#u dont understand how i SOBBED when lily started asking him ''what would u do if ur daughter told u 'my husband hit me?''
thaliasthunder · 2 years
pals i read it ends with us by colleen hoover and i dont think i'll be recovering from this hole in my chest very soon
#GUYS? 😭#tbh i was a little skeptical about reading it cuz#i saw it's probably the most famous book in booktok and it thought mmh it must be one of those cliche romance books#and also the cover is really ugly but#one night i just was searchin up what to read and say 'what if i just read it to see whats up? its not like i'll lose anything 🤷🏻‍♀️'#my emotional sanity. that's what i lost#i read somewhere that there was a boy named atlas that was very sweet and handsome#and before starting the book i had that thought that eventually i would fall in love w him#and fucking GODS i swear if it wasnt for that i would be even more WRECKED BECAUSE IF IT WASNT FOR THAT I WOULD'VE FALLEN IN LOVE W RYLE#AND EVERYTHING HE DID WOULD'VE HURT ME 1000 TIMES MORE#i did loved ryle at first#and having in mind he is really sweet when he's not mad i would've loved him still#but he wasnt sweet when he was mad#AT ALL#i fucking hated him every single time he hurt lily#and i felt even more hurt when he was sweet trying to make up after screwing everything up#and thats literally the whole point of the book#to have a taste of what a abusive relationship is#u dont understand how i SOBBED when lily told him 'i want a divorce.'#u dont understand how i SOBBED when lily started asking him ''what would u do if ur daughter told u 'my husband hit me?''#all of that scene WRECKED ME#and also my sweet boy atlas 😭😭😭#so yeah i misjudged this book#and im grateful i was hella wrong#it ends with us#colleen hoover#lily bloom#atlas corrigan#ryle kincaid
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duchessanon · 5 years
For the Love of Henri: Tome 5 - Kiss From A Rose
Here's what you missed: https://royalfandombible.blogspot.com/2019/01/for-love-of-henri-my-fanfiction.html
What you missed in summary: Prince Henri married a beautiful pauper girl named Philanthropina (Phily). Together they had baby Libby and adopted Prince George. His evil brother and sister in law were banished from the kingdom for their evil deeds. All was well until Henri decided to bid on Meghan Markle at a charity function. She then bid on the outcast Cambridges. Kate and Meg decided to come together to overthrow Phily.
At the footstep of the not £4 million cottage, Henri, Meghan Markle, Willy, Kate and Charlotte stood in anticipation.
Henri put his best stern face on. 'Now I must set some ground rules before we go in. My darling Phily will not be expecting any houseguests. You MUST behave, wear undergarments at all times and not use curse words. All that agree say "aye"'.
Everyone said aye apart from Charlotte who said 'aye aye me bastard'.
Henri gasped in dismay. But Kate, who was keen to impress Henri did the unexpected and disciplined her child.
'Charlotte, wash your mouth out! No Game of Thrones for you tonight'.
'BUSYBODY!!!' Charlotte screamed.
Just then the door of the humble cottage opened and a light so bright emerged. It was so heavenly that it took a moment to notice it was coming from Phily and her cherub of her baby daughter, Libby.
'Speak of the devil and she will come' Willy snickered, and Kate elbowed him in the nethers.
'Henri my love, is everything ok?' she asked sweetly. 'I heard a commotion'.
Phily was dressed the same haggard, brown ensemble she was wearing the day they met. She was not ashamed of her roots as a pauper girl.
'Yes my dear' Henri stuttered, kissing her soiled, hardworking feet. 'We have some visitors'.
Phily was no doubt surprised to see the Cambridges and a random beautiful woman on her door step. But she would never turn anyone away from her door.
'Come in brother, sister and unknown woman', she said selflessly.
During this interaction, Meg had been quietly observing. She needed to be smart if she was going to win over Henri's heart. But every one knew a way to a man's heart is through his nethers, so she touched him on the place she knew to be every man's weak spot - his back.
Henri was startled at the feel someone's hand on his back. No-one did that apart from Phily. But not in a domineering way, in a gentle, supportive way that never implied he was a cuckhold. He knew it could be no one but Meghan Markle. But instead of disgust, Henri felt that uncontrolable nether shudder.
As Phily welcomed the Cambridges, Charlotte greeted her brother George and Libby by rapping Nicki Minaj's 'Monster' while standing on Phily's self made, recycled, environmentally friendly dinner table.
"OK first things first I'll eat your brains Then I'm a start rocking gold teeth and fangs 'cause that's what a motherfucking monster do Hair dresser from Milan that's the monster do
Monster Giuseppe heel, that's the monster shoe
Big Lizzie is the roster and a monster crew
But really, really I don't give a F-U-C-K Forget Georgie, fuck Libby 'cause she's fake She's on a diet but her pockets eating cheese cake And I'll say bride of Chucky is Child's play Just killed another career it's a mild day
Now look at what you just saw This is what you live for Aaaahhh, I'm a motherfucking monster!"
***Musical interlude*** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTkEpkGKgoY
The next morning Henri explained that their visitors were only there for 5 days as per the rules of the auction. Phily cooked up a sustainable breakfast and to her shock Kate offered to wash everything up.
'They really have changed' Phily said to Henri, who was weaving baskets for the poor with Libby. 'Even William is taking an interest in his son', she smiled in a motherly way.
Willy and George were weaving baskets next to the window, out of earshot.
'I hate this place!' George said sulkily 'they make me go to a pauper school that they dont have to pay for'.
'You dont say', Willy said smirking, his limited cogs turning in his brain. 'They took a school place from a pauper child, did they?'
'Don't even try it Pops. They offset it by building a new wing of the school with their bare hands and that stupid Phily volunteers as a music teacher too.'
'Ass lickers' Willy scowled. He really hoped he could get in touch with all the tabloids and plant negative stories.
Despite this setback, Willy was happy to see that nature had won over nurture and George had demanded to change his name back from Philip, and had not given in to doing any philanthropy.
Over at the kitchen sink, Kate had enlisted help from Meg with the dishes.
'Right bitch, how we gonna get rid that busybody Phily?' Kate said licking a plate clean and handing it to Meg to dry with Phily's wedding dress, which she had mistaken for a dishcloth.
'Well H will be a breeze, when I passed him after I'd taken a dump this morning, I saw him slap his nethers', Meg said sneakily.
Kate cackled, 'today's the day you make your move, I'll distract Phily, you get him to kiss you, George will take a photo and tweet it to Piers Morgan and we're done!'
'How you gonna distract her?' Meg asked.
Kate winked at Meg. At least she tried, but she couldnt wink so she just blinked instead. 'Watch and learn from the master'.
Kate stumbled into the basket weaving area, clutching her stomach, 'oooh ouch owwww ooooh'.
Phily ran over immediately. With her medical degree, she could solve any problem, 'sister, whatever is the matter?'
Just then, Kate pulled up her skirt, revealing a small head. 'I-i-i-i'm giving birth!'
'WHAT THE FUCK!' Charlotte screamed.
Willy stayed where he was and said nonchlantly, 'you're preggers again?'
'What does it look like dipshit! Sorry Phily I dont mean to curse, it's just painful you know?'
Phily tried to understand, but in reality pain during childbirth is the one thing on earth she couldnt relate to, for hers was pain free.
Ushering Kate onto the handmade couch, Phily went into full midwife mode, sending Henri to get warm towels.
Kate blinked as a signal to Meg and she followed him up the ricketty staircase.
At the towel cupboard upstairs, Meg began to sob.
'Oh dear, Meghan, what be the matter?!' Henri asked with a genuine concern that his brother could never muster.
Meg sniffed, pulling out her best acting skills, 'oh it's just so emotional seeing new life coming into the world'
'There there' said Henri, patting her on the arm.
'Oh H!' she wailed, falling into his arms. She puckered up her lips and launched at his mouth. But before she could land the kiss, Henri turned his cheek.
Around the corner, George snapped the photo using a camera he'd stolen from 'that cry baby' photographer Garther Tedwards.
Although Henri's nethers were now beating like the Beychella marching band, his love for Phily overwhelmed him.
'Stop Meghan Markle! I beg of you', he hollered .
Meg was taken aback by his rejection, 'I'm so sorry H! Please forgive me'. She fled down the ricketty staircase.
Kate was on the couch legs akimbo screaming expletives at Willy, who was now reluctantly sitting next to his wife to assist with the birth.
Willy chuckled to himslef as he remembered Henri's ex girlfriend, the beautiful Jimmu, who had now somehow possessed Kate.
Meghan held up an X sign to show Kate the plan had failed, which didn't help the situation.
Shortly after, Henri emerged with George and Garthur's camera, trying to explain why stealing was wrong. Curiously, the Cambridge children were the only children in the entire world Henri could not make like him.
After a few long minutes, the baby was ready to come out. Kate pushed one more time and felt something drop onto the couch.
'Is it out?!!!' she yelled.
Phily checked, 'no sister, you've just passed your bowels. Not to worry, keep trying'.
Kate was enraged that Phily would suggest this. 'All I'm good for is making babies, you think I dont know the difference bitch! YOUR BORN A PAUPER & YET YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE YOU EWITH YOUR SHIT COMMENT??? FUCK OFF MOTHER FUCKER I DIDN’T ASK YOU"'
Phily, remaining calm, picked up the brown item with her bare hands, noting in her head that Kate should eat more fruit, and showed it to her.
Kate grabbed the excrement at once and threw it in Willy's face. This delighted Charlotte who danced around him in a circle chanting 'shit face, shit face'.
Finally, sick of being inside such a woman, the baby pushed itself out and landed in Phily's arms. 'William, Catherine - it's a boy', she beamed.
The Camridges faked happiness, but Henri and Phily were genuinely delighted.
'What will you call him?' Phily said, cradling the baby as Kate wanted to watch Real Housewives rather than hold him.
'Shit baby!' Charlotte suggested, but no one agreed.
'Well actually he could have a name related to his arrival' Willy said. 'How about Loo?'
'Loo is the British slang term for toilet' Henri explained to Meg.
'I have an idea!' Meg said. 'Louis - but like Loo - wee'. Kate shrugged in agreeement. 
'You want to name this cherub after a toilet and urine?' Phily asked, feeling sorry for the baby despite the fact he was biting her finger with his gummy mouth.
'You have a problem with my parenting decisions Phily?' Kate asked, almost threateningly.
'Never!' Phily gasped in horror. She would never dream of being so stupid as to judge a woman on what she named, or how she held her baby.
'Charlotte darling, why dont you sing a little song to celebrate Loowee's arrival' Willy said.
Charlotte immediately began a rendition of Lily Allen's 'Fuck you'.
"Fuck you Fuck you very, very much 'Cause your words don't translate And it's getting quite late So please don't stay in touch Do you get Do you get a little kick out of being slow-minded? You want to be like your father It's approval you're after Well that's not how you find it"
 ***Musical interlude***  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OK4fJhbRL1g
Two days later, while Phily, Henri and Libby were on an engagement, Meghan finally got a chance to speak to Kate again. She had been busy watching the Real Housewives marathon and telling Loowee to pipe down.
'What we gonna do about H?' Meg asked. 'He's been avoiding me since Loowee's birth'
'It's obvious he's not gonna ditch that halfwit willingly. We gotta get rid of her - for good! It's time for drastic action'. Kate pressed her engagement ring, she had a button installed in it so it would send a shock up Willy's ass when she needed him.
Willy came running, 'yes babykins?'
'Gimme your phone'.
Willy handed it over relutantly. Kate opened his messages and found his conversation with someone only identified by a Rose emoji. She texted quickly - 'get 2 Nott Cott now'.
Five minutes later there was a knock at the door. When Meg opened it, a woman who could have been a Kate impersonator stood before her. 
'Meg, Rose, Rose, Meg' Kate said, not bothering with formal introductions. Willy looked sheepish in the corner (allegedly).
Meg didnt know who Rose allegedly was but she didn't care. She just wanted to know how she could help her ensnare H.
Kate explained the plan. 'As soon as Phily gets home, we're gonna feed her an apple dosed with botox. Phily is allergic to anything superficial so she'll become drowsy. That's where Rose comes in. She's a witch and with one kiss, Phily will be gone.'
Meg considered the implications of killing the future queen, but came to the conclusion it was worth it.
And so the plan was set. Meg wrote 'you are so loved Phily' on an apple and Kate injected it with the botox she always kept in her bra.
When Phily got home, she was full of the joys of spring. 'We met the most wonderful disadvantaged people today', she beamed. 'I just love saving people'.
Henri smiled lovingly at his wife, 'and they love you, belle'.
'Speaking of love!' Meg said. 'You must take this gift'. She handed her the apple and Phily was touched.
'How wonderful! I will eat it later' she said.
'No you must eat it now sister' Kate said, wearing a full hooded cloak.
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'But it's time for dinner' said Phily.
'So what, eat it!' George said impatiently.
'Yeh Phily, why you gotta be so busybody?' Charlotte added.
'Oh no I really shouldnt' Phily said innocently.
'Just eat the fucking apple!' said a voice from the window. They all turned around and Philpot was riding past on his horse and cart.
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'Well if grandfather says so' Phily said. She bit into the apple and immediately felt a little faint as the botox hit her pure blood.
Elegantly, she fell into Henri's big, strong arms.
'Mon amour!' Henri yelled, carrying her up the ricketty stairs swiftly.
'Oh no, what has happened?' Meg said. Her acting ability really was wasted on Suits.
'There must've been something artificial in the apple' Henri said, laying her on their handmade bed.
'How could there be?' said Kate. 'It's from your very own Orchard For the Hungry'.
Phily was still breathing but was confused.
Henri was devestated at the thought that his orchard might be to blame.
'It's ok Henners, I know a great doctor that is THE expert on allergies'. Meg said.
Just then there was a knock at the bedroom door and Rose allegedly entered wearing a white doctor's coat.
'Here she is now, this is Dr Rose, allegedly', Meg said.
Henri didnt have time to question how she got there so fast, so just said in a panicked voice, 'Dr Allegedly, please help my wife!'
'Everyone who is male and under 2 years of age must leave the room' said Rose.
'No I can not leave her!' Henri wailed, falling at Phily's bedside.
George at once knew it was his time to shine because his father was too dimwitted to defuse this situation.
'Uncle Henri, please could you tell me again why one should never dress as a member of a fascist, murdering political party? I just dont understand why it's so bad' George said sweetly.
Henri knew at once that his greater calling was to teach George right from wrong. It is what Phily would want.
He left the room with one last glance at Phily who was humming 'Once upon a dream'.
That left Kate, Meg, Rose, Charlotte and Phily.
'Get it done Rose!' whispered Kate.
'In order for the enchantment to work, you must all join hands and sing the death kiss soundtrack, the underrated classic 'Kiss from a rose' by Seal'.
***Musical interlude*** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMD2TwRvuoU
Rose kissed Phily on the lips, as the others encircled them singing hypnotically.
A pink mist left Phily's mouth and was inhaled by Rose. 'It is done'.
There was a moment of silence before Kate fell at Rose's feet and looked deeply in her eyes as she sang.
"You remain
My power, my pleasure, my pain.
To me you're like a growing addiction that I can't deny, yeah
Won't you tell me is that healthy, baby.
But did you know, That when it snows,
My eyes become large and the light that you shine can be seen."
Meg gasped. She had been foolish. It was Kate who was allegedly having an affair with Rose, not allegedly Willy!
She didnt have time for that revelation now. She needed to check Phily was really gone.
Checking her pulse, she waited for a few moments until suddenly she felt it beat.
'Damn it Rose, she's alive!' Meg said, losing her temper.
'ARE YOU DUMB, BITCH??!' screamed Charlotte.
Rose rushed over from her alleged embrace with Kate, who had shed her cloak and was now in a real snake skin body suit.
She checked her pulse, and discovered Meg was correct. Her pulse was beating every 19.84 seconds - the year of Henri's birth.
'Oh fuck' Rose allegedly said. 'I've only heard about this happening in fairytales. When the love between husband and wife is pure, the kiss will not work to its full effect'.
Meg screamed into her hands. 'How can it be pure when H's nethers react to me?'
'That is simply a test from Jesu. The point is, Henri has resisted your advances, thus proving the purity of his love'. Rose explained to the room.
At this point, Charlotte lost it. She wanted to be back in her £4 million apartment, not this shitty dive.
'I don’t need a damn explanation about what she asked. Seriously do not act too smart about teaching me things. Asshole answer the question do not even try to be a bloody smart ass. Seriously pisses me off!!!' she yelled.
Rose looked at Kate quizically.
'A bout of Jimmutitus' Kate shrugged.
'What do we do?!' Meg said desperately.
'As long as Henri doesnt suck Phily's toe, the curse will remain in place and the princess will remain in a slumber forever' said Rose.
Kate stroked her chin, 'so technically, we could just SAY Phily's dead? As long as we keep any qualified medical staff away from her?'.
'I guess' Rose said. 'Can I go now?'.
'Yeah, bye', Kate said.
'How are we gonna keep everyone away from Phily?' Meg asked. 
By this point Kate was running out of patience with her co-conspirator and her incessant questions.
'Uh oh you've done it now' Charlotte sniggered.
Meghan was stunned, 'but I-i-i-i was just asking, we're running out of time'
'Ok ok I'm sorry Kate!'
Kate closed her eyes and thought for approximately 10 seconds. In the meantime, Charlotte took off her sock and stuffed it in Meg's mouth to stop any more questions.
When Kate was done thinking, she strode over to the window and flung it open. Beneath her was the sprawling gardens of Kensington Palace.
She took a deep breath and yodelled out of the window 'EUUUUUUGBEEEEEEEEEEEEEA!!!!!!'
Meghan wanted to ask who Eugbea was but she didnt dare.
Within 5 seconds, a figure came running up the lawn. Charlotte leant on the window frame watching the woman run 'urgh her dress is SO tragic'.
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'Meg get over here, lean your head back like this', Kate said.
Both woman stuck their heads out of the window and their hair tumbled to the ground.
When Eugbea reached the bottom of the window, she said 'I think I should go up the stairs'
Eugbea knew better than to argue and began climbing up the wall using the hair as ropes. Finally she made it to the top and clambered into the bedroom.
As soon as she saw Phily lying unconscious on the bed, she let out an inhumane wail. Phily was like the sister Eugbea never had.
'There there, let it out' Kate said, patting her back, suddenly kind. Charlotte stood underneath her catching her tears in her hands.
As usual, Meghan was perplexed so Charlotte filled her in whispering 'this is Eugbea, a blood princess. Blood princesses cry diamond tears so I'm collecting them to make a cage for Phily.'
Meg didnt understand how Charlotte had worked all of this out in the minute that had gone past, but she wanted it to work so bad that she too patted Eugbea's back.
Eugbea turned around nervously at the touch, 'w-w-who are you?'
'No time for that' Kate said, poking her in the eye.
Eugbea cried even more until there were enough diamonds to build the cage.
At once, Charlotte threw the diamonds in the air and they cascaded down in the shape of a dome around Phily, creating a solid diamond barrier.
Once they had ensured nobody could get through it by repeatedly shoving Eugbea against it, Kate pushed her back out of the window and slammed it shut.
'We ready girls? Put on your best sad faces'. They all turned their smiles upside down and Kate pressed her engagement ring.
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Willy came flying up the stairs with the boys and Libby. Henri stormed towards his love.
'What is this!' he asked in dismay, looking at Phily through the dome.
Meg began to cry dramatically, 'Dr Rose did everything she could but it wasnt enough, she's gone!!!'
Henri fell flat on his back like a plank, 'NoOoOoOoOoOoOoooooooOOOO!'
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Libby ran over and began to sing 'Memory' from Cats in a beautiful operatic voice (the musical version, not the movie one because Libby had refined tastes).
"Touch meeeeee,
It is so easy to leave meeeeee
All alone with the memoryyyyyyyy
Of my days in the suuun
If you touch me,
You'll understand what happiness is
Look, a new day has beguuuuuuuuun"
***Musical interlude*** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pm5w7gHEtJI
No public outcry was big enough for Phily. So the royal family decided to send her diamond tomb around the commonwealth via boat (not environmentally unfriendly jet) so her people could say goodbye personally. She was pulled over dying land on a horse and cart, and people threw seeds at her tomb instead of flowers. This meant that the land would become nourished once more.
Even when dead, Phily was working.
After 6 months of travelling, she returned to the UK and was placed in the Windsor Castle tomb with all the greatest kings and queens of England. Luckily for Meg, no one had noticed that Phily was indeed alive.
Henri was devestated but continued to work, alongside Libby.
The public love for Phily had meant that the Cambridges were provisionally forgiven and they moved back into KP on the condition that they undertook at least one engagement a year.
Meghan Markle had remained in Nottingham Cottage to support Henri while flying (not boating) back and forth to Canada to film her show Suits.
Meg had not tried to seduce Henri's nethers as she knew she must gain the public's trust first and act as a good friend.
But she couldnt wait any longer. Since Kate had moved home, she wanted nothing more to do with Meg, so she had concocted a new plan all by herself.
One evening, Henri was carving scultptures for the PPPCT - Princess Philanthropina Pauper Conservation Trust. Meg was in the kitchen roasting a chicken and wafting the smell towards Henri to replicate the cozy vibes Phily always managed to make.
'H, I was thinking for the 6 months anniversary of Phily's passing, we should have an event, the public need to be cheered up' she said, sounding philanthropic.
'A wonderful idea to think of the people of Britain and the commomwealth Meghan, what shall we do?'
'Mmmmmm, well what cheers the British more than anything?' she asked innocently.
'There are only 2 things that cheer Brits. Winning a sport and a royal wedding for a SENIOR member of the family', Henri said.
Meg smirked to herself, he'd bought it hook, line and sinker. 'We cant cheat in sport so maybe a royal wedding is our only option!'
'But we have no single members left that are loved enough' H said dumbly.
Meg rolled her eyes behind his back. 'Well you are single H, and no one is more loved than you!'
H gasped. 'I couldn't!'
Meg, wearing a British flag dress batted her eyelashes. 'Phily is gone and she'd want you to be happy. But she'd want you to make the British people happier'.
H thought for 1.5 seconds and decided she was right. He scolded himself for being selfish, Phily WOULD want him to serve the people above anything else.
'You're right Meghan, but who would I marry?'
'It's funny you asked because I found this in between Phily's reuable sanitary pads' she pulled out a ring box and opened it. Inside was a diamond engagement ring. 'Phily must have had it made, just in case this happened'.
H wept, 'oh my love was so kind!'.
Meg accidently on purpose dropped it on the floor and when Henri gallantly bent on one knee to pick it up, she yelled 'YES!'
'Um what?'
'YES I'LL MARRY YOU!' she grabbed Henri by the collar and pulled him into a hug, planting a big kiss on his perfect lips.
Henri was speechless. It seemed he had just proposed.
And just like that, Meghan Markle and Henri, the Prince of the People, were engaged to be married!
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