#twu 556 toxicity
556betrayed · 9 months
Core Team Members sexually harassing a rank and file flight attendant. To this day, this flight attendant has yet to receive even an apology from his union officer and/ or officials.
When does the bullying and harrasment of Rank and File flight attendants end? When does it stop?
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When charges were brought up against NT member, CAN Team Member, DMT Member, FADAP Team Member ( and serial sexual harasser) Bill Holcomb were brought to the board, they were shot down.
Later, after the Charlene Carter vs TWU 556 and Southwest Airlines Co trial exposed what happened to this rank and file member ( along with many other rank and file members) the current EB deemed charges against now disgraced President Audrey Stone as proper, yet nothing has been done so far.
How can the EB expect respect from rank and file members when it continues to allow rank and file flight attendants to be Bully and Harrassed by current and former union officers and officials?
Bill Holcomb= TWU 556 negotiator and serial sexual harasser.
Now, another serial sexual harrasser ( remember the "giving CC h*ad" from the transcripts) has been appointed to the NT by the TWU 556 Executive Board.
When does it stop?
Members, remember these names next election!!! Let's not allow these harrasers back into office under any circumstances!!!
The days of silencing the victim and protecting abusers/ harassers is long gone!
Shame on the Executive Board of TWU 556 for continuing to allow the harrassment and bullying of Rank and File flight attendants!!! Shame on the recent appointment of Sam Wilkins. Flight attendants no longer have to stay silent!
Any flight attendant sexually harassed, abused, or made to sign an NDA by the company and TWU Local 556 should contact an attorney as soon as possible.
No more company/ union protection for those who have harrrassed in the past and will continue harassing in the future!
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556betrayed · 9 months
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Core Team Member, FADAP Team Member, -800 Committee Team Member Brian Talburt shared with the Core Team on Feb. 7th, 2015 reaching out to SWA "leaders" to support "Team Audrey."
SWA Leadership and TWU 556 "Standing Together."
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556betrayed · 9 months
The Core Team's sexual harrassment was testified to at the trial of Charlene Carter vs Transport Workers Union Local 556 and Southwest Airlines Co.
Here is a screenshot of pages directly from the transcripts of the trial:
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For easy access to the transcripts and depositions related to the trial check out this public Facebook page:
Please read all transcripts and depositions for yourself. Please do your own research. Please take the time to be informed before the next union election.
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556betrayed · 9 months
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Flashback to 2015, right after 9,916 flight attendants voted down the WORST TA proposal in the history of TWU 556.
And of course, the Inflight VP ( Director at the time) took up for the sniveling EB/ Negotiating Team in their attempt to silence oppositional, Railway Labor Act protected speech.
SWA Management officials and TWU 556 union officials silencing the majority of flight attendants at Southwest Airlines Co.
Acts of Intimidation to go along with company handpicked union officials of the "Company Union."
The more you know.
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556betrayed · 9 months
Why appoint Sam Wilkins, a known company cheerleader, who also has a history of bullying flight attendants and violating the Railway Labor Act? Chris Click finished third in the 2018 NT elections. He applied for the newly appointed NT position.
And Chris didn't get the appointment. Are you serious, TWU 556 Executive Board? Why Sam?
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556betrayed · 9 months
Disparity in treatment brought out in Charlene Carter vs Transport Workers Union Local 556 Southwest Airlines Co proved Railway Discrimination and company interference with employees choosing their own Union representatives.
Acts of company union intimidation that can't be remedied to this very day.
The company union is comprised of company favorites like this one.
Heaven help innocent flight attendants get a decent contract!
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556betrayed · 9 months
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Not a great look for TWU 556 professional standards. When does it stop? Flight Attendants deserve better representation.
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556betrayed · 9 months
Casey Rittner Ennis. Transcripts and Depositions show it was testified that Casey was/ is a rank and file member of TWU 566.
Casey's own FB posts state otherwise.
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Casey did not win his bid for TWU 556 DEBM. Let's hope he doesn't win any offices at TWU 556 in the future.
Also, Casey Rittner Ennis opposed the Recall Petition and even brought charges against Recall Petition leader Jeanna Jackson.
More about the history of TWU 556 and its toxic leadership.
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556betrayed · 9 months
Crystal Revens Williams, TWU 556 official reinstated without any nonsense LCA after being arrested after bringing a gun through airport security.
While mistakes happen and Ms. Williams deserves the presumption of innocence, many less company friendly, and those supportive of the Recall Petition and were fired as flight attendants for far less accusations.
More Railway Labor Act discrimination.
She still serves as the TWU 556 Uniform chair as well as a Southwest Airlines Flight attendant. Crystal Revens Williams was on the Core Team and was also an officer listed on the Recall Petition.
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556betrayed · 9 months
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Bully Brett AKA "the Leg Breaker" attempting to recreate TWU 556 history.
Brett Nevarez served as a negotiating team member for TA 2013 which was shot down by 9,916 pissed off flight attendants.
Nevarez also served as TWU 556 2nd VP while sexually harassing rank and file members and disrespecting flight attendants demanding better maternity leave. Many rank and file members attended meetings while signing the Recall Petition demanding his resignation and/ or removal from the negotiating team and/ or the TWU 556 Executive Board. Many showed up in T - shirts saying 'Bye Felicia.
Mr. Leg Breaker retaliated against dissident flight attendants and violated the Railway Labor Act when telling SWA Management to fire innocent rank and file flight attendants. His actions are documented in the transcripts of Carter vs TWU Local 556 and Southwest Airlines. Bully Brett/ Mr. Legbreaker also refused repeatedly a court order to sit for a deposition - following a pattern of arrogance that the law "doesn't apply to him" or the corrupt union leaders/ cronies he serves with.
Say no to Brett Nevarez for any leadership positions with TWU Local 556. Say no to bullies in union leadership. Say no to union officers who have rank and file members fired from their jobs as Southwest Airlines Flight Attendants.
Time to stop the abuse cycle of TWU 556 leaders like this one.
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556betrayed · 9 months
Sigh. Here we go again.
Dear TWU 556 Executive Board Members:
Members have rights to ask questions of their elected union representatives. Quit saying you're bullied when the hard questions are asked.
While we are at it, when will the Executive Board finally stop appointing bullies to serve as union officers and officials?
Why did the EB appoint Sam Wilkins? Have you read the transcripts? Sam Wilkins, aside from being a company cheerleader, has a long history of bullying and harassing the rank and file members of TWU 556 along with violating the statutory Duty of Fair Representation owed to the members of TWU 556.
Quit classifying yourselves as victims as you are clearly not a victim in any of this.
It's long past time the TWU 556 Eexecutive Board starts making amends to those victimized by the TWU 556 Eexecutive Board.
In Unity,
The betrayed Rank and File members of TWU 556
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556betrayed · 9 months
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TWU 556 History lesson: this email sent to the TWU 556 Executive Board after screenshots of the unbecoming behavior of TWU 556 officers/ officials and their paid loyalists were exposed.
There were no apologies. And the retaliation for demanding apologies and taking corrective action was just starting. Rank and file would later feel the wrath of corrupt union officers and officials for years to come.
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