#tyyyy for the recent asks these make me happy :D
petorahs · 8 months
Hi! Hope you're doing well. I really like the way your art looks, and wanted to ask if you have any advice on how to stop the endless ctrl+Zing that happens when you're doing lineart? (Was gonna post a gif showing it but it won't let me send links in asks) -- Have a good one o/
hey! i'm very glad to hear you like my art and even more that you'd ask for my advice! :D
me and lineart go waaay back... that is to say i liked doing it more than any other thing in the art process. i hate coloring and still do. lineart my beloved... but also, these days as my art evolved i stopped doing actual ""Clean"" lineart anymore. what you see in my more recent works are essentially the first and only "line draft" or sketch layer so to speak? i just spend a lot of time refining it. and this is how i do that:
duplicate + merge layers to achieve your desired lineweight and erase as needed!
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also important to note is as much as i talk about drawing/lining/sketching on a single layer... if the drawing isnt working i will just do it the "traditional" way and make a whole new layer and start from there :0 if that is your preferred way then set the sketch to 10-15% opacity max... makes it so the finished lineart wont look "worse than the sketch"...!!
what else... hm i feel like my lineart game changed when i found a brush i liked. i currently use derwent, a default procreate brush under 'pencils' i think? to get that sketchy yet yummy thin at the end look. but i also change my brushes every time i feel like im in a 'slump'. experimentation is key! get curious and curiouser on what u can achieve with different mediums.
additionally, if you're looking for advice on achieving "line confidence" (like lack of ctrl+z-ing your problems away) then thats a whole other thing. what i find to have best helped me is essentially just doing what this video tells u to and profitting!! i realized ive been doing it for years as a kid just emulating my fav fanarts and yeah. ofc there's more i can say but this is getting long enough, feel free to shoot another ask and i can expand!
as always with art though, feel free to also break these rules as you see fit! :D have fun
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kitsumo · 2 years
augh ur in my inbox so often so i thought I'd return the favor by yelling / asking questions :D
2) favorite drink?
3) favorite painting (yours or by someone else)?
4) any wips that you think you'll never finish but wish u could?
5) comfort foods?
6) make a word on the spot. right now make a word
7) if you were reduced to a small Creature what would it be shaped like. personally i think i would be a shrew or caterpillar
8) how is your day going? (if it's not going good i hope it gets better <333)
9) what song(s) has been stuck in your head recently?
u totally don't have to answer all of these !! hope u have a good one :]
1 ; THANK YOU they make m veruy happy ^__^ 2 ; uhh i like arizona tea a lot! i also like lemonade 3 ; i dont really have a favorite painting, but i did make this and i really like it (his name is cheesebone)
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4 ; GOD theres this one wip i made a fuck ton amount of time ago, and i wanna revisit it so bad but i know i'll be able to finish it bc its buried in like 50 files :'-[
5 ; oddly deviled eggs? generally savory foods are comforting to me
6 ; Seegle (Prononced; Sea-glee) - Verb, adjective, "To find something interesting/An interesting thing."
7 ; i'd become a really fucked up beetle that'd perplex scientists for decades to come
8 ; good i think !
9 ; "wait a minute!" by willowsmith, and "chic chick" by poppy come to mind
10 ; TYYYY
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