#uhhh I’m not like a god at colouring and shading so excuse
thatsonehellofahabit · 11 months
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birdwonder · 5 years
Prompt anon here for your daily dose of prompts! Today's prompt: Ice cream date with Ghiaccio.
|| every time i see a post or a request about Ghiaccio i grow stronger. ( also thank u for giving me an excuse to write for him, prompt anon
Ghiaccio | Gelato
Bustling streets, time to spare and a sun glaring down like the wrath of a fiery god on a scorching summer day - it was only natural you went out for ice-cream. 
Ghiaccio, being the argumentative man that he was, had complained nonstop about leaving the cool, shaded room of his house in place for the sweltering outside, not even stopping when you had offered ever so kind to pay for anything that he wanted. Of course, no matter how much he moaned and groaned, he still went along just for the sake of being with you.
The Italian heat was merciless that day but you made sure not to let it get to you. A wide smile was plastered on your face and you didn’t have a care in the world as you walked down the streets with your pinkie finger loosely hooked around your boyfriend’s, who was still too cautious about showing any public displays of affection in public. You understood that really. It was obvious to anyone at first meeting that Ghiaccio was neither friendly nor affectionate and he was not meant to have that appearance either, not when he worked for the mafia. So, as any loving partner would, you let him be himself with the satisfying knowledge that as soon as you two got home, his hands would not leave you alone for a second.
“You know, you can smile everyone once in a while,” you teased lightly, turning your head just a little to look up at the scowling man who’s glasses seemed to comedically steam up from his sharp exhaling and the surrounding heat, causing you to laugh a little. Snapping his head at both your comment and laughter, Ghiaccio glared down at you for mocking him, to which you giggled more at seeing as his eyes were hard to make out through the mist on his glasses. 
“I know I can, I just don’t want to.” The man retorted bluntly, shoving his hand into his trouser pocket to pull out a small cloth specifically for his glasses and slowing his steps to clean the lenses; also so he wouldn’t easily run into anything whilst his spectacles were off. Already missing the minimal contact with the two of you, you held out your hand to him and opened and closed it multiple times, almost in a ‘gimme’ motion. “Tch, what are you? A child? Walk by your damn self, you’re the whole reason I need to keep cleaning my glasses anyways, what with you wanting a stupid ice cream.”
“Ooor,” you grinned, hands now held behind your back innocently, “is it because I’m so hot?”
He gave you a disappointed, almost digusted, look. “Shut up.” Again, you chortled at his answer and even more so at the fact he had blushed at what you said since he knew full what that you were too good looking to be true. 
The rest of your walk went by pretty smoothly for the most part, a cool breeze coming by at one point that the two of you relished in, and in no time you were standing by on of your favourite gelato stands in the whole of the city. Maybe even the whole country if you were so bold to incline!
“Aah, I don’t know what to pick!” Your fretting had irked Ghiaccio, the taller watching you scanned the menu up and down a thousand times before he placed his hand on top of your head in a claw-like gesture and shook it a little.
“You had a whole walk to think about it! Don’t tell me we have to wait hours just for you to pick what fucking flavour you want - just pick one and go!” He scoffed at your frown and rolled his eyes, unimpressed by your struggling, “we have ice cream at home anyways, I don’t know why we had to come all the way out here.”
Huffing, you nudged his side with your elbow and throw up your hands in an exasperated manner. “Well sooorrry I wanted to spend time with the best boyfriend in the world with my favourite treat! God, next you’ll be asking why I’m dating you in the first place.” 
Ah, there you go again, too cute and kind for this world. Ghiaccio really didn’t know what he did to deserve you and he was certain that he should just disappear into the night one day to let you find someone better than him. Yet he didn’t. He loved you way too much and he knew the feeling as mutual.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just...pick one.” It was probably way too obvious how happy it made him to hear those words, whether it be because of his mouth twitching into a smile or his light blush. 
You tapped your chin a few times before finally settling your eyes on a flavour you thought would be good. Finally!
Two fingers was all you needed to hold up to allow the vendor to understand how many you were going to ask for. The moustached, jolly man gleefully taking hold of two cones and clean scooper, ready to take your order.
“One bubblegum gelato scoop and a uhhh,”
“Pista- eew. You sure?”
“Shut up.”
The vendor chuckled at the two of you’s banter, shaking his head. “Oh to be in love. One bubblegum and a pistachio, coming right up.” 
When the gelato was ready and handed over, you graciously took hold of your’s while the plan to pay for both was quickly thrown out the window by Ghiaccio slamming down the needed amount onto the counter. “Keep any change,” he mumbled before taking hold of his own cone and stalking off a good ten to twenty metres away so he could stand underneath the comforting shade of a tree.
With a final smile to the vendor, you waved goodbye and headed over to stand by your grumpy partner, already licking away at your scoop of gelato.
“So what made you finally pick a flavour?” Ghiaccio asked, eyes more focused on you than the treat in his hands. 
Holding up the cone in hand, you closed one eye to make the scoop of blue bubblegum line up perfectly beside the blue haired males head, shrugging as you grinned, “no particular reason. Just reminded me of something equally as tasty.”
It didn’t even take five seconds for him to understand what you meant. He furrowed his brows and used his free hand to shove your one away from his direction, his volume rising, “don’t mock me! You’re lucky I even came out here with you at all.”
You wanted to laugh in response but couldn’t when a cold, blue fluff bumped into your nose and staining it the treat’s respective colour. Then you laughed at that.
Your boyfriend looks with disbelief at how smiley you can be, knowing full well he would have yelled if he had been in your place, and groaned,“ugh, nothing comes easy with you.” He stepped closed to you, taking hold of your chin and bringing you towards him as he lowered his head down. It was obvious what he was going to do, yet your breath was caught due to the fact it was him of all people who would do it.
His tongue flicked out quickly to wipe away what was on your nose, luckily not much having been spread since gelato was much harder than typical ice cream. It felt warm and a sharp contrast to the chilled feeling on your nose, the sensation heating your face in no time. Still, you had to be immature.
“Eew, Ghia! That was so gross.”
That only made him fluster and back away quickly, his annoyed attitude masking hims embarrassment. “Shut up! Not like we had any napkins on us anyway.” Excuses.
Humming in agreement, you nodded,“yeah but still, it was gross. Kinda cute though.”
He made no effort in responding to you and shook his head, going back to eating his gelato. He really just goes in and bites it sometimes, huh? If you tried that, your front teeth would die from the cold and you’d have a certain brain freeze. Then again, you doubt Ghiaccio was even easily affected by the cold, what with how his stand worked. 
It took a good while for the two of you to finish and once you had, you both decided that the better option was to return to Ghiaccio’s house seeing as there wasn’t much you two could do in the scorching heat, especially not without any complaints from a certain someone. 
Walking home would be just as sweat inducing and long as it was to come here, and Ghiaccio was already pulling out the cloth from his pocket to wipe his glasses, yet you were still excited to try and link your pinkies and spend the whole time in your grump’s company.
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mxfandom · 4 years
Got Bored and Decided to Transcript My Roomate Reviewing Homestuck Characters
Tw// Strong Language
My Roommate
Stuck Up
*still laughing* No like what you THINK about them
....Stuck Up
He looks like he shat himself and trying to play it off. He bullies other kids for clout
And, look like she really needs dick in her life. Nerd Ass
Are these just the transp- uh, are these different people?
*burst into laughter*
*laughing as well* what?, what
These are different type of like species
Alright. For him...ugly
Just ugly?
He (yes she assumed terezi was a guy) looks like he tried to be a rockstar but can’t pull it off because his teeth is just giving him too much Emo vibes. So he just “I have to be a hardcore Emo bruh, uhh, but I don’t have hands so I can’t go uhhh” you know what I mean?
You noticed their signs?
Yeah I noticed their signs, Libra
Libra, ass
He’s trying too hard. Look at you, you trying to be kiss? You ain’t gonna make it honey, with your long horn ass- you’re horny aren’t you?
*squeeking in laughter at this point*
Oh, I like this one. You look like you got into a little Tussle Tussle. I DON’T appreciate how your horns are asymmetric but it’s okay you can be cool or whatever, Ms. Scorp- oh I don’t like Scorpios fuck you never mind. Where the Leo?
I do like her horns tho. What’s that Aries?
Aries are bitches too. My mom’s an Aries but it’s chill. I do like your tattered skirt, looks like you’re ready?
*wheezing* ready for what?
*In the tone of a drag queen* You know what she’s ready for. Got some demon dick in you guurrrrl.
Got the little sizzle with the snake tongue
Here’s the Leo
Why you gotta be a furry tho?
What’s with the tail? I’m not mad at it, you’re kinda cute. You look like you need some sleep tho with them bags under your eyes but you cute tho, you cute.
*immediatly after the last cute* the fuck are you?
Oh, you know, okay so it’s missing teeth right? It look like a panda snout, to me. It looked like a panda snout for a second. Also who you fighting? Who you fightin with your missing teeth. You mad son because you [???] your horn breaking off. But you know what you got the new crocs so that’s good.
The new crocs. He’s very into body building and stuff AND horses. But...
*one of us swallows a laugh*
No tea, no shade
*wheezing in tears* my gosh
I feel sorry for you
You know who put him in a wheelchair?
*scrolls back up* her
I told you she got into a tussle
*my nose starting running from laughing and now I’m snorting* she threw him off a cLIFf
That’s how scorpios be tho. That’s how scorpios be.
I finnaly breathe and stopped laughing continusesly.
Is that a-? Okay, that’s his hair. Mmmm horny mmmm. I mean you, Aquarius, fishy flashy. I see your little fin gill gills. I see em. You ain’t cute and that colour/collar(?) combination is a little dull and basic so.
You Coachella
Looking ass. You got glasses on? Are those glasses? You need to chill
No, those are swim goggles.
Coachella. In the fucking ocean looking ass. NEXT
Gemini is my moon. I fuck with the glasses, everything in 4-D. 3-D. 4-D technically. But the shoes tho. I mean you really supporting that yin yang double sided face.
He’s like half and half color blind. That’s why the glasses are like that.
Is that why you can’t- Well you can put on the same type of shoes nigga you don’t have to be [stammers]- Is that a SOCK? It look like a sock, for real for real because it ain’t got no base like the other shoe do. So, I mean that’s chill but even if you’re color blind you can put another shoe on. You ain’t got no excuse so.
Preppy. She looks like she suck dick under a fucking staircase.
She’s an alcoholic
First of all, hat shirt stupid.
Second of all, why you look like you go into your parents basement and play the drums real loud at like 2 am in the morning, just to “be...” you know what I mean. I don’t know what the word for it but
That’s basically his character
Told you
He’s also really into puppets with like dick nose
Dic-wha? You Gay?
Yeah, he is.
I can tell. That fucking hat shirt really sets it off
I ain’t got nothing to say. The reason i got nothing to say to this bitch is because that’s the point of her character. In my eyes it looks like you DONT say nothing to that bitch.
That’s Betty Crocker...like the person who made the uh [forgets all Betty Crocker accomplishments] utensils. Cooking utensils? That’s Betty Crocker. Basically. She BASICALLY turns into Betty Crocker.
So as I said. Nobody paid attention to you so you HAD to do Something to get their attention. Obviously making some utensils was the thing for you.
*dying in laughter again* oh my god
Spoon and fork bitch. I get it, everybody has to eat you know.
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dawn-path · 8 years
tagged by @marblellous !! Thank you!!!!! Rules: Answer all the questions, then add one of your own, and tag as many people as there are questions Tagging: (nope not tagging 49 people omfg) @delta-extract @wolfygoeswild @limetail @beowulfthecool @jadlez-17913 @fangirl2131212 (I don't know how to do a read more I'm so sorry) 1) Coke or Pepsi? I think I like Pepsi but I can't remember they're all so similar 2) Disney or Dreamworks? No preference?? 3) Coffee or Tea? TEA I HATE COFFEE 4) Books or movies? Tbh I don't do much of either nowadays oops 5) Windows or mac? I mean I have Windows soooo 6) D.C. or Marvel? Also no preference? Whoops 7) Xbox or PlayStation? WII >:3c jk that's just all I've got but probably Xbox 8) Dragon age or mass effect? Haven't played either but I think Dragon Age is magic so that one 9) Night owl or early riser? BOTH LMAO SAVE ME 10) Cards or chess? Oooh chess 11) Chocolate or vanilla? Vachocolate 12) Vans or converse? Converse :D 13) Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar? What are these are they more shoe brands 14) Fluff or angst? PLEASE BOTH 15) Beach or forest? oh god I hate beaches, forest please 16) Dogs or cats? CATS, IM ACTUALLY REALLY SCARED OF DOGS 17) Clear skies or rain? Rain as long as I'm not in it 18) Cooking or eating out? I mean if I knew how to cook it'd be cool, I don't like eating out much 19) Spicy or mild food? MILD GOOD LORD ILL CATCH ON FIRE WITH SPICY 20) Halloween/Samhain or solstice/yule/Christmas? OHOHOHO HALLOWEEN ITS LIKE AN EXCUSE TO COSPLAY 21) Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? Too cold please, I wore short sleeves in -15 degree weather once but I melt in 80+ degree weather 22) If you could have a superpower what would it be? Just to be as OP as possible, reality bending haaaa now it can do everything 23) Animation or live action? Animation!! 24) Paragon or renegade? What are these 25) Bath or shower? I hate both soooooo 26) Team Cap or team Ironman? A l s o no preference 27) Fantasy or sci-fi? DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE 28) Do you have 3 or 4 favourite quotes if so what are they? UHHH lets see 'That boy's gone stone cold crazy.' Yeah I can't think of any that's just a specific song lyric 29) YouTube or Netflix? I don't have Netflix and YouTube is my life 30) Harry Potter or Percy Jackson? Potterboi 31) When do you feel accomplished? If I make someone happy, especially someone who I love dearly or someone I look up to omg 32) Star Wars or Star Trek? STAR TREK HOLY SHIT 33) Paperback books or hardcover books? Either?? Probs hardcover though 34) Fantastic beasts or Cursed child? What's cursed child also I haven't seen Beasts 35) Rock or pop music? Neither tbh but I guess pop 36) What is the most important thing in your life? Oh good fuck my friends for sure they've literally saved my life over and over again dhfdskn 37) Mountains or sea/ocean? Mountains!!!!!!!!!!! I love near the mountains and I don't like beaches 38) How do you express yourself? Crying facedown on the floor it's really effective 39) What’s the first book/film that really counted to you? Warriors ngl little me cried for like 15 minutes over Greystripe leaving for RiverClan 40) What’s your element (air, water, etc.)? I know it sounds Edgy™ but chaos 41) If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? I don't wanna travel much but holy shit I'd love to visit Bristol 42) If you had any job in the world, what would it be? DREAM JOB AEROSPACE ENGINEER AT NASA ID CRY FOREVER 43) If you were granted three wishes, what would they be? UHHHH 1. Wish my loved ones and my good health, mental and physical, since I'm incredibly sickly in both tbh and I want especially my friends to be always healthy 2. Like a lotta money so I can donate to charities and give my loved ones gifts and also maybe get like. Two cats 3. World fucking peace hell yeah 44) If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Nature bc that's a lotta shit u can't fool me mr. question 45) What’s currently the most pressing issue on your mind, and what’s stopping you from fixing it? Ughhhhhghg Terrified of the future and fucking things up for myself and my two platonic loves of my life 46) What is your dream companion animal? C A T but like with wings and magic and shit 47) Raptors or songbirds? What about raptors that sing 48) If you could only see the world in different shades of one colour, what colour would it be? Teal, perhaps...? Or pastel pink 49) What’s your favourite piece of clothing that you own? Oh oh oh I HAVE THIS REALLY FUCKING COOL VEST WITH SIX BUTTONS ON FRONT IT LOOKS VICTORIAN AND I STOLE IT FROM MY SISTER'S CLOSET I LOVE IT FHANDFNS My question!: 50) What's your favorite flower, and what is its meaning? (If it has one) (Mine is Azalea by the way, it means 'please take care of yourself for me, love')
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