#uhhhh eat healthy and drink water etc etc
never lay down in bed right after eating. don't think about staying on your phone for nearly two hours in that position. don't sleep either. acid reflux is real and i hate that guy
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fairycosmos · 6 years
not to be gross, but why on earth is taking care of myself so difficult, especially during holidays and whenever I don't have to go to school? Like I'll literally go days without showering and I'll eat way too many calories and I forget to take my vitamins and drink my water etc. How do I change it?
sdjhdskjfkjd UGH this is 2 relatable. a lot of people can relate to this, you’re not alone at all. i literally haven’t showered in like ages i’m fkn uhhhh gross :/ and honestly i’m not 100% sure how to change it bc i’m stuck in that cycle too !! however i will say that i think it’s important to appreciate the beauty of a job half done. you don’t have to shower if that feels like too much, but try to wash your face and brush your teeth and put some deodorant on. you don’t have to chill with your friends all day, but maybe seeing them for an hour will help distract and stimulate you a little. it’s okay to eat what you want, but try to make a healthy choice when you’re able to. also write a note n stick it on your wall/fridge reminding you to take your meds!! or put an alarm on your phone for when you’re supposed to take them. once you’re actually doing The Dreaded Thing, you’ll realize that you actually want to complete the task and that it’s actually not anywhere near as stressful as you were building it up to be. each singular effort you make counts for a lot, no matter how tiny it is. and the fact that you’re trying is more than enough. honestly there are many small but important things you can do that will help lighten the weight of everything, even if it takes some time and effort before you really start to notice a difference. you’re not a lost cause, and this isn’t a hopeless situation. it’s important to remember that depression and mental illness in general is a very debilitating and difficult thing to experience, and hating yourself for it or blaming yourself for something that is beyond your control won’t make it any better. you wouldn’t treat yourself like shit for having a physical illness, and you wouldn’t treat your friends like shit if they were going through what you’re going through, so try to afford yourself that same courtesy. you’ve obviously talked to a professional if you’re on meds, but i’d recommend going back and telling them that you’re finding it hard to cope. maybe they’ll be able to adjust your dose, or recommend different types of therapy. just don’t let your brain talk you out asking for help/going back to the doctor before you’ve even tried it. if it’s having such an impact on your lifestyle, then you have every right to seek all of the help and support you need. don’t let your thoughts isolate you - keep connecting, keep trying, keep going. do what you can with what you’ve been given. it’s alright, that’s more than good enough. i’m going to leave some links that might be able to help more than i can, cause i honestly struggle with this A LOT and it’s really hard to break out of, tho definitely not impossible. but i’m genuinely always here if you need a friend, or if you want to talk more about it. like i said you’re really not alone, and it’s not going to be the way it is right now forever. you’re stronger than you think. just keep making it from one moment to the next.
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oh, tall is the tale of the mischievous one / who fished out all the islands and captured the sun / his deeds and tasks i will unmask / so that you'll understand / that before there was a clark kent / there was a hawaiian superman
Archetype — The Hero Birthday — February 14, 1997 Zodiac Sign — Aquarius MBTI — ENFP Enneagram — Type 2: The Helper Temperament — Sanguine Hogwarts House — Hufflelin Moral Alignment — Chaotic Good Primary Vice — Pride Primary Virtue — Patience Element — Water
[tw brief mention of abuse]
Mother — Kai Akalana (nee Hale) Father — Lani Akalana Mother’s Occupation — Waitress/singer-entertainer Father’s Occupation — Fisherman Family Finances — Poor Birth Order — Youngest Brothers —  Malo (28) the Serious One, Mana (26) the Sporty One, Moke (24) the Smart One, Mele (22) the Soft One Sisters — sisters-in-law Other Close Family — Alani (27, sister-in-law, Malo’s wife), Gabrielle (10, niece, Malo and Alani’s daughter), Sailor (7, nephew, Malo and Alani’s son); Hayley (25, sister-in-law, Mana’s wife), Jasper (4, nephew, Mana and Hayley’s son); Odelia (23, sister-in-law, Moke’s wife); Fawn (2, niece, Moke and Odelia’s daughter). Best Friend — Celia Gorgon Other Friends — Lymantria Khan, Periwinkle Frostbrittle, Annette Grant why are all of these women? Dipper Pines and Kovu Sauda his roomiesss -- also a lot of OCs tbh Enemies — uhh bad guys Pets — None D: but he totally wants one Home Life During Childhood — Hard and busy; Maui usually got up at the crack of dawn to go out on the fishing boat for a few hours before school. His father was a very stern man and he and his father had a lot of conflict. His mother is a delicate lil lady and his father was often mean to her and Maui hated it. Also all his brothers picked on him for being scrawny. Town or City Name(s) — Hana, Maui; Hawa’ii What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — He shared with Mele, it was always messy. Painted blue but very sparse because they couldn’t afford lots. They had bunkbeds. Maui had the top. Rotated sleeping on the couch tho bc there were only four beds. Any Sports or Clubs — He reallyyyy wanted to be on the soccer team, but he was too busy with fishing and helping out at the restaurant and his father wouldn’t let him. Favorite Toy or Game — He like to play pranks on people. (I’m terrible at coming up w pranks so pretend I listed a few good ones). Schooling — His father didn’t hold school in very high regard so Maui dropped out when he was sixteen to work on the fishing boats. Favorite Subject — uhhh none of them tbh Popular or Loner — Kind of in the middle. Everyone knew who he was and he could flit from friend group to friend group but he never had any close friends Important Experiences or Events — Becoming Maui, when his father told him that he had to quit school in order to help out, one time his dad hit his mom that was p traumatizing Nationality — Hawaiian (American, he guesses.) Culture — Polynesian Religion and beliefs — pretty agnostic, but likes the old legends
Physical Appearance
Face Claim —  Bob Morley Complexion — He still gets the stray pimple every now and then but all that salt water was A+ for his skin. He’s got lotsa freckles on his nose and cheeks. Nice tanned skin. Hair Colour — Black Eye Colour — Brown Height — 5’10 Build — broad shoulders, def more upper body strength than lower but all around rather fit, on the shorter side but holds himself well Tattoos — MAUI written on the inside of his right forearm. One that completely covers his shoulder with an intricate combination of music notes, fish hooks, shark’s teeth, and enata (or people). He also had artistic representation of waves and wind as a band around his left ankle. He also has a little cat that moves around his body, but generally likes to curl up in the crook of one of his collar bones. Piercings — none Common Hairstyle — Floppy and messy. Maui never brushes his hair so it’s just a tangled curly mess and tbh Celia probably has to trim it so it stays outta his eyes otherwise he never would. Clothing Style — jeans + t-shirt + sneakers bam Mannerisms — talks with his hands a lot, is literally always smiling, gets fidgety when he’s thinking a lot or is nervous Usual Expression —
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — he’s pretty healthy, tho he gets colds in the winter bc he’s not used to the cold Physical Ailments — fit as a fiddle Neurological Conditions — tbh maui is probably one of my most mentally healthy (don’t mean he’s right in the head tho hehe) Allergies —  none! Grooming Habits — he’s a typical boy. He showers...sometimes. Like every other day, maybe every day ehhh. Does laundry when Absolutely Necessary. Sleeping Habits — sleeps like a goddamn rock. Goes to bed late, wakes up early, but he can go back to sleep sometimes and then he’ll like sleep all day Eating Habits — will eat anything and everything in sight. I don’t think there is a food he doesn’t like Exercise Habits —  Maui swims--a lot. If it is cold he goes to the pool at the gym. He also jogs, lifts weights, tries to stay generally fit, but he’s also pretty naturally fit. Emotional Stability — honestly?? Maui is so stable?? Emotionally? He has a lot of growing to do, but he doesn’t fight it really, and though he isn’t always true to the emotions he’s feeling, he can recognize them. He’s got a lot of toxic masculinity but that is really the only thing super holding him back. Oh, and his narcissism probably (which is kinda fake anyway) Body Temperature — He runs pretty warm but when it is cold outside, so is he. Sociability — Maui is really extroverted, and he can also adapt to almost any situation. His ultimate goal is for people to like him, which means he always does his best to get people to like him. Addictions — none tbh Drug Use — he actually doesn’t do drugs (used to smoke pot on the rare occasion but lowkey he was too afraid of if his dad found out.) He will smoke a lil weed on a v rare occasion. Alcohol Use — He drinks at parties and he can get pretty drunk, but he rarely drinks otherwise and is pretty responsible tbh
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — the fact he’s narcissistic. Also he puts a lot of pressure on himself. Can sometimes not think before he speaks and tease people who shouldn’t be teased and then hurt their feelings. He can be a bit brash, but endearingly so, for the most part. Good Habits — tries to take care of people, takes good care of his body. Best Characteristic — his friendliness! Worst Characteristic — his #fakeness Worst Memory — honestly?? Winning the maui competition, he carries a lot of guilt. Best Memory — ...winning the maui competition. Look it is complicated. Proud of — being Maui Embarrassed by — the fact he literally is the worst Maui ever Driving Style — actually Maui is a really good driver, if not a bit of a speed demon. Strong Points — the fact he is able to manipulate himself to suit people’s needs Temperament — the chillest. It is really hard to rile him up and make him mad. Almost too chill Attitude — friendly! Weakness — his secrets and crippling self doubt lol Fears — that people will know he’s fake and he can’t help them Phobias — doesn’t have any Secrets — that he cheated to win the Maui competition Regrets — cheating to win the Maui competition lol Feels Vulnerable When — he actually emotionally connects w someone lol Pet Peeves — people who aren’t willing to help themselves/people that give up Conflicts — wanting to be the Best Maui Ever while also knowing he cheated and is the Worst Maui Ever Motivation — to live up to the name of Maui; for people to like him Short Term Goals and Hopes — to help people! Long Term Goals and Hopes — to be the Best Maui Ever Sexuality — why is this here??? He is straight lmao Day or Night Person — day tbh Introvert or Extrovert — extrovert Optimist or Pessimist — uhhhh an optimistic pessimist? idk
Likes and Styles:
Music — he likes lots of stuff, kind of alt rock--but also lots of hawaiian music. Some oldies. Everyone likes the beach boys. Also loves stuff he can dance to! Books — maui lowkey does not have great reading comprehension so he doesn’t read for fun really Magazines — ones that he’s in Foods — all foods but he lovesss fresh fruit Drinks — anything really tbh but he’s gotten real turned onto hot chocolate in the winter Animals — anything aquatic really but his fave is probably iguanas. Sports — all sports! Soccer is his fave tho Social Issues — maui is...learning. I would love for him to like become a feminist but he’s a long way away. Though he is p aware of like--POC issues, since he comes from a marginalized community that is like used for their culture to up tourism and is considered ~~exotic Favorite Saying — “A ship is safe at harbor, but that’s not what it was built for.” Color — Blue! Clothing — typical boy, normally just a t-shirt/jeans Jewelry — none really tho he has some wooden bracelets he wears Games — maui doesn’t game a lot Websites — or surf the web unless it is to google himself lmao TV Shows — eh, he doesn’t watch tv a whole lot Movies — again, doesn’t watch a lot but prolly likes action films Greatest Want — to be needed; to help people Greatest Need — to realize he’s fine just the way he is /pets
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — Room 421 on PrideU’s campus. Roommate: Dipper Pines. Flatmates: Kovu Sauda and Declan Craig. Household furnishings — typical dorm stuff Favorite Possession — his hook! Most Cherished Possession — also his hook lol Neighborhood — lives on campus Town or City Name — Swynlake Details of Town or City — small town; magick-friendly etc Married Before — nope Significant Other Before — has never rly dated Children — lol no Relationship with Family — despite the fact his brothers and him fight all the time, he really loves his brothers and is pretty close to them. Is definitely a mama’s boy as the baby of the family. Has a tense relationship with his dad. He also loves his nieces and nephews. SO. MUCH. Car — he had a jeep back home that he shared with Mele and his mom. He misses his car Career — ...a demigod? Dream Career — a demigod. Dream Life — being the Best Maui Ever Love Life — has lots of hook ups, he is satisfied with this Talents or Skills — is a great swimmer Intelligence Level — he’s actually really smart despite not being book savvy Finances — he’s got a stipend for being Maui, but he still has to be careful in order to make ends meet. His family is very poor, but is now being taken care of
Your Character’s Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers — worked on fishing boats/sometimes as a busboy at the restaurant his mom works at Past Lovers — a couple girls, but not that many, no serious relationships Biggest Mistakes — cheating and being a general shit Biggest Achievements — becoming Maui!
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shadowboxmind · 7 years
85 things
tagged by @whoisaudreytoday so uh here goes
So rules are to answer the stuff below and tag 20 people. I can’t tag 20 people but :P
the last:
1. drink: water
2. phone call: my mom to ask her to pick up my little brother’s book from the library
3. text message: a friend to tell him how to find a hamilton video on youtube (this kind of thing btw)
4. song: "Cheshire Kitten (We’re All Mad Here)” by S.J. Tucker
5. time you cried: Monday after arguing with my mom
have you ever:
6. dated someone twice: nah (no dating for me)
7. kissed someone and regretted it: nah (no kissing for me)
8. been cheated on: nah (no dating etc. etc.)
9. lost someone special: yea
10. been depressed: yee yee
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Can’t drink, don’t want to
favorite colors:
12. dark green. Like the green of healthy lawn grass in the shade
13. Deep blue
14. Red, tending towards the darker shades
15: Gold
16: A nice, pale pink
in the last year have you:
17. laughed until you cried: yeah. Recently, in fact. See the hamilton video linked above
18. found out someone was talking about you: in what way? Because my mom loves to talk about me to other parents when she thinks I can’t hear
19. met someone who changed you: Probably! I may not be conscious of it but it’s almost definitely happened
20. found out who your friends are: I hope so
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: Nope
22. made friends: Yeah boi
23. fallen out of love: Mmm no
25. what did you do for your last birthday: I don’t know... We might have seen a movie? I honestly don’t remember I don’t really celebrate
26. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them, but only like 5 are actual friends. The rest are just classmates because I have facebook as a school necessity
27. do you have any pets: No, I wish tho (I plan to befriend the crows as soon as I find a relatively foolproof way of keeping my parents from interfering)
28. what time did you wake up: 10 ish? I got a week of summer left I’m using it
29. what were you doing at midnight last night: taking a shower
30. name something you can’t wait for: Meeting some of my friends next summer! also getting out of high school
31: what are you listening to right now: a weedwhacker in the distance
32: have you ever talked to a person named tom: yep a classmate
33: something that’s getting on your nerves: heckin college apps
34. do you want to change your name: Not really
35. hair color: Black. Or if you’re nitpicky dark brown but yeah
36. long or short hair: Medium ish. It’s grown out since I cut it a few months ago
37. piercings: Nope!
38. tattoos: Nope!
39. blood type: O. idk beyond that
40. nicknames: Phoenix, Nixy, Nix, etc. 
41. relationship status: N/A
42. zodiac: I think I’m Virgo
43. pronouns: she/her
44. most visited website: Tie between Youtube, Gmail, and Tumblr probably
45. right or left handed: Right
46. surgeries: nope. Wisdom teeth pending
47. sports: Used to do swim team
48. favorite tv show: Uhhhh Young Justice, Legend of Korra, Avatar the Last Airbender, please don’t make me choose
49. vacations: Summer vacations tend to be either back to China or a road trip somewhere. California, before, or to Canada for a day or two. We’ve gone to Mexico twice for winter break
50. sneakers: I have a pink pair that I don’t really wear because they aren’t comfortable
more general:
52. eating: rice. tomatoes and eggs. potatoes.
53. fave drink: apple juice probably
54. what you’re up to: procrastinating on college essays
55. waiting for: the start of school and college app hell
56. want: to sleep and to figure out Opentoonz
57. get married: Depends on circumstances. So, tentatively maybe-yes
58. career: I cannot make up my mind so ideally something arts/writing related or conservation related
which is better:
60. hugs or kisses: hugs hugs hugs
61. lips or eyes: eyeballs
62. shorter or taller: On the one hand shorter people make me feel tall on the other hand I have a certain weird pride in being real short so? either
63. older or younger: For friends? I don’t particularly care, I just want to be able to make jokes they can understand and have shared interests
64. nice arms or stomach: Arms? I like arm muscles I suppose
65. hook up or relationship: Nnnnneither. Well, platonic relationship
66. troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant
have you ever:
67. kissed a stranger: No kisses
68. drank hard liquor: No alcohol
69. lost glasses/contacts: I have lost individual contacts for a few minutes but otherwise nah
70. turned someone down: Not for anything romantic, no
71. sex on the first date: Nooo
72. broken someone’s heart: I don’t think so
73. had your heart broken: Nope
74. been arrested: Nope
75. cried when someone died: ye
76. fallen for a friend: Not romantically, no
do you believe in:
77. yourself: Haaaaa maybe? On certain things
78. miracles: A tentative yes.
79. love at first sight: mmmmmm I’ll say no. Unless it’s for an animal. I have loved many animals at first sight
80. santa claus: No
81. kiss on the first date: No kisses. No dates either for that matter
82. angels: Tentative no
83. current best friend’s name(s): N/A
84. eye color: Brown
85. favorite movie: Uhhhh I put Pacific Rim on my college app so there’s that
um um if it’s okay to tag you guys (no obligation to do this) @sunshines-stories @ivegotonefriend @ollie-official @guyorsomething @marfacat @cariykon @alrightmomentgone and any followers who want to, I’d love to see your answers :)
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Got any nicknames that you rarely even use? Nah, my one nickname is used a lot. Nevermind what gender you ARE, what gender do you WANT to be? I’m fine being female. Do you ever feel ashamed revealing your age? Not at all, I get happier when I finally get to say it with one more added year. Probably because I’ve always wanted to break out of that long ass period of being a teenager and being overlooked and invalidated and all those rebellious blunder years as well. Working anywhere? No. I’m interning in a PR company starting next Thursday, though! What's your favorite thing to put in your mouth? Japanese or Indian food.
What about the worst? Accidentally-eaten raisins. Have any allergies? Nope. I’m just glad I’m not allergic to any food. One of my closest friends, Kate, is allergic to eggs, chicken, and meat; and a lot more people i know are allergic to seafood and I’m sooooooooooooooooo frustrated for them. Are you confident enough to reveal your height and weight? Sure. I don’t mind being tiny and I never really struggled with weight. What one personal rule you have that you want your surroundings to follow? I hate physical touch as communication. Holding my hand, hugging me too tight, resting your head on my shoulder, suddenly grabbing my arm...unless it’s Gabie, and to an extent Kate (cos she’s naturally touchy) and Angela, I get freaked out inside. When you get muscle soreness, where does it hit you the worst? Shoulders and neck could get pretty bad. What do your parents call you? Anak or ‘Nak, which literally means ‘child’ in Filipino; Robyn, and Byn. When they refer to me in a conversation with my younger siblings, I’m called ‘Ate,’ or the term for elder sisters. Something you just can’t stand no matter what? When someone scrapes their utensils onto their plate way too hard and loud. What’s something that people do that you love? When everyone bands together to help someone when they’re in trouble. Of course this doesn’t happen all the time, but it’s so easy to make me cry just by making me watch videos of this happening. How old were you when you first got to go on the computer? I was 3. My dad had Need for Speed on the computer and I still remember how it came with the legit steering wheel and pedals. If you have a blog, facebook, myspace, etc, how long have you had it for? I think I’ve had this one since 2016. I have another survey blog I got locked out from because I forgot my password, and I had that since 2012 or 2013. If you have a blog or website, advertise here: I’m posting this on my blog itself lmao. What age would you want to get married/did you get married? 27-29. Any lovers at the moment? I have a girlfriend, sure. When was the last time you had a crush on someone? Right now, but more intensely this morning haha. Would you say you're an emotional person? More than average, definitely. Have a kid or want to? Want them. Describe your hair style right now? It’s in a ponytail but I’ve had it on since morning and I’ve been on the couch the whole day so it’s a super messy one right now. A habit a lot of people around you notice you doing is? I don’t know if there’s a habit everyone tends to do, but they all seem to curse, if that’s counts as a habit. Favorite artist? Like...in general? Probably Hozier, he’s one of the best and most genuine artists/songwriters out there. And Hayley Williams. What's a fashion trend you would rather die than follow? Don’t Blame The Kids merch. Got any internet friends you've never met in real life? Yeah, my old internet friends - they all lived either in the US or spread out in Europe so I really could not meet with them ever. Right now, the ones I’ve never met are Aliyah and Gabbie. Do you chat with a lot of people on the computer or only few? It used to be a lot since I was super active in the wrestling fandom before. Nowadays my circle is kept to my high school batchmates and college friends. Your favorite person you know in real life is...? My girlfrienddddddddd. Are you a forgiving person? No. It’s kinda the unofficial personal rule I have with people: I will always give away my trust to anyone from the very beginning and will be patient for a very long time, that to fuck up hard enough to reach the point of having to ask for forgiveness is already like overstaying in my circle or my life in general lmao. What's a color that suits you the best? Black and maroon. For some reason green does too, but I hate green. And a color you just can't pull off/don't want to? Orange, gray, yellow. Based on your running speed, what animal would you be? I’d probably be like a cow hahaha. Got any hobbies? Sure.
Can you read in public? Only if I manage to be alone and end up in a quiet and comfy area in public. The noisiest I can handle is probably a busy coffee shop because at least the noise there is a bit therapeutic. Describe yourself when you were 6 years old? I dunno, really...I was friends with a popular bunch and we even made a dumb 6 year old thing we called the Bratz Club (because they were huge at the time), but there was also huge bitch of a bully not from the group who also always targeted me. I was still a big crybaby, and I threw a huge tantrum one time someone mistakenly told on me when I didn’t do anything, that my mom had to step in lmao. I was still pretty quiet but like I had enough friends and I even spoke on our moving up ceremony, so I think I was doing quite well. Right brained or left brained? I already forgot my psych lessons from two semesters ago, hah. How much sleep do you get usually? 6-7 hours is the average. Do you know your blood type? I don’t. What’s hilarious (and sad) is that I don’t think my parents know either unless they check my birth cert LMAOOOOOO. Whenever I have to fill out forms that ask for it, I ask my mom and she deadass says, “O+ is the most common right? Just write that one down” bye sis if I need a donation and I die that’s on her kksksksksks What's your favorite astrologic sign? I don’t care for and hate all of them. What month do you with you were born and why? April. Presumably because I was conceived somewhere in mid-July 1997, I guess? Have any large dreams you're trying to achieve? Sure.
One thing you would like to change about yourself? My anxiety. One thing you like about yourself? Work ethic. A type of personality you just can’t stand? People who say too many innuendos or are too green-minded. Your personality in one word would be? Uhhhh that’s hard to capture. I guess ‘shy’ is the word. Your appearance in one word would be? Chill.
What’s a talent you'd love to have? Playing the piano. The best prank you've pulled? I hate pranks, whether I’m the pranker or prankee. If I gave you ten dollars right now, what would you do with it? Save it. I’m out of money from drinking in two upscale bars last night lol. What if it was a million dollars? Probs get myself a nice dinner. A person or a thing you truly love from your heart? Girlfriend. A wish you have? More money. Pokemon, Digimon, GI JOE, Barbies or other? Pokemon. City type of person or country? Definitely the city. As good as the food is and as clean as the air is in the province, I don’t think I’ll last. Plus I was never raised in the province so I would miss the city life too much.
Ever take polls on the net? Yeah sometimes I’d take the ones I’d come across just for funsies or because I’m genuinely interested about the results. Any word that you love? Poignant. I thought it meant something nice and ~elegant at first; had no clue it was supposed to mean something super bittersweet. What's something you're obsessed about right now? Mukbang ASMR videos. If you had a typing battle, do you think you'd win? I think I would hahaha. Several semesters of rapid note-taking in college will serve me well. Favorite type of candy? Peanut butter cups, if they count. How often do you clean your ears? Every other day. Brag about something! I got a 2.00 in a class I genuinely thought I’d fail in. 2 isn’t a great grade at all but that class was SO AWFUL that I was dying of anxiety just to get a 3 this whole time. My instructor released the grades last night while I was at a club and I bawled when I found out. Something you find unhealthy about yourself? I eat so unhealthily and have no healthy habits AT ALL other than constantly drinking water. I don’t wash my face, never watch what I eat, never exercised a day in my life, all that neglectful jazz. Words of wisdom? I’m not really in a thoughtful mood rn to spontaneously think of advice. Are usually the one talking or listening to others? Listening. I hate having to be in the spotlight longer. Your reaction if someone told you you look 10 years older than your age? Honestly I’d be really flattered because I’ve looked 10 years younger my whole life. To say that I look 10 years older will just balance it out to mean that I look my exact age hahahahahaha Any favorite numbers? I don’t have lucky numbers but whenever I have to pick ones, I always say 4 or 23. Any weak spots? ???? Like in bed? Lmao my neck but I hope I understood this correctly. Do you really badly want anything right now? Money. Savings. But also iced coffee :( How much money would you say you have saved up? I literally have no money in my wallet and I can take a photo right now to show that I have absolutely no bills left. I get really irresponsible with money when I get a little tipsy and I got three Long Island Iced Teas last night :/ the last glass I bought when I found out my grade in that pain-in-the-ass class I talked about earlier, so it was technically an impulse celebratory purchase. Anything from your past you just want to forget about? So many events, my friend. So many events. What does it take to earn respect from you? None. I give everyone respect and trust from the very beginning, because that’s what they deserve. But the thing is I can very much take it away when it’s disrespected or abused. Where were you born? Somewhere in stinky Manila. How many people do you live with? 4. How do you cheer yourself up? Depends. It’s a different formula each time. What's something that makes you really stressed out? Internship. Have any particular standard you look for in a significant other? No. I’m a demi, so I’ll end up being attracted to someone because of who they are. I used to have standards but they were so limiting, so I just got rid of those. Ever had a friend that was someone completely opposite to you? Gabie. Ez. We couldn’t be any more different. Are you any good at science? I’m good in biology in particular and I’m okay in physics, but I hate chemistry.  Highlight of the day? Waking up to Gab because she slept over last night. Do you go on any forums on the net? Does Reddit count? What do you think of your voice? It’s okay. It’s not super annoying for me. A smiley face you use a lot? Just the classic :) Do you use msn-lingo? Not since 2011 at the latest haha. Got any secrets you honestly can't say to anyone? This blog. Well except for my sister who stays as the only person I know who knows about this, but other than that I wanna keep this as a secret safe space forever. Best horror movie? Oh wow I haven’t seen anything new in a while. It’s still a four-way between Scream, Cabin in the Woods, The Shining, and Carrie. Believe in voo doo? No. Think anything lives forever eternally? Uh maybe jellyfish? Tacos or Burritos? Burrito. I never liked tacos. The most annoying question on these surveys? Maybe the ones that didn’t use apostrophes when the questions needed them. Whats something you do when you're dead bored? Watch videos. Ever made a survey? Nah. What do you think of people who speak their mind? Brave. But they should also be careful to not be too comfortable about being blunt that they wind up an asshole. How do you act to people around you crying? I stop what I’m doing and listen to them, if they want to talk. What's something you've tried really hard at? Passing that bitch of a class I’ve mentioned for the third time in this survey. How do you say good byes? I just say a ‘bye,’ but if it’s a harder goodbye then I usually avoid the situation, because I cry easily.
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moon-namjoon · 6 years
soft fluff bias tag
I was tagged by @ddaengseokjin from my main blog @russianamethyst, thank you!! (i decided to post it to this blog since the majority of my bts reblogs are here) 
1. Who’s my bias?
THE Kim Namjoon from BTS 
2. What made you notice them?
His overall appearance I guess? His face stood out to me the most, I thought he looked super unique and beautiful. The fierce yet adorable eyes and the iconic dimples. Also his English! I was extremely attracted to his bilingual ability. I remember thinking “wow this guy is really talented” lmao 
3. What’s your favorite thing about them?
Hmm I’d have to say his manners and overall respectful and caring aura. I love how he calls everyone “sir” whenever they’re in America and makes sure all the members are healthy, both emotionally and physically. 
4. Who would initiate skinship more?
I’d say it would be me. Whether it be holding hands or embracing. I’d love him too much for it to be a friendship thing though asjdflsjslkd 
5. Who would hog the blankets more?
Probably him because he’s a giant and I’m a smol bean. 
6. Who would be more clingy?
Me I think haha. Sometimes I can be too attached to people. 
7. Who would say I love you first?
It would probably be me. I’d tell him I love him all the time and constantly show my affection. 
8. Who easily be more flustered?
Oof definitely me. I get flustered frequently over nothing sometimes. 
9. What cuddling position would you two have?
Big spoon and little spoon. The feeling of his warmth and protection gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. 
10. Which colors remind you of him?
Purple! Not only is it one of my favorite hair colors on him but purple is also the color of royalty and overall it’s just a very soothing and welcoming color. 
11. What season would you like to spend with them?
Either winter or autumn. Both are super cozy seasons where we could drink hot chocolate together and cuddle. 
12. Who would bake the cookies and who would steal the batter?
I would bake the cookies while simultaneously stealing the batter. Maybe he would steal some of it too from time to time. 
13. Which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react?
I don’t really make puns, nor am I good at it, so probably neither of us? 
14. Who would want to adopt 50 cats and dogs?
I’m extremely allergic to cats so definitely a dog or two. 
15. Which one of you would nearly burn the kitchen down trying to microwave a pop tart and who would come to the rescue?
Uhhhh of course it would be Namjoon haha. I would be the one coming to the rescue. 
16. Who likes to lean over trail railings and who pulls them back?
Oh me for sure. Then Namjoon would be worried sick about me and pull me back right away. I feel like he would possibly do the same though. 
17. What would watching a horror movie with them be like?
I’m not a fan of horror movies but I feel like we would both make fun of it for the cliches and stereotypes. I don’t get scared by horror movies too often except by the occasional jump scares. In that case, Namjoon would probably hold my hand or something to comfort me.  
18. Who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt?
I would be the cheesy flirt while he’s the smooth flirt. I’d only be cheesy to tease him though. He’d be clever about it. 
19. Who would be more competitive?
I feel like our competitive natures are about equal. I’m not that competitive and I don’t think he is either. 
20. Who would have to be given constant reminders (to eat, sleep, drink water, etc.)
Namjoon would be so busy with his own thoughts and work that I’d have to remind him. 
21. Who sends memes and who sends cute “i miss you” texts at 3 am?
Oh my I would be the one sending all the memes lol. He’d send the “i miss you” texts. I already had a dream about him doing that so I’m speaking it into existence. 
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