#uhhh but 10 from doctor who to me is a perfect rep of an ENTP in like all emotions
tbh-entp · 1 year
ok then i raise you one: how do i spot an entp?
Hellooo anon (who I should've responded to months ago),
How does one spot an entp? Truly, I think we're pretty easy to spot, albeit maybe not super super common ~5th least common, so it's not too bad.
ENTPs walk the line between the traditional definitions of introvert and extrovert. So we're not always spot-able, especially if we're drained or not too interested in the conversation around us. I just note this to say that it's not witty-town all year round. Also, when we're younger, many things that we say are misses more than hits so another note depending on your age!
ENTPs will want to discuss to understand (not to offend, though sometimes it may come off as argumentative). Truly we just like understanding things on all sides directly, and so you might hear an ENTP bouncing different angles of a problem very objectively, and very openly/comfortably agreeing or disagreeing with people.
If you notice someone who is just super charming and witty... and then you don't see them, talk to them, hear from them for months, and then suddenly they're there again and wow, still a charmer, are they flirting with you, wow they know everyone, oop they're gone again....... ya that's an ENTP
we will lose interest in things
also or not sometimes we don't lose interest in things
i just have lost interest
so sorry
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