#ty for askin sunny!!!!!!!
arcade-emporia · 4 years
bubie :)
hi sunny :))
I get to talk about Bubby!!! Hell yeah
Why I like him: dude’s cool and fun and goofy!! I didn’t think I’d like him when I first started watching HLVRAI bc I hadn’t really looked too deep into his character but over time he just grew on me ,, I think it was mostly the way he delivers his lines it’s so fucking funny and I found myself rewinding constantly to catch jokes I missed
Why I don’t: sometimes he can detract from the vibe of certain scenes sometimes but honestly that’s half the fun of his character tbh,, he sees Gordon having a dramatic beat and just waltzes right up to him and complains about wasting time and wanting to go home. Iconic.
Favorite scene: THE BETRAYAL!!! It’s super tense but the “i didn’t tell them to do that” is so genuine that I laugh every time. He’s just like,,, “oh. alright. kinda fucked up, but what can ya do.”
Favorite season: he has so many good moments in act 1
Favorite line: “yeah, ya fucked up, Gordon, what the hell?” (THE DELIVERY KILLS ME)
Favorite outfit: the man has One (1) outfit in canon but whenever someone draws him wearing either weird ass mismatched clothes or his Old Man Sweater it makes me smile :)
OTP: I don’t engage much w shipping but i love cheering on other people’s ships!!! absolute kings out here writing a happy ending for this grumpy old man and I am Here For It
BrOTP: Him and literally any science team member is EXCELLENT but Coomer’s the obvious pick (also boomer is. the best possible name for them it’s so funny and so fitting)
Head canon: I’m really proud of that one bit I wrote about his room in the RV AU and some of the ideas from that have wormed their way into my canon interpretation too shgshdhd,,,, anyway I feel like under everything Bubby’s greatest aspiration is to be a regular human being. He grew up in a lab surrounded by faces and prying eyes and voices that spoke about him as if he couldn’t hear. He has a lot of weird abilities due to the Tube(tm) but he hides them because he resents what they represent. They’re a monument to everything different about him, living proof that he’s not like normal people way deep down. That’s why he doesn’t use his pyrokinesis openly (I like to think he only does it when there are other explanations), and why he gravitates towards Coomer so quickly. Coomer is odd and eccentric and very clearly inhuman in some respect and yet no one in the group ever thought to second-guess his humanity. Coomer isn’t ashamed of himself, and as they grow closer he helps him overcome the shame associated with his stranger traits and maybe learn to feel proud of them at times. Bubby always wanted to be normal, but it wasn’t until he met the Science Team that he realized that “normal” was a thing you established for yourself, something that changed and grew as you did. He’s already normal to them. They’re all normal to him. And that can be enough.
Unpopular opinion: I don’t like when people give him a flat “I’m going to be a bitter asshole and not listen to reason to create drama” plots in fic :( like sure he is very good at causing problems but there can be so much more to it ,,, give his antics TEETH make em representative of a deeper character
A wish: I hope they focus more on his character and backstory in future installments!! I wonder what he’ll act like now that the science team knows he’s from a tube and also met the prototypes
PLEASE don’t happen: pls don’t make him betray the team again let him have his stupid crime family
5 words to describe them: Fire-slinging, sharp-tonged scientist!
Nickname: bubs:) also in my brain his name has a happy face after it always and it’s 100% because of Sunny
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sundrenched-smilez · 7 years
if you could have any view from your bedroom window what would you choose? 
i think an aquarium!! or fish flyin around, but nothin huge or intimidating. just koi, manta rays, frogs, carp, turtles, and small fish. i love the aesthetic of aquatic animals in the sky + art like that, but i also love seeing em in water so either would b rly rad. rolling hills on a sunny day w lots of flowers + a river/lake nearby would also b cool!! or a clear night sky, occasionally w fireworks
what’s your favorite thing to do on a sunny day? 
definitely soak up as much sun as i can. today for example, was beautiful out + vry sunny. i didnt get 2 go swimming unf. but i walked around town + laid on a bench for a bit in uptown circle (this nice like shopping/event area by my place) + then checked out a record shop, which had a cat in the window, sleepin!!! + a comic shop and i found a gay comic called hi-fi fight club and it looked rly great but yeah, parks, walking, swimming or anything that can get me outside 
what do you consider lucky?
i feel like luck is rly relevant in a specific way to each person. one person’s luck could be always catching things they drop, and another’s could be making friends easily, or never missing a bus.
i think the luck i have is surviving, meeting ppl i need at the right time, im rly good @ finding shiny pokemon, and being able to pick up new skills quickly and remarkably? ex: in hs i hadnt touched an instrument but i started in marching band and got first chair on alto sax in like 5-6 months of playing 
but as for what i consider lucky, chances lining up right to warrant a good outcome of things, which is like rly textbook, but gives enough space for ppl to define their own luck, which i think is important. like i consider myself lucky to have rly great friends + support from them, and i think i’m lucky that i haven’t died yet considering half of what ive been thru. also im rly tired + coming down from a panic attack bc my nose piercing got pulled mostly out bc it got caught on smth so im rambling and in a weird mental space
what made you smile today? 
i took some rly nice selfies, the sun felt nice on my skin, i found a gay comic, someone complimented my hair, and there were cute ppl i smiled @ while walkin arnd. also allegra from polygon is v cute and has a nice laugh and that made me smile 
what makes you happy? 
drawing, music, learning a new song, talking to friends, hugs and affection, kissing, feeling sunlight on my skin, and its warmth, thai tea, baking sweets w friends, my dnd group and playing w them, podcasts, hearing ppl i care abt laugh and have a good time, painting my nails, receiving compliments on my art or about me, driving w a friend or crush and hearing what kind of music they like, singing well, steven universe, my friends, when i can freely express myself w/o fear of being mocked, cats, a good nights sleep, waking up gently from a nice dream and knowing today will b ok, warm blankets, hot cocoa, when someone points out the moon, holding hands, animal crossing, stardew valley, kirby games, bee and puppycat, flowers, trying new things and playing new instruments, getting letters, when ppl think of me and talk abt me in a good way, and that im on hrt!! i could go on, but there’s lots of things c:
ty for askin !! these were fun 2 talk abt 
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okitx · 7 years
Yellow and purple for the colors ask thing 💛💜
Ty for askin i love ya 💘
- If you could have any wiev from your bedroom window, what wouod you choose? Lake Balaton. I want to see Balaton 24/7.
- Whats your favorite thing to do on a sunny day? Go for a walk with a friend who understands me, stop somewhere quiet and calm, feel the sunshine on my skin.
- What do you consider lucky? So im not entirely sure what this question means, mayb bcuz my english, but heres my understanding: I would consider lucky a person whos clear headed, able to accept differences, and is loved by their family. Someone whos aware of their thoughts. I cant really describe this any better way, mainly bcuz my english vocabulary is not that big.
-What made you smile today? If this was asked on a weekday id probably have something interesting to say, but i was home all day today. I was playing with my dog, that made me smile, plus thinking about friends.
-What makes you happy? I dont want to sound too emo, but not being home makes me pretty darn happy. Drawing and nice weather, time spent with my friends and my doggo.
-Whats your sign? Leo.
-Whats the best piece of advice you ever recieved? Ok so this may not count as an advice, its just a statement, but it changed me as a person, and this was the first thing to come in mind. One time i was feeling really emo and reblogged a pic that was saying 'i want tk change' all over it. So @maniacmaniac-19 replied to me w this: wanting to change is the first step to do it. And reading that was just like this huge realisation like... holy god..im still thankful for that, i honestly wouldnt be the person who i am todaywithout that.
-Whens the last time you followed your instincts? Last friday, my friend invited me to the pub, but i felt like its going to turn out rly bad so i was like you know what i have a really bad feeling about this, im not going to go sorry.
-Whats your favorite food? I dont have a fav, but i looooove junk food and sweets.
-Whats your secret dream? I dont think i have any kind of dream. But if this counts, i really wish i could make every kind of abuse disappear.
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