#u can look but oh my god do not touch i'll hunt you for sport
excaive · 2 years
I am ON MY KNEES begging you to explain some parasite lore! Jk, tho I would love to know!! Please
Since you asked I can explain a bit! :3
I've never really properly explained so I'll try and give an overview.
[if you haven't read my short comic Lasting Bonds, that gives insight into some parasite history also]
Parasites in my universe are Kin of Kqo'twec, also known as The Parasite God
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They're just a funky creature that might be a bit radioactive, don't worry about it. Being a parasite themself, they infected Keith Sun, gang leader of Black Orbit when they were bleeding out in a ditch lol lucky them.
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Kqo'twec and Keith at some point become interchangable. Funny how that works (points at my blog title)
Parasites are divided into two categories: Minor & Major
MINOR parasites are smaller parasites that give a few minor attributes - changing eye color, hair color, giving horns, sharp teeth, tails, claws etc. These are very low maintanance and practically everyone has at least one of some sort, but people don't think much of it bc it's just normal. They're just vibing and as long as you're chill with them and respect them, then the attributes will be maintained. These don't have like. a physical look or body to them (that can be perceived with the naked eye), they're kinda just the concept of giving abilities. Or I mean you can pull out a microscope and check them out, that's just A Shape.
MAJOR parasites are companions! They have a conscience and you need to work with them to maintain a good bond with them. That's ur life buddy. Their attributes are more connected with each other, if that makes sense. For example, transformative parasites are common - parasite that allow their host to physically transform into another form, fully or partially. A parasite could be like. snake adjacent and give you snake-like attributes. Slit pupils, scales, tail and fangs. Those are all attributes from that parasite.
Compared to minor parasites, you could have a couple of minor parasites that give attributes that aren't following the same theme. like you could have goat-like horns and a reptile-like tail, they're just coming from different parasites.
Minor and Major parasites can also compliment each other! If we go with the snake-like attributes again, you could get a minor parasite that could change the scale patterns or pupil shape. it's like pretty customizable lol
Speaking of customization, there are also Modified Minor & Major parasites. Currently it's mainly modified minor parasites on the parasite market bc it's kind of controversial modifying major parasites (but that's not stopping The Company from experimenting with it lol)
This is the major conflict in Black Orbit. It kinda fucks up the natural way of how parasites have been treated since Kqo'twec bestowed the knowledge of them onto the ancestors.
Modified parasites aren't healthy and some get packed with more attributes than they naturally can give + the general public begins to see them (minor parasites) as accessories they can switch out or discard rather than littol cool creatures that make you look dope, which worsens the bond between host and parasite, being very imbalanced - or not there at all. So they don't live that long and their attributes might be "weaker" or quickly fade (dull colors or like. brittle horns) ""luckily"" you can easily extract them and replace them at Parasite Clinics.
The only character with a modified major parasite that I've talked about is Cass. She has a dragon parasite, which. is a whole other can of worms tbh. It's in an artificial coma and its attributes are what is giving her the half dragon appearance and size (she's also full of minor modified parasites that made her beefy lol) so that's definitely not gonna bite her in the ass at some point! It's ok tho bc she's so sexy <3
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You might think 'wait isn't a dragon parasite just a transformative parasite then?' which isn't incorrect but. They're special little guys with other requirements than most parasites, and in the city of Sunjin (which the main conflict of Black Orbit takes place) they are not well understood and there's little information about them (well. outside of the B.O.A - the Black Orbit Archives which holds documents and practically the whole history of Kqo'twec's Kin, but only archivists/oathbearers have access to that place.) Keith is so mad about how reckless Cass is with parasites but. well..[gestures at this picture]
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I think that's enough for an overview!
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