#ty again for the ask !! rotating these ocs in my brain like a microwave now lol :]
red-eft · 1 year
ohoo 12-20 for Ivy AND Adonis!
ooh alright :] thank u for the ask!! always happy to talk abt my dudes <3
i wrote a lot, sorry in advance wjlsdjflk
12. is your oc self-destructive? in what ways?
she’s a little self-destructive.. she overworks herself a lot, especially when it comes to studying/practicing dark magic. fiensal (her mentor) and cordelia (her girlfriend) know she does this and help keep her in check.
13. if you met your oc, would the two of you get along?
i think so! :-)
14. how does your oc want to be seen by other characters?
she wants to be seen as someone extremely competent and dependable. ivy hates the idea of being seen as someone useless. she’s tough and independent and Never Needs Anyone (she definitely needs other people).
15. does your oc have a faceclaim? if so, who?
she doesn’t have one yet eee….
16. what is your oc’s pain tolerance like?
she had an average pain tolerance until she started practicing forbidden/extra dark magic behind fiensal’s back. ivy has done some.. questionable things to herself in an effort to purposefully improve her pain tolerance. in her mind, it’s a win-win, because she learned how to use dark magic better and became stronger. she has a very high tolerance now.
17. what is the worst thing you have put your oc through story-wise?
there are two things that were pretty bad for ivy. one is the situation i mentioned above where she put herself through misery to improve her pain tolerance & magic abilities. the second is when [redacted] killed [redacted] and she couldn't do anything about it.
18. is your oc more cold and detached or up close and personal?
she tries to be detached since she’s afraid of losing her loved ones, but ivy is pretty warm and personal despite her best efforts.
19. how does your oc behave when enraged?
when angry enough, ivy will lash out at whatever upset her. she’ll try to talk it out, but just get more and more mad until she storms off to cool down. it’s rare for her to get that mad, though.
20. does your oc have a tendency to get jealous? if so, how does it manifest?
she doesn’t get jealous often, but when she does, ivy avoids the object of her jealousy until she gets over it. if she has to stick around, she might seem a little more agitated than usual, but won’t do anything else.
12. is your oc self-destructive? in what ways?
at the beginning of his story, adonis is the opposite of self-destructive. he’s extremely careful with himself- raised as a noble, he was always told growing up that if he was injured or killed, it would be the end of his noble house. but as the story goes on and he becomes braver, his sense of self-preservation basically goes out the window..
13. if you met your oc, would the two of you get along?
he gets along well enough with ivy, and i'm a little similar to her, so… maybe? he’d rather spend time with his friends than a stranger.
14. how does your oc want to be seen by other characters?
adonis doesn’t really want to be seen. he hates being in the spotlight.. but he’d like to be thought of as someone charismatic and strong (desirable traits of nobility). 
15. does your oc have a faceclaim? if so, who?
he doesn't have a faceclaim yet ^^;
16. what is your oc’s pain tolerance like?
at the start of the story, it’s pretty weak- he’s a little nobleman that’s rarely ever been hurt (except that time when he was a child and so badly injured he needed a whole heart transplant, but he barely remembers that). but a lot of things change during the story, and he ends up with a stronger tolerance. his still isn’t as strong as ivy’s or lorne’s though.
17. what is the worst thing you have put your oc through story-wise?
AHAH. well.. there are a few awful things i guess. he was in a brutal accident as a child. his father was killed right in front of him (originally i had adonis kill his father, but it was out of character for him to do that, so i changed it). he [redacted] and had to [redacted] too
18. is your oc more cold and detached or up close and personal?
he’s detached at first. being raised as a noble, adonis was always taught that commoners were below him. that’s another thing that changes for him.
adonis is still detached from others, but the cause is different. he goes from being detached bc of arrogance/what his father taught him to being detached bc of feelings of isolation and alienation.
19. how does your oc behave when enraged?
as a noble, he bottled it up kept his rage tucked away until it faded (it never really faded). now, he’ll let out some curse words and maybe pace around to get the energy out. if he’s enraged in a situation where it’s acceptable to kick ass, he’ll do that.
20. does your oc have a tendency to get jealous? if so, how does it manifest?
adonis gets jealous pretty easily, but he has a hard time identifying how he’s feeling most of the time. to him it usually just feels like vague frustration. but when he realizes it’s because he wants something, he’ll go after it so long as it doesn’t cause trouble for anyone else. 
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