#tyberos the red wake x reader
moodymisty · 1 month
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Author's note: I dunno, blame @kit-williams or something this is my first time writing Tyberos so I apologize and it’s also very rushed
Relationships: Tyberos/Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Tokophobia/pregnancy warning, Loss of bodily automoty? Tyberos kind of likes you but you're also his personal broodmare so like do with that what you will, Breeding kink, The consent is indeed somewhat dubious
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"Don't fight."
Your teeth ground together tight as he forced his way inside of you, cunt stretched beyond what you felt you could take. It burned, it made your eyes water, but you knew that this was a blessing in comparison to how he could be with you. Your crying had ceased into little more than whimpers, tired as your body couldn’t keep up any longer.
"It will only bring you more pain."
He is massive in comparison to you; When you'd first saw his men you already cowered, but when he had made himself known the sheer size of him had almost seemed impossible. As such he can’t fit between your legs properly, and so your thighs press back into your stomach and slightly to the side as he folded you nearly in half in order to properly fuck you.
By the time he'd fit his entire cock inside of you that sharp pain had faded into a filled, throbbing ache; Far better than what had been. You barely managed to swallow the knot in your throat from how tight it was. Even just the head of his cock had caused you pain, but it’s all passed.
You couldn't stop the whimper that had left your throat when he pulled out halfway, before thrusting himself back into you and sending your body away from him. He'd grabbed your hip to keep your close then, realizing how his strength could so easily throw you around.
Your voice cracked as you gasped, feeling his hips slam into the backs of your thighs as he thrusts into you again. And again. And again. He doesn't relent, and you feel the black void of his eyes looking down at your form as your face grows hot.
You hated how your body was betraying you. How it's twisting his uncharacteristic show of gentleness as something more, and made your skin feel like it's on fire and sending throbs to your clit. There was still tears in your eyes, though the reason why was slowly changing; Fear still gripped your heart none the less.
Your lips parted with a pant, your stomach tight like a vice. Each time the drove himself into you it felt as if he was forcing himself deeper than you thought possible, letting out hiccuping gasps has the head of his cock hits places that makes your spine arch.
"You're going to make good astartes."
He'd said that before. It's why he chose you. None of his men will ever be allowed to touch you. Or breed you. But he said it so softly that it made you lose yourself in that moment, rather than hearing it as the declaration of your fate that it was.
You cried out as you felt like his cock is in your stomach, stuffing you beyond what you could possibly imagine taking. His ghostly visage watched the entire time, stoic and unreadable. You were cracking underneath him, hands grabbing for anything to try and steady yourself, while he looked down on you cast in his shadow. His one hand grips your ribs for a moment as you dangle right on the edge of coming.
“You’re doing well. I was right about you.”
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The knocking on the door disturbs you from your slumber, rising upright to sit legs curled to the side. The door doesn't open however, until you verbally call out.
"...Come in?"
The bed is gargantuan, though it's clear it's almost never used. It seems to largely be due to his status as Chapter Master, not due to need. Though you'll be using it now, it seems.
The serf looks at you haphazardly wrapped in the blankets, small parts of your skin exposed. Some skin is untouched, some is bruised, some is freshly tattooed.
They'd tattooed you before giving you to him.
They're unreadable to you, if they're meant to be read, and are unrecognizable symbols that you assume belong to their culture. A few you'd seen on Tyberos' armor, but the rest are foreign to you. The ones on your sides and thighs had been surprisingly less painful than you'd expected, but the one between your hips and just above your mound still cries out from the stabbing of needles. It hovers just over your womb, lines swirls and symbols surrounding at the middle a circle of sharp teeth; Tyberos’ own symbol.
"I, um, my lady?" The serf doesn't know how to address you; You don't blame them.
"We were instructed by Lord Tyberos himself to make sure you ate."
The serf approaches with a large covered tray, and gently sits it in front of you on the bed. You curiously open it, and see unfamiliar food. It’s not like what you remember eating on your home planet, but it is still distinctly food; Not militarium rations of unknown origin. Your finger pokes at it curiously.
Tyberos is making sure you’re well fed to grow his future sons. He knows a shoddy diet of rations isn’t going to sustain what he hopes will be future astartes.
You ignore the deeper meaning behind the food and quickly devour it, before the serf takes the emptied tray from you.
“Thanks… I,” Both of your heads suddenly turn as the door opens, eyes locking on Tyberos as he walks into the room unarmored.
His face is mauled, scarred and skin twisted. His skin is ghostly pale, and you see the serf cast their eyes downward and quickly flee. It’s not the first time you’ve seen this face now, and you know how to swallow that fear so it doesn’t overtake you as bad as it had the first time.
But you understand why one would find his face horrifying. Something about his expression and his demeanor makes it less so, however.
He is almost like the vast openness of space; Cold, unforgiving, but quiet and vast at the same time. It’s impossible to tell his age, but you assume he’s much older than his men.
He watches you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, the other still holding the blanket against your bare chest.
“You’ve eaten, little one?” He says, jaw shifting as he looks down at you. The term of endearment sounds odd coming from him, but it also makes you feel oddly warm.
“Yes. It was good.” It was the best food you’d had in awhile. Before the Carcharodons had arrived on your planet, you were used to eating bagged militarium rations as a refugee.
He comes closer, and you know what he’s here for. He’s going to keep coming back until he knows you’re pregnant. The ship rocks slightly as it drifts through space, but you barely move.
“Lay down.”
You fall back, hitting the mattress with a soft thud and feeling the blanket fall away from you.
A part of you hates yourself for giving in. For letting this happen rather than fighting and getting killed but still keeping what someone might call your honor. But after months of displacement from refugee camp to refugee camp, of enemy fire and fighting for your life even before the Carcharodons arrived, you’ve given in.
The bed is soft. Your belly is full of warm food. Tyberos’ hand and voice are oddly enough more gentle than any commissar or handsy soldier had ever been. Perhaps something in that void-like stare of his has hypnotized you, that ghostly quiet voice whispering enchantments.
He comes closer and begins to remove his clothing and come overtop of you, grabbing your hips to pull you closer. His thumbs press against the tattoo decorating the layer of fat just over your womb and he looks at it, for a moment. Your lips freeze open for a moment, before finally speaking.
“Wait, I w-“
He looks down at you, and you quickly have to dispel any implication that you were ordering him. You do so, and hesitently shift underneath him until you’re on your knees, arms supporting your head and presenting yourself to him. It’ll be easier you think this way, with how large he is. He won’t have to fold you in half.
“You should’ve said this was all you wanted.”
He grips your hips and lifts them ever so slightly to drag you closer to him, and you feel his cock against your ass. When he slowly begins to force his way inside of you again, still slick with his cum from the last time, he talks over the whine you let out as he pushes his own cum back in with his cock.
“You won’t be able to be this way for long. Not when your belly starts to grow.”
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