#u know the usual grab bag of things šŸ˜©
barnabyseyelashes Ā· 2 years
crewmateā€™s log
life (?) update
been writing this for a while mentally i guess. really good at just thinking things and not doing them. but an update bc i know iā€™ve been absent; for some of you longer than others, and i do regret and am sorry for that. i do love and care about you and think about you all even when i am gone, and i hope everyone has been holding on.Ā 
i feel like iā€™m one of the maquis adrift on the voyager, and it has been a long, lonely hard travel. and unfortunately often i feel like a worse person for it.Ā 
general c/tw for illness/covid/cancer, IPV, parental death. it is kinda long so feel free to skim/skip as needed.Ā 
my spouse and i have very little IRL support, we have been paying over $4k usd a month on rent alone, my mom and sister are the only family iā€™ve spoken to since december. spouse working full time in thankfully a better job with a shorter commute but having to care full time for me & our elderly ill cat when at home.Ā 
and this is probably the sickest iā€™ve ever been in my life which is saying a lot, considering ive been poisoned by toxic black mold before & have dealt with literally crippling stomach issues previous. ever since november everything has been happening. i slept basically all december, i was too tired to be awake more than 3-5 hours at a time most days. i havenā€™t even been able to wash my hair or proper shower since. much of december and january i was unable to walk (and i mean literally dragging myself with my arms/using my moms walker as crutches unable to walk) which was a fun new exciting development. thankfully we started to live our current place by then, as our apartment is on the second floor with awful cinder stairs. though we still havenā€™t moved for real and are stuck paying for it until near may. soooo really uh not jazzed to find out how we will move in the next two months when i still have days i canā€™t walk. especially since again we basically have no IRL support. iā€™m doing better at least a little, iā€™ve started nutrient IV therapy again which is helping even if itā€™s extremely difficult (and expensive). my stomach is still so fucked up that i can barely eat. itā€™s so clenched all the time if i have more than like 3 crackers i will have Lead Weight and 6-10 hours of pain :) thank you cannabis literally without her i would not be eating at all. even still iā€™m belching like a beer hall competitor for hours most days it fucking sucks. the only real progress tho has been that at least iā€™ve been having a lot fewer panic attacks and less general anxiety now that we are living in our new spot which iā€™m very grateful for. kinda surprising bc usually if my stomach hurts i have anxiety and often panic so that at least has been a relief. the rest of my brain has been fucking trash garbage tho, nonverbal or partially verbal mostly. multiple meltdowns a week when b4 it was a biannual occurrence. no brain power, lots of autistic rage & ideation. just awful to be & inflict on everyone else. i am sorry for that. it is largely why i shut down at times. i simply fucking have to.Ā 
obviously iā€™ve been too sick to really do anything but spouse and i are deep in our pokĆ©mon hole and itā€™s keeping us good company. lol despite the graphics scvi are pretty good games. writing? character development? in MY pokĆ©mon main series game? more likely than you think..Ā 
still itā€™s so bittersweet to be saying sayonara to satoshi shounen, ah ah ahhh iā€™m gonna cry so hard (already have). but i think the new series will be good. it will just be different.Ā 
also i was blessed bc in the first 30 min of playing i caught a shiny mareep, one of my top 6 fave lines and one of my fave shinies. i only caught 1 in pogo and so i was so jazzed. sheā€™s carried usĀ šŸ’–Ā my beloved deanna (like dddk, not tng)Ā 
one of the things thatā€™s also been good is our new living situation, even if its annoying and complicated sometimes to share with other people, iā€™m glad we are living with my literal oldest friend and the only person from high school i still talk to lol. we have a cottage, bigger than our old one, and even tho it doesnā€™t have a bathroom, the insulation & windows are shit, itā€™s been good. & it is under 2k a month, we got a small room in the main house now too so spouse has an office & we have some extra storage. but the best is having space to make a large, productive garden, and my friends 3 ducks and 3 chickens. skip the next part if you donā€™t wanna see my essay about them LMAO.Ā Ā 
and omg gay people, iā€™ll never not be raising poultry now. bird flu in domestic flock was finally detected in our county this winter, which makes me sweat a bit but fingers crossed we will be ok. my friends ex (who lived here b4 us) did most of the bird care. since iā€™ve been here tho itā€™s basically all been me, and of my choice. tricky when i have been sick but truthfully they take about 20 min a day of daily care, and maybe an hour a week of general maitenence. in early autumn when we got here, it was so easy to be outside for hours with them.. no one had ever been able to pet them before. my friend wasnā€™t even trusted enough to see the duckies swim in their pool while she was in the yard! nowadays the two nonskittish ducks are happy to pop in there even if iā€™m in the splash zoneĀ šŸ¤£Ā iā€™m awful i do love the ducks best because they are sweet, simple creatures who know whatā€™s good in life (treats, bodies of water, naps, frequent loud gay sex) while the chickens are a bit meanĀ šŸ˜­Ā i still havenā€™t resolved the pecking order issues (the lowest chicken, emma [cream legbar], always beats up on the nervous duck, lydia [ancona]) but hopefully in summer iā€™ll be able to help shift that. kitty (brown khaki campbell) & jane (silver welsh harlequin) are very well trained to ā€œcmereā€ and eat readily (jane, too readily..) from my hand. the dominant chickens, boss lady/lizzie (black ameraucana supposably) & eleanor (grey lace silverruds blĆ„) will do the same but they arenā€™t quite as good at the recall lol. iā€™ve been reading on raising them all, working on gentling them, and enriching their lives.. i love it. they have really helped me, especially kitty. she is very special. she is the smallest but she lays the hugest fucking eggs, and since mid autum itā€™s been DAILY. like lord girl you gotta stop and moult eventually your feathers are so tatty. spouse has breakfast every day now though. iā€™m allergic to eggs soĀ šŸ˜‚Ā oh well. theyā€™re great fun to raise regardless. (iā€™ve even recently gotten skittish lydia to eat worms from my hand, so iā€™ve officially touched them all!!)Ā 
anyway i could talk about my beloved birds for fuckin ever obviously lol but i also wanna write about my family a bit too, bc so much has happened. tw covid , IPV , cancerĀ 
i may have had covid in summer/early fall but my mom and sis got it for real, both of them in december/january. i donā€™t remember which. my mom got hers likely from the hospital cuz her ONCOLOGIST told her to get her mri there instead of the specialty mri clinic :) which is nice. my mom has lymphoma as well as several autoimmune diseases and pretty severe mental illness. she has been sick in and off since. she is sick rn & i am missing this weeks IV because of that. so shout out to california removing mask requirements in healthcare settings as of aprilĀ šŸ¤®šŸ‘Ā 
my sister got hers from her shitty ex bf. that man supported her while she dealt with numerous health issues and surgeries in.. 2020..1? 21 i think. idk. maybe both. he supported her thru the hell that the last year was. up until last month when he fucking attacked her over a disagreement about a LITTER BOX. literally grabbed her , held her, and dumped dirty cat litter box over her head then destroyed the box with a huge chefs knife. bc thatā€™s a really normal response. my sister had to call the cops. sheā€™s gonna get a restraining order against him and his fucked up parents. but now sheā€™s out sheā€™s realized he had been abusing her verbally & emotionally like their whole relationship.Ā šŸ’”Ā iā€™m just so glad she fucking survived and he didnā€™t do worse, good god. she has been staying in our apartment most of the winter bc covid and now until she can get her own place so even tho we are hemmoraghing money on that shithole, at least itā€™s useful.. bc lol my moms husband literally told my sister ā€œwell in your bfs defense, any guy would react like that to a woman behaving like thatā€ LIKE UM? NO?!??!? so she isnā€™t comfortable being there. spouse and i never felt safe around that man and it is a large reason we moved from my cottage at my moms to my dads place to begin with. so at least we have officially broken off any relationship to that trash man which is great but my mom wonā€™t leave him so i have to just make my peace that disease will take her if he doesnā€™t someday. fun stuff.Ā 
tw parental death
also cool and fun things happening lately is that this saturday it will have been a year since my fathers physical form drew breath. to say this last 15 or so months have sucked shit is the biggest understatement ever. my aunt currently has like two days to settle his estate; yes she still has a large proportion of my sister & my inheritance. no i havenā€™t seen or spoken to her since my grandpas funeral in september but iā€™m the ā€œchild of her heartā€ like ok. & my da had a reverse mortgage on our home of 20 years, and they forced us to sell it within a few months instead of the 12 legally we were allowed. that move was absolute hell. and i had to spend 8k on movers just for some of them to 1% ass it; they literally broke multiple peices of my dads ceramic artworks bc i tried and tried to get people to help me pack them but no one but my mom did. she couldnā€™t manage them all. itā€™s hard to forgive myself. itā€™s so fucking enourmous to bear the weight of knowing i have to be the one who cares for and maintaines his body of work, at least the bulk of it. god that fucker iā€™m still mad he gave away my favourite bowl to a goddamn woman he met at the pool LMFAO classic mike manoeuvre. one of his brothers took the fish vase i wanted too.. and the vase that matches the one he was throwing when my moms water broke with me. if it was steve i forgive you because my uncle steve also is dying of bladder cancer rn (da had multiple myeloma, diagnosed 2016) and i feel shit for not speaking with him for months but. illness. larry youā€™re on thin ice, hugh if it was you iā€™ll kill you myselfĀ šŸ”ŖĀ Ā same for you mary especially cuz u actually knew i wanted that shit.Ā 
dads bday was literally in january but did any one of those bitches text me? no. did any of his friends text me? no. tbf i can barely respond to texts but like still.. i feel bad i havenā€™t seen or called my grandma but also. illness! been nonverbal most days! so likeĀ šŸ„²Ā everyone else has their grief too i get it but lol to have everyone say ā€œwe will be there for youā€ and for literally no one to be seen its very hurtful. at least one of his friends text me to check in on me and my sister yday. but it really truly feels like no one gives a shit. and with my moms lack of health iā€™m having to prepare to be an orphan within 5 years.Ā Ā 
my sister bought a star for him months ago in some registry. i didnā€™t have the heart to tell her that it was near meaningless, these registries arenā€™t anything, no one can own these things. but on clear nights i still look off the leading edge of the plow into whatever near nothingness that faint light is coming from, adrift in emptiness.Ā 
anyways thatā€™s pretty much all from me. (is it enough LOL. happy saturn return with saturn in sideral aquarius. in my 1H tooĀ šŸ˜©) as i get better i will be getting back slowly into discord and shit, iā€™ve literally just been too exhausted and unable to function. some of yiz have known abt some of this, but mostly my main acct tweeps & tumblr muts havenā€™t, so i just figured i would write this, and maybe it would help me in some way. hopefully iā€™ll be back on tumblr soon too, i literally just canā€™t use it with our internet (and lack of) here lmfao. iā€™ll slowly be getting this out to my e-circles as i have energy in the next days.Ā 
sending love to you all in pawsitivity discord; yuri horse club, gabriel, kurt & folks from tumblr; and all the rest of yiz. (i donā€™t mean to forget or omit anyone, honest). i hate that illness & shit has kept me from you. the last year has taught me well to value the time we have and it is not guaranteed. i love you all, i miss you, and i am wishing you well. i am hoping to reconnect soon. beannachtaĆ­Ā šŸ’ššŸ’™šŸ’œĀ 
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soobnny Ā· 1 year
classmate au | kim sunoo
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ā no one is allowed to borrow my art materials except for (name) āž
heeseung | jay | jake | sunghoon | SUNOO | jungwon | ni-ki
kim sunoo
sweet, sunshine, best friend kim sunoo
it was kind of SO obvious he wanted to be friends
like he wants to be close to you soooo bad and maybe itā€™s bc he saw u playfully bullying riki
it was love at first sight and an instant best friendship the moment you finally met
your seats were assigned so u were sat next to each other
you two are basically inseparable now
sunoo strikes me as the type to just walk into the classroom and walk straight towards where youā€™re seated
at school events, heā€™d leave his backpack on the seat next to him to reserve you a seat
then heā€™d go ā€œ(name)!ā€ while waving from his seat itā€™s actually kind of embarrassing
there is never anxiety of being seated next to a stranger bc sunoo has your back
heā€™d grab an extra mini fan from his bag to give to U bc these school events r always so scorching hot
sunoo does that ā€œleaning against your locker while you get thingsā€ thing
he is so unaware of how HANDSOME he looks
oh and btw if you donā€™t attend class, he probably wonā€™t in solidarity
in the chances that he does attend class, he usually sends you photos of his notes and everything you need to know
heā€™d be like iā€™m soooooo bored 2 minutes into the class without you like it hasnā€™t even STARTED
just prepare for his spam messages
after class, youā€™d buy street food and just gossip over it
youā€™d stare at what he bought and heā€™d roll his eyes before pushing the stick towards you so you can bite off it
YES feeding each other ā€¦ normal best friend things
anyways moving on
another thing in my vision is that heā€™s the provider of art materials
the teacher suddenly lets you make a poster????
you know youā€™re secured bc sunoo is ur bff and will let only YOU borrow his supplies
ā€œsunoo, let me borrow your colored markersā€
ā€œok, which colors do you wantā€ ā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļø
flat out will say no to everyone else tho
heā€™s kind of intimidating honestly despite having the sweetest smile
LIKE heā€™s friends with everyone but not friends friends
do you guys get what i mean
he is just a completely different person with you bc he trusts u the most and he just becomes CRAZY
like yall let him keep his crazy too much .. thank god youā€™re there for him to unleash it to
heā€™s one of the people who plays volleyball with riki and friends
but heā€™s absolutely horrible please save him
altho ā€¦ why does he look so handsome playing even tho he canā€™t receive the ball? šŸ¤Ø
heā€™d just laugh and crumble in embarrassment and youā€™d be the number one person cheering for him
(update after ellaā€™s rb,, full credits to her) u would def put the blame on his teammates
ā€œRIKI DO BETTERā€ even if it was 100% sunooā€™s fault like so real
weird specific love language? buying each other water
heā€™s playing volleyball? you have a bottle of water for him in case he wants to sit out the game and watch with you
youā€™re finished with your physical education practical exam? heā€™s waiting for you with his big ass water jug
BUT LIKEEEE why is there a change in the air suddenly šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©
why is your best friend so boyfriend material actually
he holds your handā€¦ holds it so firmly
sunoo gives the best hugs too
he makes you laugh and heā€™s so thoughtful with his stupid water and his art materials
even carries your things for you sometimes
AND yall take good photos of each other
ā€œdoes my hair look fine?ā€
heā€™d reach out to fix it ā€¦ tuck it behind your ear or look at you so intensely before going back to smiling n saying yup all good!
during the sports festival, yall are off joining some type of singing jingle cheer competition which is usually the first event
so you guys just joke around for the rest of the week, watch some events, and take LOTS of photos
you would laugh at your classmates
maybe even cheer for some of your friends
just as long as youā€™re next to each other
you probably bad mouth the opposite team BUT TO YOURSELVES .. not out loud
would clap so hard when your team wins a point !!!
also back to the taking photos detail
heā€™d just be dragging you everywhere to take photos bc when is the best time but NOW
ofc u do take his photos .. u ltrly take the Best
ā€œsunoo, look, youā€™re so handsome here!ā€
and then you look up at him to see his reaction and heā€™s already looking at you
uh oh.
your faces are so close to each other like SO close
letā€™s step back and check the label šŸ˜‚
tho he does save u out of ur misery by asking you out a week later
bc apparently the sudden shift in air also happened to HIM
he brings it up as a joke first bc heā€™s testing the waters and heā€™s not trynna get rejected
ā€œimagine if we were datingā€¦..ā€ and a long lingering pause in the air afterward
if you joked back with like a ā€œLOLā€, heā€™d know u donā€™t feel the same
but you ltrly go šŸ˜® and so speechless bc why is he suddenly bringing this up when youā€™ve spent the last few nights thinking about him
did those tiktok manifestations work
did that tiktok audio actually get sunoo to like u back
ā€œumā€¦ well! well, you seeā€¦ā€
ā€œi like youā€
you guys are like waaaaay more inseparable now that youā€™re dating
your friends will fake vomit around u .. but donā€™t worry itā€™s just bc theyā€™re bitchless
while u and ur bf sunoo are happily in love
btw he gets jealous easily TEARSSSSSS
he gets all pouty but donā€™t worry, you just have to Hug him and give him a kiss and heā€™s all smiles again
oh, and i feel the need to inform you that hugs are his favorite thing in the world
and CHEEK kisses like specifically cheek kisses.. he loves them
his ideal dates r just when youā€™re at each otherā€™s house
you can order takeout and do your skincare together ā€¦ watch the latest movies
his family loves you too
so much that they include your favorite snacks when they go grocery shopping
ā€œsunoo, get those chips that (name) rly likes. u dont know when she might come over next!ā€
like they are ANTICIPATING you
enjoy dating i love sunoo
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note. credits to user @.luvknow for the layout of this post! let me know what you think! please discuss these with me iā€™m crazy
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