#u hate the end result significantly less then usual
child-ofdust · 1 month
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do we fw this ......
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ch3ry1b10ss0m · 6 years
For the prompts 62 u know who
Fingertips smudged in blue ink
Hermann is not nearly as neat as he thinks he is. He might be a lot neater than Newt, sure, but he’s not totally put-together and perfect. For one, as professional as he wants his image to be, his clothing can often look messy as a result of not fitting properly, begging to be readjusted. And another thing - he always leaves half-drained, cold mugs of tea around the lab, sometimes on Newt’s side, and seems to have no idea that they’re his after the fact.
And the most persistent one - he’s always covered in whatever he was writing in. Chalk dust settled into his hair, streaking up his sleeves, absolutely coating his hands like he’s a gymnast or something. When he works with paper and pencil, it always ends up smudged all over his hands and sometimes, as a result, his face. It’s unbelievable; Newt doesn’t know how he manages it.
Newt’s startled when he walks into the lab one morning to find Hermann’s fingers stained with blue ink. He notices it as he sets down a mug on Hermann’s desk and glances over at his hands on the keyboard.
Hermann doesn’t work in pen. He needs the ability to erase and correct and perfect. He hates it when Newt takes notes or sketches in pen or marker or highlighter or whatever he can find first. Newt’s perfectly willing to start over if there’s a mistake - he just needs to get his ideas down before they evaporate. Hermann would rather carry on, edit and continue.
The most likely explanation here seems to be that Hermann was writing something personal, not professional. And that thought makes Newt’s insides clench up all funny in a way he doesn’t particularly like. He would have noticed if this was something Hermann’s done before, whatever this is, so whatever it is, it’s new. A diary or journal seems unlikely, if he hasn’t been keeping one over the last however many years, so maybe... a letter?
He really doesn’t like how he feels at the thought of Hermann handwriting a letter to someone, someone else, someone who isn’t him. He leaves the mug on Hermann’s desk without saying anything, trying not to visibly pout as he heads over to his own desk.
When he gets there, he noticing something that hadn’t been there the night before. An envelope, addressed in blue ink.
Newton, it says simply.
As he looks up, Hermann takes a sip of tea, his eyes on his computer, but he looks like he’s trying very hard to focus on the screen. Newt takes in a sharp breath and picks up the envelope. He’s careful about opening it, doesn’t want to ruin it. There’s just one piece of paper inside, folded neatly, though covered in smudges.
This is the way we communicated best. I suspect the time to think before we reacted made a significant difference, though we were also under significantly less stress back then, weren’t we? Things have been especially grim of late and we’ve both been even more short-tempered than usual. I was wondering how we might alleviate some of our tension and remembered the ease of our communication in print.
To be entirely candid, I’m not just doing this because I think it will help us professionally. The idea of writing to you again, of maybe getting along the way we did back then, is very appealing to me. I hope you feel the same way, though I will of course understand if you do not.
Feel free to leave a letter in reply on my desk or at my quarters when you find the time. Our letters used to be primarily about work, so I won’t forbid that topic, but I don’t think it will benefit us much either to continue all the same conversations we have in person in our letters. And yet I am struggling to figure out what else there is to say.
My sister is getting married, did I ever mention that to you? I’ve been wondering how your little cousin is doing, though she mustn’t be very little anymore. She’s in university, now, isn’t she?
I suppose we still do have things we can talk about here. If you’d like.
I won’t await your reply, don’t worry. I apologize if this makes you uncomfortable, since we don’t talk about that time in our lives. I hope I am not the only one who misses it.
- Hermann
Newt realizes as he finishes reading the letter that it is shaking, that his hand holding it is shaking. He takes a very deep breath and sits down behind his computer. He wants to grab a piece of paper and the first writing utensil in sight and write a response: Yes, of course I miss it. Of course I want to write to you again. I want to go back to that version of us. Is that even possible?
But Hermann took time in crafting his. Hermann used pen. He was absolutely certain of everything he said. Newt owes it to Hermann to take the time to think; that’s the whole point of starting this up again.
Newt sets Hermann’s letter aside. He’ll wait until tonight to start his reply. This is an opportunity to correct the mistakes he’s made; maybe he’ll even use a pencil.
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fagderolo · 6 years
Every number ending in 0 or 5 :3 love you too darlin
good god babe okay this is goin under a readmore
i love yoou
5. Were you already close friends before going out as a couple?
i mean. no?? sort of??????? no and yes. u kno. not this time.
10. Are you engaged? If yes, describe your proposal. If no, what ring would you like?bsdhadbhsd no and who knows! smth sappy and to do with the stars or something, probably15. What fictional couples would you compare yourselves to? fhbjhbfjhfbhbhfhbvjsdf th. u. u know.
(fjord and molly frm cr2, harvey and mike frm suits, lucas and farkle frm gmw, aaand uh. nezumi and shion frm no.6. theres prob others but Thats Enough of a list good god. all of those are fjord and then me, respectively)
20. Top 5 fav things about your partner.aw man this is hard fhdfhbhf i love! everything!!! lets see, in no particular order, here are some things, tho i feel like i could go on fhbfdghb!smile, laugh, eyes, sense of humor, n thoughtfullness bghjhghbg25. What personality traits does your partner find most attractive about you?fbhjdfbhjf i do not know anythin abt myself objectively uhhh! i get called sunshine a lot so i guess i Must seem sunshine-y, i dunno about attractive, particularly.
any time im smug ever, maybe, not sure thats a trait? 30. Innocently or not, where do you like your partner to touch you?everywhere !!!!!!!!!!!!! hair n back n stuff esp, ig??35. What is your partner’s scent like?idk yet,, ill find out,,,, eventually40. What’s one of your favourite memories as a couple?bhdgjbh mm,, anythin under the stars45. How do you both like to kiss?idk how 2 answer this? well??? 50. Do you have unique ringtones/images for each other on your phones?whats a phone i only use discord. id say a definite Yes if we like… lived in the same country.   55. Do you express your love lavishly or discreetly?i think, given the opportunity, fjord and i would absolutely be the most obnoxious couple ever. lavish is a mood.60. Fav things to do together on a sunny day?aw man before?? like sparring n stuff was fun, getting into mischief. id imagine now itd be nice 2 just go on a walk, id prob climb some trees. we can have a picnic,
65. You have a whole weekend to yourselves and 500 in cash- what do you do?aw man like. i could think of a couple things?? on the more tame end just, going thrift shopping for clothes. a bit less tame just buying alcohol and weed and chillin in a hotel room, more spontaneous i could for sure see us getting tattoos on a whim sometime fbjdfjdfb70. Has your relationship changed at all since it first started?mmm aside from the normal ways a relationship changes as you know each other more i dont think so?75. How have you both made a positive impact on each other’s lives?we are! both significantly happier id say fhfjbhfj?
80. What TV shows do you like to watch together?haha recently like girl meets world ! kinda anything i like, i guess? im good at sharing tv shows and not so good at absorbing em. funny stuff tho usually.
85. How do you both keep in touch when you’re away from each other?discooord baybeee90. What characters do you play as together when playing multiplayer games?im bad at viddy games we only have played not fighty games. minecraft n shit.
95. Who would win in an arm-wrestling contest?id get broken 100% fjord wld win. Boyfriend Stromghe would, however, probably refuse to arm wrestle me if he thought itd hurt me fhbjbg100. If you were both animals what would you be? Would you be the same animal?aw man i havent ever thought abt this. theres a lot of like. a real animal? fantasy??? im too indecisive fr this but i feel like asking u is cheating. prob not the same animal tho?105. If you were both ingredients, what would each of you be and what would be the resulting recipe? (e.g. PB & jelly sandwich)we are both very spicy peppers and we result in a firey mouth thats it110. What are some imperfections that your partner loves about you?fdjvgsvfg all??? 115. What is something you love that your partner hates?dunno ! milk120. When was a time that your relationship was put to the test?eeehh?
125. How did you first reveal to people that you were going out?its online idk both of us gushed abt the other before we started dating and then we started and nobody was shocked
130. Has your relationship affected any of your relations with others?idk not really on my end?? im like, up during the day n shit more often so maybe just like, the times i talk to peopleim probably pretty obnoxious 2 my friends i gush a lot135. If you both got married, what would you want your wedding to be like?signing some papers, small party w friends n whatnot afterwards, ridiculous honeymoon or smth w the money that Wasnt spent on a wedding140. Got any relationship advice?ghbhg talk abt yr feelins yo. thts super simple n basic but. works.
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Dating a smoker health
Smoking is cramping your dating style: Survey What you see in the beginning is what you will end up with in the end.  There are lots of fish in the pond, just keep fishing! I am a non smoker who started dating a heavy smoker.  I have also answered their questions on why I dont do it.  If you stand a fairly average foot-and-a-half away from your partner while they smoke two cigarettes, you could be getting roughly the same exposure that you would in a smokey bar.  As a moderate- to seven days in need to heavy smoker.
The Truth about Dating: Run away from that smoker A typical smoker will die ~15 years earlier than normal? And if you are a yourself, then seriously consider quitting if you want a decent date.  Most people are non-smokers, and when you don't smoke, the scent of cigarettes can be pretty nauseating.  I hate to sound cynical but here goes.  They may go through withdrawals as well if you keep them from smoking for too long.  I have brought him inhalators and nicotine replacement gum.  Among the participants, 46 percent of women said they would not date a vaper with about 55 percent saying it was unattractive.
Dating a heavy smoker As I usually do I posted your question on to check the pulse.  ~90% of people who try it get hooked? You learn what drives you, and by keeping the focus on yourself not them that is where change occurs in your quality of life, and quality of relationships.  Immer wieder hören wir aber auch Stimmen von ganztags Berufstätigen, wie gerne sie etwas Gutes für einen Tierschutzhund tun würden, denen aber die Zeit dafür fehlt.  Manners: I'm a smoker - I know, I know, I need to quit.  Forty-one percent of female vapers said they would not date a cigarette smoker, and 37 percent of male vapers echoed the sentiment.
Smoking is cramping your dating style: Survey He tried so hard not to do it around me when we were first dating, but as things grew comfortable, he didn't care about doing it around me.  Basically, I would tell you not to date a smoker if you don't smoke yourself.  Additionally, those exposed secondhand were also at much lower risk from e-cigarettes than from traditional ones, though some risk might still exist.  He has had extensive training in conducting couples therapy and is the author of.  I've already decided that indulging in a habit that he knows will drastically reduce his chances of being able to do those things, will greately increase his chances of cancer and a whole host of other illnesses that are so easily avoidable, all you have to do is not smoke, is a deal breaker for me.  Actually it wasnt that bad to be around my Dh while pregnant with our two boys.
Dating a Smoker: 7 Things You Should Know We are just one year into this relationship and I feel like I need to cut my losses and leave him to his family and get on with my life.  But I know that I needed a lot of other reasons that I could actually see and experience right away to help encourage me to quit, since the accompanying health problems tend to come about a lot slower and feel less tangible until it's often too late.  It must be said, however, that a minority found smoking and vaping to be sexy.  I'd much rather just not go out with smokers than date a smoker and try to change him into a non smoker.  A January 2015 study found that the cancer risk from e-cigarettes long term is estimated to be five to 15 times higher than that of smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, due to the toxic substance formaldehyde in the vapor.
6 Ways Your Smoking Habit Damages Your Relationship Gp dismissing his chronic stomach pains as one of u. The participants were then asked if they were nonsmokers 57 percent , smokers 24.  Research has found that the aerosol from e-cigarettes was significantly lower in toxins than from conventional cigarettes, although toxins could be detected.  Dental radiograph showing bone loss in five, one pack of u.  You don't want to start any potential relationship with lying.  Imagine tasting the flavour of tobacco in your mouth every time he or she kissed you.  Für folgende Hunde suchen wir ein Zuhause.
The Truth about Dating: Run away from that smoker I tried to over look it as we seemed to hit it off pretty well.  If it did, no one would smoke.  Dating a drug test is the chain smokers say they will help; the.  What helps me is that he does not smoke indoors, he always smokes outside.  If you've never been around someone who smokes every day, you may not realize what it does to the body.
Do I Need to Reveal I'm A Smoker In My Dating Profile? Obviously he will get the idea right away about me not smoking and not favoring it.  Thousands of studies have been conducted on smokers and the results have found that smokers tend to struggle more with anxiety and depression than non-smokers.  After all, we all have flaws and weaknesses, and smoking is simply one of yours.  I just could not sit and watch her do this to herself.  I'd love for him to quit smoking but he can't do it for me or for anyone but himself.
6 Ways Your Smoking Habit Damages Your Relationship You can't change him,mend him or fix him! For vaping, 62 percent said they were worried that the long-term health effects remain unknown.  Sixty-two percent of those who would not date vapers expressed worry that the long-term health effects remain unknown.  Yet the question about whether you should date a smoker is valid.  Over the years I became complacient as I was trying to meet people and date.  They will light-up their cigarettes and splinters of the cigarette will burn holes in your fashionable clothes.  I married a smoker even though I absolutely hate smoking.
Can kissing someone who smokes affect my health? I simply decided beforehand that smoking is a deal breaker.  Through observing and understanding your interactions with the addict guess what, it's all about you, and not about them at all , and where they stem from within you, that is where change occurs.  Over the course of our relationship I discovered he had several family, health, financial and substance abuse problems too.  Then look around for someone else.  Just 9 percent of female vapers and 13 percent of male vapers said switching to vaping would not increase their attraction.  I've been working on it, I promise.
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