#ty Dawn!! this is my favorite ongoing joke!
sichore · 10 months
Gimme YOUR CHOICE in answer for the OTP prompt, friendo. I wanna hear you answer something about your favorite couple, that you really wanna share :D
[Taé's choice! 5. A casual kiss between your ship]
"Huh, yer really crankin' those out," Pickles notes. The drink on his breath wafts over Jimi as he ducks his face down towards her, saccharine to a nearly sickening level.
Jimi's used to it and shivers a bit at the ghost sensation of his beard brushing against her cheek. "Yeah, this movie's got some great compositions in its cinematography," she replies, continuing to fill in the various thumbnails she's made over the course of the evening.
They pointedly ignore Murderface's loud huff from the other side of Pickles, who gently taps at a swiftly sketched portrait on the page. "Dood, this one - how'd you get so much of his face with just a few lines?"
"I've had lots of practice," Jimi says gently, shrugging, and she can feel Pickles' smirk, even though his face only hovers near hers.
He shakes his head, swearing under his breath. "Fuckin' amazing."
Murderface loudly groans, sounding much like a bulldog snoring in that particularly phlegmy way of his. "Maybe you should, I dunno, consider getting a room," he mumbles.
"What was that?" Pickles' smirk never fades as he sits up to look over at the bassist.
"Got something to say, William?" Jimi joins in, grinning herself as she peeks over from where she's tucked against the drummer and under his outstretched arm.
"I'm juscht saying," Murderface sighs, unfolding his arms to throw up his hands. "This isch supposed to be movie night! Not a fucking date night."
"We're not dating," Pickles and Jimi say as one, on cue, without missing a beat.
That just makes Murderface sputter and squawk, gesturing at the two. "Then what the fuck do you call of thisch?"
"We're jest hangin' out, dood."
"Just paling around."
"It'sch... obscene."
"You didn't have to sit with us," Jimi says pointedly, nodding towards where the guitarists and frontman are in the hottub.
"Someone has to keep an eye on you two and make sure things are... age appropriate."
"Fer a horror movie?" Pickles chuckles silently, his body shaking and reverberating through Jimi. "Yer paranoid over nothin', dood."
"We're just sitting here."
"Like a couple of homosch."
Jimi glances up at Pickles as he takes another swig of his drink, glancing at her from the corner of his eye and shrugging. "Whaddya think? Kinda fruity?"
"Just a bit." Jimi closes her sketchbook with a yawn.
"Done fer the night?"
"Yeah. Gonna try and actually sleep for once."
"Mmkay." And Pickles ducks his head down to press a kiss to her mane of curls. Jimi lifts her face, smiles as he gives her a peck on the cheek. "Night, Jim."
"Oh what the FUCK!"
Murderface sputters and recoils as though he's been punched. Jimi just looks at him quizzically as she stands.
Pickles raises a pierced brow. "Problem?"
"Quiet down back there," Nathan grumbles from the hottub.
"But she - you - why doesch he get...!"
Jimi meets Pickles' glance, matches his smirk, and leans over to Murderface's cheek while he takes the other.
The bassist's screams and Pickles' laughter follow Jimi all the way out of the room, along with Nathan's bellows for him to shut the fuck up already, we can't hear the movie!
[Soft OTP Prompts]
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