#ty for the starter c:
strayslost · 3 months
In another life, perhaps Ryunosuke would've looked at Kyusaku and seen someone who could understand. After all... if anyone should know the sting of Dazai's rejection, it would be them. As far as Ryunosuke knows, Kyusaku's fate of being shut away from the world and imprisoned was all thanks to Dazai - and even putting Dazai aside... he's sure that, just like Ryunosuke, their life has been full of pain from the very start.
As it is, though, right now - Ryunosuke feels very little. Perhaps it's a sign of his selfishness, his true nature as a heartless beast unable to feel a thing for someone else. All he wants has always been the same thing - to find a reason to live - and Kyusaku can't provide him that. In fact, sometimes seeing them stings, when he thinks of how they've been rejected even in spite of the power they hold... if they don't stand a chance of gaining Dazai's respect, what chance does Ryunosuke stand, as weak as he is now? What awaits him at the end of the road he's dedicated his life to following?
Thoughts like that aren't ones he wants to face, so he pushes them away. But something is strange about his feelings today. Because while that blank, apathetic smog of nothingness he feels should have him turning away and leaving, there's something that stops him... driving him to speak to Kyusaku for reasons even he doesn't understand.
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"And?" he responds to the child's question with an almost-empty gaze, something unidentifiable smoldering underneath. "Tell me... why would you come to me of all people for a reason like that?"
@theircurse ( starter for yumeno! )
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detectivegoldstein · 5 months
It was easy enough to track down Ty, James immediately recognizing the description given to him by the booth owner. Waving his coworker down, he gave the kid a strained smile. "Hey Ty, look, can I buy that pig off of ya? There's....been a mixup. I'll give ya double what ya paid for. Please."
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wisheswagered · 11 days
Evelyn's gaze is as sharp as a hawk's as she observes the suspicious man before her. But as sharp as it is, it's also equally as subtle - to the point where an ordinary person might not be able to tell she was studying them at all. Of course, Evelyn gets the impression that this man is far from ordinary...
"Don't you think that outfit you're wearing is taking things a little too far?" She greets him with a somewhat-sarcastic question - the bandages aren't exactly subtle. Still, there's a tension in the room that she's sure both parties are aware of... which is to be expected, when Evelyn still doesn't remember how she ended up in this manor at all.
Is he the culprit, or is he another victim? That's the first thing this "Faro Lady" needs to figure out.
"...Hmm, I suppose that was rather rude of me. Please accept my apologies... and let me ask another question instead. Who might you be?"
@kllsworn ( starter! )
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moonrecalled · 4 months
It takes a long time for the tears to stop. Ryoji's still sniffing and rubbing his eyes even when he's finally calmed down enough to breathe, though the sorrow he feels still hasn't gone away. It's more like his body ran out of energy, like he's cried all the tears he can and has been left empty, unable to take the feelings plaguing him for even a moment longer. Of course, that emptiness doesn't feel any easier to bear... but maybe it's a blessing he should appreciate.
When he hears a noise behind him, though - Ryoji's stomach drops as he realizes he's been caught.
Not just by anyone, but by a child. It makes him want to burst into tears all over again; and it hurts, because she's so young and has her whole life ahead of her - or at least she should. In reality, she won't live to see spring. Ryoji grieves for each and every person on this planet - the old and the young, those who are suffering and those who are happy... but it's a special kind of cruelty to think about the fate of the children in this world - to know that even the most innocent of humanity won't be spared, when they've barely had the chance to experience what life has to offer.
Just like him. ...He's sure his feelings must be showing on his face from her expression, and desperately, he tries to reign everything in and force a smile, but his lip wobbles and he soon gives up in defeat. Still, though. He can't let her worry like this - he has to say something.
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"I'm- sorry. I mean... I'm okay, really. I'll be fine. So don't make that sad face, okay?"
@autonomousxselves ( starter for maiko! )
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revengesworn · 11 months
"I finally found you, Mikey."
Draken has spent many hours wondering how he'd feel in this moment. Upon setting eyes on Mikey again, for the first time in so long... finally, he's met him once more.
When Mikey abandoned his friends, beating them up and spitting on their friendship in the process, Draken couldn't understand it. He'd been angry, so angry that he thought he'd lose his mind. He's been broken- devastated, crushed by the weight of despair that Mikey's actions brought upon him, wanting to know too many things - why would you do this? how did I miss this? -that he'd never get the answers for.
He'd tried. But Draken... couldn't abandon Mikey. In fact, even trying to let him go is one of the things Draken feels most ashamed of now. He knows how much Mikey suffered, and he knows Mikey - that that bond they shared, their friendship, the moments they had with each other... they couldn't have been a lie.
So Mikey must have some reason for all this. Draken has no clue what could be, but... how could he live with himself, if he didn't try to figure it out?
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"You've been busy. But you can't avoid me forever, you know."
@kyukicho ( starter for mikey! )
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sandcrafted · 6 months
Lately, Isabel's been struck by a weird feeling.
It's like... the sense that she's done this all before. She's sure there's a name for that feeling, but she can't remember what it is - it's not important, anyway. What's more important is that with feeling, sometimes... comes a sense of dread that makes it hard to breathe.
More than anything else, it's irritating. Isabel's doesn't get scared, and there's no way she's gonna let some irrational delusion keep her from doing whatever she wants to do! If she told Farlan and Big Bro, she's sure they'd laugh her off, so she keeps it to herself - but it's not the kind of thing she worries over much anyway, so it's fine. Still, though. That doesn't make it any less annoying when it pops up!
Like right now. Abruptly, Isabel slaps her cheeks with her hands and shakes her head as she's hit with another cold sensation, like blood freezing in her veins. Of course, there's only one thing to be done about feelings like that... with a grin, she turns to Levi, and makes an impulsive decision as she says what's on her mind.
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"Hey, Big Bro! Haven't things been too boring around here lately? C'mon, let's do something fun!"
@chaoslulled ( starter for levi! )
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mutatedangels-a · 1 year
@hellfollowed spun the underused muse roulette! ** ...and got peyton! [ based on this plot - #1 ]
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"Jesus Christ, you scared the bejeezus out of me."
Peyton's voice is muffled from the other side of the glass. Somehow, her bodyguard has weaseled their way into her game shop before opening hours. Only three keys exist—one wit her, a back-up at home, and a set with one of the managers. Maybe it's time for her to upgrade her security system.
She opens the door and brushes past the other, fully intent on giving them the cold shoulder. If it's not already obvious, she wholly disagrees with having a babysitter follow her around. "It's cool if you stay here all day," she says, turning on all the lights in the store, "but could you at least pretend to not be so scary? You'll scare my customers away."
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mcrigold · 2 years
                       Marigold nem de muito longe tinha uma vida social, na maior parte das vezes as pessoas sequer a conheciam embora estivesse ali já quase dois anos, tinha uma fama de quieta mas certamente era só uma fachada, quem a conhecia minimamente sabia que muita das vezes a loira não conseguia parar de falar nem quando ela queria. enquanto digitava com uma mão no computador da biblioteca, com a outra escrevia no papel em sua frente, por algum motivo desconhecido mordia uma caneta entre os lábios e ouvia natural de imagine dragons em seu ouvido no volume máximo. talvez por ter sua atenção presa em tantas coisas ao mesmo tempo não percebeu quando seus fones de ouvido desconectaram e seu celular passou a tocar a música para todos ao seu redor. perdida entre tudo que fazia e pensava, Goldie não notou nada de errado até dar um pulo da cadeira ao ver muse. “meu santo pé de macaxeira, você quase que me matou do coração e eu nem sou cardíaca! posso te ajudar com alguma coisa?”
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tw: menção de vômito 
                    a verdade era que tyrion nem queria estar naquela academia idiota, em partes já havia desistido de tudo há muito tempo mas enraizado em suas veias era o medo de mais uma vez ou decepcionar quem amava, era algo com qual não podia lidar novamente, mas talvez o fato que ele já havia tentando era bom o suficiente, então não era como se importasse em ser expulso. como se o bafo de vodka já não dissesse o Fernsby se apoiou na lixeira da cafeteira e vomitou o que quer que estivesse em seu estômago quando notou o par de olhos em si. “quê? perdeu o cu na minha cara ou vai seguir com seu dia?” falou impacientemente odiava qualquer atenção sobre si especialmente quando havia feito algo de errado.
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wesxevans · 8 months
Closed starter: @luckylewis
where: Lucky's house, picking up Sunny to stay the night with him and Liza
It was still strange for Wes to think about how much of a family he had now. Of course he had his own siblings but now he had a wife and daughter, a niece, sister in-law... and yes, he considered Lucky his brother in-law. It was all he'd ever wanted and more, and sometimes he worried it was all a dream and he'd wake up back in his old house in Massachusetts. Still alone and still trying to survive.
But Wes couldn't think like that because he and Liza had finally moved out of Sterling's house and into their own place, and of course, Sunny was begging them to let her come over and stay the night with little Elise. So after having unpacked enough, they agreed to have her come over and Wes was the one to pick her up from Lucky's.
"I am here for miss sunshine." Wes told him with a smile when he answered the door.
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daringsunflowers · 2 years
@reigncorosos  continue from HERE.  
jasmine knew that the man was right, she had been putting it off for a whole month now and part of her had hoped he would have just stopped asking. she should have known better, he was as persistent as he was cute and boy did he know his way about the female anatomy. as angry as he wanted to be at him right now the way he touched her and kissed her it made her brain slightly fuzzy. “i havent answered you because..” it was hard for the femme to even thing straight. “it is unfair for you to bring things up when we do this.” she admitted. it was hard for her to disagree with the man when he was touching her.  “we can do this even if you dont live he-” she shuddered out, “here. and then you go home after or in the morning.” jas explained as she did her best to focus. “ it wasnt that jasmine didnt want to further her life with the man, she did. but there was a lot about her he didnt know.
jas had always told him she had worked at a club, bur she didnt tell him what kind. jasmine had been so embarrassed of being a stripper. growing up she didnt come from anything, she got wrapped in the wrong crowd and in college she manage to get herself into a lot of trouble due to a man she dated. sure she was worried of what he think or what hed say and she just didnt want to tell him the truth. moving with with one another meant they there would be a lot more honesty, she couldnt keep all of it from him seeing him every day and night. she didnt have it in her. “its just not a good time.” moaning the last part when she had felt his hot breath against her clit.
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earlydew · 2 years
   𓏲 。  ๋ ˖ 𓂃   𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 @entityforged​​​   ꒱   ♡
spotify wrapped: #13 ( heaven’s cloud by s.vt )
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     “ even if that is the first time we met, we could immediately recognize each other. ”
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strayslost · 12 days
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"Brrr... it's so cold..."
With a gloomy voice, Rimbaud complains aloud as he shivers, holding his arms in his hands in a futile attempt to capture some kind of warmth - a warmth that's rapidly escaping him; having barely existed to begin with. It might be his imagination, but he's sure that it feels even colder than usual today... and that thought alone causes him to sigh heavily. Now he feels even more depressed...
Somehow, these sudden disheartening moods have been sneaking up on him more often, lately. He doesn't know what's been causing them, and he really does wish he could do something about it... It's just when he's thinking that, though, that he notices the young boy standing nearby.
He must be feeling just as cold as Arthur is, yet he doesn't seem to be particularly bothered at all. Ahh, how jealous Arthur feels of him... still, for whatever reason, it seems like the boy is giving him an odd look. Is he worried about Arthur's pitiable state?
"...You don't need to worry." he decides to address him, though perhaps that statement is likely to achieve the opposite effect from what he intended. "I'm, ah, used to these kinds of chills... although, I do feel like my hands are starting to go numb..."
@phasmascript ( starter for kawabata! )
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atvrvxia · 2 years
&. @crveltys​
continued from the post in the SOURCE LINK ( 1 / 1 )
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                            THE THING about maverick was that she didn’t care what other people thought of her, especially rich people. she could make a fool out of herself by being snarky and aggressive, and she wouldn’t be bothered. rich people like david were nothing more than a bunch of shallow, stuck-up pricks. and she hated that she thought he was attractive. “didn’t deny the fact that you wanted to fuck me,” maverick pointed out smugly, smirking up at him. “besides, you were the one who started it!”
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candledburns · 3 months
"Alright, Ice Queen. You've caught me on a good day, but I gotta say, I'm not too happy right now, so..."
Roman's tone is as condescending as ever, but his frustration is just as clear under the surface. And no-one wants to see a frustrated criminal mastermind, right? He certainly hopes that most would be smart enough to stay on his good side.
Even deeper than the frustration, though - and much more well hidden - is an undercurrent of anxiety. Maybe even fear... though he prefers not to think of it that way. But with the situation he's found himself in, it's not like anyone can blame him. With that said, all he can do now is demand-
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"I'd like my answer now. You've got to know how we ended up in this situation." Then his expression darkens. "You do know, right?"
@likemosaic ( starter for weiss! )
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wisheswagered · 7 months
For a long time now, Mike has had something dark inside him. It's bubbling and boiling and sometimes almost ready to explode - but he keeps a lid on it with a sly smile and a facade of innocent jubilation.
Of course, it's not all fake. He hasn't the patience to pretend he's someone he's not - in fact, to him, such a way of living seems like a living hell, and certainly not one he'd willingly thrust himself into. But... behind his excitable expression lies a soul that's been touched with bitterness.
The Hullabaloo Circus was once his home, after all. He considered those people his family. So when he learned the true nature of that "family", he couldn't stop the despair and the anger that took root in his heart. Of course, right now, with all of them stuck together in these endless games, he has no choice but to work together with the people he thought he knew... but it doesn't matter, really. His "revenge" is already long since over. ...What luck it is that they don't remember how it ended.
He's glad, at least, to have Murro by his side. But even that happiness is tainted, because it means that Murro is trapped as well, in a fate he doesn't deserve - not like the rest of them. As for the other occupants of the manor... it's a funny thing, that. The fact is that he doesn't trust any of them, and yet he's forced to place his life in their hands with every game they play. It's not a tense or strained relationship that they have - actually, Mike is glad for them, but it's not like he ever plans on letting his bitterness show, either.
"Well, I wasn't expecting to see you this morning!" So with a smile worn brilliantly on his face, Mike greets his newest visitor, turning around before sitting cross-legged across from them. "Something on your mind?"
@mlssamericana ( starter for any muse! )
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revengesworn · 10 months
Senju doesn't know much about Catalina at all. Honestly, coming here at all might've been a huge waste of time. But how could rumors about a real-life witch not catch her attention?
Her brothers probably think she's being childish, but who cares? It doesn't matter what they think. It's not like she's getting her hopes up about the magic being real - it just sounds like a fun way to pass the time, and Senju has always had a... strange fixation on the supernatural, to an extent. It's subdued, not even close to an obsession, but when she thinks about things like other worlds and strange powers, something in her seems to stir from deep within...
Well, either way, she's here now. Senju enters Catalina's shop with a skip in her step, her cheerful appearance clearly at odds with the image one would expect of a gang member.
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"Ooooh, look at all this... this is getting kind of fun!"
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