#ughh. i wish i didn't feel like this. i wish i could just believe it all bc i know id feel great if i did.
toujokaname · 1 year
Just As I Am / Episode 1
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Author: Kanata Haruka
Characters: Tetora, Hinata
"This time, I'll try my best to show that I'm a "man among men"!"
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Season: Winter Location: Yumenosaki Academy Garden Terrace
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Tetora: Hmm~m, hmm~mm...
Hinata: My, my~? Why're you staring at your phone? I mean, you'd usually be all over the delicious food in front of you, Tetsu-kun.
Today's special is the galbi[1] set meal, which made a triumphant comeback thanks to your passionate request, right?
I thought you'd be overjoyed since you kept sending requests to the cafeteria saying you wanted to eat it again.
Tetora: Of course I'm happy! I've been grieving the way it disappeared from the cafeteria menu all this time!
So I really am happy they brought back the galbi special!
I'm really happy, yet... Hnnn.
Hinata: Oh dear, now you've started worrying again...
Hellooo~? Your meal will get cold if you keep at it like this~ If you don't want it, then I'll take it~
Tetora: Woagh?! This is my galbi!
When the galbi's gone, it turns into just a regular meal set! Spare me from that, at least!
Hinata: Tch~ I thought I could have one more dish for lunch, bummer...~
Well, joking aside. What the heck are you so worried about you'd even ignore your beloved galbi?
Tetora: ...Actually, I got a message from Anzu-anego saying that my "Feature Live" has been decided.
Hinata: Oh, that's great news!
I see, I see, so that's why you were staring at your phone instead of eating.
If that's the case, then you're troubled 'cause of that "Feature Live," right, Tetsu-kun?
Tetora: That's exactly it. This time, it's my solo live, huh.
So, I've been thinking about it again. What kinda "Feature Live" do I wanna do as the current me?
Hinata: I see~ But it's a little surprising that you're worried about such things.
If it were the usual Tetsu-kun, I thought you'd immediately say, "I wanna make it a live that feels like a man among men! Ossu!"
Well, but surprisingly, Tetsu-kun has a sensitive side too~ Like, if you trip over a pebble, it seems like you'll keep thinking about the cause for a long time, y'know?
Tetora: ...I wish you wouldn't make such a strangely realistic analogy.
At first, just like Hinata-kun said, I wanted to make it a "man among men" live.
But when I thought again about what a "man among men" means, I kinda became unsure...
Remember when I had my personalized outfit made?
At that time, I didn't have any specific preferences other than wanting a cool outfit, right?
Hinata: Oh~ You sure said that.
Looking back now, saying "I want a manly outfit" and then answering that you don't have any specific preferences wasn't very manly at all.
Tetora: Ughh...?!
Hinata: Answering "what do you want for dinner?" with "anything's fine" is as troublesome as it gets.
In that situation, a man among men should quickly reply with "Meat!" ♪
Tetora: You've changed the subject, Hinata-kun!
Hinata: Ahaha, my bad, my bad. But you get my point, yeah?
Tetora: ...Well, I do get it.
It's hard for me to hear when, even today, I was struggling to decide between the galbi special or the ginger pork special, or perhaps katsudon...
Uuu... I'm so pathetic! Not manly at all!
Hinata: Wow, a lighthearted topic I casually brought up is making an unexpected wildfire spread?!
W-Well, Tetsu-kun, calm down.
What to have for lunch and the live are on totally different levels of importance. Though it's understandable that you're feeling troubled.
And, look. When it came to the personalized outfit, after all that, we properly organized what you wanted to do with it, and then gave the requests to Anzu-san, right?
Tetora: You helped me out a lot back then, Hinata-kun. I was seriously grateful.
...Even now, I still believe the answer I gave to Anego was correct.
The ideal image I have in my mind. The cool appearance of "a figure that keeps growing while working hard" is the same as ever.
But, wouldn't that result in the answer being the same as before? If it's identical this time, wouldn't that lead to a contradiction?
Hinata: A contradiction?
Tetora: See, I'm saying that I wanna keep growing, but the answer's the same as before. Can you really call that "growth"?
Hinata: Ah, I get it. I think I understand what you're trying to say.
In short, if nothing changes from before, then it'll look like you haven't grown.
But the part of you that says "keep working hard and keep growing" is the part that shouldn't be changed so easily.
If that part changes, then it wouldn't be Tetsu-kun anymore.
Tetora: Yeah! Yeah, that's right. Because that's a part of me I don't want to waver, I end up worrying even more.
I need to think about the direction of the pamphlet, but I'm at a loss for what to do...
Hinata: So let's do it again?
A "Meeting to Discuss Tetsu-kun's Feature Live!" Something like that, while borrowing everyone's strength!
Tetora: Hm~mm. I would like to ask for help from everyone, but for now, I wanna think a little more on my own.
We shouldn't start thinking together until I decide what kind of live I want.
I feel like I need to decide on my ideal before moving forward.
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Hinata: ...I see. I get it.
Well then, I'll be waiting for the moment when you're like, "Ah, this is it!"
And if you want, you can show it to us in person at the live! It'd be like a surprise!
Tetora: Ossu! I'm really indebted to you for all the support you've given me, Hinata-kun.
This time, I'll try my best to show that I'm a "man among men"!
 Galbi is a type of grilled meat dish from Korean cuisine.
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sickiesope · 2 months
I haven't done mpreg in forever! This was an old WIP from months ago that I just kept adding to randomly. Enjoy! :)
Unexpected (pt. 1)
Sickie: Jungkook
Caretaker: Taehyung
TW: emeto, mpreg
Jungkook's been finding it harder to get out of bed lately. His alarm goes off at the same time but he's pressing snooze more often. Sometimes his hyungs have to help him get up.
This morning Jungkook wakes up slightly nauseous. He wanted to snooze again so badly but would get scolded. Jungkook drags himself out of bed, contemplating throwing up. But then decided he isn't sick enough and that's not how he wants to start his day.
Jungkook trudges into the kitchen yawning. He crinkles his nose at the smell of breakfast and coffee being made.
Jungkook looks at the meat on the stove and something about it makes his stomach queasy. He gulps and backs away slowly. When Yoongi pours the coffee the sight of it makes him gag and he runs out.
Jungkook bursts into the bathroom while Jimin's brushing his teeth, startling him. "Whoa Kookie, what're you doing?"
Taehyung comes in "Kook, Yoongi hyung said you looked sick??"
Jungkook hastily lifts the toilet seat and pukes in the bowl. Jimin stands there in shock with his toothbrush still in his mouth. He isn't sure what to do as Jungkook retches bent over the toilet.
Jungkook looks up briefly "hyung --" he gags and turns back to vomit again. Jimin leaves the bathroom, giving the couple their space.
"Did you wake up like this?" Taehyung questions, rubbing his shoulder.
"Um, k-kind of" Jungkook stutters. He can't believe what just happened, that came out of nowhere.
"Oh no, I wish you told me earlier baby.." Taehyung naturally worries for his boyfriend. "How do you feel now?"
"I'm...okay now." Jungkook gets up after his stomach calms down. He stares at the mess in confusion. "Hm, that was weird.."
Taehyung expressed concern but Jungkook assured he was fine and that was just a random thing.
Taehyung kept an eye on him and Jungkook did seem better, but still looked a little weary. Jungkook felt like he could fall asleep in his chair when getting his hair done. Then he had another close call during wardrobe fitting. A small wave of nausea came on but he was able to brush it off.
4 days later:
The members are getting worried. Jungkook's still randomly throwing up and looking run-down. But of course Jungkook puts on a front that he's fine.
Dance practice feels extra hard and they're only halfway. This constant sickness has him feeling weaker.
"Jungkookie, are you okay?" Hoseok saw him in the mirror holding his stomach.
"Mhm" Jungkook nods and straightens his back. He's fighting waves of nausea and trying to keep his stomach at bay.
Jungkook sighs "I guess breakfast just didn't agree with me."
They start the music again but Jungkook stops mid song. It got too difficult and Jungkook's hand goes to his mouth and he stumbles to the trash, gagging. Vomit spills out and he's heaving roughly "ughh, my stomach.." JK groans. He holds it and lurches forward with another retch. He coughs wetly, his mouth dribbling.
Taehyung rushes to him "Oh no, you're sick again Kookie??"
"It hasn't agreed with you all week" Taehyung points out. "Something is clearly wrong here Kook, please talk to me!"
"I don't know, I just.. haven't felt like myself lately" Jungkook sighs. He doesn't want to do this right now.
"I can still go, I feel better now, really!" Jungkook goes right back to his spot. Taehyung looks at him like he's crazy.
Hoseok speaks up "actually, I think we should wrap it up."
Jungkook slumps his shoulders, he wanted to practice longer. "What? Hyung --"
"We still got a good head start today" Hoseok pats Jungkook's shoulder. "But I think you need some more rest." Hoseok knows the maknae can be stubborn when he's sick. Jungkook sighs but nods, accepting the compromise.
Jungkook's been extra clingy lately and wants to be with Taehyung at all times. His shoulder is his place to lean on when he's tired or after being sick.
Taehyung desperately wants to figure out Jungkook's illness. It isn't food poisoning and doesn't look like a virus. He couldn't help noticing it mostly happens in the morning. He also noticed the changes in Jungkook's behavior. Taehyung doesn't know forsure but he's getting an idea...
"Jungkookie" Taehyung has a worried look but also like a slight smile. "Do you think.. you could be pregnant?.."
Jungkook vomits in the toilet again and sighs. His breakfast only lasted five minutes in his stomach. "Ughh, what's going on with me??" He's starting to get frustrated.
Jungkook raised his eyebrows. "What? I mean, I don't know.." He thinks and realizes Taehyung might be right. He's been feeling so weird overall.
Jungkook's eyes and smile widen as the results appear. "Hyung, look at this!!"
Taehyung's face is just as excited "you're pregnant!! " Taehyung pulls Jungkook into a bear hug, squeezing him tight.
"Ack -- Tae --" Jungkook gags and turns to the sink
"Oh gosh, I'm sorry Kookie!" Taehyung worries.
"No no, it's okay hyung" Jungkook laughs. He's so ecstatic nothing can stop it. "We're having a baby!"
Taehyung rubs Jungkook's lower stomach and smiles admirably. Jungkook can definitely get used to that sight for the next months.
"So how are we gonna tell the others?"
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jjungkooksthighs · 1 year
Ah, so is that your answer? You cannot find it in yourself to admit on your own what happened, so you need me to make you?
No, no! I want to tell you on my own accord, not just because you're forcing me to, ok? I'm just scared.. alpha. Because it will look as if I willingly kept this from you.
I'll tell you now.. but I promise, it wasn't intentional that I forgot.
I.. uh,
A couple of months ago, um, I ran into Jimin. He was speaking rather harshly with one of my friends. He kept belittling her, as though she was a speck of dust on his shoe. I couldn't take it, 'cause, you know, it was absolutely outrageous! So.. I, uhm.. I backed her up, I guess? Things got heated and Park and I had an argument. A big one. Words were exchanged, and.. ughh, I don't even remember half of what happened.
And yes, I know, I know! I shouldn't have even spoken to him. I know! But.. I couldn't just keep quiet! He was being an absolute jerk!
I would have told you as soon as I came back home.. I promise, I would have! But I had to go back to tutor one of the kids and I just.. I don't know. I came back late that day, and was too tired to speak of anything and fell asleep. It was a rather hectic time during the week, so I remember leaving for work early and coming back home late consistently. Whatever little time I had to spend with you, I did not want to spoil with matters of such negativity. I just thought I'd tell you about it later. When the 'time was right', you know?
Days must have passed by and it slipped my mind. I was reminded of it only today when you spoke of my rather.. stupid, interaction with Yoongi the last time.
The only reason as to why I tried to avoid this conversation today was because... I didn't want you to think that I did anything that would have you lose faith in me. I thought that if I avoided this conversation today, I would tell you about it tomorrow, so it wouldn't look as if I purposefully hid it from you for so long. So it wouldn't look as if I was telling you about it only because you seemed to suspect something.
Because I promise you, alpha, that is not the case! I genuinely, genuinely, forgot about this.
It was just an argument. Nothing more, alpha. I did not engage in the conversation and hide it from you because I wanted to keep the jerk's offers of... coupling, open! No, I promise! I would never ever, betray you.
I promise.. please, believe me, alpha. I don't need you to teach me, or reprimand me for this. I know my actions were stupid. I never should have engaged in conversation with him. I know! And I won't. Please, alpha.. I- *voice breaks, throat dry as she tried to back up, the anticipation eating her away.*
You played right into his hands, omega. As I said, he knew that taunting another female would summon your ear, and eventually, you. The more you talked to him, the more riled up I’m sure you made him. If his interests in you were not dormant then, you surely made them rise again. He’s got a keen sense of finding the weaknesses of a person and using them as a weapon against others. Taehyung taught him that, unfortunately.
It is no surprise or shock to me that you went to him. You have tender, kind heart to you that makes it impossible for you to leave someone alone if you sense that they are in trouble and need help. Your maternal, motherly side comes out when you feel like you need to protect and nurture another who cannot fend for themselves. It’s precisely why I know you will be a perfect mother to our children one day.
I’ve told you before that you need to be more careful. I’m sure that, going into that, you knew what could happen. I just wish you’d be more conscious of what the risks and dangers are when you do things like that. You made it easy for him to take control of your emotions and your sentiments so that he could tether you to him using them.
I believe what you are saying, omega. I have no reason to doubt you. You come home to me every night, and every night together is spent in each other’s arms. Sometimes you deny me your body, but I don’t mind it because I love you so and I would never want you to do anything you did not want to do. I may be demanding and dominant as a whole, but there is nothing I would do to do that you did not give me the permission to do.   
It is enough for me that we are alone together and that you choose to spend your mornings and nights in my bed and in my den. In our den.
All the time in the world will never be enough with you in my life, my love. But when you do things like this, you have to be cognizant of the fact that Jimin, Taehyung, Yoongi, or whoever it is that you happen upon that is an alpha COULD and WOULD take advantage of you if they felt like it. That they have not yet as of yet is only because they fear what I would do to them if they did.
That you didn’t tell me about this probably has already left in Jimin a festering affliction of desire knowing that you did not think it prudent to share this information with me until now. He’s probably been waiting for the moment he could catch you alone, but seeing as I sent him off on a scouting mission over the past few months that has kept him away from the pack, he has been absent from you. From here.
I’m certain he has been thinking about you the entire time he’s been gone. Do you have any idea what a desirous and lustful male will do for the female of his affections?
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fellasleepinbaltimore · 2 months
the way I literally come up with the exact post I want to write in my head but I forget it by the time it comes to write it.
basically I can easily say I am not a man but cannot so easily say I am a woman, idek what that means what is to be that. I know I've dreamed of being something different, if a different form, like... I hate that some genetic floorplan has designed my life and people's treatment of me. that they can't see passed my physical form and see me as me without all the societal presumption.
but i get it I struggle with it too honestly. it's quite easy to believe your eyes. still I just wish I could have what others get with little effort. no I must break the rules of my body so that others might look upon me and understand we're all using the most barbaric base level form of communication and ughh.
gender is this ideal we all have to strive to, to try to prove and be enough of it to ourselves and to others. maybe im cowardly to cowardly to declare myself anything or maybe I just am and cannot be bothered to bend myself into shape. I want to tho. I want to be seen in nuance and in context not as the inevitable result of my sex like... can all the wrongs I've committed be attributed to some nature consequence of genetic shape?? is that how I am to be seen by all in my life??
I can't help but feel out of place it wouldn't bother me as much if it didn't make me feel quite so alone and unseen
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brninwis · 3 months
havent posted about my relationship in a long time, last time was 2 yrs ago. uhh he was a raging porn addict throughout our entire relationship, and he lied to me about it the entire time. 100 log ins on pornhub, a porn twt, a RULE34 ACCOUNT. even more. also he did some sexual things to me nonconsensually so I'm recovering from that, and the fact my boyfriend was jerking off and *COULD ONLY GET OFF* to skinny bitches getting fucked in the ass and getting pissed in. hate him seriously. when we brokeup I hugged him because he asked for it and it makes me feel sooo sick, I hate him. i know he's doing okay I genuinely believe he has not much from me to cope with. our entire relationship I was anxious and scared and sad because of him. every night I would lay in bed and think of all the things he's done and we've done, whats wrong w us, what he said to me last. every night id stay awake for hours just thinking and thinking. and when we broke up I had my first night, not sleeping with that anxiety. but I still have terrible body image issues along with sex repulsion phobia shit, and UGHH oh my god was he watching porn next to me? in the bathroom while I was over? after we had sex? LIke what. i also cant cope w the fact I just let him do the things he did to me, even tho I'm asexual I just like didn't say anything and the entire time we had sex I was fucking miserable. i honestly think hed touch em just so id touch him and he COULDNT EVEN FIND THE CLIT. I CUT OFF SEX BEFORE HE FOUND THE FUCKING CLIT. also whenever I ate him out id gag, one time I threw up in my own mouth. SORRY SO MUCH SEXuAL SHIT I NEED TO RECOVER FROM HE WAS MY FIRST SEXUAL PARTNER AND PROBABLY MY LAST. fucking I wish I knew what his porn twt looked like, and he claimed he stopped watching a year into our relationship. his last favorited video on pornhub was released 6 days before our one year anniversary!!! also before we started dating he said he had a piss kin and everyone thought it was funny and he said it was a lie jokey joke but turns out it wasn't. he likes pee inside vagina, like vaginal infection waiting to happen. he didn't even tell me he liked anal either OUR ENTIRE RELATIONSHIOP fuck him. he's done a lot of emotional damage, I know he has no real feelings he blames it on the autism I think he's just a blank slate of a person. FUCK SEVEN
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fabulouslygaybean · 2 years
i desperately want praise and approval but the second i get any of it i feel like it's all fake
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lovingcorleone · 3 years
“Stronger Together, Weaker Without” — Michael Corleone x Reader
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Summary: Y/N and Michael were put into a difficult situation, when unexpected things happened just before their wedding.
Pairing: Michael Corleone x Fem!Reader
Request: "Hello could you do one where Michael Corleone and his wife are having a difficult time at the wedding and are trying to talk to resolve it?" — @loveilovetoo
Author's note: (English is my second language.) ; I needed to overcome writer's block, and that's why it took me so long - my sincere apologies! I really hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Warning: strong language, sappy conversation?
Friday, the day before wedding.
It is safe to say that many things went wrong on your and Michael's wedding weekend. It all started a day before the ceremony and you weren't sure what to think about it. First, the main bridesmaid, your best friend B/F/N, called you early in the morning, telling that she was sorry but she didn't feel twice as good and probably caught some illness. That would be okay, it wasn't a big deal, because these things just happen and you cannot really prevent them. Little did you know that it was only the beginning of a nightmare.
With this information you went right to Michael to tell him the news, but he only assured you that, yes, it was dissapointing, but nothing that couldn't be solved easily. You only wished this was the first and also the last unpleasant thing of the whole wedding. Another suprise came later in the afternoon when Michael got a call from Tom. Your soon to-be husband was hesistant at first if he should tell you that place where you two were suppossed to have your first dance as married couple, was completely burned down. He quietly came to you and gave you a tight hug. „I have good and bad news.“ he started, „I guess you want to hear the bad news first, huh?“ You pulled back from his hug and gave him worried look. „What happened?“ „So ... the thing is that our venue is gone. Burned down. I'm so sorry, sweetheart. But! The good news is that people who did that are already caught.“ After he had spoken, you were speechless. You couldn't find the words. You blankly stared at Michael, then turned away from him and hugged yourself. „Why would someone do that? Why? We deserve to be happy too, why can't we be?!“ you raised your voice a bit and a few tears escaped from your eyes from pure frustration. Your fiancé was desperate just as much as you were. His blood was boiling, but he knew he should be calm and supportive. Michael was heartbroken too. It was supposed to be his happiest weekend in his life.
Fortunately, your day ended without any more complications. You couldn't sleep with Michael in the same room, because tradition clearly said that it was forbidden and it brings bad luck, so you two just called each other that night. „Everything will be just fine. I promise you that. No one will take away our wedding day from us.“ „Michael, that sounded a bit threatening..“ you laughed, „But yeah. Tomorrow's about us.“
Saturday, Wedding Day, 6:00am.
You didn't have to wake up that early, but the thing was that, you had a very strong feeling that you should be fully awake no matter what. Also, around 7:15am Connie and Sandra promised you to come and start with your preparation for your big day. By that time you were just sitting on your bed watching sun rising up through your window. The bed felt so lonely without Michael in it. You got used to falling asleep and waking up next to him. You wondered if he was still sleeping.
In the middle of your showering, there was a loud knock on the door followed by excited voices of two girls mentioned above. „Come on, sleepyhead. We need you to get ready!“ said Connie with joyful voice. You opened the door with a towel covering your body and wet hair. „About damn time, dear. I hope you slept enough, because I'm sure that right after wedding there will be no sleep for you.“ continued Sandra and winked at you giving you a sign what she really meant by it. You giggled and hugged both of them. „Thanks. Thanks a lot for helping me. I don't know what would I do without you two.“ you sighed and sat at the chair in front of big mirror. It took Sandra about one hour to make your hair looking like it belonged to a princess. It was exactly what you wanted. Then it was Connie's turn with doing your make-up and, of course, it turned out even better than you expected. All of you were so satisfied with final result. Then you put on your dress. Now, you looked like a real princess. Your B/F/N was the one who helped you decide which dress was, metaphorically, made for you. Even though, she couldn't be there with you, the dress reminded you of her. For a minute, all your troubles suddenly disappeared and you were filled with pure joy.
Your silent admiration of your look was however interrupted by someone knocking on the door. Connie was the closest person to it so she carefully opened, but only her face was seen, in case if it was Michael looking for you. Luckily, it was not Michael, but his brother. Which was not good scenario either. „Sonny? Don't you have a work to do?“ Connie asked in quite annoyed voice, because he obviously interrupted their –girls moment-. Sonny was visibly nervous and his hairline was covered in drops of sweat. His sister could swear she saw a glimpse of fear in his eyes. „I need to speak to Y/N. Like right now.“ he said urgently and tried to step into the room, but Connie didn't let him to do so. „C'mon Connie. Just let me in...“ „Who's that?“ you asked with a raised voice so the person on the other side of the door could hear you.
„It's Sonny. I need to tell you somethin'.“ You nodded to Connie that she could let him in. He didn't hesitate and made his way right to you. His first reaction was adorable, because his look fell on your dress and then on your face. He widely smiled ready to give you some cheeky compliment, but he quickly remembered why he came there. „Okay, now, don't be mad.“ As he said that, your happy face dropped. „Everytime when someone says „Don't be mad.“, something really bad happened. I hope this is not that case.“ He made a squinted face and took a deep breath. „Look... aaagh...Something happened.“ „Continue...“ „You know.. your wedding rings...Well...ughh...they are kind of gone. We can't find them and we looked for them everywhere.“ he finally admitted as you fell down on your chair. „Oh my god.“ Sandra whispered and ran to hug you and Connie's jaw dropped down. „But ..how..? They were put in a safe place. Does Michael know?“ Sonny scratched the back of his head. „Tom and Fredo are tellin' him now.“
You felt your chest got tight and it was a bit harder for you to breathe. „Bridesmaid's ill, the venue is gone and so are the rings.“ you whispered holding back tears. For a moment there was a tense silence, and everyone in the room felt kind of embarrassed. The best day of your life turned out to be the worst. Connie didn't even had a chance to comfort you because you stood up with emotionless face and went to the door. You were about to stepped out of room, but Sonny gently grabbed your elbow. „Where are you going? You can't see Michael. It's a tradition..“ You angrily glared at him „Fuck tradition. I need to talk with Michael.“ Sonny let go of you very quickly and felt ashamed of his words. The situation was way more important than some tradition.
Your soon-to-be husband had the same idea. He was on his way to your room when you two bumped into each other at the corner.
„Our rings are gone.“ both of you said at the same time and he pulled you into a hug. Though his mind was full of emotions and mostly full of anger, he did notice how incredibly beautiful you were. Of course, for him you were beautiful everyday, but seeing you in wedding dress made him tear up a bit. He then suggested to move to some empty room so you could talk in private. You sat on a bed and Michael joined you. His arm hugged you over your shoulders and you gently put your head on his chest. After overcoming primary shock, you spoke first. „I don't feel like this is all just stupid coincidence.“ you sobbed and let the tears make their own way down your cheeks. „Then what do you think it is?“ he asked quietly. You raised your head and looked into his eyes. „What if this is a bad sign? At the moment, I feel like everything is ruined and we are just helplessly standing in the middle of the chaos not knowing what to do. What if we are not meant to be married.“ your voice broke and you couldn't keep looking into his eyes anymore. His arm fell off of your shoulders. He wiped away his own tears and got down on his knees grabbing your hands, which made you look at him. „So? Even if we are not meant to get married, that doesn't mean that we are not meant to be together, Y/N. I believe in us. But I need you to believe in us too.“ His voice was steady but you could hear how hard he tried to remain being steady. Not only your heart was breaking, his was too. Some couples would turn this situation into a humorous one, but for you and Michael, it was really serious. You sniffled and bit your lip. „I believe in us too. But these things don't happen without a reason. I just- I don't know.“ „I love you. Do you love me?“ You were shocked by his question. „Of course, I do. You are my everything, Mike.“ you sobbed again and his finger moved to your face and wiped away new tears. „You are my everything too. And I know how long you've dreamed about this day. We can cancel it if you want. Or we will face this very eventful day together. Like we always do with everything that crosses our path. How does that sound to you, hm?“ a very faint smile appeared on his lips. He made a good point. You could've run from it or face it. „The venue is destroyed, we don't have our rings and we also broke the tradition...Every single thing is against us. Maybe marriage can break this curse or whatever it is. Maybe we should shoot our shot.“ your lips formed into a weak smile. He took your face into his hands and kissed you softly. Then he added: „We will be okay. From now on.“
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nostxlgia18 · 3 years
heyy heyyy!! i know your social media had its last chapter yesterday buuuttt can you please take in 1 request :)
can you do sonething about Chris proposing Tia in a unique way, maybe Tia (reader) can be a big F.R.I.E.N.D.S fan!!!
i love your blog plz take in my request!!!
thank you <3
PS: i just got to know that this time i can't have a party for my bday, this might cheer me up :(
Hiii, happy birthday to you in advance 💞 . I'm sorry to hear that u won't have a party but I changed your request a bit. How would u feel the celebrities wishing you huh!!!
I love this idea, its going to be a 2 parter let me know what you guys think ✌🏻
Warning: A very long chapter & please imagine yourself in the place of our favorite Lizzie in the pictures, bear me plz ❣
~ birthday proposal pt.1 ~
Taglist: @beck07990 @calimoi @violacavs520 @girl-toxxic @everytimeyousaygoodbye @julialuv1d @teenagecloudflapscissors-blog @thereisa8ella @mandybug39 @justreadingthatsit @fanficworld @mrspeacem1nusone
'Its my birthday tomorrow, I can't believe I'll be 27 jeez.' You thought
Your phone rang next to you, it's Aiden
"Heyy" you answered
"Hello Sister, so it's your last day being a 26 year old!" Aiden teased me
"Ughh yeah, Don't remind me please" you huffed
"Okay so, mom wants to spend the day with you and she has invited the both of us to her new Malibu beach house...woohoo" Aiden cheered
"Great! I mean I didn't have any other plans so this works" you replied
"Wonderful, I'll tell mom then. Pack up now we leave in 2 hrs"
"Okayy byee brother" Before i could cut the call
"Byee old sister"
"Aiden!!!" You heard Aiden chuckle
You were about to keep the phone aside when a notification popped up
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The thought of your boyfriend not being there on your birthday saddened you but again its his work
You quickly packed your stuff and got ready to leave for the Road Trip
You heard your doorbell ring, you ran to open it knowing it's Aiden
"Hey, you ready!" Aiden asked
"Yup, let me go get my bags and we can leave" you replied going back to your bedroom to get the bags
"Wow, it's so beautiful" you exclaimed admiring your moms house
"You like it!" You heard your mom say
"Ofcourse it's wonderful" you hugged her tight
"Okay so here's the plan for tomorrow, we will have your favorite breakfast made in the morning, then watch some of your favorite movies in the afternoon and then for dinner we go to a very fancy restaurant, whats say?" Your mother exclaimed excitedly
"Wow, so it's all planned" you giggled
"YUP." Aiden and your mom replied
"Now let's get you guys settled in come on, let me show your rooms"
"We have our own rooms here!?" Aiden asked
"Obviously, your my kids dumbo" your mom smacked Aiden's head
"Aww ma I love you" Aiden hugged mom, acting emotional which had you laughing uncontrollably
It's 11.58 pm
"Mom's asleep" Aiden said entering your room
"Good" you replied yawning
"Happy birthday sugarcup!" Aiden wished you hugging you tightly which made you both fall back on the bed
"Oh God, Thank you" you replied giggling
"Jeez, Aiden I can't take your weight get up"
"Okay I'm gonna go get your gift now" he kissed your cheek
As soon as Aiden left the room, your phone started ringing
A video call from Chris
"Heyy!" You answered the call
"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Tia, happy birthday to you" Chris sang
"Haha thank you" you were grinning
"Is this your new room?" He asked looking around
"Oh yeah, mom built one for me and Aiden here" you turned the camera around to show him
"Damn, I'm going to try best to get out of here quick I promise" Chris pouted
"I know Chris I'm not mad!"
"I'm so lucky to have you babe, your so understanding. I thought I'll have a hard time to convince you" He sighed
"Oh really, how long have you known me huh" you arched your eyebrow
"I love you, I miss you so much" Chris confessed
"Don't make me barf now guys come on" Aiden stated entering with a red box
"Here!" He handed the box to you
You curiously opened it and gasped
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"It's so beautiful" you were mesmerized
"Thank you so much Aiden" you hugged him
"Look at this babe" you showed the box to Chris
"Wow it will look so beautiful on you" Chris exclaimed
"I'm gonna wear this tomorrow for sure" you told Aiden
"Okay, I'm sorry but I gotta go. I have to wake up early tomorrow!" Chris sighed
"But we haven't even spoken properly yet" you were very confused at his statement
Chris didn't even reply to you he just sighed heavily
"Okay byee" you replied sadly
"Don't be sad babe, you know I can't stand that" Chris's eyes gleamed
"Yeah yeah I'm not, go now or you will be late for tomorrow" your replied with a sad smile
With that he cut off the call
"You okay?" Aiden inquired
"Yeah yeah, um can you sleep here today?" You asked him
"Are you sure?" Aiden asked
"Yeah I don't wanna be alone" you eyes welled up
"Hey I will okay, every things gonna be okay" Aiden comforted you
The next day went really really well, you got phone calls and messages from all you friends and colleagues.
You replied to all the people who wished you on instagram
Everybody called you expect Chris, which was very weird but you figured he must be busy and scratched any weird thoughts from your mind
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Part 2
Reblogs are appreciated 😊
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getitinbusan · 4 years
Destination: Jungkook
A super soft wedding fic from the Golden Closet Universe and the companion piece to September 1st
mood board & playlist
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Happy 24th birthday to the love of my life 💜 I wish I could give you more than words you'll never see.
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Nerves always took over your stomach during landing. That,  coupled with the reason for the flight and you were an anxious mess.
The plane had begun its long slow descent, "You look kind of green are you okay?" Your best friend squeezed your hand. 
"It's just...usually Guk does this thing...he sings to me and rubs my neck when we land."
She looked at you and shook her head, "Yeah, I'm not gonna do that."  
You laughed, "I don't think you're taking your maid of honor duties very seriously." 
"Ughh, I can't believe you're getting married before me." She sighed, "It's not fair, Yoongi and I are the ones who introduced you. It should be us." 
You couldn't help the grin that formed on your lips. Sworn to secrecy, she had no idea you'd gone shopping with Yoongi, the ring had been in his pocket for weeks. "It'll be you soon babe, maybe this weekend will inspire him."     
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Checking the key card you stopped at 303. Why you couldn't stay in the same room together was beyond you. 
The door was just about to click closed when his running footsteps echoed through the empty hallway. Strong arms wrapped around you and soft lips fell on yours. He did his trademark hum while he kissed you, his happy song for his happy place. 
"I can't believe how much I've missed you."
Pulling him closer you inhaled him in. He was the scent of home that had been lacking for the last four days.
His smile got bigger until his dimples finally showed up, "It's late are you tired?"  He tucked your hair behind your ear, "We've got a pretty big day tomorrow." 
"Can I just enjoy you alone for a few minutes?" 
"Is everything okay?" He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled you onto his lap. 
Nuzzling into his neck you curled into him. "It's so stupid." 
"Tell me," he rubbed circles on your back. 
"I'm happy and I love you so much but I'm terrified and nervous and I haven't been able to talk to you about it because you've been here planning the perfect wedding for me ... and I'm selfish because I just wanted you to hold me and tell me it was all going to be okay."
He sighed in relief, "Of course it's going to be okay," he gently laid a kiss on top of your head. "Don't you know every fairy tale ends with and they lived happily ever after?" 
You couldn't help but smile, Jungkook was such a hopeless romantic. "Why can't we stay in the same room tonight?" 
Changing the mood he tickled you while pulling you back into the bed, "Because it's bad luck, and it would ruin the surprise." 
"We live together, I've seen you naked a million times so unless you've been hiding something really well I don't think I'll be surprised."
Just being back in his arms draped you in a sense of calm. His loud heart beat accompanied by the rise and fall of his steady breath lulled you into a much needed sleep. 
Your eyes crept open and looked at the clock, only 11:43. Laying your head back down you looked at Jungkook snoring peacefully. As much as you longed to keep him here until morning you knew he was superstitious. Leaning in to wake him with a kiss he  smiled and pulled you back against his chest. 
"Hey sleepy head."
He groaned under you as you poked him.
"You'd better get out of my room Jungkook, it's almost midnight."
Sitting up he rubbed his eyes and checked the time, "Shit."
He grabbed your hands in his and walked to the door.
"I guess I'll see you in a few hours?" 
Wrapping your arms around him tightly you really didn't want to let him leave.
"Nothing to be nervous about. You've got a dress right?"
You nodded.
"Then all I need you to do is show up." He kissed your forehead and stepped into the hallway. 
"Jungkook" he turned back, "I'll see you soon." 
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You were glad that from the moment your feet hit the floor there was a barrage of things to be done. Mimosa's with a massage, nails, hair, makeup. Jungkook had made sure you wanted for nothing. 
You had no idea what to expect, you'd heard vague phone calls and caught small glimpses when he was planning but he'd really kept you in the dark.
Jungkook loved surprises and to his credit he was tremendously good at them. He wanted you to have a perfect stress free wedding giving you only two tasks,
1. find a dress
2. show up and say I do
The door swung open and your best friend stood grinning from ear to ear. 
"I know I'm your maid of honor but I hate you so much right now," she pouted. "I don't know how anyone will ever top what Jungkook has done for you down there." 
You laughed and it felt good to break the tension. "You specifically mean Yoongi topping it for you? Don't worry he already asked for my help."
Her jaw almost hit the floor. 
"Shit, damnit, I didn't say that! Don't tell him you know, he'll kill me!" 
Dancing around the room she squealed in happiness. "Would you be mad if I asked Jungkook to plan it?" 
"Is it that good? Is he already down there, did you see him?"
She nodded, "Everything is amazing, and he's so happy and he looks so handsome" 
You exhaled deeply, "I guess there's only one thing left to do."
She threw open the door, "Let's go get you married!" 
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Sunset in Jeju, there wasn't a more perfect time or place.
Wooden boards lay across the sand leading to the exact spot Jungkook had proposed. There, up the row of candles under the fairy light arch stood the man who would be your husband.
Nothing but him existed beyond that. All you could see was his handsome face and small nervous smile, his hands wringing together to keep from fidgeting and  the reddening of his ears as you got closer. 
Surrendering the bouquet you had to touch him, you needed his hands in yours. Steady and firm, together you grounded each other. 
"Y/N,  People think our story started on a rain soaked camping trip. I don't believe that's true, that's just where it got good. Our story began in the stars,  It's the only possible way to explain how much I already knew I loved you. I promise to fill your life with happiness, love, and blanket forts for as long as you'll let me. Y/N, I love you so much and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
"Jungkook,  Not a day goes by that you don't make me fall in love with you a little more. Not a day that you don't make me laugh or that you make me feel loved, and from here on out there will not be a day that we'll be apart. I can't wait to see what our future holds, and I hope that 50 years from now our grown children will think we're crazy because we're still building forts in our living room.  All that matters in my life is that I get to love you. Jungkook, you'll always be my iron man and I love you 3000." The tears started but he managed a laugh at your private joke.
You swept his tears away with a brush of your thumbs and he kissed you. Husband and wife. 
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Everyone was gone. The last goodbye was said and you made your way back to the reception area. 
You stopped to watch him. He was sitting by himself, a smile on his face staring up into the sky. Your husband was so beautiful.
Walking towards him you caught his eye and his face lit up like all the stars in heaven. You held out your hand, "One more dance?" 
He wrapped his arms around you and you swayed together under the night sky. Waves rolled in place of music and the moon shone a personal spotlight down on you.
"Today was perfect Jungkook"
"It's not over," he stopped to lay a sweet kiss on your lips before smiling and taking your hand. 
Walking through the sand he led you to the seaside suite and slid the door open.
"This is the part where I'm supposed to pick you up and carry you inside." 
You couldn't help but laugh, "Are you asking me or warning me?"
"Close your eyes"
"So warning me?"
"Please Y/N."
Sweeping you up he carried you into the room and set you down. 
There in front of you the entire room was draped in white sheets and hanging lights. The bed sat inside the biggest fort you'd ever seen.
In complete awe you turned to look at him, tears in your eyes yet smiling from ear to ear. He knew he did good.
"Jungkook this is amazing!" 
He was so excited to show off.
"And look," he pointed to the tray beside the fireplace. "We've got champagne and all the stuff to make S'mores."
He buzzed around the room pointing out all the little details. 
"Jungkook, you forgot one thing." 
His face fell as he tried to figure out what important thing he'd missed. 
"What did I forget?"
Walking towards him your hands ran down his crisp shirt and undid his belt. 
"The part where you're supposed to make love to your wife for the first time…" 
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Waking up to walls of white sunlight while wrapped naked against your husband's warm body you'd never felt more content. His dark hair was wild against the pillow and you couldn't help but stare and wonder how you were chosen to be the luckiest person alive. 
Soft snores let you know he wasn't deep in his sleep and he easily woke when you kissed his swollen lips. 
"Hey," he smiled, "what time is it?" 
Pulling the sheets off it was exactly what you'd hoped to find. Despite the evening's satisfaction his cock stood firm, thick and ambitious. 
"More?" he questioned with a smile.
You nodded while straddling his hips. "Sorry, I guess this is your life now." 
He sat up to wrap his arms tightly around you as you took him in. Bare chests pressed together and the feeling of your hearts beating in unison.
He kissed his way up your neck,  "And what a great life it's going to be." 
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What's With it Today
I can't believe what a day it's been. I should've stayed home, Im so upset with the way the day has played out. I want to hide in my room. ANd do nothing, then nothing can go wrong. Cause everything that can has. Im so upset with the one sta review I got. like beyond upset, and even more upset I spent time trying to get it removed and nothing. like I'm so annoyed I could cry. I'm really wound up today. everything is just....ughh. i went to the grocery store to get eric the ingredients for chili. i checked the list three times, grabbed everything, and it never occurred to me I didn't have the meat. i looked at everything twice. had trouble scanning everything and I fucking forgot the meat. I realized as soon as I got home. I really don't know what to do but I feel the anger in me today and I cant shake it. and its even more upsetting I cant let it all out and rage about it and feel better. i don't know whats going on. i hate that dumb girl for giving me 1 star. it ruined everything for me. Im so upset about my perfect score, it's ruined now. makes me want to quit, that's why I don't have a job. I'm really so mad about it and hope something bad happens to her. but then when I wish that I forget the meat. i cant stop saying how mad I am. i wish I never went on that walk. it was so bad, I hate that dumb dog. and I'm gonna regret all this. Im gonna egg her house. ugly bitch.
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iraispilar · 2 years
My Dear Cat❣️
I can't do this !!! I want to go to you and fall to my knees beg you tell you how sorry I am and hug you and never let you go i want to fix your broken heart and never have you go through pain ever again! I fucked up! i want to go and take you so far away where no one will ever find us. Where you won't ever get hurt again. So we can be happy por siempre!! I miss you I miss everything about you !! I miss us !!! Baby I feel like every day I hold in more and more of my true feelings !! But I don't want to go back to the mental facility!! I just feel like ughh... I fucken want you back so bad my love!!! All this love I still have and was excited to show you is just too much!!!! Knowing I won't get to hold u in my arms again or kiss you or have you give me carritas ... Or tell me you love me more ! Why does it hurt so much?? Why can't this just be a fucken nightmare that I will wake up from tomorrow morning. Whyyyy??? Why did I have to push you away if all I wanted was all your loves! I'm such a fucken mess without you !!
Idk how you're being so strong right now I was always the strong one.. I hate that ! I hate that I can't. Not with you.. you have always been my weakness. .. I wasn't going to text this because I told you I had made my peace with it but I lied I haven't .. if it's not with you then I don't want it !! Tell me howw do I forget you how do I let you go tell me and I'll do it !! I just don't get how I'm suppose to keep living life without the person I had already made my future with como??
Como le hago corazon para olvidarme de todos esos momentos que pasamos juntos ! Yes these past 2 years were bad but there was more great memories than bad.. we did so much in so little. The chemistry we had from day one was so magical and special and unique .. I learned so much from you thank you for showing me that kind sweet gentle love and thank you for making me believe in marriage and changing my mind about commitment. I won't ever find that again. I was so happy by your side who am I suppose to be a goofe ball to, who am I going to tell my chisme to ? Who?? All those inside jokes we had how how how do I firget??! I will be ur cachipu por siempre ..and you my cachorrito. .
Ugggg fuck
I know youre doing this for you I know but I just wish you could do it with me by your side I wish we could work through this thunderstorm together. I know you made your choice I got that I'm just not sure how I'm going to do it! U are my whole life my future my reason for existing what do I do without you now!! Como soporto tanto dolor. How do I keep living this fucked up life without my bestfriend mi PERSONA FAVORITA que boy hacer.. how do I do it?? How are you doing it?
I haven't been served but I know after I really won't be able to talk to you and because I probably will be in rehab too I'm so sorry for this fucken pain IM SO SORRY FOR NOT TRYING HARDER!! IM SORRY MY CAT!! I never meant to hurt you my baby all I wanted was to make you happy !! Make us happy !! Make us a family ! I wanted to grow old with you and have a little you I wanted it all by your side ! Now I have to start over but I don't want to I don't want anyone but you that's all!! I'm not gunna ever forget you my love you will forever hold the biggest spot in my heart!! I hate myself for losing you losing control and losing my head.
I'm so good at goodbyes just never with you! Why can't I just be happy? Why do y'all always end up leaving ?? Where did I go wrong ?? I mean I know my drinking but was that all it took !? Why else ? Why am I not enough for anyone? Tell me, what's wrong with me ?? Why is it that yall leave me?
When am I going to find happiness you were IT! It was you !! Ughh fuck man !! Being sober through this has been fucken hard but made me think that why am I doing it now?
Why didn't I just try a little fucken harder?
Why didn't you just kick me out for a week a month a year the first time I got fucked up. Why didn't I just stop!! I feel like just saying fuck this and getting fucked up and just say fuck it fuck love but I can't I fucken love you so much I just don't want to be with anyone else but You !! I don't want to move on!! Don't tell me that!!! Don't tell me you'll support me I don't want that !! Ughh baby and Friday the 13th is coming up may 13th (I had plans to go get tatted together) now it's like fuck man wtf !!?? This is why I hate making plans!! Never works out !! I'm going to lose my shit soon enough but for now I'm going to stay strong hold back all my tears and go to rehab I need to do this for me I just wish I could call you I wish I had you I wish so much and I know wishes are just fucken bullshit!! You said there's no fixing this that ur hurt baby if u gave me one last chance I promise from the bottom of my heart soul all it will be different I will be sober and not just for a month or two or three but for good ! I will do anything and all to get one last chance. If I have to wait I'll wait forever for you!
Mi cachorrito I'm trying I know you don't want to hear this but I had to tell you how i really feel .. I know I'm stupid I know I screwed up and bad but just know I will love you till I die I will be waiting for you and if you don't want me well I'll keep waiting till u do. Your worth it all! Even if I have to wait a thousand years!
I knew I loved you back then and I was scared to fall but I did and I will do it again.
When I first met you you changed my life and things happen for a reason and if the reason is because it needs to end this way than I'm not okay with that I need another reason.. I won't give up on us I can't I want you ! Only you !! With you all my doubts faded away with you all my sadness went away and now that ur gone it's all coming back and thousand feelings more with it.
Okay so maybe I won't wait but only because I know you are going to find someone who will love you so much and not have cause so much pain and then I won't be able to compare. You deserve that though my baby you deserve the world ! You deserve to be happy too!! And I won't get in the way of that because that's all I want for you that's all I have ever wanted. I know I didn't show it but your happiness was mine if you were okay neither was I.
We always talked about how we were so alike yet so different and that is so true. And it's showing now. We both just wanted so much love and we're so scared of losing each other and we lost both.
But I'm rooting for us to get better and to be happy even if it's apart.
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