terranlifeform · 2 years
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Cloud forest at Udzungwa Mountains National Park in Tanzania
Chien C. Lee
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herpsandbirds · 10 months
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Goliath Scarabs (Mecynorhina harrisi), female (bttm) feeds on sap, while the male (top) engages in "precopulatory guarding", family Scarabaeidae, Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania
photograph by Chien Lee Wildlife Photography
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snakemanaustralia · 3 months
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Grabbing Herald Snakes in Africa. See the big paper ....
ABSTRACT Following extensive fieldwork by Raymond Hoser in Africa in 2009 and after catching and inspecting large numbers of various forms of the widespread Herald Snake (Genus Crotaphopeltis Fitzinger, 1843), the genus was subjected to an intensive audit, including inspection of specimens of all previously named species in the genus, as well as a review of literature, published photos and the like. This examination included snakes from locations across the known sub-Saharan distribution of the genus as currently recognized. The result of the audit included the recognition of the six currently widely recognized species, Crotaphopeltis barotseensis Broadley, 1968, C. braestrupi Rasmussen, 1985, C. degeni (Boulenger, 1906), C. hippocrepis (Reinhardt, 1843), C. hotamboeia (Laurenti, 1768) and C. tornieri (Werner, 1908). Also resurrected from the synonymy of C. degeni (Boulenger, 1906), type locality Entebbe, Uganda, is the related taxon, Leptodira attarensis Werner, 1908 from South Sudan and nearby west Ethiopia (Gambela). An allied species Crotaphopeltis andreeblouinae sp. nov. from Cameroon and the Central African Republic is formally named for the fi rst time. The species C. tornieri (Werner, 1908), type locality Usambara Mountains, Tanga Province, northeastern Tanzania is split into four species, with the population from Mount Rungwe, Tanzania Ukinga to the south and the nearby Misuku Mountains in Malawi formally named as Crotaphopeltis juliusnyererei sp. nov.. Those morphologically similar specimens from the Ufi pa Plateau are formally named C. ufi paensis sp. nov.. The divergent population from the Rondo Plateau area of south east Tanzania are formally named as C. rondoensis sp. nov.. The remaining population of nominate C. tornieri (mainly in the north-east) is also split with the southwestern population from the Udzungwa Mountains being formally described as a new subspecies C. tornieri udzungwaensis subsp. nov.. The most widely distributed species C. hotamboeia is formally split into six subspecies, four formally named for the fi rst time. The most divergent species in the genus C. barotseensis, believed to have diverged from the others about 15 MYA, is herein placed in a new genus Paracrotaphopeltis gen. nov.. Taxonomic vandalism by way of pretending these forms are not unique, or by assigning them non-ICZN compliant duplicate names could hamper conservation to the degree that one or more way well become extinct as has already happened for other similarly affected taxa, including as detailed in Hoser (2019a, 2019b). Keywords: Africa; Snake; Reptilia; Squamata; Serpentes; Colubridae; Crotaphopeltis; barotseensis; braestrupi; degeni; hippocrepis; hotamboeia; tornieri; attarensis; ruziziensis; Congo; Cameroon; Tanzania; Sudan; Ethiopia; Central African Republic; Ufi pa plateau; Rondo plateau; new genus; Paracrotaphopeltis; new species; andreeblouinae; juliusnyererei; ufi paensis; rondoensis; new subspecies; udzungwaensis; rubrumlabellum; luteuslabellum; labellumpulvereus; albalinguacalloso. Full text at: https://www.smuggled.com/AJH-62-Pages-3-22.pdf
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gokitetour · 5 months
Top 9 Hidden Places To Explore In Tanzania
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Tanzania, known for its stunning landscapes, rich wildlife, and vibrant culture, holds a treasure trove of hidden gems awaiting adventurous travelers. While iconic destinations like Serengeti National Park and Mount Kilimanjaro often steal the spotlight, there are numerous lesser-known spots that offer unique experiences for those willing to venture off the beaten path.
In this guide, we'll unveil nine hidden places in Tanzania that promise unforgettable adventures and a deeper connection with the country's natural and cultural heritage. From secluded beaches to remote wilderness areas, each destination offers its own charm and allure, providing intrepid explorers with the opportunity to discover the lesser-explored wonders of this East African gem. So, pack your sense of curiosity and embark on a journey to uncover Tanzania's best-kept secrets
Here are nine lesser-known places worth exploring:
Udzungwa Mountains National Park:
Known as the "Galapagos of Africa," this park is home to diverse wildlife, including primates, birds, and unique plant species. It features breathtaking waterfalls, hiking trails, and the opportunity to spot rare species like the Udzungwa red colobus monkey.
A historic coastal town with a laid-back atmosphere, Pangani boasts beautiful beaches, coral reefs, and Swahili architecture. It's an ideal destination for snorkeling, diving, and exploring the ruins of ancient Arab and German settlements.
Rubondo Island National Park:
 Situated in Lake Victoria, Rubondo Island is a secluded paradise for nature lovers. Visitors can enjoy birdwatching, fishing, and chimpanzee tracking in this untouched wilderness.
Ruaha National Park:
 Tanzania's largest national park, Ruaha is renowned for its rugged landscapes, diverse wildlife, and low tourist numbers. It offers excellent game viewing opportunities, including sightings of lions, elephants, and endangered species like wild dogs and roan antelopes.
Kilwa Kisiwani:
A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Kilwa Kisiwani was once a thriving Swahili trading port. Today, it is home to ancient ruins, including mosques, palaces, and forts, which offer insight into the region's rich history and maritime trade.
Selous Game Reserve:
 As one of the largest protected areas in Africa, Selous Game Reserve offers a wilderness experience unlike any other. Visitors can explore vast savannahs, wetlands, and rivers while enjoying game drives, boat safaris, and walking safaris away from the crowds.
Mahale Mountains National Park:
Tucked away on the shores of Lake Tanganyika, Mahale Mountains National Park is a remote paradise for chimpanzee trekking. It also offers pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and stunning views of the surrounding mountains.
Kitulo Plateau National Park:
Known as the "Serengeti of Flowers," Kitulo Plateau is a botanical haven with a diverse range of flora, including numerous endemic species. It's a great destination for hiking, birdwatching, and photography, especially during the wildflower season.
Lake Natron:
 Famous for its surreal landscapes and flamingo populations, Lake Natron is a salt lake located in the Great Rift Valley. Its alkaline waters create otherworldly formations, including mineral-rich pools and petrified animals, making it a photographer's dream.
Conclusion :
In conclusion, Tanzania boasts an array of hidden gems waiting to be explored by intrepid travelers. From the remote wilderness of Katavi National Park to the mystical depths of the Udzungwa Mountains, there's no shortage of off-the-beaten-path destinations to discover. Whether you're seeking solitude amidst the breathtaking landscapes or yearning for encounters with unique wildlife, Tanzania offers an unforgettable adventure for those willing to venture beyond the tourist trail. Consider including these hidden treasures in your Tanzania tour package for an authentic and immersive experience that goes beyond the ordinary.
Read More: laos tour
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piyasahaberleri · 7 months
Uzaylı böceklerin bir illüstrasyonu. — Shutterstock/DosyaTanzanya'nın güneydoğu Afrika'daki izole ormanlarında bilim adamları tarafınca beş yeni tür ve yeni bir kırkayak cinsel bulunmuş oldu.Avustralya'daki Sunshine Coast Üniversitesi'ne nazaran bilim adamları, ağaçların ve asmaların büyümesini araştırırken Tanzanya'nın Udzungwa Dağları'nda kırkayaklar buldu. USC'den Profesör Andy Marshall, ekibinin, gevşek toprak ve orman kalıntıları içinde kafaları Yıldız Savaşları karakterlerine benzeyen kırkayaklar bulduğunu bildirdi.Marshall, "Orman iyileşmesini ölçmek için saha çalışmamız esnasında her büyüklükteki kırkayakları kaydediyoruz şu sebeple bunlar orman sağlığının büyük göstergeleridir, sadece miriapodologlar örneklerimizi değerlendirene kadar bu türlerin önemini fark edemedik" dedi.Son zamanlarda bulunan kırkayakların her birinin ortalama 200 bacağı bulunduğunu ve uzunluklarının yalnızca birkaç santimetre bulunduğunu belirtti. New York Postası.Afrika'da görülen en büyük kırkayaklar maksimum 35 santimetre yada ortalama 14 inç uzunluğa sahipti. Missouri Koruma Departmanı'na nazaran, Şimal ABD'daki en büyük kırkayak türü ortalama yarısı uzunlukta olup 15 santimetre yada 6 inç ölçülerindedir.Marshall'a nazaran yeni kırkayak cinsel ve türünün keşfi, tropik ormanlar hakkında öğrenilecek daha ne kadar oldukça şey bulunduğunu gösteriyor.USC'ye nazaran beş yeni tür Attemsostreptus leptoptilos, Attemsostreptus julostriatus, Attemsostreptus magombera, Attemsostreptus leptoptilos ve Udzungwastreptus marianae'dir. Yeni kırkayak cinsine Udzungwastreptus adı verildi.Danimarka Tabiat Zamanı Müzesi'ndeki Kopenhag Üniversitesi kırkayak örneklerini teslim aldı.
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jhavelikes · 8 months
The “trachystreptoform” species of Spirostreptidae, i.e., species which would formerly have been ascribed to the tribe Trachystreptini, from the Udzungwa Mountains are (re)described, including one new genus and five new species: Attemsostreptus reflexus Akkari & Enghoff, 2019, A. cataractae Enghoff sp. nov., A. leptoptilos Enghoff sp. nov., A. julostriatus Enghoff sp. nov., Lophostreptus tersus (Cook, 1896) (= L. ptilostreptoides Carl, 1909 syn. nov.), L. magombera Enghoff sp. nov., and Udzungwastreptus marianae Enghoff gen. et sp. nov. The type material of Lophostreptus regularis Attems, 1909 (= L. tersus) is discussed. The discussion includes paragraphs on the classification and the Udzungwa fauna of Spirostreptidae, on grouping of the Udzungwa trachystreptoform species in relation to altitude, and on the possibly recent immigration of A. reflexus and L. tersus into the Udzungwa Mts.
A mountain of millipedes XI. The trachystreptoform spirostreptids of the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Spirostreptidae) | European Journal of Taxonomy
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travelluxegroup · 1 year
Tanzania’s Best Kept Secrets – A Luxury Photo Tour Through Hidden Gems
Unearthing Tanzania's Hidden Gems: An Introduction Tanzania, known for its world-renowned national parks, stunning coastline, and abundant wildlife, is a destination that draws millions of tourists every year. However, there is still so much of this East African country that remains undiscovered, waiting to be explored. Tanzania's hidden gems are the lesser-known, but equally breathtaking, destinations that are often overlooked by travelers. Off-the-Beaten-Path Adventures Travelers seeking an adventure off the beaten path will find Tanzania's hidden gems to be a perfect escape. The country's lush forests, cascading waterfalls, and rugged terrain offer endless opportunities for exploration. From hiking the Usambara Mountains to canoeing along the shores of Lake Victoria, Tanzania's hidden gems promise exhilarating experiences for the intrepid traveler. Cultural Richness For those fascinated by culture and history, Tanzania's hidden gems are a treasure trove. Ancient rock art sites, cultural festivals, and traditional village homestays offer an authentic glimpse into the lives of Tanzania's diverse cultures. Exploring these hidden gems allows you to learn about Tanzania's rich heritage and connect with its people in immersive and meaningful ways. Unique Wildlife Tanzania's hidden gems are also home to an array of unique and rare wildlife. The country boasts over 22,000 species of plants and animals, many of which can only be found in Tanzania. Travelers can spot the elusive red colobus monkey in Jozani Forest, or go birdwatching in the remote wetlands of Pemba Island. With so much to explore, Tanzania's hidden gems promise unforgettable wildlife encounters. Join us on a luxury photo tour through Tanzania's hidden gems, and experience the best of this vibrant country. From the hidden waterfalls of the Usambara Mountains to the pristine beaches of Mafia Island, we will take you on a journey to uncover Tanzania's best-kept secrets. Exploring the Underrated Beauty of Mikumi National Park If you’re looking for an off-the-beaten-path adventure in Tanzania, Mikumi National Park is a destination you don't want to miss. Located in the southern part of Tanzania, Mikumi is a true hidden gem. This underrated park is a perfect stopover for guests en route to Ruaha and Selous, but the park itself is vast enough to deserve a few days to explore it in detail. Wildlife in Mikumi National Park Despite being one of the smaller parks in Tanzania, Mikumi National Park has a diverse range of wildlife that you can enjoy. With an abundance of buffalo, hippos, lions, and baboons, Mikumi is a great spot for wildlife enthusiasts. Moreover, it is the only place in Tanzania where you can spot the rare Udzungwa red colobus monkey. Scenery in Mikumi National Park The scenery of Mikumi National Park is breathtaking. The park is home to open grasslands, marshes, and acacia woodlands. The Uluguru Mountains stand in the north, providing a stunning backdrop to the park. With the Mkata floodplain and the Kilombero Valley, the park offers a range of landscapes to explore. What to do in Mikumi National Park Game drives in Mikumi National Park are a must-do activity. Along with game drives, you can also enjoy walking safaris in the park. You can explore the park's landscapes and observe the wildlife up close. Birdwatchers will enjoy the diversity of bird species in the park. Where to stay in Mikumi National Park There are a variety of accommodations available in and around Mikumi National Park to suit every budget. From camping sites to lodges, the options are plentiful. Stanley's Kopje, Vuma Hills, Mikumi Wildlife Camp, and Morongoro Villa are a few luxury accommodations that offer top-notch facilities and exceptional service. Overall, Mikumi National Park is a fantastic destination that is often overlooked. It's immensely worthwhile to spend a few days exploring the park and its surroundings to witness its underrated beauty. A Journey Through the Majestic Selous Game Reserve The Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania is a hidden gem for nature and wildlife enthusiasts alike. Spanning over 50,000 square kilometers, it is one of the largest game reserves in the world and is home to a diverse array of animals, including African elephants, lions, hippos, and crocodiles. The best way to experience this natural wonderland is by embarking on a luxury photo tour through the reserve. The Best Time to Visit Selous Game Reserve The best time to visit Selous Game Reserve is during the dry season, which runs from June to October. During this time, the wildlife congregates around the water sources, making it easier to spot some of the reserve's majestic creatures. The temperature is also cooler, making it a more comfortable experience for visitors. What to Expect on the Safari The Selous Game Reserve offers a variety of activities, such as game drives, walking safaris, and boat safaris, all of which are geared towards giving you the best possible wildlife experience. On game drives, you will have the opportunity to spot the Big Five, among other animals, with the help of experienced guides. Walking safaris offer a more up-close and personal encounter with the wildlife, while boat safaris provide a unique view of the reserve from the water. Where to Stay in Selous Game Reserve There are several luxury lodges in Selous Game Reserve that offer exceptional accommodation and amenities amidst the wilderness. These lodges provide comfortable tents and cabins with stunning views of the surrounding landscape. They also offer all-inclusive packages that include meals, activities, and transportation, making it a hassle-free experience for visitors. Discovering the Serengeti's Lesser-Known Wonders Grumeti Game Reserve When most people think of the Serengeti, they think of the open plains of the national park. However, just outside the park boundaries lies the Grumeti Game Reserve, a private reserve owned by Singita. This area is home to a range of animals, including elephant, giraffe, and lion. But what makes Grumeti unique is its river. Hippos and crocodiles can be seen here, and it's also a popular spot for bird watching. Lake Natron Located in northeastern Tanzania, Lake Natron is a salt lake that's known for its pink hue. This color is caused by a type of bacteria that thrives in the lake's salty waters. The lake is also a popular breeding ground for flamingos, which come here to feed on the algae that grows in the water. Visitors can take a guided walk around the lake to learn more about its geology and wildlife. Ol Doinyo Lengai Ol Doinyo Lengai is an active volcano located in the heart of the Great Rift Valley. It's known for its unique black lava that is rich in natrocarbonatite, a type of rock that's only found in a few other places on Earth. Visitors can hike to the summit of the volcano and see the lava flows up close. However, it's important to note that the climb is challenging and should only be attempted by experienced hikers. Ngorongoro Crater While the Ngorongoro Crater is not exactly a "hidden gem," it's often overshadowed by the Serengeti National Park. The crater is the world's largest inactive volcanic caldera and is home to a high concentration of wildlife, including the "Big Five" (elephant, lion, leopard, rhinoceros, and buffalo). Visitors can take a guided safari tour to explore the crater and see these animals up close. The Serengeti is a vast and diverse ecosystem, and these lesser-known wonders are just a few examples of what Tanzania has to offer. Whether you're looking for a unique geological formation, a private reserve with a range of wildlife, or a salt lake known for its flamingos, Tanzania has something for everyone. So why not book your luxury photo tour and discover these hidden gems for yourself? Unwinding in Zanzibar's Pristine Beaches and Emerald Waters Zanzibar, often referred to as the Spice Island, is one of Tanzania’s best-kept secrets waiting to be discovered. This tropical paradise is surrounded by the pristine waters of the Indian Ocean, with some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Beach Activities There are a plethora of activities you can indulge in when relaxing on Zanzibar’s beaches. Take a dip in the crystal-clear seawater and explore the colorful coral reefs teeming with marine life. Snorkeling and scuba diving are popular activities on the island, with a variety of tour operators offering equipment rentals and accompanied excursions. You can also take a thrill ride on a dhow sailboat, snorkel at the Mnemba Atoll during high tide, or visit one of the island’s many sandbars. Beach volleyball, jet skiing, parasailing, and kiteboarding are also available for those seeking adventure. Unwind and rejuvenate Zanzibar's beaches have a calming effect, allowing you to relax and unwind, forget your worries and leave your stresses behind. You can lay on the beach and soak up the sun or simply read a book in the shade while enjoying the sea breeze. Beach yoga and meditation sessions are also available for those seeking to rejuvenate both their mind and body. Accommodations Zanzibar offers an array of luxurious accommodation options that will cater to all your needs. From lavish resorts to elegant villas, there is no shortage of places to choose from. The island's diverse culture and history are reflected in the architecture of the buildings, which have an exotic and authentic feel. Whether you choose to stay in a hotel, resort, or villa, all options are in close proximity to the beach, so you can easily spend your days lounging on the sand. With its stunning beaches, rich history, and unique culture, Zanzibar is a must-see destination for anyone visiting Tanzania. So why not pack your bags and head to this beautiful island for the tropical vacation of a lifetime! Ngorongoro Crater: The Mysterious Natural Wonder Nestled in northern Tanzania, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area is home to some of the world's most diverse and awe-inspiring landscapes. The Ngorongoro Crater is the largest intact volcanic caldera in the world, spanning 20 miles in diameter, and is one of Africa's most magnificent natural wonders. The crater is home to a rich blend of wildlife, including the elusive black rhino and one of the densest lion populations found anywhere in Africa. Ancient Geological Formation The Ngorongoro Crater was formed over three million years ago when a massive volcano erupted and collapsed on itself. The caldera has been sealed from the outside world for centuries, creating a unique and harmonious ecosystem that has remained relatively unchanged for millions of years. Wildlife Haven The Ngorongoro Crater is not only stunning to behold but is also teeming with diverse wildlife. Here, you can spot some of Africa's biggest elephant herds, the world's highest density of lions, and the critically endangered black rhino. The crater floor is a fascinating mix of savannah grasslands, acacia woodlands, and fresh and soda lakes that attracts a wide array of bird species such as flamingos, eagles, and ostriches. Intimate Safari Experience A safari in the Ngorongoro Crater will awaken the adventurer in you, with game drives and guided walks through the rich landscape. The crater's diverse scenery and unique ecosystem beckon all nature lovers to experience the magic of Africa's wildlife. In contrast to the Serengeti Plains, the Ngorongoro Crater is a small and exclusive area that offers a more intimate safari experience, allowing visitors to enjoy the splendor of the crater without the crowds. Cultural Experience The Ngorongoro Conservation Area is not only a natural wonder but also a living testament to the Maasai culture. The Maasai people have lived in harmony with the region's wildlife for thousands of years and have a wealth of knowledge to share about the crater's ecology. Visiting the Maasai village and experiencing their way of life can be a once-in-a-lifetime experience that adds to the overall safari adventure. In conclusion, the Ngorongoro Crater is a magical destination that promises an unforgettable safari experience. It's a place where you can witness the incredible beauty of nature and its inhabitants in their natural habitat, where the past, present, and future of Africa come together in perfect harmony. Conclusion: A Luxurious and Memorable Photo Tour of Tanzania's Hidden Gems As our luxury photo tour through Tanzania's hidden gems comes to an end, we couldn't help but feel grateful for the unforgettable memories and experiences we had. From witnessing the Great Migration in Serengeti National Park to exploring the magical Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania truly is a treasure trove for photographers and nature enthusiasts. Unspoiled Beauty The raw and unspoiled beauty of Tanzania's hidden gems is truly remarkable. These lesser-known destinations offer a refreshing escape from the crowds, allowing for a more intimate and authentic experience with nature. We were fortunate to witness some of the most stunning landscapes and wildlife in the world, from the majestic baobab trees in Tarangire National Park to the playful lemurs in the Usambara Mountains. Luxury and Comfort Our journey through Tanzania's hidden gems was nothing short of luxurious. We stayed in some of the most exquisite lodges and camps, where every detail was carefully crafted to ensure our comfort and enjoyment. From sundowner cocktails overlooking the savannah to relaxing spa treatments after a long day of exploring, we were truly pampered every step of the way. Cultural Immersion One of the most enriching aspects of our photo tour was the opportunity to connect with Tanzania's diverse cultures and communities. From visiting the Maasai people and learning about their traditional way of life to experiencing the vibrant markets and bustling streets of Arusha, we gained a deeper understanding and appreciation for the country and its people. Overall, our luxury photo tour through Tanzania's hidden gems was an incredible adventure that exceeded all expectations. We highly recommend this experience to anyone seeking a unique and unforgettable journey through one of Africa's most stunning destinations. If you want to capture the exotic charm of Northern Morocco, don't miss out on The Best Luxury Photo Experience in Tangier. Read the full article
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Tanzania are perhaps the most attractive of all our packages. This circuit epitomizes Tanzania in her most pristine form, off the beaten track, away from the crowds of tourists and the sound of other safari vehicles. Here you will find prolific wildlife unscathed by human interaction, where the night sky dazzles with millions of stars, and a part of the continent which is untouched by time. Visit the impressive Selous Game Reserve, Mikumi, Udzungwa Mountains, and Ruaha National Parks via unforgettable Tanzania southern safari circuit packages. Kim’zebra Adventures & Safaris Ltd has put together intriguing itineraries for your consideration.
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tanzania-a-la-carte · 4 years
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From our camp you can do a day trip to Udzungwa National Park, with a spectacular landscape with the rainforest scattered over hills, valleys and mountains. The park has some impressive waterfalls, including the Sanje Waterfalls, the highest waterfall in a national park in Tanzania with 170 meters. A walk of about 5 kilometres to the falls will be rewarded with a wonderful fresh dip in the pools under the waterfalls. You can also enjoy the many colourful birds, more than 400 species!⁣ ⁣ #udzungwa #udzungwanationalpark #waterfalls #sanje #hiking #mikumi #mikuminationalpark #tanzanianationalparks #safaricamp #safarilodge #safariaccommodation #tanzania #tansania #afrika #africa #afrikareizen #afrikareisen #visittanzania #exploretanzania #southerntanzania #remotedestinations #offthebeatentrack #safari #africansafari #safarireis #travel #reizen #wanderlust #aroundtheworldtravel #instatravel https://www.instagram.com/p/CCGddoKnm5W/?igshid=1oqvilgunszao
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herpsandbirds · 1 year
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Udzungwa Pigmy Chameleon aka Moyer's Stump-tailed Chameleon (Rhampholeon moyeri), family Chamaeleonidae, Udzungwa Moutains National Park, Tanzania
photograph by Martin Nielsen, M.Nielsen Photo 
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mtaa-wa-malimbika · 7 years
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Day 23/365: The view overlooking the Kilombero Valley from the Sanje Waterfalls in the Udzungwa Mountains National Park. . . . #udzungwa #udzungwanationalpark #Tanzania #seetanzania #views #sanjewaterfalls #kilombero #kilomberovalley #tanapa #Tziika
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piyasahaberleri · 7 months
Uzaylı böceklerin bir illüstrasyonu. — Shutterstock/DosyaTanzanya'nın güneydoğu Afrika'daki izole ormanlarında bilim adamları tarafınca beş yeni tür ve yeni bir kırkayak cinsel bulunmuş oldu.Avustralya'daki Sunshine Coast Üniversitesi'ne nazaran bilim adamları, ağaçların ve asmaların büyümesini araştırırken Tanzanya'nın Udzungwa Dağları'nda kırkayaklar buldu. USC'den Profesör Andy Marshall, ekibinin, gevşek toprak ve orman kalıntıları içinde kafaları Yıldız Savaşları karakterlerine benzeyen kırkayaklar bulduğunu bildirdi.Marshall, "Orman iyileşmesini ölçmek için saha çalışmamız esnasında her büyüklükteki kırkayakları kaydediyoruz şu sebeple bunlar orman sağlığının büyük göstergeleridir, sadece miriapodologlar örneklerimizi değerlendirene kadar bu türlerin önemini fark edemedik" dedi.Son zamanlarda bulunan kırkayakların her birinin ortalama 200 bacağı bulunduğunu ve uzunluklarının yalnızca birkaç santimetre bulunduğunu belirtti. New York Postası.Afrika'da görülen en büyük kırkayaklar maksimum 35 santimetre yada ortalama 14 inç uzunluğa sahipti. Missouri Koruma Departmanı'na nazaran, Şimal ABD'daki en büyük kırkayak türü ortalama yarısı uzunlukta olup 15 santimetre yada 6 inç ölçülerindedir.Marshall'a nazaran yeni kırkayak cinsel ve türünün keşfi, tropik ormanlar hakkında öğrenilecek daha ne kadar oldukça şey bulunduğunu gösteriyor.USC'ye nazaran beş yeni tür Attemsostreptus leptoptilos, Attemsostreptus julostriatus, Attemsostreptus magombera, Attemsostreptus leptoptilos ve Udzungwastreptus marianae'dir. Yeni kırkayak cinsine Udzungwastreptus adı verildi.Danimarka Tabiat Zamanı Müzesi'ndeki Kopenhag Üniversitesi kırkayak örneklerini teslim aldı.
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dpendgracs · 5 years
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Happy #internationalchocolateday! I can think of no company that comes close to its international impact in thd world of #chocolate & #cacao than @original_beans. This amazing #Udzungwa bar is made in Switzerland for a Dutch company using African #cocoa beans that are a hybrid of Ecuadorian Nacional & Venezuelan #trinitario. Incredible blend of natural flavors complete with #cocoanibs https://www.instagram.com/p/B2XX3hGB1dK/?igshid=7e8918n2gxb4
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sitting-on-me-bum · 5 years
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True Weevil (Haplochetus usambicus) taking flight, Udzungwa Mountains National Park, Tanzania
Photographer: Paul Bertner
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tanzania-a-la-carte · 5 years
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When staying in our vamp, make a daytrip to Udzungwa National Park and walk to the beautiful Sanje waterfall #mikumi #mikuminationalpark #udzungwa #sanjefalls #offthebeatentrack #vandebegaandepadenaf #tanzania #tansania #safarilodge #safariaccommodation #africansafari #safarireis #afrikareizen #afrikareisen #hiking https://www.instagram.com/p/B6lhzESnvG_/?igshid=1gl9gd0qdi90r
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The Lifetime Adventure Experience in Tanzanian Safari
A few people favor adventures when they are well financed; at that point, they can assemble encounters from around the globe just by visiting and exploring those spots. Now if you wish to explore nature. It is something that has the caliber to make the voyage zesty for the vacationers. To meet the wild seriously, where you will get a kick out of the chance to arrive? We wager a hundred bucks on it, it will be none other than Africa, particularly when Tanzania is in the image. Truly, going for an adventure safari in Tanzania will not simply be an excursion of a lifetime yet, also, the coordinated experience of a lifetime.
Here are those spots, where explorers will have the balanced experience of a lifetime are as per the following:-
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African Cultural Heritage Center, Arusha Next, in line, Arusha National Park is none other than the social heritage center and the artisanship exhibition, which is committed to exploring the marvels of the African culture.
It is a generally excellent spot to have a fabulous time and bliss during the adventure safari in Tanzania and for vacationers, it is an opportunity of a lifetime to see every one of the compositions, models and history just as the tales of various masks designed and created by local artisans.
It is a fantastic method to remain acquainted with Tanzania and the unfathomable voyage ahead.
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The Shimmering Lake Manyara National Park There are various wonders of wildlife and wild nature that will come your way all through Tanzania Safari particularly when you are visiting a spot like Lake Manyara National Park.
In particular, this park is home to tree-climbing lions where you can watch various lions dozing on a tree in a manner how a dedicated proficient rests in the wake of consuming his mid-night oil. Lions love to chase around evening time since it causes them chasing and getting prey more effectively than the daytime.
Aside from every one of that, you can watch the life encompassing the striking saltwater lake making a brilliant spot and locale for bird viewing. In addition, its different and arranged environment bolsters a broad scope of vegetation.
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The Strange Ngorongoro Conservation Area And Ngorongoro Crater You can turn your eyes towards Ngorongoro Conservation Area that is not simply otherworldly and yet in addition nature's precious wonder.
It is one of those particular focuses and places where migrations occur consistently and you can watch the little groups of zebra, wildebeest and bison that were simply spectacular.
Moreover, you will likewise observe a pride of lions endeavoring to chase a group of wild oxes and as holidaymakers, you can without much of a stretch catch their charming pursue in cameras.
Daring Mount Kilimanjaro And Mount Meru Arriving at the pinnacle of both Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru is extremely worth a visit including a lot of acclimatization. The rising of Mount Meru also called Kili's little sibling, causes a warm-up and acclimatizing trip before the fundamental climb of Kilimanjaro. You can likewise hope to see a variety of wildlife, all-encompassing perspectives going through the climb of both the mountains.
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The Breathing Serengeti National Park The significance of this word Serengeti is only unlimited fields in the Maasai language. The recreation center inhales with the sound of relocating wildebeest.
The enormous cats of Africa, for example, Lions and Leopards are not only famous as well as they are additionally notable among local people for being equipped for adjusting to the brutal conditions inside the Serengeti National Park.
Aside from the big cats, the locations of Serengeti Wildebeest Migration are significantly additionally interesting.
So, to have such adventurous expedition in Tanzania it is wise to be with DB East Africa Safaris. They customize their tours according to your fascinations and so you have the perfect opportunities to explore and enjoy Tanzanian wilderness. Call at +255 767 542 251 to have a talk with their tour specialist.
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