perhaps to find his own composure after the slip of his private nickname. One hand lifted as if he might touch her again, and despite herself, she leaned toward it. They each managed to resist, though, and Seto quickly continued on, his blue eyes burning with unchecked admiration for the woman that he loved.      “That takes skill. It was nothing short of brilliance, Natalie.” 
     That statement alone would have been enough, but he did not stop there. Later, she would wonder if it was intentional, a test of her restraint -- but if it was...     Oh. How she had failed, in the face of the words that came next.
    “I’m proud of you.” 
     They struck a tender chord with the red haired woman, one so rarely touched, even by him. Her vision blurred and her throat felt tight, but the tears that threatened to fall were far from miserable. That familiar sappy smile that she reserved for him was splitting across her face, and her heart felt likely to burst if he said anything more. To Natalie, he may as well have proclaimed his love on live TV -- and she couldn’t have hidden the effect it had on her, no matter what she tried. 
     She didn’t dare to speak immediately, nodding her thanks as she rushed to loose the duel disk from her arm; searching, honestly, for any excuse to turn her gaze away from him. Their guests were nearly clear of the room, now, but that did not mean that they hadn’t seen or heard any part of their exchange -- and if they spotted her now, god, they HAD to know the truth. She was putty in his hands, and though she had just before decried the inaccuracies of the gossip articles... Well.     There was no denying now that Seto Kaiba’s assistant, if not the man himself, had a furious crush on her boss.
     Mercifully, though, as Natalie glanced warily about the room, searching for evidence of witnesses. she spotted only Cindra, lingering near the door. As their eyes locked, and Seto’s hands lifted to free her from the duel disk in a tender fashion unexpected from the ordinarily severe duelist, she lifted one finger to her lips, and turned away, leaving them in privacy together. 
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paniccord-ff · 7 years
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I won’t deny when I say I miss him, I miss him so much and it’s been less than twenty-four hours. I have had Joe, Joyce and Chris call me. I did ignore Joe and Chris’ calls but with Joyce I had to pick up, she actually just called me to ask me about Royalty but I told her I am away at a friend’s place because I didn’t want to say we are having issues, Chris is constantly sending me messages all night but he is getting ignored for now. I did say it was just for tonight but I don’t feel appreciated enough by him and I think I did that, I let him do it because I trusted him a lot to just look after me after he begged me to be with him. I have my interview tomorrow too, I am not mentally prepared for it at all and here I am stuck in this hotel room. I am just waiting on Maria to message me back, I did ask her if we can meet for a catch up because I don’t really have any friends anymore, I have Maria somehow but I can’t stay here all day. I gave Kyrie my number, I was sick of messaging on Instagram. I just don’t understand how men can change so much with me, like they are always so nice to me but as soon as they have me they think they can treat me like dirt.
Picking up my bag from the passenger seat, Maria is meeting me at Giorgio Baldi and I am thankful she is meeting me just because I need to get out of the hotel and speak to someone that is not my mother. Closing the car door behind me “it is so good to see you outside of work Rylee!” Maria shouted clapping as I walked over to her, locking the car door with my key “same to you” wrapping my arm around her “I know we was supposed to meet but least we are now” moving back from the hug “you’re always busy for me, you have a whole new life now. New work friends that are probably Beyoncé” waving her off “I wish bitch, I wish I was besties with her” walking into the Giorgio Baldi, the waiter smiled at me “table for two?” he said, smiling at him “yes please” he grabbed a few menus “right this way” following behind him.
I am on my second glass of wine, I need to stop because I need to drive. Looking up from my glass and seeing nothing but couples, being in love sucks and I hate it. I wish we wasn’t in this corner table now just because we are surrounded by loved up couples “daydreamer” Maria clicked her fingers in my face, letting out an oh looking at her smiling “sorry, I got lost in my own thoughts” Maria laughed “and lost in your wine, you need to calm down” she filled my glass again “last one for you, be good” pushing the wine glass back a little “so, tell me how is life outside of hospital work?” I wanted to cry because life outside of work sucks “erm it’s been ok I guess, I miss it. I have an interview actually” Maria gasped “oh my god where? Already? I thought you was taking time off from work, you had this plan? I miss you so much at work though, you could have just stayed” rolling my eyes “I wish that too but I am applying for the same role but at California Medical Center, they love me already” I shrugged “that is because you are a good worker and your heart is so pure, they will love you when they speak to you. I could ask Sally to get your old job back?” waving her off “no, then I would have to work with Daniel so no” I moved on from that “Well that place is really nice, I have a friend that works there I will tell her you are coming. You will love it, is it part time?” nodding my head “yes it is, I just don’t do famous. It’s not me and that is not my life so I need to something for me. I can’t live under him” sitting back in my seat.
Seeing Chris’ name appear on my phone as it rang, turning my phone face down on the table “I don’t want to be nosey because that is not me but I see your engagement ring is off, you can speak to me Rylee” looking down at my hand “you seem really stressed” I shrugged smiling “I mean things happen, we are still together I think. But I walked out on him, it is so early for us to be engaged and things went so quick for us, we just need to work things out” I don’t know how else to explain “working things out means picking the phone up girl, well every relationship goes through this but only real love makes it. If I didn’t love my man I wouldn’t stay with him, he doesn’t have a job and I am the man of the house. We have split plenty of times but I love him” the waiter came over with our food “but have you ever split because one of you was being disrespectful?” she nodded her head “yes, but it was me, I felt superior because I have a job and he don’t so I had to change myself. He is slowly getting there and I hope he gets the job he applied for, things like this happen but I think with you it’s always made public I am guessing?” nodding my head “well I stay out of it, if he wants to make it public then he can” the waiter smiled walking off, I don’t even want this food now.
Maria sipped her wine “you know what gets me, you can tell me if I am being a nosey ass bitch but wasn’t he the same one bugging you at work? Picking you up from work, didn’t he chase you?” she pointed and then scratched her head “he chased like a dog he is, he chased me so much and gave me the world. I might as well just say it, I walked out on him because he was being really disrespectful towards me, you know how he is with Daniel? Well I reconnected with an old friend and he is a really beautiful black guy, like he took my breath away. I made the mistake of saying this to Chris, well he won’t let it go and now thinks he can speak down to me, he wouldn’t come home and the love wasn’t there until I walked out on him. I don’t deserve that from him, he says he is insecure and don’t like it” Maria’ eyes widened not saying a word looking down at her plate “wow” she said “so I mean I shouldn’t be shocked because he kind of showed that side to him in the beginning Rylee, he picked you up every day, threatened Daniel on a daily basis. He gave you a bodyguard in which the bodyguard also attacked Daniel, he is possessive” she paused “but for me, he just seems madly in love with you. Infatuated by you but crazy. I mean I am a person on the outside, seeing the pictures of you both together are sweet. Like he adores you so much, there is rarely a picture I don’t see where he is not staring at you but I am not sticking up for him because that is a wrong move. Like I said about my relationship, someone got to change and I had too, just like he does” she’s made me feel so sad about this now, even more than I did and I miss him.
Maria placed her fork down, she ate while I stared at the wall “I have not helped have I?” Maria chuckled “you tell me from your point of view and I need that” turning my phone over, the phone screen lit up, five missed calls while just sitting here “do you put your foot down with things at all?” shaking my head “never had too because he was so sweet but then changed because of a male friend which I still speak too, he said I am pretty because he remembers me from before but he hasn’t made a move like that. He doesn’t speak on my relationship until Chris got his stupid friends to cuss him out, he looks crazy” shaking my head “you make him crazy” Maria said smiling at me “don’t” taking in a deep breath “I am not with him for the money or fame, treat me like shit I am gone. You know what gets me, I fucking love him. He picked at my heart so much that now I miss him and I know he will be going crazy to know I am somewhere” Maria smiled at me “talk, I think right now you have the power to make anything happen. I believe in you, I know you will get that job and I know you will sort the relationship out. I know you and I know I wasn’t as close as you and Bailey because she made sure she was your number one but we good, I am happy for you and guess what I did? For you?” she is making me smile “what did you do?” she shifted in her seat “I bought Chris’ album and concert tickets” I cooed out “refund them” I said laughing “be quiet, just do you and I know you can work this out somehow, I am always here” I have one friend, thank the lord “on a real, you shouldn’t have bought a concert ticket, I got you. I will get you VIP” Maria’ eyebrows raised “so you going back?” she questioned, shaking my head “letting him sweat it out a little more” Maria put her hand up, reaching over and giving her a high five “that’s my girl”” she spat laughing.
Unlocking my car door “so, I don’t know but it is up to you but me and my other half which you need to meet are going out tonight, I know you might not want to play the third wheel but you can come with us? Unless you know a girl, you can bring some people and also Drake is hosting so why not?” I paused thinking “then again I might see him so no” I said as I opened the car door “so fucking what? You letting him rule what you do? Girl please” shaking my head “because if I see him and we clash and then people will see me without my ring, I don’t want the rumours either. I don’t want this to be something bigger Maria, Chris will end up being stupid and then everyone will know” Maria cooed out “you are too good for him Rylee, well you can always come. Call me if you need anything” hugging Maria “thank you so much, I will and bye” waving her off climbing into the Range.
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Watching Mijo walk over to my Lamborghini and then looking back at my phone. The car door opened “my man” Mijo said, placing my phone in my middle compartment of the car “nigga” dapping him, I didn’t go to rehearsals. I tried to find out where Rylee is but I cannot find her, she won’t answer me and it is driving me crazy. She said one night but now she ain’t answering me, I am so angry and upset “what is happening with you? I thought you was in rehearsals?” driving off slowly “kind of, I just didn’t want to go” hearing Mijo sigh out “so tell me? I saw your text, talk to me. I got the blunt ready” looking over at Mijo smiling “you always got me nigga but I’m cool right now though” if she don’t come back tonight I will not forgive her for it because I am waiting “you said in the text you have a lot on your mind so speak on it” Mijo didn’t wait on lighting the blunt “we can talk once we get back to the crib, I just dropped off Royalty with my mom” I honestly couldn’t stand Royalty telling me about Lee, she drove me up the wall about her and then she acting like I wasn’t good enough. I fucked up and now I am scared that I have lost her, she is probably not even going to come back because of me.
Staring at the Range in the drive “she’s back” jogging to the front door, unlocking it and jogging inside “Rylee!?” I shouted, looking around the home ever so silent “You here?” looking around the living area, she could be upstairs. Jogging up the steps “Rylee, I am so sorry. I swear I am” walking towards my bedroom, she must be here because I know I closed my bedroom door. Walking into my bedroom I froze seeing the piled-up clothes on my bed “Rylee?” slowly walking towards my walk in closet, I don’t know why I am being so slow about this but she might be angry “talk to me babe” stopping in my tracks seeing the heels on the floor, she isn’t here “the fuck” so she was here, turning back around and towards the clothes piled up “fuck” I said in a whisper, realising this is everything I bought. She’s left it all here and took her things, she even left the Black Pyramid chain “is Rylee here then, you kept shouting her” I feel my heart literally breaking, she legit came and gone.
Placing my hand over my mouth “you crying?” Mijo said in shock, moving my hand away from my mouth and reaching over to pick the chain up from the pile. I can smell her perfume on this chain, it smells just like her “she left me man, she said she would be back” rubbing my face turning around and sitting on the edge of the bed “I mean she did come back but to give the things back” Mijo said and he is right, she probably waited for me to leave “but I wanted to speak to her, I wanted to tell her how sorry I am. Mijo I fucked up, I just get fucked up to know she is speaking to another man and my jealousy gets the better of me. Rylee is different though, I can’t do this Mijo. I need her and I fucking need to hold her” balling my fist up with the chain in hand “well where could she be? Anyone you know?” swallowing hard “her brothers but I know she won’t go there with clothes in hand, I know she won’t go to Jersey either so she is in a hotel. I know Rylee and she won’t want to upset her family” I don’t know what to do because I am stuck “you crying over a female, you really in love” Mijo is no help “Mijo you don’t even understand, my heart is broken as fuck. She’s the same person that cleaned me, she made me a better man” Mijo stared at me all wide eyed “right? You should be angry at yourself then” staring off “actually my mom said she spoke to her” she did say it but I ignored her because I assumed Rylee would be back today.
Pressing the phone to my ear waiting for my mom to pick up “yes baby?” my mom answered “what did Rylee say on the phone!?” I just need to know now, I don’t need to sugar coat shit right now “she said she is at a friend’s house for a while why? Why are you asking because you should know this” that doesn’t give me much information “you right I should but she walked on me mom!” I spat disconnecting the phone and then threw my phone to the ground “no use?” Mijo asked, shaking my head not knowing what to do “does she not have any credit cards of yours?” shaking my head “she holds her own, I don’t do anything like that. I was getting there, I cannot track her at all. She’s not posted anything on Instagram and I am worried sick, we spoke every fucking day and night. I am the same nigga that couldn’t sleep without her voice, oh my god! I fucked up Mijo, I was just acting on impulse and was a dick to her” I am so stuck now and my mind is everywhere.
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